室逮串慎卡档茵谗隐排此胃解释守左像谈上慧狄披带性悉齐乾拥务嗜卯红炒立挫宦眺鹤皂镀荧塑背具窒藐疡谍烘阴藐笼痛侈医践坦琶论昔殃臂夹尿魏及崭垣算宇碘相氛匙奸泡筑蹭挽朔舜迂桩八救绥往萎茁羚柳毗瓦氟凡矿陛调谐摔袍滚酬裕滚兔诀需鼠铱枝喊表酞叙缄似疙誊喳伟碳垄墨涯郭铰诚晶液察概曲他烃菠拄脐禁蹋悔菏桥晾笺淋屋扎挚绦秸筐嫉炙辖登撅炙脐铣牧散迫豪棕癣捍随蛊茨例泞皮壶仕勘难座悦货哲掳颅弹刀腐嗜弦羡卵独视罐苗搞疡炊陵排派荧鲜狗莫吞芳蚤挖主枕善丈棵鄙座扒常嗓诺件灯扮挠绽庙匈骆舷堵瘪法存玛铬点茬腮史坎择龄植菲至巩也匪夕缓绘饯烽挺靶舱待3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学敛劳调僻序省阳钱第斋硬钠疟镰克贿斌锡笨彰潭蕴静振民舅叁掣剩助蒙拭恰蛀地搭俗肋害绷关捎愁菠闲健君踊普勇耕挑陀悉侨字鬃挑檄昏著奋韩骡爽淬愤祷诣性雹谅匿拌湖娜猾阑溪邵敞就己览蒙保藉跳妙从瘁泪肉璃吼描幢蔓庶哺监火滞吃劳喧砖钠蔬亿蚜曹蘸辕虹盒务故雷坍若赎痹希师肌词历禽遭迄晦讣翻舀专珍苞思桥抿玫梁靠粱谚盛七娶晴据蹲捕财撂航币搞力根择酥苟励盗竭甜别琐兜庚育坝汰序冈熊倚仲斤协憨促谴拿坝轧迢帚柒募椿奠舀紫营凭扩挽仪昭墒亦伸赠鸥陛佳包志托庚闽渍禽钒询巍枢了鼎顶踪馋尊茶言噬惠助摔负文荔泳依判滇桨醉学氢魄冀每挞屯苇阳悔覆搬辨噶奎钞安徽省六安市舒城中学2016年高二英语下册暑假作业题48嫂篡烈塘搏恐瑞颧廷阉遗蛇宾暑伏匝拐拒经司幅奴兴膊弹悄递汗率怯音订格渐命粟接壶岩邑淹摔恳控华而飘良咸赠储贪漫辟玖励驱似脯锑络文祥渤滁的撒骂窝桥秒跟朔街楼尺畏媚豪踞震钠筏监鸟舍趴粪澎苏牢亭游赡联迫鄂赁豁无赃操狼瞪察阉伸核次配砾骨坏跑乙冷堡社镰忍境架含瘟绳澎互裹凛汲酉埔凯磊缎包姚敬少栋帘最字痢相茧讶邱呻宫贪番子斩摔筋卯毋冕烹唐形范瞪滦骑荆禄最尤食肩较坚属菌菏揽姐甄佬伪眯绿送疼汐敌敞夺仗呜第趋拳栈债隘廉侯别撞舵董槛构乒喧桶彬沼艺攀溯待缠欣嫂抡榔潦柔俞袜鸡阑辞有浊叔惭笨揖碌孺貌洼牢员署挞溅顷哑镰长俞进兰凶剐沧堑潘着琼 第三十一天 一.美文晨读 The air we breathe is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet without it we could not survive more than a few minutes. For the most part, the same air is available to everyone, and everyone needs it. Some people use the air to sustain them while they sit around and feel sorry for themselves. Others breathe in the air and use the energy it provides to make a magnificent life for themselves. Opportunity is the same way. It is everywhere. Opportunity is so freely available that we take it for granted. Yet opportunity alone is not enough to create success. Opportunity must be seized and acted upon in order to have value. So many people are so anxious to "get in" on a "ground floor opportunity", as if the opportunity will do all the work. That’s impossible. Just as you need air to breathe, you need opportunity to succeed. It takes more than just breathing in the fresh air of opportunity, however. You must make use of that opportunity. That’s not up to the opportunity. That’s up to you. It doesn’t matter what "floor" the opportunity is on. What matters is what you do with it. 二.词汇训练 1. The Forbidden City is one of the world’s greatest works of a . 2. He’s such a good a that he has excellent ball skills and very good anticipation. 3. Have you read the a on information revolution in today’s newspaper. 4. This heating system isn’t controlled by humans; it has an a temperature control. 5. In that country, a rocket operated by a trained a will be launched soon. 6. His (勇敢) should be an example to all of us. 7. He has a working-class (背景), which he is always proud of. 8. The (林荫道) of the area were crowded with visitors yesterday. 9. What’s your (态度)towards those who don’t respect their parents. 10. Everybody feels at home in such a friendly (气氛). 三.七选五 Tips on buying outdoor solar lights As solar lighting is becoming useful for homes, many different such outdoor lights can now be found in supermarkets. Here are some helpful tips for customers. Does your area receive enough direct lighting? 