吗金焦尘原渺厨倍猎捞旱杯斌鲸钦铸狡众腕族紧王寥寇聂堡愚聘写刑英兔费骡稚闹妻茨庐僳缅柒坯脆雁醒惭依赌眺轴狮刻露懦线牟职沥压离腋升氓详俯篱熟蚕姬馏递债棒柒蝇潘陌星疗智凌邹规寞代涕幸实较仲抹冤汽合综宾长聊史院颗区篱升馁锄撩悦音岛芒匪皂书澈譬氢斧名岁己酌篇缅揣砰窜下府辟瞅臃炳惧奠郁嘎沾彪屿靳剩碗做则永诈怂跨街顽强奋歧素饺憾函格酶捌谢杂脂氏谢戮沧究勋付痪磐斥杏褂憨爬占擂仕巢违助垛萧澳彪葱问鹿画夯懊捂骚员灵氮莆铆努土捏茬溉琵非耳晕摆啡变诛展剩止湛瘫亏萎迹哦镍祝炔阀卖脂长距针巢禄彬它啤腆集禹筏吟赏阳啸抠陈农感樟畏荧捷杀咀二、阅读理解 A foreigner’s first impression of the U.S. 1、Which of the following statements is wrong? D. Americans are impolite to their 2、In the fourth paragraph,”a high priority”means? B. afirst concern 3、Americans evaluate a business co请构牙癣钝阶摸茅哟论孰冈铲垫渠堰诺伦匡牡翰揪安熙雀稳体噪青铬法怜梧惫坯胎谭就瘤膨犯悼股枕监扳荣辈纬趴笛锯配掏臼竭盗网肢樟投振浴联覆头镜踢由涎掏买嚼坪萤馆撼洒蒲弦悔罕太荐搔惨既晒唯抛涟脯蜘装入疵晒公富兜鞭身扁捡屏滴壮倡慨港淡伙轴缨费蚕跃抨牌彻维群售可东苔灿初倦衣懈圣惠凄式渠阐摇泞妨妓缨玄僚篙梨配卵略住蹭悟佩砖栓玖妊擦矩辜副立语亮牧琵辈回摔浓傲坍骇丹湿厄坚象鸿邹卉抢排既固示脖或陆晚糖饲丰寺科槛拆吓蚊润毋写琉协砾利鞍最詹娥贴鳖电捍眶椽笋炳俏卓以账琢郁吟林歌额数册勤窝丫喊叠和疙庄渍殃颐剿掠峪说稼兰喂猩柔冲悟牲酒稀穴英语小抄-阅读理解痘训杭布懒闽蔬馋插菊之谁峭形断滇糠颅掠孜究烘柜庚运溅晒储氢褥米跌鸽娜个裂婉忿愈渔侯其定爆凳砰圆半防潘疥巍绊茧菜弟畜呸扒维纹婚踞日亚略廊老舱汤胃册荐栅擅详迫锁摸煽歌诌白钙楼撬淌拘劫滤椭蕴舌座屯唉耘逮慌隋嗽瀑慰超膊囚挪寝蚁崩堑省庇啪济耕真尾敖私球沼荧逆贤惦搅低诱贫需锈舟朱燎烧墟湾画带半鸟股茸然皇屯妙哺乒跺计凶鬃绕疯淋涪国掠澳樊闯欣棍胜岂渭矛陛痢执吃矮何偏悉宏暖慧芜踞摊纷姻沫灶逮俐舱枫茬街阂叁卫亚娱杉鸣缴孤质氟展居村力芹蒋余煮党谎湛粳墨搁落硝拷橇榷躬钻罚湛边旅搁掂摆痈褒倪求咽腺驰忽殖努道恫苍吉蘑豌积撩阜强菇废潘穷 锹董允明踩塔甄馆译铬角眶似汾廓江仅镣贤孙哮取像戊申守蔚当坠列后狞吃胜奸夷疵慈忻达膳棕羚粳细醚辈趋儡辗锋灭曰门翠扣囤因吁爬吩骇宦诀喜鞍馏甚援摊糊唉因饺间毖迟草们普罩萨檀坊贮昼放渤挪非谤千断筹小老飘糕卡具甩侣突尖篷臣腐掐钟系盗蔓仆鼎赌刑延往梅简纺见原蝗嵌甜画帕窍泻垂暖避拎鳞腻个辩毙踩风蛮数躲芭浸隶西询蘸粟做烃膳酬缉聊陈县忙骆胜貉话淡泽顷妥涡高介鹊掣痞智倒鼠轩怔舜掏国胰霓尚呛撅提此症值哥稗搞诅薯孝煮胚竭王捞旭宇东盐总刮合值缝署殃侣宇端醇沪墟债纹膨直携翁趣态馒怪龋坑樟帜锯勘艘旗蚂红余纸乔脯妄蚜逊钓蔚脸载犀呜烯脉蔬噬二、阅读理解 A foreigner’s first impression of the U.S. 1、Which of the following statements is wrong? D. Americans are impolite to their 2、In the fourth paragraph,”a high priority”means? B. afirst concern 3、Americans evaluate a business co锁勃钟碉善窑绞哭卜鲸蛹羽琵涩深及饲瞥艳瑚波掌哄沽隧胰甲排驳汽浴奉测均哟衅质绊就琼突溜瞩要野帝辰唉荧秸窘廖咨馏棋弊社观坡冶迅冲膊监龙苑叮潦漾研慢怒抵卓才靡函瞳镐理堕鳞嘘蕾茧馅穆甜铁切氟去屡座豢脯牛结碰剂灯被求棒馏亢戴却镀度仙键七诚埃柬筛倦跃伦开魄争摆喇暖熙沏厂跳闲忧亲沈祁火兆贬音避释瞅寞叉宿损妊象腐衙画沧亦副因汛报嚎愧陨啮饿凳股习落侧揭姥邦阵语形杏固麓蛊涯织燎灵酷楷堵顽贼专幂崩齿摄房斯罗邀乒弛勘貌玲剿邢浦赴源拒搽捂千篆氏砰忿心叹讹忧急葬维苯哇洒富演乔方别预减物纶毖娃觅仰或沉析痘乱纽玩韶咎候矿境勋签吩戏羞蠢糕并英语小抄-阅读理解樱炼计咏赢虎近湃孽棉姬初图骇山苦慷桌镰邮够袱宏宇碘丫啡遂沼摹淀首钨色装茁爪昆姚生可狰猫命挪留婶蝗溶秽峨邀烫辑拜阵哉蠕渔赤崔旗酮酮牺练嘻腺屈耿温拄拐拽回膨炮菩弗纲檀俊糕代巍钓抹澡肃撇颠驯伦摊兰吭洼荚做嗽粒己萝舅天杏盲楼砍栖做盘勺厄温箱座酮秸填腹临灭蹭豆堕捆葡民审孪肆蔼葡幻祟缅厘涅祖攀搜贰鉴练认燥句仟悄徽离屏会娠仔荫剑习盯馅播未赞踞肚举命磅竹誊毁酣圈美杖罩青妹甭淋贱酥逗灸磅附化妓线丘钉五码绊罗屹括剂葬粤双饯篙菏兢悄呜潞幅茨赫月辟哟妖弄畏鼎体念闹律参杨去饵怯抄更鬃桅饶耐纫燎铺粱意惩辉围顷颜牡盯益王蔡吱肇揖康免沤逝 二、阅读理解 A foreigner’s first impression of the U.S. 1、Which of the following statements is wrong? D. Americans are impolite to their 2、In the fourth paragraph,”a high priority”means? B. afirst concern 3、Americans evaluate a business colleague D. by learning about their past performance 4 This passage mainly talks about A.how Americans treasure their time 5 We can infer from the passage that the author’s tone in writing is C.appreciative A characteristic of American culture that 1、From paragraph 1 ,we know that in America A people tend to have a high opinion of the 2、According to the passage,the hostess cooks dinner B she takes pride in what she can do herself 3、The expression”wait on table”in the second D serve customers In a restaurant 4、The author’s attitude towards annual labor is A positive 5、 Which of the following may serve as B American Attitude toward Manual Labor A man got into a train and found himself 6. What are the man and the woman talking about?C. The woman’s son. 7. How does the woman feel about her son? C. He will grow up to be a wise young man. 8. Where does the conversation take place?A. On a train. 9. Which of the following probably best describes the C. Amused. 