第五节 电气系统工程 5. Electric System Project 1. 电气系统安装工艺流程 Installation process 2. 钢管敷设 Pipe Laying 1) 电线管路明敷设时,固定点间距应均匀,固定点设立见下图: When adopted surface conduit,the distance between fixed points shall be uniform.The fixed points position as follows: 2) 钢管路沿墙明敷设需进入接线盒时,其固定管卡应采用离墙码,以保证管路进入接线盒平直,如下图所示: When the wall-following pipe adopted surface conduit to connect with junction box,the clamp shall use 离墙码 to ensure the pipe horizontal and vertical. 3) 钢管路沿墙明敷设需进入配电箱时,应一孔一管,管道应从配电箱预留敲落孔进入,配管需要煨制灯叉弯或安装支架。不少于两根管路与配电箱连接时,应排列整齐,间距均匀。如下图所示 When the wall-following pipe adopted surface conduit to connect with junction box,it must follow the rule”one hole ,one pipe”.The pipe shall go through the reserved hole to junction box while tubing laying need installing support. When there are more than 2 pipes connected with junction box,those pipes shall be neat and uniform spacing as follows: 4) 钢管连接及接地的各种不同方式见下图: Pipe connecting and grounding in different ways as follows : 3. 桥架安装 Cable Tray Installation a) 槽式水平桥架与支架的横担必须用半圆头的螺栓固定,半圆头向内,以防止螺栓划伤电缆外护层。 Adopting cross-arm cup head bolt to fix support cross-arm on channel tray ,the cup-head side shall be inward in case the bolt will scratch the cable sheath . c) 电缆桥架沿墙垂直安装时,应保证桥架固定牢固,梯架的固定应采用专用压板。如下图。 When install cable tray along wall vertically, make sure that cable tray fixed firmly.Adopting specialized plate pinch to fix cable ladder. d)槽式电缆桥架沿墙安装时,其固定方式应采用支架或半圆头内膨胀螺栓,固定螺栓的螺杆严禁伸进桥架内,如下图: When install channel tray along the wall, adopting support or cup-head expansion bolt to fix. It is forbidden to The screw is strictly forbidden into the cable tray.As follows: e)水平安装电缆桥架应在结构主梁上安装固定支架,在主梁之间平均分派间隔距离安装吊架,支吊架间隔距离应符合1.5~3m的规定。如下图: When install cable tray horizontally ,erect fixed support on main beam. The main beam is divided into uniform spacing on which install the suspended frame.The distance between fixed support and suspended frame shall be 1.5~3m. As follows: f)非镀锌(喷塑、防火)钢制电缆桥架连接时,应在连接板处安装跨接地线,跨接地线安装应注意安装爪型垫圈,以保证接地的电气通路。如下图所示: When install non-galvanized(plastic spray,fireproofing)steel cable tray,laying the ground wire at junction plate,claw washer shall be installed with ground wire to make sure system running normally. h)桥架在穿防火分区时,对桥架与建筑物之间的缝隙做防火解决,防火材料须能防火3小时以上,具体的做法见下图。 When cable tray across the fire compartment,make the fire prevention between cable tray and buildings.The materials shall be fire-proof more than 3 hours.Details as follows: 4. 插接母线安装 Socket Busbar Installation 封闭插接母线安装工艺 Process 安装示意图 Installation Diagram 母线水平段安装图 Horizontal Installation Diagram 母线垂直段安 Vertical Installation Diagram 封闭母线安装工艺 Enclosed Busbar Installing Process 封闭母线水平安装图 Horizontal Installation Diagram 符号说明:Symbol Description: 1-吊杆 Suspender 2-封闭母线 Enclosed Busbar 3-固定夹板 Fixed Clamp 4-热镀锌角钢Galvanized Angle Steel 5-Φ12 镀锌螺栓 Galvanized Bolt 封闭母线垂直安装图 符号说明:Symbol Description 1-封闭母线 Enclosed Busbar 2-母线固定支架 Fixed Support 3-热镀锌槽钢 Hot Galvanized Channel Steel 4-Φ12 膨胀螺栓 Expansion Bolt 5-结构楼板 Structure Floor Slab 6-防火封堵材料 Fire-proofing Sealing Material 7-防水台 Waterproofing Platform 5. 