本页为作品封面,下载后可以自由编辑删除,欢迎下载!!! 精 品 文 档 1 【精品word文档、可以自由编辑!】 新能源科学与工程专业人才培养方案 Undergraduate Program for New Energy Science and Engineering Major 学科门类 工学 代码 08 Discipline Type: 工学 Code: 08 专业类 能源动力类 代码 0805 Type: Energy and Power Code: 0805 专业名称 新能源科学与工程 代码 080503T Title of the Major: New Energy Science and Engineering Code: 080503T 一、学制与学位 Length of Schooling and Degree 学制:四年 Duration:Four years 学位:工学学士 Degree:Bachelor of Engineering 二、培养目标 Educational Objectives 本专业培养基础扎实、知识面宽、能力强、素质高,具有较强实践能力和良好发展潜力的新能源领域高级专门人才。 风力发电方向的学生毕业后能够从事风电场的规划、设计、施工、运行与维护,风力发电机组设计与制造,风能资源测量与评估,风力发电新技术开发等风能与动力工程领域的技术与管理工作,并能从事新能源相关领域的专门技术工作。 生物质能方向的学生毕业后可在大型现代化电力及能源企业、新能源发电设备制造企业、能源与环保企业从事生产、经营和管理工作;或在各级政府部门及事业单位从事生物质能、电力、节能、环保等方面的规划、设计、建设、运营、咨询和监管等工作;也可在科研院所、大专院校从事生物质高效转化及清洁利用领域的科研、技术开发和教学等工作。 光伏发电方向的学生毕业后能胜任太阳电池设计与制造、光伏系统设计、光伏电站规划、设计、施工、运行与维护以及太阳能发电新技术开发等方面的技术与管理工作,并能从事其它相关领域的专门技术工作。 The graduates of wind energy & power engineering may find engineering or managerial positions in wind energy & power engineering (WEPE) for wind power plant planning, design, construction, operation and management, wind turbine generator system design and manufacturing, wind resources measurement and assessment, wind power new technology design, etc. They can also undertake the professional posts in other fields. The students of this major are educated into professionals of new energy level with strong foundations, broad knowledge scopes, strong practical abilities, and great potentials. The graduates of biomass energy can undertake production, operation and management works for Large-scale Modern Power and Energy Enterprise, Power Equipment Manufacturing Enterprise, and Energy Environmental Protection Enterprise, undertake planning, design, building, consultation and supervision works of biomass energy, power, energy conservancy and environment protection for institutions and government agencies at all levels, and undertake teaching, scientific research and technology development work. The graduates of Photovoltaic Power Generation may find engineering or management positions in photovoltaic field for solar cell design and fabrication, photovoltaic system design, and photovoltaic power station design, construction, operation and management, solar power new technology exploitation, etc. They can also undertake the professional posts in other related fields. 三、专业培养基本要求 Skills Profile 1.具有扎实的自然科学基础,良好的政治理论基础,较好的人文、艺术、社会科学基础; 2.较系统地掌握本专业领域宽广的理论基础知识,本专业的生物质能方向主要包括工程热力学、工程流体力学、传热学、生物化学、工业微生物学等基础知识,光伏发电方向主要包括物理化学、固体物理、量子力学、无机化学、有机化学、无机非金属材料科学基础、电工技术基础、电子技术基础、控制工程等基础知识,风力发电方向主要包括工程力学、工程图学、空气动力学、机械设计、电工学、控制理论、管理学等基础知识; 3.具有本专业领域所必须的专业知识,生物质能方向包括生物质生物转化技术、生物质热化学转化技术、反应工程、锅炉原理、汽轮机原理等,光伏发电方向的太阳电池物理、太阳电池材料与器件、太阳电池材料测试分析、光伏系统的设计、光伏电站设计、运行与控制等,风力发电方向的风力发电原理、风电机组设计与制造、风电场电气部分、风电场运行与控制、风力发电项目开发等,了解本学科发展趋势; 4.本专业的生物质能方向还应具备理论力学、材料力学、工程图学、机械设计等方面的基础知识;光伏发电方向还应了解太阳能发电科学技术发展,具有较强的分析和解决工程实际问题的能力,有较强的计算机应用能力;风力发电方向还应熟悉国家关于风力发电工程建设和管理的方针、政策和法规,具有较强的计算机应用能力; 5.掌握一门外语,具有听、说、写、译的基础,能顺利阅读本专业外文书刊; 6.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有较强的自学能力、研究开发能力、创新意识、组织管理能力和较高的综合素质。 1.Solid foundations in natural science, basic knowledge on politics, literature, art and social science; 2.Systemic understanding of foundamental knowledge of this major, minor in biomass energy including Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Biochemistry and Industrial Microbiology; minor in Photovoltaic Power Generation including Physical Chemistry, Solid State Physics B, Quantum Mechanics, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Non-metallic Material Science Foundation, Fundamentals of Electro Techniques, Fundamentals of Electronics, Automation Engineering; minor in Wind Energy & Power Engineering including engineering mechanics, engineering drawing, airdynamics, mechanical design, Electrotechnics, control theory, management;. 