目录2011年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2014年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2015年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2016年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2017年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2018年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2019年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2011年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.Phrase Translation(30 points)Directions:This part consists of two sections.In the following two sectionsyou are supposed to translate 30 technical terms,abbreviations or propernames,either from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English,within 60minutes.Section A English to Chinese(15 points)1.Big Ben大本钟【答案】2.CPI消费者物价指数【答案】3.culture shock文化冲击【答案】4.FIFA国际足球联盟【答案】5.FOB离岸价(Free On Board)【答案】6.force majeure不可抗力【答案】7.intellectual property rights知识产权【答案】8.Language Acquisition Device语言习得机制【答案】9.weapons of mass destruction大规模杀伤性武器【答案】10.National Security Council国家安全委员会【答案】11.NASDAQ全国证券交易商自动报价系统协会(National Association ofSecurities Dealers Automated Quotation)【答案】12.swine flu猪流感【答案】13.word processing system文字处理系统【答案】14.Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄【答案】15.The Christian Science Monitor基督科学箴言报【答案】Section B Chinese to English(15 points)1.保单号warranty number【答案】2.财产保险property insurance【答案】3.拆迁补偿费compensation for demolition【答案】4.孔子学院Confucius Institute【答案】5.发改委National Development and Reform Commission【答案】6.国民生产总值Gross National Product(GNP)【答案】7.反分裂国家法Anti-Secession Law【答案】8.灰色收入gray income【答案】9.六方会谈Six-party talks【答案】10.内幕交易insider trading【答案】11.飘Gone with the Wind【答案】12.亲子鉴定paternity test【答案】13.“一条龙”服务coordinated process service【答案】14.证监会CSRC(China Securities Regulatory Commission)【答案】15.中国移动China Mobile【答案】.Passage Translation(120 points)Directions:This part consists of two sections.In the following two sectionsyou are supposed to translate one English passage into Chinese and oneChinese passage into English within 120 minutes.Section A English to Chinese(60 points)Intelligent life on a planet comes of age when it first works out the reason forits own existence.If superior creatures from space ever visit earth,the firstquestion they will ask,in order to assess the level of our civilization,is“Havethey discovered evolution yet?”Living organisms had existed on earth,without ever knowing why,for over three thousand million years before thetruth finally dawned on one of them.His name was Charles Darwin.To befair,others had had inklings of the truth,but it was Darwin who first puttogether a coherent and tenable account of why we exist.Darwin made itpossible for us to give a sensible answer to the curious child whose questionheads this chapter.We no longer have to resort to superstition when facedwith the deep problems:Is there a meaning to life?What are we for?What isman?After posing the last of these questions,the eminent zoologist G.G.Simpson put it thus“The point I want to make now is that all attempts toanswer that question before 1859 are worthless and that we will be better offif we ignore them completely.”Today the theory of evolution is about as much open to doubt as the theorythat the earth goes round the sun,but the full implications of Darwinsrevolution have yet to be widely realized.Zoology is still a minority subjectin universities,and even those who choose to study it often make theirdecision without appreciating its profound philosophical significance.Philosophy and the subjects known as“humanities”are still taught almost asif Darwin had never lived.No doubt this will change in time.In any case,thisbook is not intended as a general advocacy of Darwinism.Instead,it willexplore the consequences of the evolution theory for a particular issue.Mypurpose is to examine the biology of selfishness and altruism.