配电相(柜)安装 Installation of Distribution Cabinet 配电箱安装流 Process 安装示意图 Installation Diagram 配电箱安装示意图 Cabinet Installation Diagram 配电箱接管示意图 Pipe Installation Diagram 配电箱安装工艺 Installation Process of Distribution Cabinet 配电箱在混凝土墙上明装 Surface mounted On the Wall 符号说明:Symbol Description 1-支架 Support 2-钢管 Steel Pipe 3-配电箱 Distribution Cabinet 4-接地线 Ground Wire 5-膨胀螺栓 Expansion Bolt 6-墙体 Wall 配电箱进出口安装示意图 Outlet and Inlet Installation Diagram 符号说明:Symbol Description 1-钢管Steel Pipe 2-水泥砂浆填实Cement Mortar Filling 3-配电箱 Distribution Cabinet 4-混凝土墙体Concrete Wall 6. 电缆敷设 Cable Laying 电缆敷设流程 Cable Laying Process 安装示意图 Installation Diagram 竖向电缆敷设 Vertical Cable Laying 横向电缆敷设 Horizontal Cable Laying 电缆安装工艺 Cable Installation Process 卷扬机敷设电缆示意图1 Diagram of Cable Laying by Hoist 符号说明:Symbol Description 1-钢丝绳 Wire Rope 2-膨胀螺栓Expansion Bolt 3-槽钢Channel Steel 4-固定卷扬机用钢丝绳 Hoist Wire Rope 5-卷扬机 Hoist 6-钢丝绳Wire Rope 7-滑轮Sheave 8-导向滑轮Leading Sheave 9-电缆夹具Cable Clamp 10-电缆 Cable 卷扬机敷设电缆示意图2 Diagram of Cable Laying by Hoist 符号说明:Symbol Description 1-钢丝绳 Wire rope 2-膨胀螺栓 Expansion Bolt 3-槽钢 Channel Steel 4-固定卷扬机用钢丝绳 Hoist Wire Rope 5-卷扬机 Hoist 6-钢丝绳 Wire Rope 7-滑轮Sheave 8-导向滑轮Leading Sheave 9-电缆放线架Cable Pay-out Stand 10-电缆盘Cable Reel 11-电缆Cable 12-电缆滑轮Cable Sheave 13-电缆夹具Cable Clamp 7矿物绝缘电缆敷设 Mineral-insulated Cable Laying 7.1电缆敷设 Cable Laying 敷设时应在专用的电缆放线架上进行,拆除包装时必须注意成品保护,以免损伤铜护套,在解决中间接头、终端头时应留有余量。在穿桥架的转角、分支等处,要按照事先排布好的顺序平滑均匀地过渡,避免交叉和重叠。 Cable laying shall proceed on the pay-out stand.In order to avoid damage the copper sheath,be cautious when remove its packing.It is better to reserve spare intermediate joints,and terminal joints.According to arranged orders,make the cable smoothly and evenly across corner, branch of cable tray avoiding crossing and overlapping. 在同一桥架内,同一回路不同相序的电缆应同时敷设,敷设完后应及时将桥架盖板盖好以作保护,防止在其他专业施工过程中电缆被工具、建材碰撞或被焊接火花等击伤、烧伤从而导致电缆外护套的损坏。 In a cable tray, the cable which sequence of the same circuit are different should be laid at the same time. After cable installation ,lay cable tray cover on it in case the damage from other construction process,such as collision by tools and materials ,spark from welding which may destroy cable sheath. 7.2电缆排列 Cable Layout 单芯电缆排列方式 Single Core Cable Layout 单排电缆 Single Row Cable 两路平行电缆 Parallel Cable 7.3电缆的调整 The Adjustment of Cable Laying 在桥架T形弯、L型弯、穿越墙洞、电气竖井、进出配电柜箱等弯曲度大、空间狭小处敷设时要注意敷设时应用力均衡,在解决弯曲处时,要使用厂家配备专用的弯曲工具,按照安装说明的弯曲方法和力度进行冷弯,切不可使用普通工具或人工强行弯曲,以免在操作中损伤电缆铜护套。 When the cable goes through T-shape bend ,L-shape bend,wall opening,shaft,inlet and outlet of distribution cabinet and those narrow and large bending place,maintain an even strength to pull the cable. Using the bend tool provided by manufacture and following the methods on instructions to cold bend the cable.In order to avoiding cable sheath damage,do not use common tools or manual power to bend the cable. 