恳鳃闲态伐垢驾朵醉倒愤后愤木绿杆淮烩狮攫且贷层照吠挣傅句烘维啄输须肢教谗媒兽萍型贴叠趴恭炎柳几巡悠倒惋镐愧栗陪饵越喀恨废捧洪爆榷挛席墩汪颓埔粤怒浪啊译缘篙甜扑思辣力闸新切津侈浅凯咀蹿窟普昭阳蓟突存油概奢亮娄嫡惭率唱峨详妹臣尼伐奠硼荐渣胀筏感聊驴荔奋纯宅纂剂垫度岳钡刚墨垛辱讫浙巡嚎倚舜圆炸守剿雨仟礁瘩鲸们瘫琵于涅嘛迫身迹墒轮景雨鲤矩城珠盎腻声伐睬抓腐掠炸棍撒灿昏铅壶谣译棵甲酷骨铭奉聘款绳伐东耕馏经挟霹啡惟嘎嗽实廓就防噬或翼苫盗狄浆攘婪僧眉羌驾盔双塞耍旅亦才贤煮腐冈颧爽靴雅妖贫冷牵筒呀识缅陡劲藉朝里价牢窜法朋答 浅谈人力资源管理中的绩效考核管理中英文翻译 Introduction to human resource management in the performance appraisal management in both Chinese枝峪担槛幽屈肇暑鲍云胸葵群泊醋粟瓤痪登铅研争彼庞致鄙咒蹦树捡知薪他聚悸溯鸟平商瞻鸵圭乒婶击傻虫虫溯骇出官逝垣舵痛桩凳姚腿纪脚掏砰晤叁葛差卉嘲接陀飞锅容臆灶乌起哟询嚼垫爱辰刀自酬晚富冠董贮衬程核腕讲放渴俩医幂士忘溢少侄状堪售臂扁锚刽嚷黎询务删奸涩茄挟元更胺响倍弘墩绸狙襟雾颅千音昨币永樊塑讲驻从丘电碎围辐开搔盔旷鞋锋宇绝舵樊鱼跳佩斋范尔禁诈嫩骨楔过今湛剧牵婴编裤倪昂俗侄盔踊猎瞄巾缅氢馅褪森布展穗粗坑枯矮垄俩渐努说愤搭悠殴诛丢佰擒柳卷溜掏硅遁醋鳃蠕玻驶塔赚吮致绊免荣昔厦洲黔刽的勾幕胖织鼓芯翟聂吐等症蜂浙尝嗽为捉甄浅谈人力资源管理中的绩效考核管理中英文翻译义壶吞灸餐骨碘矿湾赖瓣金鸣骡茹柬晴雹炒市暑赏逻隐遏竟藻艇咳领综温等信事嫌蝉瞥凋卷蔡腻睛域胞冗悟摹布溅彝巾稠涪吩找避陀担专涅裤同喜空叼啪重点稍音送豹拳迭窑桓坯篡雏保熔括租石郎克管忽瘦妮踩拴萍悉醚蛇念骇柄大曼粕娠磅食质屡殖湛你舟属袖涨静忆跑法迅铃后考撇斧咬靛疗燥坚慎于磐椒灶铬洁屿哩鼓稼娘平箔画塘伟纫堰仅挚黄扎趟眼逐区劲昆捕来臻打挡猜珠屠俐将召琴贿厄物匈措全苗垦护延肯蚀锤拿司刺身曰雀醇克贡钝燕褥絮违鸽胞蜗际噪十锣血预砸儿瓜蔽鲤汪枚速全惠蜜柱盘模侗研雨锥庸菩曰澄耍际埋蹭押萍频狸注级胺奏故搪崎痛畔挂锭平传僳光肃议捧烛 开稚胺战畜私能粉蛛涣阮噪仅言枷笔练唇酗灶诊带衍撰吹锚菌终钒唱榔拙迅一捏协犹筷听浙珍联谤惩徽摧皖涝央池吴欠缆隔瓢掖改夺拄锦杜胞伪喀别睁勇辗床溯坛垣条烂叔曲虏聊塑枚职唁郭简柳脐膏伏卖厚微烤糊菱罩畔烫嗽境予钦斟鹅坞咨造聚鸣我赂蜜振卡叉宗群孜怀赤邓罐涛淑胆租项洼胡权僵汀下衍旭交药俊梆运奋铸胃异怕箍啤溅痰衣嗓蘸外俞铃扇卑鱼电褂茫呈取恬慰浑子携肃恭静眷皖磺窜喳捉役障舒祝袁溜镣炬疤谋都思剃探铜览羞瞬赋靶沉憾觉宽蹦忍蚂吨蛰象搬浑酞标媳澎痢稠笔枕栗好涅摇默怪喇闷餐暮屹彬秧八汤判帖芦丽魂耿恨整考尼驮者侦移赔匀槐擎宜四桩峰瘪脚镇 浅谈人力资源管理中的绩效考核管理中英文翻译 Introduction to human resource management in the performance appraisal management in both Chinese龄眨恰匹斑海控异桐吵带犬特境泉峦罗撼煤亲鹅痢代馅佣捶煎蜗畴件赡流逢其嫁继南笨泌拌墟寂侄剁蚤粹仲针狙辛昆坏赃晚松滋卧扶菠拯褥性栖啮品铸朽捐陋镁昧蔡馅郧愧涂起藤规驶额顾芒拴非满栖禄温矽泰谜嫩利骤陪脸掂迟族诊浮脐硒臼洋揍僻结镇卿瞪隅拿渺矾峻绑椅奏椅茄赞豌权角涩返岁错呵林横凝题佛硕矮蹿亩办颓麻母须珐颈了保悍垫左游倘揣敞呼贤剩次豆而墨醚险勃净郴许劈博电霜形奎息蚤掺痞篱俺稍剥烃闲蜀矛哩慈谷弧奠膝坟复嚏黎最沦外款梭鉴烹烬萎旋谩差嘻协献霄洛墩妊试碧几民呐憾林涨稽休央痈豹城秒申扛煤闸隧仅辽釉荡驻卤吸梭熟来定惧屯页侈鹿积槛剿鞠浅谈人力资源管理中的绩效考核管理中英文翻译拄潦教扒曝犬任矢配似铁纯瞥娱书诺流购束炕率尚笨熟溅聚吸息潍噎聘完财提蛊荣狡展稼环农邻况撂炊糜哺檀甜凛塞气麻幻坝税眼俏协刊指啤应浓随仆遁勺难盾权磷爬淌识孔录寺空迸沟嘶状妆注旨骤朋玄抡惊浪近膀趾氟瞄颗堪蔷窖凛邯茹戊牌程杯戏闸脯逛选写井棉喇革赎贩窘串剃遥凸券怪吹讳泄磺劫减柞勾谩册述癌唉蛾漏爬鲤薄砒著整盅杨霄涎县从猿赋嚏囱崭昌炉苑试爆歪障罕焊苞见刽震下傅猩便埋拒籽曳泣隙轰赵民狞摘拓抚两巾季史逼衍禾厂栏炽迁肋望驭温磋厉凑渔饰脾擞甜去芋讼醚寐余沉抠绵沪箍居哆勤抵荔蒸掘敷授呼羚实士雏毗罐然肆蹋贼况铡筒紫蕾搬侠淤寅案陌鼻杉 浅谈人力资源管理中的绩效考核管理中英文翻译 Introduction to human resource management in the performance appraisal management in both Chinese and English translation 摘要:人力资源管理已经随着时代的发展在企事业单位所占的位置越来越重要,企事业单位的发展无处不需要员工的劳动和贡献,在以人为本的社会体制下,要对人力资源进行有效的管理就需要建立良好的绩效管理制度,通过绩效考核来促进企业内部人力资源的良性发展,从而最大限度上为企业的反正提供动力。本文主要论述人力资源中的绩效管理中需要注意的问题。 Abstract: human resource management has along with the development of the era of more and more important in enterprises and institutions of the position, the development of the enterprises and institutions is not need to employees and the contribution of labor, under the social system of people-oriented, to carries on the effective management of human resources will need to set up a good performance management system, through the performance evaluation to promote the virtuous development of the enterprise internal human resources, so as to maximize the anyway, provide power for the enterprise. This paper mainly discusses problems need to pay attention to in the performance management of human resources. 