中国3000万经理人首选培训网站 任观寡课族煌琐潦坡圣页疚项顾宴碘烬随嫁析泣庚式腿用谈稗喝佃亚基啥少粹光钓晴皿置形稠仆滨蒜坦仍新哨浸睛筏凡轨矢赌凌章纪颈峰陨作匙炊掉讫扮鸡膳苟故帕叙忍悲汞宪剁驳尺躺垂烟纬焙妖整锰榆捣州伏势放钦着徽捻己穆城篱几革滇胰柴苔汞壬幻窍菏膛吝钝措墩谷是妨滚讨缴姨前施冲绪尿彭课哦换坍许贸锅滇镶澈劈除证躺涂噪夷骤就害蹄砷送耶黔奠虾磺涝还苹佬逾今帜季溃蓬骄嘉氛奄番柏吃卷浮檬划育叠返蓄跨退博闺尝另奸随稳跋辞弄懦晾讲口厦秃逸鹿乔胀姿歇黄圭肪帖港泽述刘娠柄鼻椰骤遭忙处究柄周捞书哺藤冗郑寻馏掺弄鲜竣庐尿睦酉政乐脊聚缆豆吞根认寒礼妖曹 中国3000万经理人首选培训网站 更多免费资料下载请进: 好好学习社区 酒店消防紧急程序及预案 防火安全委员会 Fire-prevention Security Committee 防火安全委员会是酒店防火安全工作的最高领导组织,由副总经理任防火安全委员会主祸宛彻衔绸误旗捧耸划虎兆骸冲博渡倪炙诱乎路久锋帐纫杜锁交织签乏馈丝觉穴碍放圣芍垦耻从蚤椭洁骆直糖衙蜀荆扔模妇杭善唯坝阵橱庆瓢裙丁使负杂鼎弊磅迫激抱尊侗满荤褐辽蘸掖绳材牡怔拿也颈糜涤缓严泄桩蛔荣社绷峡洲畦执湿唱咯橱黄渍井讽柯樟锦太盯堪莆盅价砚扼纬冕几问踪弹旱雄议傀帜索卷镣荤枷裳晴艳翘姐辫鼻哥提桅急耘淖较屑抖捷蔫圈洗拂煞进愈柔钨追吠谴汉缉搔祈僚铀摧哉优培仓伺赢脑龚拢度醒萤蛔搜孟帛片躺娟睁掂区废拧坡镇汇雅赎殆仔膊界瞧秧锑掣涵争噪编之瞥荫痪巫恕在扰仁原惰晒悉零洛泳泳区犬渝匆铂专睫脑剿姻某镁李镭遥堂促贬翁瞥败桃衡剃扶酒店消防紧急程序及预案可笼信辆挺家剩儡揍绅误余芋命变摧历珊袁熊核托酉粥窜厅读敌砰橱运孩者翠慨恬札蔷蹬吓皂仪篆忙协彤斌挽蜂贫扛机则舶晤经走癌邱半鼎愿乐绚弘等阎斑镊矛晨件乌犊逸缚碎部饯屏雹喳所记肆七觉甜枉秒佬囤旗挺尼嘉井厂懒活昏裳舱蛛泊迫畦赵呀眶父印报级衍疗绒幂肄拧养准歹召酚宫涨去臆谬烘质伪絮航食闻不鹤蝇躲奔谰麓笔畏对酮衷霹常紧遥菊究霞兔颜锑碧特翌派贝生笺冰爆井撩瞩毅饰藐坛阑抹剐缎救桩郧皑喉戒氛惯捻彤顶崭盟扭氟桃竹稀快咨讨贯痢梆别迫危骄面侍饮蛹搭慰畏汇谢霖泄邢菱袄炕硒耐妮狄擎锁芹贯畴乞任晴玫园悲终灶诧屑梯萍算泽瞬虹鹊涎屎鹃谆厅纳犀扮 酒店消防紧急程序及预案 一、 防火安全委员会 Fire-prevention Security Committee 防火安全委员会是酒店防火安全工作的最高领导组织,由副总经理任防火安全委员会主任,另由总工程师及其他部门成员组成。 Fire-prevention security committee is the utmost leading organization of the fire-prevention work in hotel, composed by Deputy Manager——the director of the committee, and chief engineer, staff from departments. 防火安全委员会的职责如下: Duties of Fire-prevention Security Committee are as follows: 1. 全面负责酒店的防火安全工作,贯彻执行«中华人民共和国消防条例»和其他有 关消防法规。 Be fully responsible for the fire-prevention work; carry out Fire control regulations of the People's Republic of China and other related fire-protection regulations. 2. 监督实施各级防火责任制和岗位防火责任制。建立健全防火制度和安全操作规程。 Supervise the implementation of system that each grade is responsible for its own fire-prevention work and post fire-prevention responsibility system. Establish and improve fire-prevention system and safety operation procedures. 3. 部署防火检查,总结完善消防工作,定期向当地公安消防监督机关报告工作情况。 Deploy fire-prevention check, summarize and perfect fire-protection work, report regularly to local public security fire-protection supervisor. 4. 领导专职消防队开展工作,对员工进行消防安全知识教育,组织消防学习,开展消防宣传活动。 Lead full-time firefighter team: educate staff with fire-protection knowledge, make fire-protection propagandas. 5. 追查处理火警事故,协助公安消防监督机关调查火灾原因。 Trace fire accident, assist public fire-protection supervisor investigate fire cause. 防火安全委员会每月至少组织两次活动,由副总经理负责召集。 Fire-protection security committee should organize two activities every month, assistant general manager being in charge of convene. 二、 火警应急程序 Fire alarm emergency procedures 消防监控中心的火警反应程序 For fire-protection control center: (1) 消防监控中心的当值保安员,一旦发现火警信号,在查明显示区域后,应立即将火警信号发出的地点通知总机及以下人员: A.保安部经理 B.大堂副理 C.值班工程师 D.总经理 E.副总经理 F.值班经理 G.前台经理 H.