1 引言 2002年,教育部首次在《关于积极推进中小学评价与考试制度改革的通知》(教基〔2002〕26号)中提出:“要探索有利于引导学生、教师和学校进行积极的自评与他评的评价方法。”同时提出参与进行学校评价的主体力求多样化的指导意见。 2015年5月4日,教育部下发《教育部关于深入推进教育管办评分离促进政府职能转变的若干意见》(教政法〔2015〕5号),明确部署构建“政府管教育、学校办教育、社会评教育”的格局。按照文件精神,到2020年,我国将基本形成政府依法管理、学校依法自主办学、社会各界依法参与和监督的教育公共治理新格局,为基本实现教育现代化提供重要制度保障。 从《关于积极推进中小学评价与考试制度改革的通知》到《关于深入推进教育管办评分离促进政府职能转变的若干意见》,13年来,高职教育经历了突飞猛进的迅速发展,正在进入量变到质变的全面提升期。当前,第三方人才培养质量评价体系越来越受到社会各方的关注,但是关于高职的第三方人才培养质量评价体系还处于探索阶段。由于缺少第三方教育评价者,这项政策实施还有待进一步研究。解决第三方教育评价的理论和技术问题,为政策全面实施拓展空间,是高职教育研究的一项重要课题。 2 第三方人才培养质量评价是高职人才评价改革的重要方向 现行的高职人才培养质量评价依然延续惯用的上级教育主管部门评估和高职院校自我评价结合的方式。这种评价体系存在不少弊端,比如:评价标准不能灵活兼顾各类专业的特点,形式主义严重;评价结果不能真正体现用人方面和学生方面的意见,脱离社会实际;评价过程缺乏有效的监督,易导致暗箱操作,出现报喜不报忧等遮丑护短现象。随着社会的发展,这种评价机制必须尽快进行改革,而引入第三方人才培养质量评价是高职人才评价改革的重要方向。 1)构建第三方人才培养质量评价体系有利于提高办学透明度,将高职院校置于社会监督之下,促使校方全面客观认识自我,及时发现问题,改进教育方法。 2)构建第三方人才培养质量评价体系有利于学校及时了解社会需求,主动调整专业布局和人才培养方向,服务社会经济发展。 3)构建第三方人才培养质量评价体系为政府部门决策提供了详细的依据,便于制定合理的政策促进高职教育健康发展。 4)构建第三方人才培养质量评价体系是与国外先进的教育评价模式接轨的需要。我国虽然是一个教育大国,但由于各种历史原因,在很多教育实践上落后于西方发达国家,第三方教育评价就是其中之一。引入第三方评价,在实现我国教育实践与国际先进经验接轨方面具有十分重要的意义。 3 行业、企业、毕业生、研究机构等多方协作,构建完善的第三方评价体系 第三方评价是指除教育主管部门和学校外的社会评价,主要包括来自行业、企业、毕业生及其家长、专业研究机构等的评价。第三方评价的特点是评价主体与评价对象无隶属关系,实现管、办、评分离,使得政府、学校、评价机构各司其职,从而发挥其科学、客观评价的功能,使整体教育评价工作朝健康、良性的方向持续发展。 高职第三方人才培养质量评价指标 第三方人才培养质量评价体系中,设计评价指标是关键。评价指标既要体现科学性,又要具备操作性。高职教育水平的评价指标一般包括教育资源、教育方案、教育管理、教育效果四大方面。高职教育必须具备充分的教育资源、合理的教育方案、严格的教学管理,才能取得良好的教育效果。高职第三方人才培养质量评价体系也遵循这四点。表1所示是高职第三方人才培养质量评价指标。 突出行业、企业在第三方评价体系中的主导作用 高职教育强调以就业为导向,以服务社会为目标。行业、企业是高职院校需求的主体。高职办学是否有特色,很大程度上取决于行业的参与度。高职院校的办学思路、专业设置、课程设置都要符合行业企业对高素质技能型人才的具体要求。学校要结合行业企业的职业标准,制订符合职业岗位要求的人才培养方案。行业、企业代表了用人方,在第三方评价体系中必然占据主导地位。行业企业从毕业生的思想修养、专业知识、实践能力、综合素质等方面做出客观评价。另外,毕业生及其家长作为教育亲历者,在第三方评价体系中也有重要的话语权。他们结合学校学习、毕业求职、从业体验三方面的感受,对学校的专业设置、课程设置、教学管理、就业指导各方面进行评价。 构建独立运作的第三方评价机构 “第三方评价”这个概念最早起源于15世纪的欧洲,当时是为了保证产品的质量,后期则向不同的领域扩展和延伸。历经数个世纪的发展,“第三方教育评价”在西方发达国家已经有非常成熟的市场和运行机制。以美国为例,其教育成就是有目共睹的,之所以能取得这样的成就,正是因为美国政府在教育管理中明晰了自己的定位,实现管、教、评分离。通常情况下,在第三方评价体系中,行业企业、毕业生及其家长的评价更多的是一种直观印象式的评价,主观因素难免偏重,缺少专业、系统的分析研究。因此,引入第三方专业机构的评价显得十分必要。独立的第三方机构能够提供真实、客观、准确的评价报告,其评价分析具有较强的社会公信力。第三方评价机构通过对大量的行业企业、毕业生以及相关各方的调查,综合各项数据,进行科学分析,这样得出的评价结果对高职教育教学改革、人才培养方案有更好的参考作用。 4 结语 建立多元和多样性的第三方教育评价机构,既是简政放权的要求,又是推动我国教育评价方式改革的有力措施。今后,教育部门要引导、培育相应的高职人才培养质量第三方评价机构,改革过去多年的教育行政部门既当“运动员”又是“裁判员”的评价模式,从而使我国的高职教育评价体系由单一化向多元化转变。 1 the introduction For the first time in 2002, the ministry of education "about promoting the notice of assessment and examination system reform of primary and secondary schools (teach [2002] 26 date) in the proposed:" to seek to lead to positive self-evaluation of students, teachers and schools evaluation method with him." As the school evaluation and puts forward participation main body of the diversification of the guidance. On May 4, 2015, the ministry of education issued by the ministry of education about deepening education management review of the separation, promote the transformation of government function of several opinions ([2015] no.5) of political science and law, specific deployment build "government education, school education, social education" pattern. According to the file spirit, by 2020, our country will form the government in accordance with the basic management, the school run independently according to law, the social from all walks of life education of public participation and supervision in accordance with the new pattern of governance, provide important system guarantee for basic education modernization. From the "about promoting the notice of assessment and examination system reform of primary and secondary schools to" about deepening education management review of the separation, promote the transformation of government function of several opinions, for 13 years, the rapid development of higher vocational education has experienced a rapid, comprehensive promotion period is entering the quantitative to qualitative changes. At present, the third party personnel training quality evaluation system more and more get the attention of all parties in society, but the third party about higher vocational talents training quality evaluation system is still in the exploratory stage. Due to the lack of third-party evaluators education, carry out the policy remains to be further research. Solve the problem of third party education evaluation theory and technology, to expand the space, the full implementation of the policy is an important hot topic in the field of higher vocational education. 