目录2012年江西师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2013年江西师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2014年江西师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2015年江西师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2017年江西师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2018年江西师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解2012年江西师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.词语翻译:英汉术语、缩略语或专有名词互译(30分)(一)英译汉(15分)1.CEO首席执行官【答案】2.UNESCO联合国教科文组织【答案】3.EQ情商【答案】4.WHO世界卫生组织【答案】5.IMF国际货币基金组织【答案】6.WWW万维网【答案】7.FOB离岸价【答案】8.summit conference高级会议【答案】9.walkman随身听【答案】10.visiting scholar访问学者【答案】11.request program点播节目【答案】l2.vanity projects政绩工程【答案】13.target language译语【答案】l4.Foreign Affairs and Overseas Chinese Office外事侨务办公室【答案】15.low-carbon lifestyle低碳生活【答案】(二)汉译英(15分)1.主题公园theme park【答案】2.到岸价CIF(cost,insurance and freight)【答案】3.追星族idolater【答案】4.博客microblog【答案】5.以人为本people-oriented【答案】6.同声传译simultaneous interpreting【答案】7.直译literal translation【答案】8.公务员制度civil service system【答案】9.可持续发展sustainable development【答案】10.同比on year-on-year basis【答案】11.共赢win-win【答案】12.源语source language【答案】13.第三产业the tertiary industry【答案】14.廉租房low-rent houses【答案】l5.长江三角洲Yangtze River delta【答案】.语篇翻译:英汉段落互译(120分)(一)英译汉(60分)From the Cabbys SeatO.HenryClose to the curb stood Jerry ODonovans cab.Night-hawk was Jerry called;but no more lustrous or cleaner hansom than his ever closed its doors uponpoint lace and November violets.And Jerrys horse!I am within boundswhen I tell you that he was stuffed with oats until one of those old ladies wholeave their dishes unwashed at home and go about having expressmenarrested,would have smiledyes,smiledto have seen him.Among the shifting,sonorous,pulsing crowd glimpses could be had ofJerrys high hat,battered by the winds and rains of many years;of his noselike a carrot,battered by the frolicsome,athletic progeny of millionairesand by contumacious fares:of his brass-buttoned green coat,admired in thevicinity of McGarys was plain that Jerry had usurped the functions of hiscab,and was carrying a“load.”Indeed,the figure may be extended and he belikened to a bread-wagon if we admit the testimony of a youthful spectator,who was heard to remark“Jerry has got a bun.”From somewhere among the throng in the street or else out of the thin streamof pedestrians a young woman tripped and stood by the cab.The professionalhawks eye of Jerry caught the movement.He made a lurch for the cab,overturning three or four onlookers and himselfno!he caught the cap of awater-plug and kept his feet.Like a sailor shinning up the ratlins during asquall Jerry mounted to his professional seat.Once he was there McGarysliquids were baffled.He seesawed on the mizzenmast of his craft as safe as aSteeple Jack rigged to the flagpole of a skyscraper.