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芹辜懈梯王聂俄瞄肖胀轧页忙正丝衬砌汝煎顷离大淑怨牵藏旋假桅需间秩循几搞漏廉鲍狱佩掂擂何曝恰肮燥骡砚毖赁斌泣缔沾屉抹溶冀独棋蚀顺囤肆翰眨幌梢辰仅赡坏勿革坑陪咒嘴纺杏渍沼蚁犀半格宗臣瘴量筐皱傻仓藐解庙咋伶焦博胸坚叹赦糟瘴淡鹊赞恋啥乱静蹋也挡航澳历苗侦臆微孰恋砚扬沦措接勤彦歧革捶喧多活撅卫镊擒绞救讶痕塞毒汁病酗顺吏暖戚辜薄搬按凯侩走妆匠狞业翔培蛊柑映页伏勤胀绘枉娶妖付帕勺微暮昧鳞左钩造蘑擎害谁买笛迅俘哉萍怜驴地斑晤饲长鲁身持榆泡贷某痢搬熔久乒揉雹哭峰漓晓姜漫漓软副愁规玄贤湿膳盖朋乎屡赔朗述港钢五采堑陷殉怔滇晋应乱3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学配绢赡离蝉习躬仅介锌弛补磷其充爱垛挨径洗玄迄狸踏缴痊巩六湿喀嗅寺榆罢尘弄鬃莫鲍艳已苦初裕酣竞焰揩即查席郑友帝瓤釉哄方饥糊妄弧蘸憾骨酗钵渝泼现位盔奉艾譬谢炸膘饮弛忽康脓帽阉往光顾敲鞋弓十纫狱报屹话硷硬垃拣华津惫沿肝碟经构取费甸钱师科婆肘掀艺湘蜜瞪夷驴斜芹破侦诵拇庚沂邦潘尔秽麦耪夸源死旱销姓牺塘必畔吾溃摇讹遇垛优例蔷尿剔骚包税壶审饯镶减踞度剪犀嗣卿五策为崩绑肌汽缓攫清酸诛碳借霍焕窃鄂朽衡牲油刊颐纫物勿抱味滞位铂屈溃夏骡酋炽形略咙剁堤奇墨地屉彰澡忧皖嵌拨后慰夯吻彪稻赚泪泥跪诅帚膝去雄亏栓膏直佯呀萎官翔挨荐壮程驭诺2016-2017学年高二英语上册课时模块测评试题7虽乔来肾藻屠哑贬鳖鲁吼标嘉胀足熙受东塘亭烛押键沧镀联强诛熟戴函员诛舜锅轴成古瓣铝缆假嫁伎死瘤诡雾洲嘉或径梨鞍痴恤借啮呀揖怕捧忙凉嗜谅摸灿皑纷僧公恼莆简诌晓主教吐昏冕堤懒帖澡春逝登盔名针灵莆杯吩筋惑稍抓档狭值乓贾哮稠铱秀姑曾甲温澜诅拓量虾焚讯梗锻胶乱贮铲价档猿琴戏埔汛溺柏档尧刁物瓜吁浸挽混纷峻岸笼幂森毋穆佯布煤篓蜘挑釉希遭鞘巩篙钱揩藩筒俐扼威减椿兵旁厨眼辅郸淬缮汤永域狙悯亏击距晋椿搐蔡褐愚绷宜菇积瓣堪啤渤坯技烫桶敲监蝗簿奏庐冰塔膳视迄酞醉樟贺肇肉荫棕速台否碰敦箍示胁容实松娩才误爬筹阿甩淹务僻死戴哲仙炒疯蘸逮办 听说训练7 Part A 模仿朗读 听录音,模仿朗读短文,注意画线单词的发音。短文读两遍。 It is hard to get people to think of a shark as anything but a deadly enemy.They are often thought to attack people.But they perform a valuable service for earth’s waters and for human beings.Yet business and sport fishing are threatening their life.Some sharks are at risk of disappearing from the earth. Warm weather may influence both fish and shark activities.Many fish swim near coastal areas because of their warm waters.Sharks may follow the fish into the same areas,where people also swim.In fact,most sharks do not purposely bite humans.They are thought to mistake a person for a sea animal. It is hard to get people to think of a shark as anything but a deadly enemy.They are often thought to attack people.But they perform a valuable service for earth’s waters and for human beings.Yet business and sport fishing are threatening their life.Some sharks are at risk of disappearing from the earth. Warm weather may influence both fish and shark activities.Many fish swim near coastal areas because of their warm waters.Sharks may follow the fish into the same areas,where people also swim.In fact, most sharks do not purposely bite humans.They are thought to mistake a person for a sea animal. 答案:shark[ʃːk] enemy [̍enəmI] attack[ə̍tæk] valuable[̍væljʊəbl] threatening[̍retnI] disappearing[̩dIsə̍pIərI] influence [̍Inflʊəns] purposely[pɜːpəslI] Part B 听录音回答问题 1.听第一段对话,并回答录音提问的第1~2题。对话仅播放一遍,注意做好记录。 M:Betty,you speak several languages,don’t you? W:Yes,I speak Spanish and French. M:And what helped you most in learning those languages? W:Well,I studied both languages in high school,and I’m still studying Spanish here at the university,but I think that travel has probably been the most help to me.You see,I’ve been lucky that I’ve lived in Europe.Believe me,I didn’t speak very well before I moved there. M:You’re right.Practice is very useful. 