2 the third party personnel training quality evaluation is the important direction of higher vocational talents evaluation reform The current higher vocational talents training quality evaluation is still the continuation of the department in charge of the higher education evaluation is commonly used and the way of the combination of self assessment in higher vocational colleges. This kind of evaluation system exist many drawbacks, such as: flexible evaluation standard can't give attention to both the characteristics of various types of professional, serious formalism; The evaluation results can not truly reflect aspects of choose and employ persons and the opinions of the students, from social practice; Lack of effective supervision and evaluation process, easily lead to manipulation, such as to report good news not suffer modesty justifying a fault phenomenon. With the development of the society, this kind of evaluation mechanism must reform as soon as possible, and the introduction of a third party personnel training quality evaluation is the important direction of higher vocational talents evaluation reform. 1) build a third-party talent training quality evaluation system to improve transparency, to higher vocational colleges under social supervision, encourage the university comprehensive and objective understanding ego, found the problem in time, improve the method of education. 2) build a third-party talent training quality evaluation system is advantageous to the school in a timely manner to understand the social demand, take the initiative to adjust professional layout and direction of talent training, the service of social and economic development. 3) build a third-party talent training quality evaluation system provides detailed basis for the decision-making for the government, to facilitate reasonable policies to promote healthy development of higher vocational education. 4) build a third-party talent training quality evaluation system is with the foreign advanced mode is in line with the needs of the education evaluation. Although China is a education power, but due to various historical reasons, in a lot of education practice behind the western developed countries, the third party education evaluation is one of them. Third party assessment, introduced in education practice in our country and the international advanced experience is of great significance. Three industries, enterprises, graduates and research institutions, such as collaborative, build perfect third-party evaluation system Third-party evaluation is to point to in addition to the education departments and schools of social evaluation, including from industry, enterprise, graduates and their parents, professional research institutions, etc. The characteristics of the third-party evaluation is the evaluation subject and evaluation object without the subordinate relations, realize the tube, office, a review of the separation, to make the government, schools, rating agencies, and the function of the scientific and objective evaluation, make the whole education evaluation work continues to develop in healthy and benign direction. The third party quality personnel training evaluation index Third party personnel training quality evaluation system, the design of evaluation index is the key. Evaluation index to reflect the scientific nature and operability. Higher vocational education level evaluation index generally includes education resources, education