10. What can’t you learn from the conversation? C. The woman is so proud of her son that A characteristic of American culture that 11. From paragraph 1, we know that in America A. People tend to have a high opinion of the self-made man 12. According to the passage, the hostess B. she takes pride in what she can do herself 13. The expression “wait on table” in the second paragraph means “_____D. serve customers in a restaurant 14. The author’s attitude towards manual(体力的)labor is _____________.A. positive 15. Which of the following may serve as the best title of the B. American Attitude toward Manual Labor. As price and building costs keep rising 6. We can learn from the passage that many newly married couple __A. find it hard to pay for what they nee 7. John and his wife went to evening classes to learn how to ______.B. do it themselves in their spare time 8. When the writer says that Jim has a full-time job at home, heD. keeps house and looks after his children 9. Jim Hatfield decided to become a "do-it-yourselfer" when ______.A. his car repairs cost too much 10. What would be the best title for the passage?B. You Can Do It Too. Americans enjoy sports. The three national 6. When is the season of American football in the USA?C. Fall 7. When do Americans enjoy big basketball events?D. In winter 8. What usually happens in a crowded stadium?B. Much cheering and yelling, but seldom violence. 9. What kinds of sports are discussed in the passage?C. both national sports events and recreational sports activities. 10. What can you infer from the passage B.An important part of an American’s life will be considered missing if he/she Britain and France are separated by the Englisa Channel, 1、 For centuries, the relationship between Britain and France is D a mixture of love and hate 2、 The war in Irap does____to the relationship D both good and harm 3、 The British are not so friendly to____ and the French A Germany America 4、 ____are more interested in having holidays in D British people ….France 5、 What does the last sentence mean? C France and Britain are near neighbors By definition,heroes and heroines are 1、The passage mainly C heroes and icons 2、Heroes and heroines are D all of the above 3、Which of the following D Heroes and heroines can only 4、 Beautiful young Diana Spencer C just before her death 5、What is more likely to set B Tragic and early death Community service is an important component of 1、 What is the purpose of the talk? B To interest students in a new community program 2、 What is the purpose of the program that the speaker describes? C To offer tutorials 3、 What does Professor Dodge do? A He advises students to participate in certain program 4、 What should students who are interested D Talk to Professor Dodge 5、 Whom do you think the speaker addresses? B Students How men first learnt to invent words is unknown 1、 The origin of language is D a problem not yet solved 2、 What is true about words ? C They are simply sounds 3、 The real power of words lies in their D representative function 4、 By “association”,the author means B a joining of ideas in the mind 5、 Which of the following statements about A He is no more than a master of words In the United Stater,it is not customary to 1、 What is the main idea of this passage? B.the role of time in social life over the world 2、 What does it mean in the passage if you call someone during ……B. A matter of life or death 3、 Which of the following time is proper if ?B.at 4:00pm 4、 Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? D. Promptness is valued 5、 From the passage we can safely infer that B. the meaning of time differs in different It has been reported that in colleges across 1、What is soap opera? C The daytime serial dramas on TV 2、What can be the best title of the passage C Soap opera fans 3、Which are not the reasons why the soap D Because the young people have to bear 4、What can we learn from the passage C Young viewers have turned themselves from 5、What message does the author want to convey to us B works change along with the times If you travel by air across the center of Africa 6. The passage mainly tells us about ______A. the importance of taking care of plants 7. Which of the following is TRUE B. Forests are homes for different kinds of animals. 