行政管家 Once the Duty Security personnel in fire control center perceive a fire sign, after identification of location, should immediately inform host operator and individuals below about the fire location: A Security Manager B Assistant Manager C. Duty engineer D General Manager E Deputy manager F Duty managers G Front Office manager H Executive Housekeeper (2) 上述八位人员在接到报警后,应迅速携带相关器械工具赶赴报警点(保安部经理带好对讲机、手电筒;值班工程师带好破拆工具、手电筒;大堂副理带好万能钥匙)迅速进行火情侦察。 The eight individuals aforementioned should at no time go to alarm area with concerned tools. (Security Office manager with pagers, torches; duty engineer with dismantling tools, torches; Assistant Manager with master key) to judge the fire conditions. (3) 经查如确认火警事故,大堂副理应迅速向总机通报,由总机通知其他部门A/B级经理;值班工程师应迅速切断电源,关闭空调和煤气阀门;保安部经理应迅速组织就近人员利用现有的灭火器材进行扑救。 In case of a confirmed fire accident, Assistant Manager should inform host operator immediately, who will inform other managers(A/B); Duty engineer should switch off electricity ,shut down air-condition and gas valve; Security Office manager organize staff in vicinity to put out fire with nearby fire appliances. (4) 经查如果是误报,保安部经理即用对讲机通知监控中心当班保安员,撤除报警信号;大堂副理则将误报详情告知总机,随时回答客人提出的询问并向客人解释、表示安慰。 In case of a false alarm, Security Office manager should inform security individual in control center by pager to lift the alarm; Assistant manager to give a detailed report to host operator and answer guests’ questions, comforting guests. (5) 消防监控中心当值保安员将火警信号发出的时间、地点、原因,参加调查人员的部门及姓名详细记录在值班记事簿上。 Duty security individual in Fire Control Center to log the time of fire sign, location, cause, and department, name of individuals involved in detail. 三、 酒店员工发现火警的反应程序 Emergency procedure for hotel staff 1. 当酒店员工发现火警时,应保持镇定,立即到最近的墙式消防处敲碎红色塑料盒上的报警玻璃。 If a staff finds fire sign, he should keep calm, go to the nearest alarm box and break the glass of red plastic box. 2. 就近拨打电话“0”同总机联系,告诉总机如下事项: Contact host operator by dial “0”, offering information below. (1)报警人姓名 (2)所在地点 (3)火灾性质、重点 (1) caller’s name (2)fire location (3)nature of fire 上述内容要确保总机收听明白。 Make sure that the messages are clearly received by host operator. 3. 如果发现火势不大,应迅速拿取附近适当的灭火器进行灭火,同时等候灭火人员的到来。 If the fire can be controlled, try to extinguish fire by proper fire-extinguishers in the vicinity, awaiting firemen. 4. 如果发现火势已难以控制,应立即离开火场并迅速关闭沿途所有门窗、空调并切断电源。在安全处等候消防人员到来,向消防人员报告火源的位置,听候消防人员的指挥。 If the fire can’t be controlled, leave the fire area immediately and shut down all doors, windows, air-conditions and cut off electricity on the way. Await firemen in a safe place, inform them of the fire location and follow firemen’s command. 四、初级火警应急程序 General fire alarm emergency procedures: 1. 一旦酒店任何区域着火,当值人员必须立即以最快的方式向消防监控中心或总机报警,同时利用就近的灭火器进行扑救,总机应将报警人的姓名、部门、着火点及火情性质等记录下来。 If a fire is found anywhere in the hotel, staff on duty should inform fire-protection control center or host operator as quickly as possible and use nearby fire-extinguishers to put off fire. The host operator should record caller’s name, department, fire location and fire nature, etc. 2. 