plan, education management, education effect four aspects. Higher vocational education must have sufficient education resources, reasonable education plan, strict teaching management, to obtain good education effect. The third party quality evaluation system of personnel training, also follow the four o 'clock. As shown in table 1 is the third-party quality personnel training evaluation index. Highlight the industry, enterprises in the third party evaluation system of leading role Higher vocational education emphasizes the employment as the guidance, to serve the society as the goal. The body of the industry, the enterprise is the needs of higher vocational colleges. Higher vocational education characteristics, largely depends on industry participation. Higher vocational college educational concept, major setting and course setting should be in line with the industry enterprise specific requirements of high-quality skilled personnel. Schools should combine industry enterprise of professional standards, to meet the requirements of professional post the talent training scheme. Industry, enterprises represents the party of choose and employ persons, in the evaluation system of the third party must dominate. Industry enterprises from the ideological cultivation of graduates, professional knowledge, practical ability and comprehensive quality to make objective evaluation. In addition, graduates and their parents as education, in the evaluation system of the third party also has important voice. They combine school, graduate employment and working experience the feeling of the three aspects, the school of professional setting, curriculum setting, teaching management, the evaluation on various aspects of employment guidance. Build independent third-party evaluation institutions "third-party evaluation" originating in Europe in the 15th century, the concept was to ensure that the quality of the products, the late the expansion and extension to different areas. After centuries of development, "third party" education evaluation in the western developed countries have very mature market and operation mechanism. In America, for example, its education achievement is obvious, can such achievements, it is because the U.S. government in education management clear positioning of their own, separate tube, teaching and evaluation. Usually, in third party evaluation system, industry enterprises, the evaluation of graduates and their parents is more of a visual impression of evaluation, subjective factors unavoidably lay particular stress on, lack of professional and systematic analysis and research. Therefore, the introduction of the third-party professional organization evaluation is very necessary. Independent third party institution can provide real, objective and accurate evaluation report, the analysis of evaluation has strong social credibility. Third-party evaluation mechanism based on a large number of industry enterprises, graduates and related parties, integrated data, scientific analysis, so it is concluded that the evaluation results of higher vocational education teaching reform, the talent training scheme has a better reference. 4 conclusion Establish pluralism and diversity of third-party evaluation institutions, education is not only the requirement and to delegate, and promote the effective measures of the reform of education evaluation ways. In the future, the education department to boot, cultivating the corresponding higher vocational talents training quality third-party evaluation institutions, to the administrative department of education reform in the past years as both "athlete" and "the referee" mode of evaluation, makes evaluation system of higher vocational education of our country from simplification to diversification.- 配套讲稿:
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- 高职 人才培养 质量 第三 评价 体系 研究
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