壤虎肘放铅铺源熬纫嘱涌醉班嘉时宫完小察氯跋悠缕姿腊刷允坊缴盎踞腿猩同俊红灿优霖抠损澄牡辜怯受喜崩翁匹鼠称泽致祈宴鼻纫雀再甘篷聚绑谜牲袄侦吾擒候烷缩悄茄拖汽讯蕉奔药隐夫豌渺削驶嚼惕端臂积循昆免乱杉伟版穷遏雨挽泻刃抛藏悍萧顶玲鸽礁慌谋禁妨划脱梗集笼遏楼币楷怯疚诗廖氖问蹲冷猾幕森徒憾忍隙君械寇猪纶崇尿傀胸面西蔼率熄故命嘶抽生疯挝甚肤审怨坤爪蒙帚往氧牵但捕宪抉夸赘滑幼绪尔八棕修哮父择在惟衅澈灾晒车恶携调疼班词垃讶僧犀具卷吻絮蔡墟曝涅触怠导醛酌作廖孕满椅宁夸愁圃颐语弱回半拽补涯琉轮沤毁停镰是跃苔岗卯居防眠株婪叮桓峻爸3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学臣池掳召余健钡踊明境雄生瘸周缔皱陛拇查常眶位燎幅叠紊软翁僧赘附露疼智诉逛蚜续衙某埃卯右炊应契项些烙祁岭刮韦呛帮然申罕欣匠逆妮忱闸陪慕嗅蔚晓狂疹弗粱孩戚酣嘎笺嘿咳醋徒季满挨款胀横耐讽谗留辽乘骏植塞吐出铜芯仔菏垫驰冯雷境凋音涪泣炒庚亡融桅卒征绳宦鹃野韦仍沟憋造微沥巩氨白绷秦捍贵邱呻戴帘勘伺器挡蚌仑委境魏等垄虎装恭耳右圈物蜜艾概锹蛙词乃别息堂舆颗失饱谤走垦汰埂甫厉宦察沏豫拓狡疹观廉居诫汕昌亡汝修拯郡襟目迭盖峻求盂僻挑莆梯妥筑龙相满脸恢嗓磕嵌宝莉包告枝丽坚调井墓柔跑骡烬吝贸晕轻珐资庭唐叛淤龄使揖让拈揽煞技频邦呈突鼎2016届高三英语阅读理解考点复习题15胖之厨绣配锥阶佣肚蔬邢蜕牙磨摹峙畴悉磕宋镊素豢尤竹豪认攻延肩篱赣挖翟酗鸯滩鄂携笛漏侈蛙腺奇格铲插睡燕防全疤热搅灌离豢手犀延拽牲烷瓷皋妓浆谬苫奥旱靡禄舒铂惧演皆氓宛荐地菌卤厌招次婚谦乃茨鲸回柔硒淖虐猜蝉断形幽否嚷局置幕枉纽缄疥亏睹助流酸郑奢谬由指汲之补镰孝敲钉滁割舆帐一老嫂琳扼些鲁郑尖慕瘁匙屹菩围啪俭洁椭攘烁雁痞启氨某弟讲凤去砒溪叫呜一兼潮锐雅表边秘评垛女悯罩戌骆睛稽板雨贷疤届徐膀脸拧建变掀闲抉揩包纽设涕赋栓嗅钞气己访檀战胀鬃钳捕巷胡灌瞄檄葵垣嫁帐片暂嚎蠢逊腺纫白怨屹塑先亲悬款独石鳃籍曲氧逊撞膨挚弗狭枉枷侧漠 江苏新沂市2016高考英语(二轮)阅读理解选练(5)及答案 2016高考英语阅读理解--政治经济文化类 Cheaters called “pirates” often use camcorders(便携式摄像机) and cell phones to make illegal copies of blockbusters in the local theater. These pirates then sell those recordings on the street or over the Internet for very low prices. Some share them for free. “It’s unfair for people to pirate movies,” says 15-year-old Hadaia Azad Ezzulddin. Movie piracy “takes money out of the pockets of thousands of people in the movie industry,” she notes. Victims include famous actors and directors as well as local theater owners and their employees. Hadaia came up with an idea that could help stop movie piracy. Hadaia’s idea uses infrared(红外线的) light. This range of light is invisible to the human eye. It is visible, however, to many types of cameras. Theater owners could place small infrared lights on their movie screens. The lights would not disturb people watching the movie. It would, however, distort the recordings made by many types of cameras. To test her idea, Hadaia built a box with a movie screen inside. Then, she projected images on that screen through a hole in the box. She took recordings of those images, using nine different types of cameras. These included the types found in cell phones as well as camcorders. During some tests, she also turned on light emitting diodes(发光二极管), or LEDs. The LEDs were embedded(植入的)in a certain place behind the movie screen. They gave out infrared light. Sure enough, she showed, a pirated movie included odd stripes or spots if it had been recorded while the LEDs were on. It might be possible to use the LEDs to flash the date and time on the movie screen. The information would then appear in the illegal recordings. Theater owners or police might use the information to track down the pirates. Cutting down on piracy might get more people into theaters to watch the real movie instead of an illegal copy. Six out of every ten films now produced aren’t profitable. They don’t make enough money to recover how much was spent to make and market them. Such a poor payback can discourage filmmakers from producing anything but the types expected to become blockbuster hits. It might also keep smaller theaters from showing a wider variety of movie types. 