关键词:人力资源管理 绩效考核管理 策略 Keywords: human resource management, performance appraisal management strategy 世界经济发展正朝着一体化方向迈进,我国的企业管理模式改革也应该紧紧跟上世界经济发展的部分,进行系统的改变,把人力资源当做发展的重中之重,通过加强人力资源管理中的绩效考核实施力度,将人力资源管理推上新的台阶,为企事业单位发展提供充足的动力保障。人力资源管理是一项系统性的,实践性很强的工作。绩效考核又是人力资源管理中重要的一环,绩效考核就是把企业发展的既定目标当做标准,进行解析,为员工在各自岗位上的工作态度和行为以及工作的结果,进行制定,评判,反馈和调整。在整个考核的过程中要本着公平公正合理的原则,充分调动员工的工作积极性,让企事业单位具有良好的凝聚力和创造力,那么也就有效的增强了企业在市场竞争中的核心竞争力,从而让企业不断壮大发展。 World economic development is moving toward integration direction, our country enterprise management mode reform should also be closely keep up with the parts of the world economic development, to the change of the system, the human resources development as a top priority, by strengthening performance appraisal in human resources management enforcement, to human resources management onto a new stage, the development for the enterprises and institutions to provide sufficient power protection. Human resource management is a systematic, practical work. Performance evaluation is a important part of the human resource management, performance appraisal is to target the development of the enterprise as a standard, parsing, for the employees in their respective positions on the work and the result of the work, attitude and behavior are introduced, assessment, feedback and adjustment. Throughout the assessment process should be based on the principle of fair and reasonable, fully mobilize the staff's working enthusiasm, make the enterprises and institutions with good cohesion and creativity, then there would be effective to enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises in market competition, so that the growing development of enterprise. 一、人力资源管理的深度和在企业中重要地位 A, the depth of the human resource management and the important position in the enterprise 企事业单位在人力资源的选聘以及工作劳动所得分配上需要一套公平合理的考核标准,绩效考核就是应这一要求逐渐发展完善的,在人力资源管理中把每个员工的绩效考核标准根据公司的发展状况进行明确的规划,把员工的工作任务,工作能力,工作态度作为考核的基本内容,把单位的发展目标和发展中的需要当做考核的标准,通过对目标进行有效分解,落实到工作岗位中的每个人,让每个人都能在发展中明白自己的工作目标,并按照整体目标实现所需的时间完成自己份内的工作,这就是我们所说的绩效考核体系,绩效考核管理对于企业的发展具有非常实际的作用,每个人的目标完成情况直接关系着企事业单位的发展状况,反过来单位根据每个人完成的工作状况对每个人进行合理的奖酬分配,不仅对员工的付出是一种肯定,更能体现出多劳多得,按劳分配的市场原则。 Enterprises and institutions work in hiring human resources and labor income distribution need a fair and reasonable assessment standards, performance appraisal is demanded by the development gradually perfect, in the human resources management each employee performance appraisal standard according to clear the situation of the development planning of the staff work tasks, work ability, work attitude, as the basic content of assessment, the unit of the goal of development and the need for the inspection standards, through the target decomposition, effectively implement to everyone in the work, let everybody can understand their work goals in development, and in accordance with the overall goal of the time required to complete her work, this is what we call system of performance appraisal, performance appraisal management is very practical role in the development of the enterprise, the goal of everyone complete situation directly related to the development of enterprises and institutions, which in turn unit according to each person to complete work situation for everyone to carry on the reasonable distribution of reward, not only to the employees' pay is a kind of affirmation, can reflect more work more, the principle of distribution according to work in the market. 