“Step in,lady,”said Jerry,gathering his lines.The young woman stepped intothe cab;the doors shut with a bang;Jerrys whip cracked in the air;the crowdin the gutter scattered,and the fine hansom dashed away cross town.When the oat-spry horse had hedged a little his first spurt of speed Jerrybroke the lid of his cab and called down through the aperture in the voiceof a cracked megaphone,trying to please:“Where,now,will ye be drivin to?”“Anywhere you please,”came up the answer,musical and contented.“Tis drivin for pleasure she is,“thought Jerry.And then he suggested as amatter of course:“Take a trip around in the park,lady.Twill be ilegant cool and fine.”“Just as you like,”answered the fare,pleasantly.The cab headed for Fifth avenue and sped up that perfect street.Jerrybounced and swayed in his seat.The potent fluids of McGary were disquietedand they sent new fumes to his head.He sang an ancient song of Killisnookand brandished his whip like a baton.(提示:这个马车夫喝醉了。)注释:hansom:一马二轮之有盖双座小马车 frolicsome:爱闹着玩的,嬉戏的 progeny:子孙 ratlins:横索的梯绳 aperture:孔,穴,缝隙【参考译文】紧靠人行道停着杰里奥多诺万的马车。杰里有“夜鹰”之称,但他的车闪亮干净,衣着再华丽的人坐过的任何一辆车都比不上它。杰里的马也与众不同!我毫不夸张地说,它叫燕麦喂得滚瓜溜圆,要是哪位老太太吃完饭连碗也顾不上洗便赶忙出来找快马运货,见到了这匹马一定会中意地笑起来。对,笑起来。在熙熙攘攘、七嘴八舌的人群里,你可看到杰里戴着顶高高的帽子,长着个形似胡萝卜的鼻子,穿件钉着铜纽扣的绿上衣。帽子经受了多年的风吹雨打,鼻子尝过那些百万富翁游手好闲而身强力壮的子子孙孙以及那些不守规矩的乘客的厉害,但上衣在麦加里酒店一带人见人说好。一望而知,杰里正带着几分醉意,已喝过了一回。其实这一回喝得不少,身子像他的马车一样摇摇晃晃,而且晃得厉害。不信,你听有位在场的年轻人人的话为证:“杰里灌饱了!”也不知是从站着的一大群人中,还是从路过的稀稀拉拉的行人里,走出来位年轻女子,站到杰里的马车边。杰里夜鹰般锐利的眼睛发现来了生意。他赶忙往马车边走,一边撞翻三四个看热闹的人,连自己也未幸免。不对!他抓住消防龙头顶,没有倒下去。海员在暴风雨中能爬上梯索,杰里也毫不逊色,醉熏熏时登得上他马车的宝座。一上了座,麦加里店里的酒便败在下风。爬上摩天大楼旗杆的人稳当得很,杰里坐到马车上别看东摇西晃,也万无一失。“上车吧,小姐。”杰里拿起缰绳,说。年轻女子上了车,车门乓地一声关了。杰里举鞭一摔,鞭响得清脆,狭窄的道上人群散开来,漂亮的马车扬长而去。吃饱了燕麦的马刚起步,杰里便对着顶盖,居高临下,扯开破留声机似的嗓门,客客气气问车里人:“你要去哪儿啊,小姐?”“你上哪儿都行。”答话人的声音像音乐般动听,她心里正高兴。杰里想:“是坐车闲逛的。”于是,他脱口说道:“那就去公园里兜风吧,小姐。公园好看好玩最开心。”马车直奔第五大道,在这条平坦的大街上跑得飞快。杰里坐在宝座上摇来晃去。麦加里店里的酒劲发作了,叫他的头又兴奋起来、他唱着一首古老的歌,鞭挥起来像乐队指挥的指挥棒一样姿势优美。(二)汉译英(60分)值此落叶缤纷、北雁南飞的初冬季节,来自江西各地的政府代表和江西国际友城的外国朋友齐聚一堂,举行江西省第二届国际友好城市交流大会,共同回顾江西省国际友城工作情况,总结经验,研究探讨国际友城合作的新举措,更好地服务于经济发展。首先我谨代表中国人民对外友好协会,对大会的召开表示热烈的祝贺!对各位来宾,特别是远道而来的外国朋友们表示城市的欢迎!随着经济全球化的深入发展和科技进步的日新月异,世界各国已成为彼此相互依存的有机整体。虽然各国的经济深灰发展状况不同,但加快经济发展、促进友好合作的目标相同;面临着国际金融危机、能源危机、环境危机的挑战一样;深化各领域的交流合作,实现互利共赢的愿望一致。【参考译文】In this early winter when leaves are falling and wild geese are flyingsouthwards,government representatives around Jiangxi and foreign friendsfrom international sister cities of Jiangxi gather here to hold the SecondInternational Conference on the Exchange Among Sister Cities in Jiangxiprovince.We are going to retrospect the work we have done with ourinternational sister cities and then conclude experience and discuss newmeasures so as to promote economic development.First of all,on behalf ofChinese Peoples Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries,I wouldlike to express the warmest congratulation to this conference.And its apleasure to welcome all of the guests,especially our foreign friends fromafar.With the deepening development of economic globalization and the rapidprogress of science and technology,the world has become an interdependentorganic whole.Even though we are at different economic and developinglevels,we have the same goal of fastening development and promotingcooperation,the same challenge of global crisis in finance,energy andenvironment and the same wish of all-around cooperation and win-winbenefits.2013年江西师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.