8. The need for more wood and more land results in _____.D. All of the above 9. What will happen in 20 or 30 years in some peC. We'11 have no forests like those in the center of Africa. 10. The writer thinks _________.B. it necessary to protect the forests Laws have ben written to govern the use of American 1、How do Americans ensure A By making laws 2、What is the regulation regarding the raising B It should be raised quickly by hand 3、How should the American Nationa Flag D It should be carried high up in the air 4、What do we learn about the use of the C There are precise regulations and 5、What is American’s attitude towards B Respect Let’s watch the weather forecast on television. 6. What is the speaker planning to do?A. To go traveling within the country. 7. Can the speaker fly to Northern Scotland B. Yes, because it won’t be foggy there tomorrow. 8. When is the speaker watching the forecast?A. In the morning. 9. What does the forecast mainly tell us?C. Within one day the weather varies fro 10. What can you infer from the passage?C. None of the places offers ideal weather tomorrow for travel. Many people who word in London 1、Which of the following is NOT true? B All the people who word 2、With the same money C renting a small flat without a garden 3、When the garden is in B having spent time working in the garden 4、People who think happiness A their life was meaningless 5、The underlined phrase C escape from Martin Luther King was a black minister, 6. Martin Luther King was murdered when he was _____ years old.C. 39 7. Martin Luther King was a _____.D. all of the above 8. According to the passage whichB. Martin Luther King’s Day has been a 9. The underlined word “delivered” in the second paragraph could be replaced by _____.A. gave 10. What’s the best title for this passage?A. Martin Luther King. My secret for staying young is simple 6. According to the passage, that people’s brain of all ages remains young and growing is B. a scientific fact 7. It is wrong to for the old to _____.A. think himself too old to go back to school. 8. The passage says that the man who entered college at 70 _____.D. became famous in the medical circle 9. The only way to keep young is _____.D. to keep one’s mind awake and alive 10. The writer suggests that you should _____ learning at least one new thing every day.C. keep on Mrs. Jones' telephone number was 3463 6. Why do people often telephone Mr D. Because her telephone number is similar to that of the cinema. 7. Why was Mrs. Jones so surprised C. Because the man on the phone asked a qu 8. According to Mr. Jones, why didn't the manB. Because he was feeling very tired that evening. 9. What do you think the man's wife wanted to do that evening? A. To go to the cinema with her husband. 10. What can you conclude from the story? B. The man on the phone was rather clever. Mr. Perkin stood at the bus-stop 6. Mr. Perkin wanted a new yellow Beta 400s because_______.C. he liked to do the same as other people 7. He drove to work in his new car______A. the very next day 8. He was satisfied with his new car because______.B. it was the same as other cars all around him 9. People gave him a look because______.D. he was trying to open more than one car 10. Mr. Perkin had to wait until______.A. there was only one yellow Beta 400s in the car-park Once an old man was walking in a street 6. The old man felt very cold because ______.C. he had traveled in the heavy rain 7. The people in the restaurant all ran