7.4电缆膨胀节设立 Cable Expansion Joint Setting 避免温度变化对电缆产生永久的损伤,在电缆直线敷设超过70m时应在允许的场合设立膨胀环,通常采用S型膨胀环。 To avoid the temperature changing make a permanent damage to cable,after laying cable more than 70 meters,install a cable expansion joint at a suitable place . “S”型膨胀环 S-shape Expansion Joint “Ω”型膨胀环 Ω-Shape Expansion Joint 7.5电缆进箱柜的安装 The cable installation at Cabinet Inlet and Outlet 电缆进配电箱、柜敷设时,当采用黄铜板或铜、铝母线作电缆固定支架时,可不采用接地铜片,但黄铜板或铜、铝母线支架应有可靠的接地。当采用钢支架作电缆固定支架时,则应采用接地铜片。见下图: When laying the cable through distribution cabinet, using brass plate and brass busbar as fixed support which don’t need install grounding copper.But brass plate ,brass busbar shall be grounding reliably.When using steel support as cable fixed support, then need install grounding copper.As follows: 矿物绝缘电缆从封闭的配电柜顶或底进 Mineral-insulated cable through cabinet top or bottom 矿物绝缘电缆从配电柜(箱)上进线或侧进线 Mineral-insulated cable through cabinet by upper wiring pattern or side inlet 矿物绝缘电缆从配电柜(箱)下进线 Mineral-insulated cable through cabinet by lower wiring pattern 1-矿物绝缘电缆(单芯)Mineral-insulated cable(single core) 2-填料函 Stuffing box 3-配电柜或箱壳体;Distribution Cabinet or Tank Enclosure 4-封端;Sealing End 5-导线绝缘套管;Wiring Loom 6-电缆芯线;Cable core 7-黄铜板 Brass Plate(2-4mm); 8-镀锌螺栓、螺母、垫圈;Galvanized bolts, nuts, washers 9-电缆固定及接地支架;Cable fix and ground support 10-配电柜内的固定支架;Fixed support inside cabinet 11-矿物绝缘电缆(多芯);Mineral insulated cable (Multicore) 12-接地铜片 The grounding copper 8灯具安装 Lamp Installation 灯具安装工艺流程 Lamp Installation Process 安装示意图 Installation Diagram 灯具检查 灯具组装 灯具安装 通电试运营 符号说明:Symbol Description 1-吊顶龙骨 Ceiling joist 2-接线盒 Junction box 3-电线管 Wiring tube 4-荧光灯 fluorescent lamp 5-吊杆 Suspender 6-单边管卡Unilateral pipe clamp 嵌入式荧光灯安装图 Embedded fluorescent lamp installation 符号说明:Symbol Description 1- 内胀栓 Inner expansion bolt 2- 2-接线盒Junction box 3- 3-吊杆suspender 4- 4-金属软管 Metal hose 5- 5-筒灯Down lamp 6- 6-吊顶龙骨 Ceiling joist 7- 7-楼板 Floor slab 筒灯嵌入式安装图 工艺流程: Process 检查灯具 组装灯具 灯具绝缘检查 灯具安装 材料规定: Materials Requirement: 灯具的型号、规格必须符合设计规定和国家标准的规定。灯内配线严禁外露,灯具配件齐全,无机械损伤、变形、油漆脱落,灯罩破裂等现象。所有的灯具应有产品合格证。 The lamp type and specification shall comply with the design requirement and national standard.The wire lamp must not reveal outside.The lamp accessory shall be fully equipped.Make sure no mechanical damage,deformation,paint off or crack on lamp cover.All lamp should have a quality certificate. 质量规定及安装方法: Quality Requirement and Installing Method 明装灯具的安装应符合下列规定: Surface mounted lamps shall comply with the requirements as follows: 同一室内或同一场合成排安装的灯具,其中心线偏差不应大于5mm。 The center line of lamp row which located in same room shall not have 5mm deviation. 灯具固定应牢固可靠。每个灯具固定用的螺钉或螺栓不应少于2个。 The lamp shall be fixed reliably.At least 2 bolts or screws shall be used for fixing lamp. 公共场合用的应急照明灯和疏散指示灯,应有明显的标志,必需符合消防验收规范的验收规定。 