重庆科技有限公司 生产过程管理程序 Production Management Procedure 文件编号 No:VW-SP-008 版本号 Version No:A/0 Page 第 20 页 共 20 页 版本修订历史记录 版本号 修订内容 修订者 修订时间 A/0 第一次下发 余 洋 2015.3.4 文件涉及部门评审会签栏 □生产部 □品质部 □工程部 □研发部 □采购部 □销售部 □客服部 □人力行政 □计划部 □财务部 □文控中心 □仓储部 □国际贸易 文 件 签 核 栏 拟 制 审 核(ISO) 审 核 批 准 姓 名 职 务 签 名 日 期 1. 目的 Objective 规范生产运作程序,提高生产效率,使产品安全、合法以及质量随时随地得到有效控 制,保证产品准时出货。 To regulate the production operation procedure and improve production efficiency to ensure the products safety, legality and quality can be controlled efficiently and to ensure the products can be delivered on time. 2. 适用范围 Applicable Scope 适用于本公司生产部来料投入至成品入库全过程。 Be applied to the production process from preparing the materials to warehousing the finished products. 3. 职责Responsibilities 3.1. 计划部负责制定《生产计划》,下发《生产任务单》给生产部。 PMC is responsible for making the <production plan> and distributing <production task notice> to production department. 3.2. 生产部每日实行自检、互检制度,负责制程生产的实施与控制。 Production department shall implement self-inspection and mutual inspection everyday and implement and control the production process. 3.3. 品质部负责产品合法性的确认、质量和安全等整个生产过程品质的监控与跟踪。 Quality department shall confirm the product legality, and monitor and follow the product quality and safety in the production process. 3.4. 工程部负责全过程的相关工艺及工装治具的管理、相关仪器的设备校准等。 Engineering department shall manage the related production process and tools used in the production, and calibrate the related equipments. 3.5. 仓库负责全过程的材料(包括辅料、工具)发放及成品保管。 The warehouse shall provide all materials used in the production, including auxiliary materials and tools and keep the finished products. 3.6. 文控中心负责及时发放及通知相关产品生产工艺文件。 DCC shall distribute the related product production process documents timely. 3.7. 人事行政部负责人员的招聘与培训安排。 Personnel administration department is responsible for personnel recruitment and training arrangement. 4. 程序内容 Procedure Contents 4.1. 生产前准备 production preparation. 4.1.1.计划部下《生产任务单》到生产部,生产主管或部长根据当时生产现状进行适当安 排,生产拉长接到生产任务单时,及时进行相关资源计划,例如人员培训、人员安排调配等事项。 The PMC shall send the <production task notice> to production department, production director or production department chief shall arrange the production based on the current production conditions. The production line leader shall plan the related resources, such as the employee training, the employee arrangement, etc. after received the production order. 4.1.2.生产文员将文控中心所发放的相关产品工艺文件(包括:作业指导书、工艺流程图 等)进行登记、保管,同时通知生产线拉长. Production clerk shall register and keep the related production process documents (including SOP,process flow chart and so on) distributed by the DCC and inform the production line leader. 4.1.3.生产拉长根据计划开工日期安排领料员及时根据:整机系列:计划物控提供领料单,生产物料员根据《生产领料单》进行订单套料领取。由计划物控根据最新制单、 计划主管或部长审核批准后方可生效。电源系列、板卡系列、所有执行 ECN 物料,均 由计划物控进行系统处理后,生产物料员直接按生产任务单上提供的相关任务单号, 由生产部条形码打印员直接进入 K3 系统打单领料。生产领料员凭《生产领料单》直 接到相关 仓管员处进行物料领取,物料领到产线后,按套料物料类型放到指定的区域 (如包材放置区;LCD 屏放置区;组装物料区等),并作好防护,防碰撞,防 ESD 和标示等 处理具体按《搬运作业实施细则》。 Whole machine series: The production line leader shall arrange the material handler to get the sets of materials according to the <materials requisition note> provided by PMC based on the production plan. The <materials requisition note> can be taken into effect after approved by PMC director or department chief. For the power supply, PCB and all ECN material, after system processed by PMC control, production material personnel shall used the related task number provided in the <production task note> to ask the bar code printer to print the note in K3 system and get the material. Production material handler shall get the material from the related warehouse keeper based on the <material requisition note>, the materials shall be placed in the designated area of the production line by its type (e.g. packing material area, LCD screen area, assembly material area) and be protected well, refer to <handling operations rules> 4.1.4. 