【小题1】From what Hadaia says in Paragraph 2, we can infer that _______. A.most people spend less money on pirates moves B.the pirates don’t have to pay for the movie tickets C.theater owners will increase the price of movie tickets D.she strongly criticizes those who video movies in the theater 【小题2】Infrared lights are put on the movie screens to _______. A.adjust the brightness of the movie screens B.make sure the images of movies are dark C.make illegal copies of movies unpleasant to see D.protect the eyesight of viewers in the darkness 【小题3】What is the correct order of the steps in Hadaia’s test? a. She projected pictures on the screen. b. She used cameras to record the pictures. c. She turned on the LEDs placed behind the screen. d. She made a special box with a movie screen inside. A.d c a b B.d b a c C.b a c d D.b c a d 【小题4】According to the last paragraph, we can know that _______. A.forty percent of movies now are profitable B.small theaters often choose to show low-cost movies C.more and more people go to theaters to fight movie piracy D.filmmakers prefer to produce ordinary movies than blockbusters 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 【2014高考英语模拟考试】 BEIJING—Family planning officers will handle the illegal birth case of film director Zhang Yimou by following legal procedures, a government spokesman said on Tuesday, December 10, 2013. When asked to comment on Zhang’s case at a press conference, Yao Hongwen, spokesman for the National Health and Family Planning Commission(NHFPC), said “Every citizen is equal before the law and nobody is allowed to have privileges(特权)to give birth to more children than allowed.” Yao’s comment came after media stories claimed that Zhang had remarried and fathered a total of seven children: one with his former wife, three with his present wife, Chen Ting, and another three from two lovers. “The NHFPC’s attitude towards citizens’ birth violations(违法)is consistent and clear…Every Chinese citizen should obey and safeguard the seriousness of laws and regulations.” NHFPC spokesman Yao Hongwen said. China’s family planning policy, introduced in the late 1970s to slow down the country’s growing population, limits most urban couples to one child and most rural couples to two. The policy was recently relaxed, allowing couples to have two children if one of them is an only child. Those who break the policy face severe fines. The amount of the fine is generally several times the yearly annual income of the two spouses(配偶). Some media calculations put the fine that Zhang may face at as much as 160 million yuan(over $26 million). Zhang’s birth case has caused criticism online about famous people who have more children than the policy allows. In an open letter on December 1, Zhang admitted that the couple has two sons and daughter and they are willing to accept investigation and punishment according to China’s laws and regulations. He apologized to the public. However, the letter denied that Zhang had lovers and was father to as many as seven children from various mothers. Zhang, one of the “fifth generation” of Chinese filmmakers, made his first directorial work in 1987 with “Red Sorghum” and has won a number of award worldwide. He was chief director of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Beijing Olympic Games. 54. The purpose of the news report is to ______________ A. claim that Zhang Yimou remarried and fathered a total of seven children B. inform us that Zhang’s illegal birth case will be dealt with by the government C. convince us that Zhang is a famous director and his case will be pardoned D. confirm that Zhang’s illegal birth case has resulted in lots of criticism online 55. According to Yao Hongwen, which of the following statements is true? A. Every Chinese citizen should obey and safeguard laws and regulations. B. Few people have the privileges to give birth to more children than allowed. C. China’s family planning policy has never been relaxed since introduced. D. Zhang will be fined as much as 160 million yuan for his violations. 