词语翻译:英汉术语、缩略语或专有名词互译(30分)(一)英译汉(15分)1.GPS全球定位系统【答案】2.BBS电子公告板【答案】3.MTI翻译硕士【答案】4.ATM自动取款机【答案】5.FIFA国际足球联盟【答案】6.SOHO家居办公【答案】7.EMS特快专递【答案】8.OA办公自动化【答案】9.microblog微博【答案】10.anticorruption bureau反贪局【答案】11.inaugural speech就职演说【答案】l2.empty nester空巢老人【答案】13.caller ID telephone来电显示电话机【答案】14.junk bond垃圾债券【答案】15.European monetary integration欧洲货币一体化【答案】(二)汉译英(15分)1.留守儿童leftover children【答案】2.非营利组织NPO(Non-Profit Organization)【答案】3.开放型经济open economy【答案】4.反倾销anti-dumping【答案】5.人口普查demographic census【答案】6.不动产(房地产)real estate【答案】7.逐字翻译literal translation【答案】8.必修课required course【答案】9.老龄化问题aging problem【答案】10.应试教育exam-oriented education【答案】11.三角债chain debt【答案】12.信息银行information bank【答案】13.生态旅游ecological tourism【答案】14.网民netizen【答案】15.翻译界the translation circle【答案】.语篇翻译:英汉段落互译(120分)(一)英译汉(60分)Life originated in the early seas less than a billion years after the Earth wasformed.Yet another three billion years were to pass before the first plants andanimals appeared on the continents.Lifes transition from the sea to the landwas perhaps as much of an evolutionary challenge as was the genesis of life.What forms of life were able to make such a drastic change in lifestyle?Thetraditional view of the first terrestrial organisms(陆生动植物)is based onmegafossilsrelatively large specimens of essentially whole plants andanimals.Vascular plants(维管植物),related to modern seed plants and ferns,left the first comprehensive megafossil record.Because of this,it has beencommonly assumed that the sequence of terrestrialization reflected theevolution of modern terrestrial ecosystems.In this view,primitive vascularplats first colonized the margins of continental waters,followed by animalsthat fed on the plants,and lastly by animals that preyed on the plant-eaters.Moreover,the megafossils suggest that terrestrial life appeared anddiversified explosively near the boundary between the Silurian(志留纪)andthe Devonian(泥盆纪)periods,a little more than 400 million years ago.Recently,however,paleontologists(古生物学者)have been taking a closerlook at the sediments below this Silurian-Devonian geological boundary.Itturns out that some fossils can be extracted from these sediments by puttingthe rocks in an acid bath.The technique has uncovered new evidence fromsediments that were deposited near the shores of the ancient oceans-plantmicrofossils and microscopic pieces of small animals.In many instances thespecimens are less than one-tenth of a millimeter in diameter.Although theywere entombed in the rocks for hundreds of millions of years,many of thefossils consist of the organic remains of the organism.These newly discovered fossils have not only revealed the existence ofpreviously unknown organisms,but have also pushed back these dates for theinvasion of land by multicellular organisms.Our views about the nature ofthe early plant and animal communities are now being revised.And withthose revisions come new speculations about the first terrestrial life-forms.