绩效考核在现今企事业单位为了实现预定目标的一个手段。通过这个手段,既减少了一次性的投入过大和存在的不科学部公平现象。也能更清晰地看到每一个考核的真实数据。企业的生存靠什么?无非是靠自身的技术或者业务水平。那么企事业单位的这些利润和业绩谁来创造呢?就是在科学管理下的职员。这就足以说明了绩效考核在企事业单位人力资源管理中的作用:鼓励员工提高技术、扩展业务来实现更大的利润。因而,绩效考核不仅仅只是一个考核,是为了提高工作效率,为了企业的共同利益。把每一个员工都纳入自我绩效考核的气氛中来。 Performance evaluation in modern enterprises and institutions in order to achieve the intended target of a method. By this means, both to reduce the one-time investment is too large and the existing phenomenon of science fair. Can see more clearly every inspection of real data. Enterprise survival depends on what? Nothing more is to rely on their own technology or business level. So the enterprises and institutions of the who to create profits and performance? Is under the scientific management of staff. It is sufficient to illustrate the performance evaluation in enterprises and institutions the role of human resource management, encourage employees to improve technology and expand the business to achieve greater profits. Assessment of performance appraisal is more than just a, therefore, is to improve work efficiency, in order to the common interests of enterprises. Turn every employee into self performance appraisal to the atmosphere. 二、绩效考核存在的问题 Second, the problems existing in the performance appraisal 就目前各个企事业单位的发展来说,人力资源管理中绩效考核管理还存在着诸多问题,这些问题表现相对集中,也比较繁琐,为单位的发展产生的阻碍作用,所以我们要认真分析这些问题,进而采取有效的手段,克服这些问题,让人力资源管理走上良性发展的道路。这些问题主要表现在以下几个方面: At present, the development of the various enterprises and institutions, performance appraisal management in human resources management still exist many problems, these problems relatively concentrated, is more complicated, the effects of the obstacles of the development for the unit, so we have to careful analysis of these problems, and take effective means to overcome these problems, make human resource management on the road of healthy development. These problems mainly displays in the following aspects: 1.绩效考核的单一性 1. Performance appraisal of oneness 很多企事业单位的考核只是对人的考核,仅仅在考核过程中评价这个人的表现:如工作认真、待人热情等。当然考核也存在人情考核等一些很不公平的考核方式,现在的企业不是靠考核人生存的,它考核的是一个人的综合素质,企业不需要没有技术的好人,也不需要有技术的坏人。所以,人力资源的考核既是对人的考核也是对事的考核,如果只有态度没有绩效,那么考核就是一句空话,考核就是不科学的。 Many enterprises and institutions of the evaluation is the appraisal of people, just in the process of assessment and evaluation of the performance of this person, such as the work is earnest, treats people the enthusiasm, etc. Also exist in human feelings of examination, etc, of course, some very unfair appraisal way, now the business is not live on the inspection person, its appraisal is a person's comprehensive quality, enterprises don't need no technology good, also do not need to have the technology of bad people. So, the evaluation of human resources is both to the person's assessment and the appraisal of things, if there is no performance only attitude, so the inspection is meaningless, assessment is not scientific. 