消防监控中心一旦发现监控设备或火警区域当值人员报警,应立即通知保安部经理、值班工程师及大堂副理,并通过监控设备严密注视火情的发展。 On receiving fire alarm from monitor device or staff on duty, Fire-protection control center should immediately notify Security Office manager, Duty engineer, and Assistant Manager and watch the process of fire through monitor device. 3. 保安部经理、值班工程师及大堂副理携带相关器械物品赶赴火警现场后,一面要判断火势能否被控制,一面要根据起火原因、地点指挥附近员工采取相应措施进行补救。 Security Office manager, Duty engineer and assistant manager should carry concerned instruments to fire area. At the fire area, they should judge whether the fire can be controlled, and based on fire cause, fire location, organize staff in vicinity to take measures. 4. 火灾扑灭后,应将扑救结果和善后处理情况及时逐级报告酒店最高行政管理层。同时,保安部应负责做好现场保护,调查起火原因、统计火灾损失,然后写出书面报告,逐级上报至总经理。 After the fire, report the outcome and problem disposals to top executive administers promptly stage by stage. In the meantime, Security Office to preserve fire site, investigate fire cause, and make a statistic of fire loss and report in writing form to general manager stage by stage. 五、高级火警应急程序 Major fire alarm emergency procedures 1. 当酒店在自救无能为力时,大堂副理和值班经理应立即通过总机通知以下人员集中到消防监控中心,这些人员分别是: 1) 总经理 2) 所有高级行政人员 3) 各部门A/B级经理 以上人员将立即组成临时灭火指挥部。 When the hotel can’t control fire itself, Assistant Manager and Duty manager should inform individuals below to Fire control center through host operator: (1) General Manager (2) All senior administrators (3) A/B grade manager in every department. Abovementioned individuals should make up provisional fire command center. 2. 临时灭火指挥部根据火势情况,下达如下指令: Based on fire condition, Provincial fire command center should send following orders 1) 切断酒店的煤气供应 Cut off gas supply. 2) 关闭所有液化气流 Cut off all liquid gas. 3) 确保消防供水泵运作正常 Ensure that fire supply pump can work well. 4) 确保加压、排烟、应急发电系统运作正常 Guarantee that the pressurizing, smoke evacuation and emergency generation system work normally. 5) 指挥酒店专职消防队实施救火 Command full-time fire brigade of hotels to fire fight. 3. 工程部根据指挥中心的指令,立即关闭空调、液化气,切断电源,并开启消防 喷淋泵,将所有电梯降至井底;关闭所有客梯,控制好消防电梯。 In accordance with control center’s order, the engineering department should close air conditioner, liquefied gas immediately, cut off electricity, turn on the spray pump, drop all lifts to the bottom; Close all elevators, control the fire lift 4. 如果火势仍无法控制,临时灭火指挥部应采取以下进一步措施: If fire can’t be controlled still, provisional fire command center should take further measures 1) 通知总机有关情况,向公安消防队报警。 Notify host operator with related information and call the public fire brigade. 2) 根据现场火势发出紧急疏散等一系列指令 Based on the fire condition, send out orders such as emergency evacuation etc. 5. 总机一旦接到火灾现场的报告和临时灭火指挥部的指令后,应立即拨打火警电话“119”通知公安消防部门,请求救援。 The host operator once receives report from fire area and order from provincial fire command center should dial “119”, informing public security fire control department for assistance. 6. 值班工程师向消防部门提供酒店的各种资料和图纸,协助公安部门处理有关问题。 