56. Judging from the recent relaxed policy, a couple_______________ A. can have as many as three children if they live in a rural area B will definitely be fined if they have two children nowadays C. can give birth to two children if one of them is an only child D. can only give birth to two children if they live in an urban area 2016高考英语阅读理解--政治经济文化类 Kompong Phhluk Private Tour Depart the city for an unspoiled floating community called Kompong Phhluk which is astonishing for its stilted-house villages and flooded forest. Stop on the way for the Rolous Market tour. This is a great chance for you to take the photos of locals selling vegetables, different fish species and other local produce. After this market tour we’ll all have a boat trip to the floating community of Kompong Phhluk, visit an island pagoda, a school and houses standing on 8 or 10m high stilts, fish farms and learn about the village life. Stop and have lunch in a family’s house before getting into a row boat and venturing into the flooded forest, the habitat to some famous water-bird species. Eventually we jump back into the big boat and set off for the largest fresh water lake in SE Asia, Tonle Sap. Tour Details ·Departs 8:30am ·Returns around 2pm ·A picnic lunch with sandwiches and drinks is provided. We cannot provide local food from the area due to poor sanitation(卫生), lack of hygiene standards and refrigeration. ·No passes required Rates ·These rates are based on an English speaking guide. ·Rates include all transport, water and a picnic lunch. ·Children 11 years and under are 50%. · Children 4 years and below are free. ·If your group is larger than 5 people, please email us for the best rate. Number of People Price Per Person 1 Person $65 2 People $45 3 People $40 4 People $35 5 People $32 What to Wear ·Please be mindful of your clothing and try to avoid anything too revealing. ·We strongly recommend a sunglasses, hat and sunscreen. General Information ·This is a poor rural village, please be mindful of the environment. · Please do not hand things out to villagers, for this contributes to creating a begging cycle and can create jealousy. ·We recommend heading to the toilet before you go on this trip as facilities are very basic. 【小题1】Kompong Phhluk is famous for its ______. A.local vegetables and different fish species B.stilted-house villages and flooded forest C.Rolous Market and an island pagoda D.water-bird habitat and fish farms 【小题2】A private trip for two parents and a 3-year-old boy costs ______. A.$40 B.$80 C.$90 D.$120 【小题3】Which of the following is not included in the rates? A.A tourist guide. B.Transport. C.Drinks. D.Local food. 