2.绩效考核主要看业绩或者利润 2. Performance appraisal mainly the earnings or profits 这也是现在绩效考核的一个误区。很多的企事业单位对人员的考核靠的就是业绩。如果一个刚加入的职员就给安排了一个前所未有的目标并且要求按时完成,那么这样的考核从一开始就是错误的。因为考核者只简单的把考核看成了一个任务,而并没有全面的客观分析这个考核的可操作性,没有客观的考虑被考核者的自身及周围的客观环境。 This is now a myth of performance appraisal. Many enterprises and institutions of the appraisal of staff depends on performance. If a newly joined staff will give arranged an unprecedented finish the goal and requirements, then the assessment is wrong from the beginning. Because assessed simply regarded the assessment as a task, rather than the objective analysis of the comprehensive assessment of the operability, no objective consideration be assessed itself and the surrounding circumstances. 3.绩效考核走形式 3. The formal performance appraisal 很多单位的员工都希望绩效考核能和自己的升迁挂钩,以此来激励自己的工作积极性。但很多企业只是把考核走形式,在考核之初相当的认真,给员工一种假象,让员工觉得自己升迁的希望很大。可考核只有就再无音信,结果就是本来很有潜力的员工一个个走掉。造成核心人员的流失。企业竞争力大大下降。 Many units staff hope that performance appraisal can be hook and their promotion, in order to motivate their work motivation. But many enterprises is to assess formal, at the beginning of the evaluation is quite serious, give employees an illusion, let employees feel hope of promotion is very large. Only then can the inspection again, the result is originally have potential employees go one by one. Cause a loss of core staff. Enterprise competitiveness drops greatly. 4.考核的结果得不到真实的反馈 4. The appraisal result can not get real feedback 考核结果不反馈大概有2种结果,一是考核的记过吃吃没有反馈给被考核者,使考核者认为考核时一种人为地暗箱操作。被考核者也就无从知道自己的考核是否通过,自身有哪些缺点需要改进,哪些地方时满意的。也有可能是企业的管理者如果把考核的信息公布很可能会引起下属或者员工的不满,在以后的工作中采取的非暴力不合作态度或者做出一些暴力的事件来。二一个是考核者本身的职业素质或技能太低。没有能力把考核的信息通过比较完整的叙述传达给被考核者。 Assessment results are not feedback about two kinds of results, one is the inspection result to eat no feedback to be assessed, the assessed to think an artificially black-box operation. Be assessed also don't know your assessment will be through, the shortcomings of their own needs to be improved, what place. It is possible that enterprise managers if the assessment released information is likely to cause dissatisfaction with the subordinates or employees, in the later work of non-violent cooperation attitude or make some events to violence. 2 a is assessed itself low professional qualities or skills. Unable to complete the appraisal information by comparing the accounts to be assessed. 三、绩效考核的策略 3, the performance evaluation of the strategy 1.考核要制定客观的标准。 1. The assessment should formulate objective criteria. 绩效考核,应该制定客观的考核标准,是每个员工都能明确考核标准。把员工工作能力和与劳动成果结合起来,建立客观明确的绩效考核标准。依据工作岗位和工作性质的不同而分别设立如,岗位工资等。把员工的素质和业绩这两个概念形成一个合理的比例分配。在素质达到的情况下要特别的突出业绩。 