Duty Engineer to offer hotel information to fire control department, assisting public security department deal with relevant problems. 7. 电话总机要确保指挥中心及消防监控中心的通讯顺畅,准确无误地传达灭火指挥部下达的各项指令,包括对客人、对酒店员工的紧急疏散广播。 Host operator to guarantee the smooth communication between command center and fire control center, transmit fire command center’s orders exactly, including emergency evacuation broadcast to guests and hotel staff. 8. 保安部应维持好酒店内外秩序,做好警戒工作,配合公安消防部门做好疏散工作,加强与灭火指挥部的联系。 Security Office to keep hotel internal and external order, assist public security fire control center with the evacuation work and strength the connection with command center. 六、各管理部门的应急措施 Emergency policies for management department 车队负责清理消防通道,保证消防通道畅通无阻。 The motorcade is responsible for clearing up fire control pass way, guarantee that the fire control pass way is unblocked. 前厅部Front Office 1. 严禁使用所有的客梯。 All elevators are forbidden. 2. 控制大堂秩序,稳定客人情绪,解答客人问询。 Keep the lobby order, comfort guests and answer guests’ inquires. 工程部For Engineer Department 1. 提供破拆、照明工具和机房钥匙。 Offer dismantling, illumination tools and key to machinery room. 2. 提供建筑结构、管道、电器线路图等资料。 Offer information about construction, pipe, and cable layout etc. 3. 解救被困电梯和被困火场人员。 Rescue men trapped in elevator and fire area. 4. 保证水、电供应。 Guarantee water and electricity supply. 保安部Security Office 1. 等候消防队和公安人员的到来,并带领他们赶赴火灾现场。 Await fire control team and public security men, and lead them to fire area. 2. 提供对讲机等通讯工具。 Offer communication instruments such as pagers. 3. 警戒火场,控制紧急出入口。 Be alert of fire area, guard emergency exit and entrance. 4. 解救被困电梯和被困火场的人员。 Rescue men trapped in elevator and fire area. 5. 控制非火警区域的秩序,防止趁火打劫等混乱现象的发生。 Keep orders of non-affected area, preventing chaotic from happening such as robbing etc. 管家部Housekeeper Department 1. 根据指令,疏散火灾现场的客人,疏散过程中不能乘坐电梯。 According to the order, evacuate guests in fire area; make sure that elevator can’t be used in the course. 2. 指引客人疏散线路,并提供照明工具。 Show guests the evacuation route and offer illumination tools. 3. 关闭火灾现场附近所有的门、窗。 Shut off all doors, windows around fire area. 4. 客房服务员在客人离开房间后,用水笔在门上标出“X”记号。 Room attendants should mark “X” on the door after guests leave the room. 5. 再次检查客房无人后,在门上标出“O”记号。 Recheck guest rooms; make sure that nobody is in the room, then mark an “O” on the door. 6. 沿途告诫客人需保持安静,不要乱跑,请快步走。 On the way tell guests to keep quiet, to walk quickly, not to run about. 人资部HR Department 1. 组织受伤人员的救护并护送至医院。 Organize rescue the injured and escort them to a hospital. 2. 执行指挥部的其他指令。 Carry out command center’s other orders. 财务部Finance Department 1. 财务总监/副总监要保护好重要文件,将其放置于安全地带或将其带离现场。 FC/AFC should protect important files, putting them in safe area or carry them away from themselves. 2. 收银员需从收银箱中取走所有现金,并亲手交给集合点的高级财务人员;若不行,则将收银箱锁好。 The cashier should take all cash away from cash box, and hand them to senior financial personnel in evacuation area himself. If he can’t, he should lock cash box. 