Emergency and escape illumination in public shall be clearly marked which need satisfy the acceptance requirement of firefighting. 嵌入顶棚内的装饰灯具的安装应符合下列规定: Embedded lamp on the ceiling shall comply with requirements as follows: 灯具应固定在专设的框架上,导线不应贴近灯具外壳,且灯盒内应留有余量,灯具的边框应紧贴在顶棚饰面上。 Lamp shall be fixed on the special frame.Wire shall not be close to lamp shell.The lamp frame shall be close to the ceiling decoration. 矩形灯具的边框宜与顶棚面的装饰直线平行,其偏差不应大于5mm。 The frame of rectangular lamp shall be parallel to decoration line of ceiling .The deviation shall not exceed 5mm. 日光灯管组合的启动式灯具,灯管排列应整齐,其金属或塑料的间隔片不应扭曲等缺陷。The open type lamp consists of fluorescent tubes. The tubes arrangement shall be neat and its metal and plastic spacing piece shall not be distorted. 照明装置不得用作电路布线的转接盒。 The illumination device shall not be used as interconnecting device for circuit wiring. 9. 开关插座安装 Switch Socket Installation 开关插座安装工艺流程 Process 安装示意图 Installation Diagram Clean up junction box wiring Install switch socket Power-on test 工艺流程: Process Clean up Wiring Panel-mount Power-on test 材料规定: Materials requirement: 开关、插座应有合格证、“ccc”认证标志和认证证书复印件。 Switch socket with quality certificate,CCC certification mark and certificate copy. 质量规定及施工方法: Quality requirement and installation procedures. 清理:用錾子轻轻地将盒子内残存的灰块剔掉,同时将其他杂物一并清出盒外,再用湿布将盒内灰尘擦净。 Clean up:use chisel to slightly remove the dust inside box and clean up the box with a wet cloth. 导线连接: Wire joining 开关接线: Switch wiring 同一场合的开关切断位置应一致,且操作灵活,接点接触可靠。 Cut-off position of switch should be consistent in the same place with flexible and reliable operation. 电器、灯具的相线必须经开关控制。 Phase line of appliance ,lamp shall be controlled by switch 插座接线: Socket wiring 单相两孔插座、单相三孔插座,面对插座的右孔与相线连接,左孔与零线连接;面对插座的右孔与相线连接,左孔与零线连接,接地或接零线接在上孔。插座的接地端子不与零线端子连接。 About single phase,2 holes socket, the hole on the right connects with phrase line .The hole on the left connects with null line. About the single phase ,3holes socket,the hole on the right shall connect with phrase line ,The hole on the left connects with null line. The upper hole connects with null line or earth wire.Earthing connector of socket will not connect to neutral connector 接地或接零线在插座间严禁串联连接。 It is strictly prohibited to use series connection to connect earth wire or null wire on socket. 面板安装: Panel Installation 安装前准备:先将盒内甩出的导线留出维修长度,削去绝缘层,注意不要碰伤线芯。将导线按顺时针方向盘绕在开关、插座相应的接线柱上,然后旋紧压头,插接端子,将线芯直接插入接线孔内,再用顶丝将其压紧。注意线芯不得外露。 Pre-installation preparation: Reserve a certain length of wire for maintenance,remove the insulation ,do not damage wire core.coil the wire core around binding post in the clockwise direction,and then tighten the wire head,connecting terminal connector.Inserting the wire core into wiring hole,and tighten the connection by jack-screw .Do not expose the wire core. 导线连接完后将开关、插座面板推入接线盒内(假如盒子深度大于2.5cm时,应加装套盒),对正盒眼,用机螺丝固定牢固。固定期要使面板端正,并与墙面严密、平齐。 