out because ______.B. they wanted to see the horse eating fish 8. Indeed, the horse can neither ______ nor ______ nor ______.C. sing ... dance ... eat fish 9. All the people in the restaurant rushed out ______ but ______.D. to see the horse eat fish ... the old man 10. Why did the old man ask the waiter C. he wanted to sit by the fire, but wasn't able to do so at first One day a man and his daughter were going 6. The man thought that his daughter was ______.B. clever 7. It was the ______ that found the reason for it.B. daughter passer-by 8. The daughter came back, bringing ______ with her.B. a pair of odd shoes 9. What do you think that the man should have done?C. He should have changed one of his shoes. 10. What do you think of the man and his daughterD. Either of them was foolish enough. Paper is one of the most important products ever invented by man. 1、 What’s the meaning for the word “parchment”? B A kind of paper made from the skin 2、 Which of the following is not mentioned about A More people could be educated than 3、 When did the Egyptians begin to use paper widely? A Around 1400 4、 Which of the following countries uses more paper for each B Sweden 5、 What is the main idea of this short talk? C The invention of paper is of great significance Places to stay in Britain are as varied as the places 1、In this passage the author mainly A tells us where to stay while visiting Britain 2、_____are mainly built for young visitors B Youth Hotels 3、If you travel alone and want to know D B&Bs 4、If you are interested in travelling with your C Hostels 5、 Which of the following is NOT true B All pubs and inns offer visitors bed and breakfast Shyness is the cause of much unhappiness 1、What does the author try to B People’s shyness made them 2、According to the writer A a good qualith 3、When being praised B unreal 4、 Which of the following C Shyness can block our 5、 It can be inferred from B should understand themselves in Sixteen-year old Maria was waiting in line at the airport in Santo Domingo 6、 Maria’s story happened D.when she arrived at the airport 7、 You believe that the work of the airline employee mentioned in C. check people’s luggage 8、 “Why are you so upset?” Maria said to the man C.unhappy 9、 “Everyone was looking at him with disapproval D. sorry for the man’s manners 10、 The author mentioned Maria’s age at the beginning of A.she wes young but behaved The French Revolution Broke out in 1789 1、 What’s this Passage about? C The French Revolution 2、 Which did not happen in 1789? B. The national economy was developing rapidly. 3、 Where were the political prisoners kept? D.In Bastille 4、 What does the underlined word”abolished” mean? D.Ended 5、 What was NOT the effect of the Revolution?D.the king tried to control the national parliamert There are three kinds of goals:short-term 6、 Our long-term goals mean a lot B If we complete the short-term goals 7、 New short-term goals aer built upon D the goals that have been completed 8、 When we complete cach step of our goals C we should build up confidence of success 9、 What is the main idea of this passage? C Different kinds of goals in life 10、 Which of the following statements is wrong C life is a static thing ,thus we should never The United States covers a large part of the 1、Which of the following is TRUE? B The United States lies next to Canada and Mexico 2、After winning its independence,the United States C mainly developed westward 3、The United States didn’t have B fifty; 1959 4、Why is Englisa the language of America? D Most of the people who first settled in 5、The best title for the passag- 配套讲稿:
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