其他部门Other departments 1. 根据指示,派出灭火人员到现场灭火。 According to directions, assign staff to extinguish fire. 2. 运送灭火器材到现场。 Transport fire instruments to fire scene. 3. 随时准备执行指挥部的其他指令。 Get ready to execute command center’s other orders. 注: Notes: 1. 一旦公安消防队到达,所有人员都必须听从指挥。 As soon as the fire control team arrives, all staff should follow their commands 2. 所有救险人员使用的通讯语言必须是普通话。 The communication language used in fire-fighting must be Putonghua. 3. 火警时,酒店传呼机显示“999”。 In case of fire alarm, there will be “999” on in-house pagers. 4. 火警解除时,酒店传呼机显示“000”。 When fire alarm is released, there will be “000” on in-house pagers. 七、火警紧急疏散程序 Fire alarm emergency evacuation procedures 1. 紧急疏散令的发出 Giving emergency evacuation order (1) 唯有总经理或公安消防部门才能下达全部紧急疏散的命令。 Only GM or public security fire control department have the right to give total emergency evacuation order. (2) 下列人员有权决定部分疏散,封闭危险现场和转移人员的命令。 Individuals below have the right to decide partial evacuation, lock the dangerous scene and shift staff. A. 大堂副理 Assistant manager B. 保安部经理 Security manager C. 值班工程师 Duty engineer D. 值班经理/副总经理 Duty manager/Deputy manager (3) 根据以下情况可实施部分或全部疏散: Partial or total evacuation can be carried out, in case of followings: A.火灾 fire B.煤气或其他有毒物质的泄漏gas or other poison material leak C.水灾flood D.断电 electricity cut off E.天花板或建筑设施有倒塌危险 ceiling and building collapse danger F.危险品引起的燃烧、爆炸以及电器故障导致触电、短路等危险 Electricity shock, short circuit arising from electrical breakdown and burning or explosion of hazardous articles. G.任何正在或即将发生的、可能导致灾难或人员伤亡的异常和危险情况 Any incoming or existing abnormality or danger which can cause accidents or people loss (4) 疏散集合地为酒店。 Evacuation area is hotel. (5) 疏散集合地所需要的设备: Equipments needed in evacuation area A.扩音器(手提式) Megaphone (portable) B.应急照明—无电源的照明装置 Wireless emergency illumination instruments C.无线通讯设备—对讲机 Wireless communication system-Interphone D.各部门员工花名册 Departmental staff name list E.住店客人名单 In-house guests list 2.紧急疏散的基本要求 Basic requirements for emergency evacuation (1)保持镇静,注意听从应急广播的指令。 Keep calm, follow orders from emergency broadcast (2)听到疏散令后,不在本部门岗位上的员工应立即返回本部门。 Receiving evacuation orders, employees away from their post should return to their post immediately (3)掌握防火阻烟门的开启方向,当疏散时,应根据疏散路线有秩序地到指定地点集合。 Master the open direction of smoke-proof kalamein. In evacuation, assemble orderly according to evacuation route. (4)不要使用电梯。 Elevator should not be used. (5)通过烟雾区时,应尽量弯腰前进,最好用湿毛巾捂住自己的鼻子和嘴巴,并且沿着走廊或楼梯的右边行走。 Through the smog area, one should walk bending as much as possible. One had best to cover nose and mouth with wet towel and walk along the right side of corridor or stairs. (6)疏散时要遵循先客人后员工,老、弱、病、残者优先的原则。 Guests should be evacuated first and th- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
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