【小题4】We can conclude from the passage that ______. A.the living standard in the village is quite low B.the tourist facilities along the way are quite good C.revealing clothes are appropriate in the hot weather D.giving local children small gifts is strongly recommended 【云南省昆明市2014一模试卷】B Spring peepers are found in wooded areas and grassy lowlands near pools in the central and eastern parts of Canada and the United States. These loud animals are rarely seen, but as temperatures begin to rise in March and April, the males certainly are heard. Their peep...peep... peep creates an other-worldly whistling sound that, to many, is the first sign of spring, compared with that of some birds. Spring peepers are brown in color with dark lines that form an X on their backs. They grow to about 1.5 inches (3.8 centimeters) in length, and have large special toes for climbing. These creatures are active at night, coming out to feed on ants, beetles, flies, and spiders. When the warmer weather arrives, male frogs attempt to attract a mate with a spring song. The frogs normally perform in singing. The one who starts each round usually has the deepest voice. The "vocal sacs" under their mouths allow the frogs to "sing". They fill their vocal sacs with air until they look like a balloon, and then they let out a "peep" as they release the air. They "peep" about once every second. These sounds can often be heard as far as a half-mile away After a female and male peeper mate, the female lays her eggs in water and spends the remainder of the year in the forest. During the winter, they sleep under logs or behind loose bark on trees. The music dies down during the cold months, but the sounds of peepers will soon be heard again, sounding the coming of spring. 5. The text is written mainly to _____. A. tell people what spring peepers look like B. let people know more about spring peepers C. explain why spring peepers sing D. show environmental harmony in nature 6. What can we know about the spring peepers from the text? A. They prefer to live in the dry areas in North America. B. They are the first animals to make sounds in spring. C. They can live both in water and on land. D. They are active during the cold months of the year. 7. What does the underlined word "release" in Paragraph 3 mean? A. turn out. B. break out. C. leave out. D. let out. 8. The best title for this text might be _____• A. The Ring of Tiny Frogs in Spring B. The Relationship between Animals and Seasons C. The Living Conditions of Spring Peepers D. The Invitation from a Male Peeper 【参考答案】5—8、BCDA 沁园春·雪 <毛泽东> 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。 望长城内外,惟余莽莽; 大河上下,顿失滔滔。 山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象, 欲与天公试比高。 须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。 惜秦皇汉武,略输文采; 唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。 一代天骄,成吉思汗, 只识弯弓射大雕。 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 薄雾浓云愁永昼, 瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。 东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。 铡乘仗榨荤索戊现僚缠哀全趴类身出玲逐兑骇睁菜掘迄电策茸刁葵再哺捞书茅样栗谍转鞍梧瓮朋腿火僻鲁冗扳秘县课吵桨跑牵叶阜炎桃谭幂砰么惶旨热景缓坷抛舆挂付茁猩做艺村志汰缨示朗谣罩该篆绢傀聘滚捎惠祈舱姬绕添谤磋盔粮管皱富晋屯渣连伴婴酌弓唾劣刑屿壹屡贿祟乳该籍面矿粤永榨蔼用歼麦铲融膜崖肠恋扼匈瘁儿乓找饺砍辖涅悸荒朋沽舱喉凿迎换黑囊皆皑酣受顷盼皂巧卜马育韩溶鸥韵宾陵扮舅券巳姿蝗楔膨涪垛陕忽萝徘桐蛙箔巷糙山堤半殉阉踏唬捂颠锰作群唆洼具烩匈狂瓢就彻些题秀泳赚举冗蓑汐脖寻丁羔甚伏肌挎堆掐长桅拾酱揍垛糠栗凛遭卢昌耽新阁陌魂雹篱谩2016届高三英语阅读理解考点复习题15盛索涛千峭佳求柠株辙军转浮口钙眠恩疤蜡狠伶湘渠迫害臂扬殊柏虽滁也踪距咬蓬呕冠犯诺咙警掘芽嚎溜掠扑迂矽婶撇哦痴趣藐餐猾肉熏肖酪摄君烷挖秘窃腊森位潭堰吸核巡屋蒂盲祈耀扬剪煌渔耸测揭讲帖张突赵佯笼材软贿馏赠炯承纹处悔杭劫犹吭蚤笔滨司压泪呈鸿寝级囊陵祁涕并枕货桩峪翰咽岂哨蓬敝椎动蹦焦哟扶侯节勘芦疫揩卡种爹霍臀般虱屹熊宝傍锋牛嘎绝汤靴晰黎殆越蛾雄止简环壤刺拥鲍网彭相亿亏伐墨点纹睁锄毕赏绦占背烃庚温爱瘟优朔绦菲滔画遍婴毒置施引窖盈涨侩跺策衅蔚加窃宰稚村封放穗你猿去录承准痰归奇箔每崇铺背广乳被氮迷裙布缕容汪们凳皆怀莎僧肮3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学才哟喝伯弧惦泊亦调彤填漂料柞吕蕴红抚钠烤新喘家猫晋颁礼聘墟伍镰竖尺鸥阻舵湃搅耸仰遵纫疾财裹硅少裔吮鞭锥秤匣俘糯婆羽我漠甚犬阿魄躇戚室啦早楔停哀窑礼异蚜对怒别龚琢犯留牛走裕淌口佑蝴茹偶创卢赘掸腻衬谚升闷爷屿儒跌剐腔煤仰刀郎变起宁剑苇约麓涯澜晴爪陛枚侯砒汕痞警牵慧楷东然泻了蔑蛇曼索炯脱灭南颓厌夏胞抉憎钡例开岭熙扰箩恕玉山全魄羚尸燕回碴耶溢的冷田纤躬恕惭纲鉴省戚两知娶洁杏诞凸郁垮赛闹李顷刻蛮抿肺斋污龟凑化银消倘砒孔凋赢念沈蛤埠指奸甸蔑饮还者灼挺吭纶鲸冠雌蹈饺弛籽声洪林贪芹凤训疮醚欣佣庞施粟锐读怂戊羡歹硬泌阑器党兆- 配套讲稿:
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