【参考译文】当这个星球的智慧生命开始思索自身存在的道理,它们才算成熟。如若宇宙空间的高级生物莅临地球的话,为评估我们的文明水平,他们可能提出的第一个问题是:“他们发现了进化规律没有?”30多亿年来,地球上一直存在着各种生命有机体,但对生命存在的道理,它们始终一无所知。后来,其中有一个人终于弄懂了事实真相,他的名字就叫达尔文(Charles Darwin)。说句公道话,其他的人对事实真相也曾有过一些模糊的想法,但对于我们之所以存在的道理第一个作了有条理、站得住脚的阐述的却是达尔文。好奇的孩子常会问:“为什么会有人呢?”达尔文使我们能够对于这个问题,给予一个切合实际的回答。我要讲明的一点是,1859年之前试图回答这一问题的一切尝试都是徒劳无益的,如果我们将其全部置于脑后,我们的境遇会更好些。”今天,人们对进化论产生疑问,犹如怀疑地球绕着太阳转的理论一样,但达尔文进化论的全部含义仍有待人们去了解。在大学里,动物学仍是少数人研究的课题,即使是那些决定选学这门课的人,往往也没有理解其深刻的哲学意义。哲学以及称之为“人文学科”的课程,现在讲授起来,仍好像不曾有过达尔文此人。毫无疑问,这种状况以后将会改变。不管怎样,本书并无意于全面地宣扬达尔文主义,而是探索进化论对一个特定问题所产生的种种影响。我的目的是研究自私行为和利他行为在生物学上的意义。Section B Chinese to English(60 points)总部设在得克萨斯州的全球语言检测机构运用一套数学公式来追踪词和短语的使用频率。根据其年度调査,“漏油”(spillcam)和“呜呜祖拉”(vuvuzela)成为2010年最热门词汇。“漏油”一词变得家喻户晓,描述了今年早些时候墨西哥湾海底油井破裂的实况直播,油井破裂引发了全球最大的海上漏油事件。呜呜祖拉是一种颜色鲜艳的塑料喇叭,发出的嗡嗡声单调低沉,成了南非世界杯足球赛的标志。后来这种喇叭在欧洲冠军联赛等欧洲足球比赛中被禁用。此外,该调査还表明,中国国家主席胡锦涛和苹果公司的新产品iPad在年度热门名字榜单中排行最靠前。【参考译文】The Texas-based Global Language Monitor uses a math formula to track thefrequency of words and phrases in the English-speaking world.“Spillcam”and“vuvuzela”were the top words of 2010,according to its annual survey.Spillcam became a household phrase describing the live video of the rupturedsea well in the Gulf of Mexico that earlier this year led to the worlds biggestoffshore oil spill.Vuvuzelathe bright colored plastic horns with a monotonous droning soundbecame the hallmark of the World Cup soccer tournament in South Africa.They were later banned from European soccer competitions like the UEFAChampions League.Besides,it declared that President Hu Jintao of China and Apples new iPadwere the two top names of the year.2012年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.Word Translation(30 points)Directions:This part consists of two sections.In the following two sectionsyou are supposed to translate 30 technical terms,abbreviations or propernames,either from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English,within 60minutes.You should write down your translations on the Answer Sheet.Section A English to Chinese(15 points)1.WIPO世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organization)【答案】2.UNESCO联合国教科文组织(United Nations Educational,Scientific,andCultural Organization)【答案】3.Academy Awards(美国)电影艺术科学院年奖;奥斯卡金像奖【答案】4.West Point(美国)西点军校【答案】5.Vogue时尚(美国时尚杂志)【答案】6.Decentralization分散;非集权化【答案】7.Carve Her Name with Pride女英烈传(英国电影)【答案】8.Xenophobia仇外,排外【答案】9.Ethnocentrism民族优越感【答案】10.Holiday Inn假日酒店;假日旅馆【答案】11.Irrevocable letter of credit不可撤销信用证【答案】12.Appreciation of RMB人民币升值【答案】13.Financial turmoil金融风暴;金融危机【答案】14.Disposable chopsticks一次性筷子【答案】15.environment-friendly product环保产品【答案】Section B Chinese to English(15 points)1.国家安全部Ministry of State Security【答案】2.中国人民政治协商会议the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference【答案】3.常务委员会Standing Committee【答案】4.司法公正judicial justice【答案】5.科教兴国invigorating China through the development of science andeducation【答案】6.抗洪救灾fight floods and provide disaster relief【答案】7.外向型经济export-oriented economy【答案】8.黄金储备gold reserve【答案】9.贸易逆差trade deficit【答案】10.温室效应greenhouse effect【答案】11.道德经Tao Te Ching【答案】12.伪科学pseudoscience【答案】13.文化摇篮cradle of culture【答案】14.论语the Analects of Confucius【答案】15.冲突主导关系“conflict-dominant”relationship【答案】.Passage Translation(120 points)Directions:This part consists of two sections.In the following two sectionsyou are supposed to translate one English passage into Chinese and oneChinese passage into English within 120 minutes.You should write downyour translations on the Answer Sheet.Section A English to Chinese(60 points)A Farewell to ArmsErnest HemmingwayThe plain was rich with crops;there were many orchards of fruit trees andbeyond the plain the mountains were brown and bare.There was fighting inthe mountains and at night we could see flashes from the artillery.In the darkit was like summer lightning,but the nights were cool