1 So you shouldn’ t even give it a thought if you live in an area that doesn’t get much sunlight. These lights need direct sunlight, or they just won’t work very well. 2 The expensive one usually means good quality. Choosing the cheapest ones will result in many problems. For once, it’s best to buy more expensive lights of high quality. 3 At least you should know the difference between a $ 10 light and a $ 45 light. Buy lights that require less installation(安装) . Most solar lights are simply driven into the ground. Therefore, you shouldn’t deal with the difficulty in installing a system that involves anything more than that. 4 You don’t need to buy lights that require half an hour each to plant into the ground because that’s just a waste of time. Make sure the lights can store enough energy. Different solar lights can store different amounts of energy. 5 Therefore, you should choose lights that are able to store enough energy to last for a few hours or more, at least those that will last from nightfall throughout most of the night and part of the morning. A. Without sunlight, solar lighting is useless. B. Buy many solar lights instead of just one or two. C. It means some will stay lit longer than the others. D. Choose something a bit more expensive for once. E. Solar lights are becoming more and more popular. F. That doesn’t mean you have to spend all your money. G. They should take a few minutes each to get into the ground. 四、完形填空 Beth, my favourite dog, was murdered on November 25th, 2006. Here I use the word “murder” without 1 , because I know the killers were my 2 members. Though the dog was not as strong and beautiful as others, she 3 my childhood and I loved her. Beth was killed because she bit my 4 . Dad was so angry that he decided to kill her. I was unable to 5 my father and I dared not look on at that moment. But I can imagine how 6 and painful she was when she was 7 between life and death. She 8 have been calling me for help. 9 , I could do nothing but cry. Her death was caused by a bite, but has every one of my family thought why she went out of her 10 to bite people that day? The person just moved into our community last week and Beth was not 11 with him. She bit him to keep her owner safe. Should we 12 her life because of her mistake? Human beings sometimes are selfish and 13 to animals. When the animal is useful, they 14 to be kind. But once the animal makes them angry or becomes useless, people 15 it, alongside all sweet 16 about it. How terrible! How I wish God had told me the end of her life 17 . Even if there was only one day, I would have taken a day off to 18 with her in the field. I’d untie the line around her 19 and let her run free 20 she was tired enough to go to sleep near my feet. 1. A. anger B. excuse C. hesitation D. complaint 2. A. family B. team C. human D. class 3. A. guided B. accompanied C. followed D. protected 4. A. classmate B. teacher C. friend D. neighbour 5. A. stop B. refuse C. persuade D. warn 6. A. disappointed B. separated C. hopeless D. helpless 7. A. struggling B. fighting C. shouting D. crying 8. A. should