生产线拉长向文员领取全套作业文件:作业指导书、BOM、相关检验标准或规范、委 外加工工艺要求、工程变更通知(如果有)。 Production line leader shall gain the total work documents from the clerk, including the work instruction, BOM, related inspection standards or regulations, outsourcing process technology requirements, Engineering Change Notice( if there are any). 4.1.5. 老产品由生产线拉长依相应的作业指导书、相关检验标准或规范对作业人员进行讲解 培训后,直接上线作业。其培训内容必需 包含所生产产品的注意事项、品质、安全 等方面。 For the old product, the production line leader will train the operators with the related SOP and related inspection standards or regulations, and the operators shall start working. The training contents must include the producing product precautions, quality, safety, and so on. 4.1.6. 新产品生产前由工程部 IE 给相关拉长、领班、物料员、作业员等培训作业方法与注 意事项,同时生产部拉长需提前一小时通知相关部门主管及相关项目工程师到达生产 现场协助指导作业 For the new product, the IE of the engineering department shall train the related production line leader, leader, the material management personnel and the operators of the work methods and precautions. The production line leader shall inform the related department chiefs and related project engineers one hour in advance to come to the production site to assist. 4.1.7. 生产线主管部长根据计划员提供的日《生产计划》进行生产安排,拉长负责将排定 的产线状况分配落实。 Production line director shall arrange the production according to the daily <production plan> provided by the planner, and the production line leader shall arrange the production line distribution. 4.1.8. 工程部 TE 人员根据日《生产计划》及工程 IE 提供的相对应 SOP 对所生产的机型进 行排线(工治具的摆放、调试、点检等),生产线根据生产情况安排相关人员协助。 The TE of the engineering department shall arrange the production line for the machine (including the tools placing, debugging, point inspection, etc.) according to the daily <production plan> and the corresponding SOP provided by the IE, the related personnel shall be arranged to assist according to the production status. 4.1.9. 产品生产前 1 小时,拉长需安排生产物料员按生产线当天的需求量,将标示正确的 套料备送到生产线相对应的工站(以 BOM 为核对依据),在储存运输途中必须采取物 料安全防护措施,以避免生产材料受损或受污染。 One hour before the production, the line leader shall arrange the production material management personnel to send the correct materials to the corresponding work station in the production line (refer to the BOM) according to the requirement of the production line on that day, the material safety protection actions must be taken in the storage transportation avoid damage or pollution. 4.1.10. 因物料紧缺、品质异常、设备故障、人员缺乏等原因影响计划进度时,拉长必须将 停线时间、人数、原因、临时对策等填写在《异常工时单》上,上交部门主管判定责 任归属,后交于品质 IPQC 确认情况是否属实,具体按异常工时处理,同时通知计划 部,依据《应急准备及响应管理程序》进行。 If the production schedule is delayed by the material shortage, quality nonconformities, equipment failure or employee shortage, etc., the production line leader must fill the downtime, number of people reasons and temporary measure in the < production work time waste records > and submit it to the department director to judge the responsibility attribution of responsibility and then submit it to IPQC to confirm if the circumstance is true, and inform PMC, refer to <contingency plan management procedure>. 4.2. 生产现场控制。Production Site Control 4.2.1. 拉长和领班、物料员应提前 10 分钟到达生产现场,提前准备相关上班之前工作、做 好员工早会内容。 The production line leader, foreperson, material management personnel shall arrive at the production site ten minutes ahead to prepare the production and morning meeting 4.2.2. 员工上午需至少提前 10 分钟到达生产现场(参加日生产早例会)、下午至少提前 5 分钟到达生产现场,做好上班前的相关准备工作。 The personnel shall arrive at the production site ahead at least ten minutes ahead in the morning to join the daily production morning meeting, and arrive five minutes ahead in the afternoon to prepare the production. 