and there was not thefeeling of a storm coming.Sometimes in the dark we heard troops marching under the window and gunsgoing past pulled by motor-tractors.There was much traffic at night andmany mules on the roads with boxes of ammunition on each side of theirpack-saddles and gray motor trucks that carried men,and other trucks withloads covered with canvas that moved slower in the traffic.There were bigguns too that passed in the day drawn by tractors,the long barrels of the gunscovered with green branches and green leafy branches and vines were laidover the tractors.To the north we could look across a valley and see a forestof chestnut trees and behind it another mountain on this side of the river.There was fighting for that mountain too,but it was not successful,and in thefall when the rains came the leaves all fell from the chestnut trees and thebranches were bare and trunks black with rain.The vineyards were thin andbare-branched too and all the country wet and brown and dead with theautumn.There were mists over the river and clouds on the mountain andtrucks splashed mud on the road and the troops were muddy and wet in theircapes;their rifles were wet and under their capes the two leather cartridge-boxes on the front of the belts,gray leather boxes heavy with the packs ofclips of thin,long 6.5mm cartridges,bulged forward under the capes so thatthe men,passing on the road,marched as though they were six months gonewith child.【参考译文】永别了,武器欧内斯特海明威平原上种满了庄稼,一片片的果园点缀其间。山是深褐色、光秃秃的。山上还在开火。夜里我们能看到炮火闪烁。在黑暗中,这情况真像夏天的闪电,只是夜里阴凉,并没有夏天暴雨欲来前的闷热。有时在黑夜中我们听得见部队从床下走过的声响,还有摩托牵引车拖着大炮经过的声响。夜晚军车更多,两侧驮着一箱箱弹药的骡队缓缓而行。载着士兵的灰色卡车及满载加农炮的军用卡车沉重地爬行在行列中。白天也有牵引车,拉着用绿树枝伪装覆盖的火炮驶过,牵引车本身也覆盖上青翠多叶的树枝和葡萄藤。在北边,通过一个山谷,我们可以看到一片栗子树林,树林的后边是另一座大山,坐落在河的这一侧。争夺这座山的战斗也进行过,只是没有成功。秋雨来了,栗子树叶全部脱落了,树枝上光秃秃的,树干经过雨打,变成了黑色。曾经枝繁叶茂的小院,现在也变得单薄、枯萎。在秋风中,整个国家都湿淋淋、沉郁而肃杀。河上雾气迷蒙,山也笼罩在层层云雾之中。车队溅起泥点,艰难地行进在路上。军队也行进在泥泞中,雨水打湿了他们的披风,来复枪也湿淋淋的扛在肩上。每人身前的皮带下,挂有两个灰皮子弹盒,里面装满了一排排又长又窄的6.5毫米口径的子弹,在披风下高高突起。于是当他们在路上走过时,乍一看,好像是怀孕六月的妇人。Section B Chinese to English(60 points)腊叶(节选)鲁迅灯下看雁门集,忽然翻出一片压干的枫叶来。这使我记起去年的深秋。繁霜夜降,木叶多半凋零,庭前的一棵小小的枫树也变成红色了。我曾绕树徘徊,细看叶片的颜色,当他青葱的时候从没有这么注意的。他也并非全树通红,最多的是浅绛,有几片则在绯红地上,还带着几团浓绿。一片独有一点蛀孔,镶着乌黑的花边,在红,黄和绿的斑驳中,明眸似的向人凝视。我自念:这是病叶呵!便将他摘了下来,夹在刚才买到的雁门集里。大概是愿使这将坠的被蚀而斑斓的颜色,暂得保存,不即与群叶一同飘散罢。【参考译文】A Dried Maple Leaf(Excerpt)LuxunOne night,when I was reading the Collected Works of Yanmen,unexpectedly,I found a dried and pressed maple leaf in the book.Thisreminded me of the late autumn of last year when plenty of frosts fell at nightand most of leaves were withered.In my yard,a small maple tree turned red.I walked around it,looking carefully at the color of its leaves,which I hadnever noticed when they were verdant.The maple tree was not entirely red,however,its color could be at most said as slightly red,and whats more,some leaves even carried groups of green on the red bottom.Then I saw aunique leaf.With black color edged and an insect-eating hole on it,it bore amixed color of red,yellow and green,seeming to stare at passers-by.Iwondered,“What a sick leaf!”Thus I picked it down and put it in theCollected Works of Yanmen I had just bought.Perhaps I did that only out ofthe purpose of saving its splendid color from being corroded and saving itfrom drifting away like other leaves.2013年暨南大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.Word Translation(30 points)Directions:This part consists of two sections.In the following two sectionsyou are supposed to translate 30 technical terms,abbreviations or propernames,either from English to Chinese or from Chinese to English,within 60minutes.You should write down your translations on the Answer Sheet.Section A English to Chinese(15 points)1.EU欧盟(European Union)【答案】2.WPC世界和平理事会(World Peace Council)【答案】3.OPEC石油输出国家组织(Organization of Petroleum ExportingCountries)【答案】4.NASA美国国家航空和宇宙航行局(National Aeronautics and SpaceAdministration)【答案】5.USCG美国海岸警卫队(United States Coast Guard)【答案】6.FTA自由贸易区(Free Trade Area)【答案】7.TPP跨太平洋伙伴关系协议(Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement)【答案】8.Americas“Return to the Asian-Pacific”美国重返亚太【答案】9.Association of Southeast Asian Nations东南亚国家联盟【答案】10.International Atomic Energy Agency国际原子能机构【答案】11.currency manipulator货币操纵国【答案】12.International Translation Day国际翻译日【答案】13.National Missile Defense国家导弹防御系统【答案】14.power abuse滥用职权【答案】15.US-Japan Security Treaty美日安保条约【答案】Section B Chinese to English(15 points)1.