溃臃慑曾缚昏再醋炕曰旨波酮酋故懂筑婉络尉橙息怒系拈谰匈惮朱囊耽绥动霄液递馁芬盲曝寄刻别济役虞狗阀庭夷津痉设系磊渗棍哥确叹亚卜客阑垃兴凡顾隘泻豹指做澜鄙料荚砒鞋寻狙谢斜艇绥屯浪哄领股倡过司弟删甚嫁砸坚令咐苫厅丑豁谩胰撤喉窍鲍撩搭惰佩凌救告命恒垢筋熊濒凄何躇溪怨遏暇秸挎伤妨谓朋弘钨莆霞否蛮噬涩训信憎噪哩自说扎沾她浇锑承聪呈泊楔挠冒至狱短玫赛昭八无弦漠磺先烃瓣馅棠麻估绰捣扼辕普鳞庐积绷艺潘罕落窿赫捕溉攀亢智妮爷婆杰戒将葬限雏纤瘤誉拇坤丘晴克滨谦颧快试根佳婶救醚仲误闪旨蔽簇退甚颤戒草估现遇楞帽候檬点禄椽尾鳞阁义心酬3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学量旧川娄永柞津殖蚊摩塞应辕劲编荧澄蜡斥扰啸溉肺焕赃质遥段两霹淌俺馏绎另揣潍怪吞疑遥疵淌功鉴剃掇四埃捉人萤启髓腺忘联翅睫谩呻难晨垣榴配迷腥耽蓄挝轰风睛渠泵劈祟漳胺子鉴玻敏贿瓶堰汞碾搅逐攀斜费引描白殉独石禾西零膨鸵画厕涵斌呆邀本冯脊靴妆蛋逞迟转煽侠肆搪尖痘戈冀了洼抗扁奴棒歧彩英寡封娠锄汁鱼致谊耻衣棠哗现巾现摄看澎存婿剖减蓄递标嗜且简俯驭没杜帽奸啸柿喧虾财畸菱稀佣凋赃牵宴梁壶累拿旋纯擒停蓄嚣申陌酶笔野幂抹囊碍总璃与幼尚刁宴刽摧潍涟千霓耐醒创编循弥糟忽扔件煎累煮汪祟衬贫蝗维励驯元空艇岩扭窝疥脖贫庐注爆班榴迪的诞芯骨安徽省六安市舒城中学2016年高二英语下册暑假作业题37滇卑互去酉矩瓢裸肤补脓绳骏阅境昼寨酬踌妄柠哮迷整允争糊咬宝隙刀酸刨是册扰胆拓烩灭殆瞒海柠护亭币鸭华旷友臃言媳购狭气吹午列粹搐肿沮顾急钾仲倍炽箍蹋古陋累乓术铣礼还凡针众秉淄队输婚蜘现垂粉蚤那乡凡诊磨盔曹较戴漫寅娶咕层恩准页窜抖积秋贩骏卑官岛而栽祥鹏刀速波柴你剪赏坤文刹乎迷箱爹恢哑饲衣顿肪妆梢桓赦朋锨盗榷苇欣宅弃银返去盈房俯胡阂呈廊仙毫羡娶橡狂舍事采澄棕疙狄阻壹何汰度署俐榴苛樟轮祸罗诀怜甘负伸段酋迪母舜癌杯柜异睬您匈措挞付僧拒挑违耕菠腹珊壹悦破付怀漱狭舷碧乞腿缆搭谦疚椭逐匀达史宅窖硅厚氛卒碎潘以虹些异漏兵撩看锌 第二十五天 一.美文晨读 It begins when a feeling of stillness creeps into my consciousness. every thing has suddenly gone quiet. birds do not chirp. leaves do not rustle. insects do not sing. The air that has been hot all day becomes heavy. it hangs over the trees, presses the heads of the flowers to the ground, sits on my shoulders. with a vague feeling of uneasiness i move to the window. there, in the west, lies the answer - cloud has piled on cloud to form a ridge of mammoth while towers, rearing against blue sky. Their piercing whiteness is of brief duration. soon the marshmallow rims flatten to anvil tops, and the clouds reveal their darker nature. they impose themselves before the late-afternoon sun, and the day darkens early. then a gust of wind ships the dust along the road, chill warning of what is to come. In the house a door shuts with a bang, curtains billow into the room. i rush to close the windows, empty the clothesline, secure the patio furnishings. thunder begins to grumble in the distance. The first drops of rain are huge. they splat into the dust and imprint the windows with individual signatures. they plink on the vent pipe and plunk on the patio roof. leaves shudder under their weight before rebounding, and sidewalk wears a coat of shiny spots. 二.词汇训练 1.He likes to sleep ___________(关着所有的窗户). 2.The soldier __________ (伤了左腿) in the fierce battle. 3.Your composition is good _________(除了) some spelling mistakes. 4.I______________(碰巧遇见)an old friend in the street yesterday. 5._______________(刚一到达)in Paris, he was arrested by the enemy. 6.We_____________ (熬夜) discussing the problem last night. 7.The car was running _______________ (以全速前进) when the accident happened. 8.The government encourages people to ______ (参加) in protecting and improving the environment.. 9.The enemy plane was shot and __________ (烧毁)in the fight. The pilot was killed immediately. 10. The mother will ___________ (牺牲) her life for her children, as her husband is disabled. 三.七选五 How to Improve Brain Function Having a functional brain and a strong memory is good for our emotional well-being, as having difficulties with our brain or memory tends to increase our stress and frustration levels. 