Performance appraisal, should make objective evaluation criteria, is that every employee can clear the inspection standard. Combine employees the ability to work and work, establish the performance appraisal standards of objective clear. According to the work and of the different nature of work and set up such as respectively, post salary, etc. The employee's quality and performance of these two concepts to form a reasonable allocated proportion. Under the condition of the quality to be especially prominent performance. 2.及时反馈考核信息,考核与薪酬并重 2. Timely information feedback appraisal, appraisal and compensation 绩效考核的信息要及时的犯规给被考核者,是其早工作中能更好的去认识其自身的不足,哪些方面需要改进,哪些方面是有点可以继续的发扬等。及时反馈考核信息的也是对企业自身管理的一个很好的检验,考核反馈给主管,主管就直接和被考核者面谈,就能发掘其自身潜力,拓展更好的工作空间提供了机会。 Performance appraisal to foul to be assessed in time, is his early work can better get to know its own is not enough, what areas need improvement, which is a bit can continue to carry forward, etc. Timely feedback the inspection information is also a good test for the enterprise own management, assessment and feedback to the director, supervisor and be assessed directly interview, will be able to explore their own potential, expand workspace provides a better chance. 绩效考核不单纯是考核。更应该和员工的薪资待遇挂钩,才能更好的激发其工作热情和创造的积极性。建立考核和薪酬挂钩,能直接体现出员工的价值。绩效考核也就更加的公平客观。这样企业的管理就会进入全新的模式,员工自身把企业当做自己的企业,绩效考核的真正作用也就随之体现。绩效考核也就会真正融台进企业管理而不是单独存在。 Performance appraisal is not just appraisal. More should and staff salaries, can better stimulate their working enthusiasm and the enthusiasm of creation. Establish inspection and compensation, can directly reflect the value of employees. Performance appraisal is that much more fair and objective. So that enterprise management, would be the new mode, the enterprise as his employees themselves, performance appraisal of the real role goes. Performance appraisal can be really melt into the enterprise management rather than individually. 四、综上所述,我们都已经知道绩效考核在企事业单位发展中的重要作用,也都清晰人力资源管理中要做好绩效考核是一件相对困难的工作。绩效考核涉及的方面比较多,管理水平要求也比较高,而且每个单位自身的不同也让绩效考核更为复杂,所以只有通过对各个企业和单位自身有清晰的认识,才能根据自身的实际情况,制定出符合自己的绩效考核体系,为企业营造出更为积极向上的内部环境,从而在发展过程中顺应时代潮流,朝着更宽更广的道路迈进。 Four, above all, we all already know development the important role of performance appraisal in enterprises and institutions, are all clear to do performance appraisal in human resource management is a relatively difficult work. Performance appraisal involves aspects is more, the management level requirement is high also, but also make every unit has its own different performance appraisal is more complicated, so it is only by itself has a clear understanding of various enterprises and units, can according to own actual situation, to develop a performance appraisal system that accords with oneself, for enterprises to create a more positive internal environment, so as to conform to the trend of The Times, in the process of development towards a more wide and wide roads. 花讹盾膛挠修梦秸砒籽一咯苗鞭敬矣臼增矩僚着新写- 配套讲稿:
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