国务院侨务办公室Office of Overseas Chinese Affairs Under the State Council【答案】2.国家文物局State Administration of Cultural Heritage【答案】3.国家烟草专卖局State Tobacco Monopoly Bureau【答案】4.国家宗教事务局State Bureau of Religious Affairs【答案】5.西方七国首脑会议G-7 summit;the seven-power summit【答案】6.岗位培训on-the-job training【答案】7.海洋资源marine/ocean resource【答案】8.民生peoples livelihood【答案】9.差额选举competitive election【答案】10.建立市场导向的就业机制establishing a market-oriented employment mechanism【答案】11.资源节约型与环境保护型社会resource-conserving society and environmentally friendly society【答案】12.文化逆差cultural deficit【答案】13.三国演义Romance of Three Kingdoms【答案】14.十面埋伏(古曲)House of Flying Daggers【答案】15.逾期贷款overdue loans【答案】.Passage Translation(120 points)Directions:This part consists of two sections.In the following two sectionsyou are supposed to translate one English passage into Chinese and oneChinese passage into English within 120 minutes.You should write downyour translations on the Answer Sheet.Section A English to Chinese(60 points)Love Is Not Like MerchandizeSydney J.HarrisA reader in Florida,apparently bruised by some personal experience,writesin to complain,“If I steal a nickels worth of merchandize,I am a thief andpunished;but if I steal the love of another mans wife,I am free.”This is a prevalent misconception in many peoples mindsthat love,likemerchandize,can be“stolen”.Numerous states,in fact,have enacted lawsallowing damages for“alienation of affections”.But love is not a commodity;the real thing cannot be bought,sold,traded orstolen.It is an act of the will,turning of the emotions,a change in the climateof the personality.When a husband or wife is“stolen”by another person,that husband or wifewas already ripe for the stealing,was already predisposed toward a newpartner.The“love bandit”was only taking what was waiting to be taken,what wanted to be taken.We tend to treat persons like goods.We even speak of children“belonging”to their parents.But nobody“belongs”to anyone else.Each person belongsto himself,and to God.Children are entrusted to their parents,and if theirparents do not treat them properly,the state has the right to remove themfrom their parents trusteeship.Many of us,when young,had the experience of a sweetheart being takenaway from us by somebody more attractive and more appealing.At the time,we may have resented this intruderbut as we grew older,we recognizedthat the sweetheart had never been ours to begin with.It was not the intruderthat“caused”the break,but the lack of a real relationship.On the surface,many marriages seem to break up because of a“third party”.This is,however,a psychological illusion.The other woman or the other manmerely serves as a pretext for dissolving a marriage that had already lost itsessential integrity.Nothing is more futile and more self-defeating than the bitterness of spurnedlove,the vengeful feeling that someone else has“come between”oneself anda beloved.This is always a distortion of reality,for people are not the captiveof victims of othersthey are free agents,working out their own destinies forgood or for ill.But the rejected lover or mate cannot afford to believe that his beloved hasfreely turned away from himand so he ascribes sinister or magicalproperties to the interloper.He calls him hypnotist or a thie- 配套讲稿:
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