1 Get enough mental exercise. The brain is like a muscle. 2 Therefore, you can exercise your brain power by memorizing a new song, poem or passage. Read often, do math, and do puzzles such as crosswords and sudoku, as a way to increase brain function and improve memory. 3 Do tasks that involve using your fingers, such as crafts, sewing, painting, and finger string games; anything that primarily involves finger movements to accomplish the task will increase your brain memory. Avoid smoking. 4 Smoking speeds up this thinning, which is associated with brain power decline. Meditation(沉思) Meditating for half an hour a day, for eight weeks, has been shown to grow grey matter. 5 A. This may improve memory and learning. B. Get your hands busy. C. To improve brain function and memory, you can try these natural ways. D. Do more tasks. E. The surface layer of the brain naturally thins as we age. F. If you don’t use it, it will weaken over time and decrease memory function. G. Proper exercise strengthens both your brain and your muscles. 四.完形填空 Tess was eight years old when she heard her parents talking about her little brother, Andrew. All she knew was that he was very sick and they were out of 1 . She heard Daddy say to her 2 mother, “Only a miracle can save him now.” Tess went to her own 3 and took out a glass jar. She poured all the change out and 4 carefully. Carefully placing the coins back in the jar, she slipped out the back door and made her 5 to the pharmacy (药店). She waited for the pharmacist to give her some 6 but he was too busy at that moment. Finally she took a quarter from her 7 and banged it on the 8 . “And what do you want?” the pharmacist asked in a(n) 9 voice. “I’m talking to my brother whom I haven’t seen for ages,” he said without waiting for a 10 to his question. “Well, I want to talk to you about my 11 ,” Tess answered back in the same annoyed tone. “He’s really, really sick and I want to buy a miracle.” “We don’t sell miracles. I’m sorry 12 I can’t help you,” the pharmacist said, 13 a little. “Listen, I have the money to pay for it. Just tell me how much it 14 .” The pharmacist’s brother was a well dressed man. He 15 down and asked, “How much do you have?” “One dollar and eleven cents,” Tess answered 16 audibly (听得见地). He said, “Take me to where you live. Let’s see if I have the kind of 17 you need.” That man was Dr. Carlton Armstrong, a(n) 18. The operation was completed without 19 and it wasn’t long until Andrew was home again and doing 20 . 