个人的清洁卫生及本工作岗位之 6S 工作。检查现场是否存在乱放的对产品有害之 化学药品、有无污染生产环境的污水、泄漏的机油、洗板水、导致虫害存在的异、 杂物、垃圾及 RoHS 区分等;产线生产垃圾必须及时清理。生产过程中产生的生产 垃圾其清理工作由产线备料员负责,产线拉长、领班起监督管理职责。 The 6S of personal sanitation and work position: check the production field if have harmful chemical material, the polluted water, leaked oil, water for cleaning sheet, other garbage and RoHS discriminate, etc. the production garbage must be cleaned up timely by production line material preparer, and production line leader, foreperson is responsible for monitor and management.提前检测防静电环和人体综合电阻测试,确保防静电环和人体综合电阻测试为正 常。发现不良,及时向拉长或领班更换,直至 OK 为止,测试 OK 后在《人体综合电 阻与静电环检测记录》上画“√”,具体方法参照《防静电环检测作业指导书》和 《防静电工鞋检测作业指导书》,生产线拉长进行监督。 Test the ESD devices in advance to ensure the ESD devices are right. If the ESD device is bad, report it to the liner leader or foreperson to exchange until it’s ok, When the test is ok, please record “√” in the <ESD test records>. The test methods will follow the regulations in the <antistatic ring test instruction> and <antistatic shoes test instruction>, and the production line leader will monitor the test process. 员工到岗位后先检查当日生产机型所用仪器、工具、物料、SOP 等是否到位,是 否与所生产机型相符合,然后开始按领班指导或 IE SOP 作业。 The personnel on the work shall check the instruments, tools, materials and SOP firstly, and make sure those are available and complied with the production type. Then the work could start according to the foreperson instruction and IE SOP. 4.2.3. 工程 TE 负责每天检测车间流水生产线和仪器设备的接地状况,填写《接地检查记录 表》,工程部定期检测车间的防静电情况,具体按《ESD 测试规程》执行。 TE shall inspect the grounding conditions of the production lines and instruments and equipments, and fill the <grounding inspection records>. The engineering department shall inspect the antistatic conditions regularly, refer to <ESD test regulations>. 4.2.4.生产线拉长或领班每天应监督员工做好 6S 工作及过程作业,IPQC 及相关部门巡线 人员进行监督 Production line leader or foreperson shall monitor the employee to implement the 6S work and process, the IPQC and related department line inspector shall monitor the process. 4.2.5. 生产线拉长或领班监督指导员工对线上物料、半成品、成品、不良品等用《产品标 示单》做好标示并摆放在相应的标示区域。其物料摆放严格配备适用放置盒,其在 静电、大小、是否适用于此物料装置等;具体参照《产品标识与可追溯性管理程 序》。 Production line leader or foreperson shall monitor and direct personnel to identify the material, semi-finished product, finished product, defective product on the production line with the <Product Identification Sheet> and place them in the corresponding area. The material must be provided with the suitable placing box, its static electricity and size are suitable for the material, refer to <product identification and traceability management procedure>. 生产拉长领班和主管依据《生产部员工绩效考核规范》进行公平、公正、公开 的员工考核,不断激励员工,实施人性化管理。 Production line leader, foreperson and director shall test the employees fairly, justly and openly according to the <production operator performance evaluation regulations> to continuously encourage employees and implement humanized management. 产线物料管理按照《生产物料管理规范》进行,需回收再利用的周转箱,物料员需及时清理到仓库指定位置摆放。 the management for material on the production line shall be implemented according to <production material management regulations>, ,the material management personnel shall clean up the recycle turnover box and place it in the designated place in the warehouse. 净化车间防尘、防静电控制按照《净化车间管理规定》执行。 The antistatic and dustproof in the cleaning workshop shall follow the regulations in the <cleaning workshop management regulations>. 生产作业员每天上班作业之前应根据《设备日常保养记录》内容对设备进行清洁维护及保养。 Production operator shall clean and maintain the equipment according to the <equipment daily maintenance records> before the beginning of production every day. 