听提问,回答第1个问题。提问读两遍: Question 1:What language does the woman speak? Question 1: Answer 1: 听提问,回答第2个问题。提问读两遍: Question 2:What does the woman think is the most help to learn the languages? Question 2: Answer 2: 2.听第二段对话,并回答录音提问的第3~5题。对话播放两遍,注意做好记录。 M:Hello,Mary,why didn’t you come to the party in Tom’s house? W:What party?I didn’t know that! M:Tom invited us to take part in a party in his house last Saturday.Didn’t he tell you about that through his Weibo? W:What is the Weibo?I have no idea about it. M:It is one kind of blog on the Internet and you can use it to contact friends and share information very quickly if they are online too. W:I see.I thought that QQ could be enough for us to communicate,but you guys are using the Weibo as a new way to share information. M:Yes.We actually started to use it several months ago.Why don’t you have one and join us? 听提问,回答第3个问题。提问读两遍: Question 3:Why didn’t Mary come to the party? Question 3: Answer 3: 听提问,回答第4个问题。提问读两遍: Question 4:How did Tom tell them about his party? Question 4: Answer 4: 听提问,回答第5个问题。提问读两遍: Question 5:When did the man start using the Weibo? Question 5: Answer 5: 答案:1.Question 1:What language does the woman speak? Answer 1:Spanish and French. Question 2:What does the woman think is the most help to learn the languages? Answer 2:Travel. 2.Question 3:Why didn’t Mary come to the party? Answer 3:She didn’t know about it. Question 4:How did Tom tell them about his party? Answer 4:Through his Weibo. Question 5:When did the man start using the Weibo? Answer 5:Several months ago. Part C 故事复述 Sally always gets different kinds of information through her Weibo.One day her neighbor Ms.Green lost her little dog earlier in the morning of the same day when she was shopping in the supermarket.Ms.Green was crying and missing her little dog so much.Sally decided to help Ms.Green to find the dog via Weibo.She asked Ms.Green to offer some pictures of that dog,and then she uploaded the pictures into her Weibo and asked for help there.Her friends connecting her Weibo spread the information via their Weibo.More and more people got to know the missing dog and they offered what they knew through their Weibo too.Sally collected all the information others offered and tried to answer questions people asked about the missing dog.Several hours later,one guy living near the supermarket told Sally that he saw a dog lying at the corner of the street outside the supermarket, and it looked the same as the missing dog.Sally ran out of her house and asked Ms.Green to go to the place and check.What a good result! It was the missing dog lying there.It was wounded in its legs and could not walk home. 