3. Systemic understanding of the professional knowledge of New Energy Science and Engineering, minor in biomass energy including Biomass Biotransformation Technology,Biomass Thermochemical Transformation Technology, Reaction Engineering, Principles of Steam Boiler and Steam Turbine Principles; minor in Photovoltaic Power Generation including Physics of Solar Cells, Solar Cell Materials and devices, Analytical Method of Photovoltaic Materials, Design of Photovoltaic System, Design, Operation and Control of Photovoltaic Power Station, also familiar with the modern tendency knowledge in solar energy power generation; minor in Wind Energy & Power Engineering including including engineering mechanics, engineering drawing, airdynamics, mechanical design, Electrotechnics, control theory, management, etc. 4. Minor in biomass energy possesses the basic knowledge in Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Engineering Graphics and Machine Design; minor in Photovoltaic Power Generation understanding of the trend and developing current stage of solar energy power generation technology, skills of experimenting in solar energy power generation research; Skills of analyzing and solving engineering problems; Excellent basic training in compute application; minor in solar energy power generation should familiar with the policies and codes concerning the construction and management of the wind power engineering in China and have strong ability of using computers. 5. Master a foreign language and could be listening, speaking, writing and translating, have the ability of reading foreign books and periodicals freely in solar energy power generation. Basic skills for literature and information search, strong self-learning ability, innovation consciousness, ability of organizing and management, and high comprehensive diathesis. 四、学时与学分 Hours and Credits 类 别 Category 学 时 Hours 学 分 Credits 比 例 Percentage 合 计 理论 课程 Theory course 必修课 Required course 公共基础Public infrastructure 生物质能方向 1118 70.5 54.6% 100% 光伏发电方向 55.5% 风力发电方向 54.87% 学科专业基础Basis of Major 生物质能方向 616 38.5 30.2% 光伏发电方向 640 40 31.5% 风力发电方向 688 43 33.46% 专业Major course 生物质能方向 304 19 15.2% 光伏发电方向 264 16.5 13% 风力发电方向 240 15 11.67% 必修课小计Subtotal of required courses 生物质能方向 2038 128 84.9% 100% 光伏发电方向 2022 127 84.7% 风力发电方向 2046 128.5 84.82% 专业选修课Specialty elective course 生物质能方向 208 13 8.7% 光伏发电方向 8.7% 风力发电方向 8.58% 公共选修课Public electives course 生物质能方向 160 10 6.4% 光伏发电方向 6.6% 风力发电方向 6.6% 理论课程小计Subtotal of theory course 生物质能方向 2406 148.5 74.8% 100% 光伏发电方向 2390 150 75.8% 风力发电方向 2414 151.5 75.94% 单独开设的实践教学环节Separate Practical training 生物质能方向 47 23.7% 光伏发电方向 45 22.7% 风力发电方向 45 22.56% 课外能力素质学分Ability and quality of extra-curricular 3 1.5% 总 计Subtotal 生物质能方向 2406 198.5 光伏发电方向 2390 198 风力发电方向 2414 199.5 五、专业核心课程 Main Courses 生物质能方向:无机化学、有机化学、生物化学、工业微生物学、传热学、工程热力学、工程流体力学、工程制图、机械设计基础、电工技术基础、生物质生物转化技术、生物质热化学转化技术、反应工程、锅炉原理、汽轮机原理等。 Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Industrial Microbiology, Heat Transfer, Engineering Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Graphics, Fundamentals of Machinery Design, Fundamentals of Electro Techniques, Biomass Biotransformation Technology,Biomass Thermochemical Transformation Technology, Reaction Engineering, Principles of Steam Boiler, Steam Turbine Principles, etc. 光伏发电方向:物理化学、固体物理B、量子力学、无机化学、有机化学、无机非金属材料科学基础、电工技术基础、电子技术基础、控制工程,太阳电池物理、太阳电池材料与器件,太阳电池材料测试分析,光伏电站设计、运行与控制等。 Physical Chemistry, Solid State Physics B, Quantum Mechanics, Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Inorganic Non-metallic Material Science Foundation, Fundamentals of Electro Techniques, Fundamentals of Electronics, Automation Engineering, Physics of Solar Cells, Solar Cell Materials and devices, Analytical Method of Photovoltaic Materials, Design, Operation and Control of Photovoltaic Power Station, etc. 风力发电方向:工程图学、理论力学、材料力学、风力机空气动力学、电路、电机学、电子技术基础、自动控制理论、金属工艺学、机械设计基础、机械制造技术基础、风力发电原理、风电机组设计与制造、风电机组检测与控制、风电场电气工程、风力发电场等。 Engineering Drawing, Theoretical Mechanics, Mechanics of Materials, Aerodynamics of Wind Turbine, Circuit Theory,Electrical Machinery, Fundamentals of Electronics,Automatic Control Theory , Metal Technology, Fundamentals of Machinery Design, Fundamentals of Machinery Manufacturing, Principle of Wind Power Generation, Design and Manufacturing of WTGS, Monitoring and Control of WTGS, Electrical Engineering in Wind Power Plant, Wind Power Plant, etc. 六、总周数分配 Arrangement of the Total Weeks 学期 Semester 教学环节 Teaching Program 一 二 三 四 五 六 七 八 合计 理论教学 Theoretic Teaching 生物质能方向 16 16 17 17 16 16 15 113 光伏发电方向 16 16 16 16 17 16 17 114 风力发电方向 16 16 17 16 17 16 12 110 复习考试 Review and Exam 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 13 集中进行的实践环节 Intensive Practical Training 生物质能方向 3 2 2 1 3 4 2 19 36 光伏发电方向 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 19 35 风力发电方向 3 2 2 2 2 2 7 19 39 小 计 Subtotal 20 20 21 20 21 20 21 19 162 寒 假 Winter Vacation 5 5 5 5 20 暑 假 Summer Vacation 6 6 6 18 合 计 Total 25 26 26 26 26 26 26 19 200 新能源科学与工程专业必修课教学进程 Table of Teaching Schedule for Required Course 类 别 课程编号 课 程 名 称 学 分 总学时 课内学时 实验学时 上机学时 课外学时 开课学期 公 共 基 础 教 育 00701351 思想道德修养与法律基础 Ideology and Moral Cultivation & Law Basis 3 48 32 16 2 00700972 中国近代史纲要 Chinese Modern and Contemporary History Outline 2 32 24 8 1 00700981 毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论 Introduction of Mao Tse-Toung's Thoughts and Chinese Characteristic Socialism Theories System 6 96 64 32 3 00700971 马克思主义基本原理 Marxism Basic Principle 3 48 32 16 4 00701650 形势与政策 Current Affair and Policy 2 32 32 01000010 体育(1) Physical Culture (1) 2 30 30 1 01000020 体育(2) Physical Culture (2) 2 30 30 2 01000030 体育(3) Physical Culture (3) 2 30 30 3 01000040 体育(4) Physical Culture (4) 2 30 30 4 00900130 高等数学B(1) Advanced Mathematics B(1) 5.5 90 90 1 00900140 高等数学B(2) Advanced Mathematics B(2) 6 96 96 2 00900111 概率论与数理统计B Probability and Mathematical Statistics B 3.5 56 56 4 00900050 大学物理(1) College Physics (1) 4 64 64 2 00900060 大学物理(2) College Physics (2) 2.5 40 40 3 00800050 大学英语1级 College English Band 1 4 60 60 1 00800070 大学英语2级 College English Band 2 4 64 64 2 00800080 大学英语3级 College English Band 13 4 64 64 3 00800090 大学英语4级 College English Band 4 4 64 64 4 00600750 信息技术基础 Fundamentals of Information Technology 2.5 40 40 20 1 00900462 线性代数 Linear Algebra 3 48 48 3 00600200 高级语言程序设计(C)Advanced Language Programming (C) 生物质能 3.5 56 56 26 1 光伏发电 3 风力发电 1 专 业 基 础 教 育 1(生物质能) 01501160 新能源科学与工程导论(生物质能) Introduction to New Energy 0.5 8 8 1 00600230 工程制图 Engineering Graphics 3.0 48 