工程设备点检员每天上午上班前及产品型号转换时,根据相关 SOP 要求对烙铁温度、电批扭力等进行电压温度及扭力进行检测确认,并将检测结果记录于《烙铁温度校正表》、《电动镙丝批扭力校正表》上。 The engineering equipment inspector shall check the voltage temperature of the iron and torque of the electric screwdriver according to the requirements of the related SOP before the work in the morning or when converting the product mode, the inspection result shall be recorded in <Iron temperature report> and <electric screwdriver torque report>. 4.3. 生产过程控制。Production process control 4.3.1. 生产过程中为了产品品质得到有效控制和数据的准确性以及防止产品丢失,过程中领 班拉长需要作好各段数据交接记录(如 PCBA 调试转板转组装,组装转老化,老化转 包装,维修等)需用《生产数据交接记录表》; 生产中采用流程卡作业:笔记本类产品生产对每台机挂专用<产品流程卡>全过程工序 管理;对于非笔记本类产品的生产,仅不良品使用红色《产品流程卡》记录生产不良 信息。驱动板系列产品,生产前由工程部工程师先排线,然后校验 VCOM 参数等,校验 OK 后,由领班拉长挂上正确的作业指导书并跟踪指导生产作业;整机老产品,生产部 根据相关生产产品型号,由领班拉长挂上正确的作业指导书,然后进行指导确认生产, 对于首批新产品生产通知工程 IE 在线现场指导并跟踪作业,相关试产中发现的问题, 由领班拉长进行记入《新产品试产跟踪表》并进行跟踪改善。 In order to control effectively the product quality, ensure the veracity of the data, and prevent the product from losing, the foreperson and the production line leader shall use the <production data transferring record> to record data transferring, such as from the PCBA debug board to assembly、from assembly to aging、aging to packaging、maintain, etc. the production shall be operated by the flowchart card: the laptop kind of products production shall be managed according to special <product flowchart card>; for non-laptop kind products, only the defective product could use the red <product flowchart card> to record the nonconformity information. For the drive series products, the engineer in engineering department shall arrange the line first, and then check the VCOM parameters before the production, if the check result is ok, the foreperson shall hang the right work instruction and guide the production operation; For the old products, the foreperson shall hang the right work instruction and guide the production operation according to the related production type. For the new product first production, The IE should on spot for the instruction. Problems found in the related trial production shall be recorded in <new product trial production trace table> by the foreperson and improved. 4.3.2. 为保证制程品质,生产线在产品首批生产及每天首次及 ECN 变更生产时,必须准时 (前 5 个产品产出时)将前生产 5 个产品连同《首件检验报告》送 IPQC 检验,IPQC 将首件样品对照首件检验表和 ECN 变更要求进行检查确认,如果合格将首件样品放于 生产线正常生产下线;如果检查中发现不合格,则说明制程、设计、物料等环节发生 异常,需要进行纠正及预防措施,直到异常解决且制定出切实有效的方案对策,品质 部门评估可接受时方可再投产,且生产线需重新做好《首件检验报告》,重新将改善 后的前 5 台产品送检,待品质再次确认。 In order to ensure the production process quality, when the first batch production and the first production every day and changing ECN production, the production line shall send the first 5 products with the <first sample inspection report> to IPQC to inspect when the first 5 products completed. The IPQC will inspect and confirm the first sample contrast with the <first sample inspection report> and the requirement of the changing ECN, if conforming, the first sample shall be put in production line and produced normally, if nonconforming, specify the abnormality of the production process, design and material, the related corrective and preventive actions shall be implemented until the abnormality be solved and the effective solution be formulated. The products can be produced again after evaluated as conforming by the quality department, and the production line need to re-make <first sample inspection report> and re-send the improved first 5 products to inspect, and the quality department shall check it again. 4.3.3. 生产过程中,生产作业员认真依据作业指导书作业,过程中应实行自检、互检制 度,其规范正确作业顺序内容为:检查上一道作业工序- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 电器 电子产品 生产过程 管理程序 A0
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