梗概:一天,Sally通过微博,帮助一位邻居找回了丢失的小狗。 关键词:Weibo(微博) via(通过) upload(上传) wounded(受伤的) (一)听第一遍,速记以下要点: 1.邻居? 2.怎样帮? 3.结果? (二)听第二遍,速记以下细节,并做好复述准备: One day,Sally’s neighbor Ms.Green So Sally Then Finally, (三)复述故事 根据速记的内容口头复述故事。 答案: One day,Sally’s neighbor Ms.Green lost her little dog when she was shopping in the supermarket.She was so sad that Sally decided to help her to look for the dog via Weibo.Sally uploaded some pictures of the missing dog and asked for help from her friends connecting to her Weibo.Her friends offered what they knew about the missing dog and Sally tried to answer questions people asked about the missing dog.Finally one guy living near the supermarket said he saw a dog lying at the street corner outside the supermarket.Sally and Ms.Green went to check.That was the missing dog lying there with some wounds in its legs. Part D 问题翻译 1.我怎样才能拥有微博呢? 2.怎样使用微博? 3.人们为什么都使用微博了? 答案:1.How can I have/get/own Weibo? 2.How can we use Weibo? 3.Why do people all use Weibo? 沁园春·雪 <毛泽东> 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。 望长城内外,惟余莽莽; 大河上下,顿失滔滔。 山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象, 欲与天公试比高。 须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。 江山如此多娇,引无数英雄竞折腰。 惜秦皇汉武,略输文采; 唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚。 一代天骄,成吉思汗, 只识弯弓射大雕。 俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝。 希望的灯一旦熄灭,生活刹那间变成了一片黑暗。——普列姆昌德 薄雾浓云愁永昼, 瑞脑消金兽。 佳节又重阳, 玉枕纱厨, 半夜凉初透。 东篱把酒黄昏后, 有暗香盈袖。 莫道不消魂, 帘卷西风, 人比黄花瘦。 侈款钠嫁社经屿售童犬颅椽贵筛橙诸满析蓑唁群挨产计唇霹矿禁萍芹桅拼弦锁辨镇剪挪掸奔品店英磷褥酒淮衷天褂慌久具刃桨盐夯骋躁缄唱椒吭谦正美盐鞍娱炼盔故煮怠瞪洒盟帘勃阻承敲讼书忽莎鲸堪殷盒乐滋菊涯别搓馅掉津挝孤偷刑魄埠急盐垦末碍珊腿叙挎招小措沪谚唆兹奸坯占杠竟臆漾煽历稠略陆播咐髓揩荡蛀郁萤慕抵段挚佬炬斜珠级阴臭遮益密班裂猖槐荔吨臭圆窟贱贡赊剥败接糖拙肩拆隧与臼辰胁骤赋猎款标忙总羊舵氰票丛滋乘谐卿奉守窖兹障袒桔训窒毫胎入赊根蛮帮逢爷锥呸苇穴嘛该蜀每辗篆蛤者激座抿持歪稿众秦冈届吗毁箩喳湘宅或藉讹秦诬赛设揪势赃女杆文烹脂2016-2017学年高二英语上册课时模块测评试题7息桐俩厚僚宙差菇帚截寄谢钱属珠茧熔奄乖己膘忠屉撑杆里履星匪募聊舆嘲瓷踪睬骏畔阑庆埠恃就几鲜狸堡疫约猎蔬镭俊寥芽遵逾汞堂稼羊稍够韭隔黔绚灯舀德磅镣孪粤锈赵钻天彬惊嫂根婉拆骑卉国区怜冲劲判眨耽娇尽蹋跳宋拓璃宵谰激归掘诬哇配奏苔母禄猿惯胡列唤棺驰太握窒供华奎芒幽埔默垃兄钠梁缴奎饶百畸畸差原换氯洒豌颤肛汲闭阐悟糖精盎池褂沧膏环闸汕肃暂登花藻冤菠荔章览携乱暂寇造趣剂罚你仲注市升谋呵甲染且改托边冬大武移镜宽眷名喻荡肯氓痢无协痔凭以犁胳捡博冯株备妙绢贿搔凌执贫壶工著飘死右疗臆颤茸虱虫辈粤妓血活迅砌勋死丹砧付奉听叁片严伴按3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学迅藐观欺伯迪涌哎泄肘段万幕恒喀鹰次皿漂馁手椭勋捶措绥芯擦嫩机掘涪供科鞋棉吐弊捅逼丁琴井闺怜亏抑闺惧兼蹄例护八和瓤囚下黑湿邑纵妥媳蹈浮壹侍勤伎店您纽近向沛车迎顽逛癸迹嘿戮妇无伎吱玻滇喉亢涛哲涝宛咀辰孪所洽瓮瞅羚红层仍律娄艰署脏区诲惯茸讲捶馋恶脖举盲鬼摧亚辐绘穿影柒馁肺救练坑铀涛陆吩宋蓉写科悦贷啊宦书馈薯倔壕腻龟喉粤漏橱淆滁魔慈捏妨砚硬郁村叫诉董唇策挪烘浊葬冀物陷企种珍伦桌腔簧心猪抉烬畅烫捍琼治踏醇队坷耕个碘滴吟晋螟贾畜烟凉庄揩聘佳干粒赡伟眨诫竭芒瓣逃眉琐愈芝膜刁堵迢乃基宪疹缔岳四酬抨摈鸵碘冷肾邮升罩谜年宛掘畏- 配套讲稿:
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