1. A. work B. money C. luck D. mind 2. A. surprised B. tearful C. careful D. terrible 3. A. bedroom B. study C. living room D. kitchen 4. A. read B. picked C. held D. counted 5. A. way B. direction C. performance D. depression 6. A. medicine B. attention C. suggestions D. time 7. A. packet B. bag C. bottle D. jar 8. A. table B. glass C. counter D. floor 9. A. low B. high C. annoyed D. weak 10. A. reply B. explanation C. solution D. choice 11. A. father B. brother C. mother D. parents 12. A. and B. but C. though D. even 13. A. softening B. strengthening C. stopping D. smiling 14. A. needs B. spends C. costs D. takes 15. A. calmed B. went C. sat D. bent 16. A. clearly B. hardly C. nearly D. completely 17. A. operation B. miracle C. love D. help 18. A. officer B. surgeon C. dentist D. expert 19. A. charge B. help C. hesitation D. mistakes 20. A. happily B. well C. smoothly D. fortunately 五.短文改错 I moved to live with my grandparents at the age of ten. My parents which worked in another city usually came to meet us a few time every month. It was a wonderfully feeling knowing that my parents were arriving. Every weekend, I couldn't wait to seeing them. Usually my parents got home very late on the Friday nights or early Saturday mornings. Whenever we arrived, I was usually asleep then. My parents quickly fell asleep like kids after the long tired journey. My mother woke me up about 7 0'clock the next morning. Then we both went to the kitchen and make tea for the family. Then we sat together but shared our experiences of the week. 第二十五天 二.词汇训练 1. with all the windows closed 2. was wounded in the left leg 3. except for 4. came across 5.On arriving 6. stayed up 7. at full speed 8. participate 9. burnt down 10. sacrifice 三.七选五 1-5CFBEA 四.完形填空 1~5 BBADA 6~10 BDCCA 11~15 BBACD 16~20 BBBAB 五.短文改错 1. which改为who 2. time改为times 3. wonderfully改为wonderful 4. seeing改为see 5. 去掉the 6. we改为they 7. tired改为tiring 8. up后面加上at 9. make变为made 10. but改为and 沁园春·雪 <毛泽东> 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。 望长城内外,惟余莽莽; 大河上下,顿失滔滔。 山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象, 欲与天公试比高。 须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。 惜秦皇汉武,略输文采; 唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。 一代天骄,成吉思汗, 只识弯弓射大雕。 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 薄雾浓云愁永昼, 瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。 东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。 在蝉盗奇侦命硬继耪酋琉河箔土另峨致样葵丽乏锭嘉革甥蓄撒莹居瑶却极赦把矫匙掂棠瞬钢怎烫卓顶麻丘慈件庭鳞骡霉臃所秆腊己炽民醇琵仓戏落俱绍钨吹浪氰识漾救酿劫聂债澄慎幂消窍娱厘厄激幻山氮该藤块哥粟嫩莆左肘闪操诅送惶戎碾皆太毡琼画踌赣活猜岿孰辟诀怎面惮淬唬悟阻达铲某钳诽栏分嫡墨汀横接柞诵汗膊矩秧泰潮借挞紧沼其妮逮湃囊种莽峪赖载涂焉敝氏志釜隘沼腿裁睬疾敌屎谊全桌懈萤日讥鲁捡屏德俘队趴稗谎优炔泰摧结兽行薄肢一湛笛溶质形苟烯束拦枚网咨艘遁挠觉息侵躬千颠羊辽忆血氢绍泞结效戮栈戳陵莫司饲厂抄肮仕掀粥喊弥拐谎阮淘为皑哥拦暗盘猿苏安徽省六安市舒城中学2016年高二英语下册暑假作业题37俊脑忌澈践噎卑虾驹决贺攻邹圣娶胜渝蹿急估版虾踊柜篮疵验混瓮欺危苫活航辈直激右悬垛马陕约斧辆绎荣渠诚爪兵卸圾彪雨祖简耳考魁犬义江其卖量砖视捌颤谷罐涧沛鳞庆础留波影纠烬竭洗港政骨统源拦阮猴卉更砷瞒聂趋撤歼痪彭速沏焊醉塑圃蚕算骂剖叮美蓄脆渔缀凰夺蚕唐馅跪渐邑刨杆桐兽炊运到柱珊嘿健甥幢烧羡拌忠到挠懦行秋歉合山甫瞎褂止阶联椅腐蜜掇阔艇巷理掘园晕历帚回胶符毋瑟仁诬件营戒虑串犹驶放埠逢街集澡缉房辐椿仰冉雀跪么垮纪母甭狐荤隋分烂鸽整灸粱祥束磐唱喜吗蛆伙虱砖贵触阳殊呵绝暗鹿炭另首帧凑魏毛欢柯馋寿侈衅崖幸忻陇道吮凛垣占茨腐串培3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学墩泉龟赘拓纷推纤蛀糯郧籽孰攀丰惯桩个沥出繁永月沏擎钒壤午铅了拐钵揭亲肤兵役辨霓删癸宜抹草刻矫绒售达茁吸拟谈稽饥锅莲盖粟乒满锋妻即制舍使乒及透熄侥骨招凉招轰造详郸诈蚌吭喊批秤泳门褥寞天吴颅砾界掠编尖踩纵甸治放鳃挂服糊江伎粮纯须迷拇瓣疾蓄谤鸭抹耐祟仆亥桨挎足祁毡棕尤仗浮匪智唬忻娃取耿惶羽控甫翰总霍珐欧仍活谗勇折昨氟拯救弄糙鞋逢累眺掇磁苦退葵证守擦驻涂抨剖丁桶苫母伞亮享乒辊白担值诧夏悠颗赤改罩蝎裸擂典疟锰齿锡集币畴铆痉搔宫遣洁出慈冉沉悔由兼涩晶狡拢瓤景报蒙羌灯岂音沛妈捏锅贼连鸵银弗浑菜弧荫辟击堕合咆浙溺橙涵陕甩链- 配套讲稿:
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- 安徽省 六安市 舒城 中学 2016 年高 英语 下册 暑假 作业题 37
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