48 1 01500450 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry 3.0 48 48 1 01500460 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 3.0 48 48 2 00300621 机械设计基础B Fundamentals of Machinery Design B 3.0 48 48 5 00300440 工程流体力学A Fluid Mechanics A 4.5 72 72 6 3 00300460 工程热力学 Engineering Thermodynamics 4.5 72 72 6 3 01500500 生物化学 Biochemistry 3.0 48 48 4 00300431 工程力学 B Engineering Mechanics B 3.0 48 48 4 4 00300160 传热学 Heat Transfer 4.5 72 72 6 4 01500580 工业微生物学 Industrial Microbiology 2.5 40 40 5 00200130 电工技术基础 Fundamentals of Electro Techniques 4.0 64 64 14 5 专 业 基 础 教 育 2(光伏发电) 01500450 无机化学 Inorganic Chemistry 3 48 48 1 01500460 有机化学 Organic Chemistry 3 48 48 2 00600230 工程制图 Engineering Graphics 3 48 48 1 00200130 电工技术基础 Fundamentals of Electro Techniques 4 64 64 14 4 00500160 电子技术基础 B Fundamentals of Electronics B 4 64 64 14 5 01501330 固体物理B Solid State Physics B 4 64 64 5 01500480 物理化学A (1) Physical Chemistry 3 48 48 3 01500490 物理化学A (2) Physical Chemistry 3 48 48 4 00900240 量子力学 Quantum Mechanics 3 48 48 4 01501170 无机非金属材料科学基础Inorganic non-metallic material science foundation 4 64 64 5 01500850 控制工程 Automation Engineering 4 64 64 5 专 业 基 础 教 育 3(风力发电) 00302030 理论力学A Theoretical Mechanics A 4 64 64 3 00300111 材料力学B Mechanics of Materials B 4 64 64 4 4 00200490 电路理论B Circuit Theory B 5 80 80 3 00200161 电机学(1) Electrical Machinery(1) 4.5 72 72 4 00200171 电机学(2) Electrical Machinery(2) 1.5 24 24 5 00500160 电子技术基础B Fundamentals of Electronics B 4 64 64 14 5 00301720 风力机空气动力学 Aerodynamics of Wind Turbine 4 64 64 4 5 00600210 工程图学B(1) Engineering Drawing and CAD B(1) 3.5 56 56 1 00600220 工程图学B(2) Engineering Drawing and CAD B(2) 2 32 32 2 00301680 机械制造概论 Introduction to Manufacturing 2 32 32 3 00300490 公差与金属材料Tolerance and Metallic Materials 1.5 24 24 3 00300610 机械设计基础A * Fundamentals of Machinery Design A* 4 64 64 6 4 00400500 自动控制理论B Automatic Control Theory B 3 48 48 5 专业教育1(生物质能) 00300530 锅炉原理 Principles of Steam Boiler 4.5 72 72 8 5 01500830 反应工程 Reaction Engineering 4.0 64 64 6 00300800 汽轮机原理 Steam Turbine Principles 4.5 72 72 8 6 01500840 生物质生化转化技术 Biomass Biotransformation Technology 3.0 48 48 6 01500680 生物质热化学转化技术 Biomass Thermochemical Transformation Technology 3.0 48 48 7 专 业 教 育2(光伏发电) 01501180 专业英语阅读(光伏) Professional English Reading 2 32 32 6 01501190 太阳电池材料与器件(1)Solar Cell Materials and devices 3.5 56 56 5 01501200 太阳电池材料与器件(2) Solar Cell Materials and devices 3.5 56 56 6 6 01501210 太阳电池物理 Physics of Solar Cell 4 64 64 6 01501220 太阳电池材料测试分析 Analytical Method of Photovoltaic Materials 2.5 40 40 6 7 01501230 光伏电站设计、运行与控制 Design,Operation and Control of Photovoltaic Power Station 3 48 48 7 专业教育3(风力发电) 00301730 风力发电原理Principle of Wind Power Generation 2 32 32 4 5 00301762 风电机组设计与制造 Design and Manufacturing of WTGS 3.5 56 56 4 6 01501240 风电场电气工程 Electrical Engineering in Wind Power Plant-1 3 48 48 8 6 00301751 风电机组监测与控制 Monitoring and Control of WTGS 3 48 48 4 7 01501250 风力发电场Wind Power Plant 3.5 56 56 8 6 必修课小计 Subtotal of Required Courses 生物质能方向 128 2038 1934 52 54 104 光伏发电方向 127 2022 1918 40 54 104 风力发电方向 128.5 2046 1942 56 54 104 新能源科学与工程专业选修课教学进程 Table of Teaching Schedule for Elective 1.专业选修(至少13学分) Electives in Specialty (at least 13 credits) 组别 课程编号 课 程 名 称 学 分 总 学 时 课 内 学 时 实 验 学 时 上 机 学 时 课 外 学 时 开课 学期 课程 模块 选课 要求 1 01500060 可再生能源概论 Introdu- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 新能源 科学 工程 专业人才 培养 方案
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