After connecting wire,Push socket and panel into junction box(if the junction box depth exceeds 2.5cm,a box cover shall be installed)and align the holes,fix them tightly with machine screw to make sure the panel upright , align with the wall . 并列及成排安装的面板高度应一致,并列面板高低差不大于0.5mm,成排的高低差不大于1mm。 The panels installed parallel or in rows shall have the same height. High difference of parallel panels shall not exceed 0.5mm and high difference of panels in rows shall not exceed 1mm. 同一室内安装的面板高低差不应大于4mm。 High difference between panels shall not exceed 4mm in the same room. 并列安装 独立安装 面板的垂直允许偏差不大于0.5mm。 The vertical allowable deviation can not exceed 0.5mm \ 10防雷接地、保护接地系统 Lightning protection and safety ground system 引下线安装 避雷带安装 接地电阻测试 接地装置 工艺流程:Process: Grounding Device --- Downlead Installation---Lightning Protection Installation ---Grounding Resistance Test 本建筑防雷接地与强、弱电接地等共用接地装置,规定接地电阻不大于0.5Ω。如若不能满足规定,应增打接地极 ,直至接地电阻符合规定,同时作好测试记录报监理、甲方、防雷检测所备案。 The lightning protection grounding of this building shares the same grounding system with strong,weak current grounding .According to requirement, the grounding resistance shall not exceed 0.5Ω.If it cant satisfied the requirement ,the grounding electrode shall be increased and the test record shall be made and submitted to supervisor ,owner . 接地装置安装 Grounding System Installation 运用结构基础梁、底板内两根不小于Φ16主筋焊接成网状作为接地装置。 Making use of 2 main steel bars inside structure foundation beam and base plate which size is not less than Φ16 ,and welded into a mesh as grounding system. 避雷引下线 Lightning Protection Downlead 运用结构柱或墙内不小于φ10的竖向主筋贯通焊接,上端升出女儿墙与避雷带焊接,下端与接地系统焊接。焊接时双面施焊,规定焊缝饱满,不得有夹渣咬肉等缺陷,焊接后清除干净药皮。其做法如下: Making use of steel bars inside structural columns and walls which size is not less than φ10,and welding with main bars.The upper end of steel bars which spread out of parapet shall be welded with lightning protection .The lower end shall be welded with grounding system.While welding,it requires double-sided welding,and welding seam integrity without serious weld defects .After welding,clean the surface . as follows: 由于结构柱内主筋采用不小于φ10钢筋,所以避雷引下线运用结构柱内两根对角主筋或钢结构钢柱引下。本工程地下部分共设17处避雷引下点,地上部分共设48处避雷引下点。 Due to the size of main steel bars inside column is not less than φ10. So the lightning protection downlead adopts 2 main steel bars or column of steel structure as the downlead.There are 17 lightning protection downlead on the underground part of this project and 48 lightning protection downlead above the underground part. 柱内两根对角主筋在每层用φ10圆钢连接,并用黄色油漆做好标记,以便检查和引出。在柱子上端预埋100X100X8的镀锌钢板,用于柱子内主钢筋与屋顶避雷网连接的转换。 On each floor ,adopting φ10 round steel bar to connect with diagonal main steel bars inside column and mark the steel bar with yellow paint for easy check and bring it out.Embed 100X100X8 galvanized steel plate in the top of column which us- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 电气 系统 施工 措施
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