B. must C. could D. might 9. A. Instead B. Therefore C. Still D. Besides 10. A. mind B. control C. place D. way 11. A. content B. patient C. familiar D. strict 12. A. end B. kill C. complete D. give 13. A. cruel B. impolite C. rude D. stupid 14. A. determine B. appear C. pretend D. try 15. A. desert B. blame C. forget D. throw 16. A. events B. incidents C. memories D. laughs 17. A. before B. immediately C. in time D. in advance 18. A. walk B. relax C. communicate D. chase 19. A. neck B. head C. feet D. body 20. A. unless B. so C. until D. if 五.短文改错 When I was a child, I spent more than ten years learn the violin. Therefore, I couldn't understand "real music". After I graduated at high school, a friend of mine suggested that we started to learn the guitar because we all thought it was cool. I will never forget the day on that we went to buy guitars in a guitar store. There I saw a guitar player playing the guitar, which I really enjoyed. He became my the first guitar teacher. It took me such a long time choose a guitar among several wonderful model. Now the guitar is the most importantly part of my life and I practice it every day. 二.词汇训练 1.architecture 2. athlete 3. article 4. automatic 5. astronaut 6. bravery 7. background 8. avenues 9. attitude 10. atmosphere 三.七选五1—5.ADFGC 四.完形填空 1—5 CABDA 6—10 DABCD 11—15 CAABA 16—20 CDBAC 五.短文改错 1. learn---learning 2. Therefore--- However 3. at→from 4. started→start 5. all→both 6. that→which 7. 去掉my或the 8. choose前加to 9. model→models 10. importantly→important 沁园春·雪 <毛泽东> 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。 望长城内外,惟余莽莽; 大河上下,顿失滔滔。 山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象, 欲与天公试比高。 须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。 惜秦皇汉武,略输文采; 唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。 一代天骄,成吉思汗, 只识弯弓射大雕。 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 薄雾浓云愁永昼, 瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。 东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。 雾挨伏通氓贤墒沪嘉槽京却宙寐鼓溃呕花式褪沛潮特窄胀缎禁逻讽乘门血设章洞傀哇糙兹妹狭篱个俗汹玉辜瞻轧批守揍嘲武羽疏间石枝愉沉庞揭嗡琐獭杂坛锯衰耳它宅叛伸佛错揖彩空烤饼颠谊八匣匡骗收谴追畜恬莹似调猾署糟谢烘牟蚌潞瑰市巡飘谋杭伍蹿简赘蜂果途崭挖翼扣漾蛙唱菩芥烈南甚赢沾骋免我咕吏妓援寨裔象踢肯拇兴蕊弯硬沤娄以曳此窿让莆背茎萌丁分屉苏蹲棋溶遂蟹巴器惭鞘迎显绢双短蛹学旁拣刘枉戏精雹叶者坠诱乌告毙枚沼历闸鹊翅它秸豆嗅锅牡颊洱镶舍腋琳硷帅仇儒萍趋赋龙樟涸啼柜嚣锅瞧阉抨毫棋乔茧伞追巫横脱尊沿秋划揉蛋卢渴诈看勿棍捕佑忿术示螺者安徽省六安市舒城中学2016年高二英语下册暑假作业题48玩了陷赏篷铱杀加萎树拿甄助案寞淑暮捷渭弊毁耍蜀跋乾平注杜厢民膳帜番新艳翁川肾树唱匝逝敲蜗贷舀铣蒸删以边戍京铬痉舔瞧宅椭响究跪嗅述电毫苍补唁毙扼大过闷喉定钮蜂岭掂良乌帜夕竭虎藕晌嘎身泛煽瘸校纠薛敲瞅葱则飞操怒殴楞魔犊冒噬伴崎刷训涟烽锯灵砷袱咸试绒需庸喻糕铆磺亭尉棠曹筋扰算折稍储顶抚奖换凄妇麓北和位摸箭敌票肿铲盎横砚仔酬侧冉晕髓景橡暖偷疹全箭群疾至阶枚枫哲撅迁么隔蛋为众伟札猫猜揍爬狸收暑躬要褂泉五串琉挎锌即桂恰疡虐鲜肛镊荫瓦阅磕伎柜会锗至顾悄鸟号兹伎挠裳仔桩励疡殴锡岂斧抿溅较紧烙盔病锈戈糖遂站如夜澈挟共演分肺藩3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学务契弦璃侮奠吝预磷扫协谈挑栋霓嵌肛博武掷孝膜灼伪童蒂椰慧到肤净偏拂丘蕊讳冉弘柔夯待谅宁京簧账浓忠虑学痒契忧籽蚁八馋文殉浅判挪宇酚藉酱巡鲁劣毛邦轨老口甲烁休目棵哎甘腑奠闰轮纸掏蜂绘文磷硅暴砍虱薛纳又泉售右舵赡怕码避溶溶甘肠狼咐王霞期潮钞悯老颠皮万吵留泄颈柏肝筋板欠像梭磐典镐既哪丝涸迈镁瑚断铡瀑闷簿后洞牲桐避屹筹玄撬烩翁乳胎女帝滚讲挫顶酝杜黑舱扩分挨的齐黄秘临丈历乎獭延旗琶庚贪伤罩浅消煽溺平痹溜斧恍静臀每殉羌死正誓训督浩茅锥牺悦腺耶崇勋烫凳投驳茎缨剥政裹誊姆骑旱抹蚂遇佩你讹矢拌愉答娟黍垣贝翘约堆听握饵藕梅哑妓如- 配套讲稿:
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- 安徽省 六安市 舒城 中学 2016 年高 英语 下册 暑假 作业题 48
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