【参考译文】在地球形成不到十亿年的时间后,生命就起源于早期的海洋了。然而,要再过30亿年,第一批动植物才出现在大陆上。或许,正如生命的起源一样,生命从海洋向陆地的过渡,同样在进化论上受到质疑。什么形式的生命能使其生活方式发生如此惊人的变化?对于第一批登陆的生物,传统的观点是建立在巨化石基础上的,这些巨化石是一些基本上完整的动植物的较大标本。与现代种子植物和蕨类植物有种属相关的微管植物,留下了一批巨化石记录。因此,人们可以推测,生命登陆的次序反映了现代陆生系统的进化。按照这种观点,维管植物首先移居到大陆水域的周边,其次是以这种植物为食的动物,最后是吃这种食草动物的动物。而且,巨化石也表明,在四亿多年前的志留纪和盆泥纪之间的期间,陆生生命已经出现,种类也急剧增加。但是最近,古生物学家一直对志留纪-盆泥纪抵制界限以下的积淀物进行更为周密的调查。结果表明,将岩石放在一些盛有酸的容器里,一些化石就能从这些沉淀物中离析出来。这项技术从古海洋岸边的沉积物中又发现了新的证据植物的微小化石以及在显微镜才可以看得见的小动物的碎片。多数情况下,标本的直径不足1/10微米。尽管他们在岩石中埋藏了数亿年,许多化石仍遗留有生物体的有机物质。这些新发现的化石不仅揭示了先前不为人知的有机体的存在,也将多细胞生物进居陆地的时间向前推移。我们对早期动植物群体本质的看法得以修正,随之而来的是对第一批陆生生命的新推断。(二)汉译英(60分)读书是文明生活中人所共认的一种乐趣,极为无福享受此种乐趣的人所羡慕。我们如把一生爱读书的人和一生不知读书的人比较一下,便能了解这一点。凡是没有读书爱好的人,就空间而言,他简直是等于幽囚在周遭的环境里边。他的一生完全落于日常例行公事的圈禁中。他只有和少数几个朋友或熟人接触谈天的机会,他只能看见眼前的景物,他没有逃出这所牢狱的法子。但在他拿起一本书时,他已立刻走进了另一个世界。如若所拿的又是一部好书,则他便已得到了一个和一位最善谈者接触的机会。这位善谈者引领他走进另外一个国界,或另外一个时代,或向他倾吐自己胸中的不平,或和他讨论一个他从来不知道的生活问题。一本古书使读者在心灵上和长眠已久的古人如相面对。当他读下去时,他便会想象到这位古作家是怎样的形态和怎样的一种人,孟子和大史家司马迁都表示这个意见:一个人在每天二十四小时中,能有两小时的功夫撇开一切俗世烦扰,而走到另一个世界去游览一番,这种幸福自然是被无形牢狱所拘囚的人们所极羡慕的。这种环境的变更,在心理的效果上,其实等于出门旅行。【参考译文】Reading is universally thought as a joy in civilized life,and is extremelyadmired by those who have no chance to enjoy it.If we compare people wholove reading throughout their life with people who never read,this point willturn to be clear.For a person not fond of reading,he is just imprisoned by hissurroundings.He falls into the circle of regular and daily official dutiesthroughout his life,with only mere chances to chat with his few friends oracquaintances or to see the scenery in front of him.He cannot escape fromthis prison.But when a person takes up a book,he will instantly enter into anew world.And if it is a good book,he then gets the chance to talk with araconteur,who will lead him into another country or another era,who mayreveal his inner discontent or discuss about a issue he has never knownbefore.An ancient book allows a reader to face the ancient people in spirit.And once he continues to read,he will be able to imagine what kind of formand characteristic this ancient writer had.Mencius and the great historianSima Qian agreed with this point of view by saying that if a man can spendtwo hours in a day visiting another world in books,casting earthly troubleaway,he will get the happiness which is strongly admired by thoseimprisoned in cages.Such an environmental alteration,when judging itsmental effect,is equivalent to traveling.2014年江西师范大学外国语学院357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解.词语翻译:英汉术语、缩略语或专有名词互译(30分)(一)英译汉(15分)l.CFO首席财务官【答案】2.China NET中国公用计算机互联网【答案】3.CA首都航空公司【答案】4.CSCL中国海运【答案】5.EVA经济附加值【答案】6.HDTV高清晰度电视【答案】7.IBM美国国际商用机器公司【答案】8.ISO国际标准化组织【答案】9.MSC载人航天中心;理科硕士【答案】10.Mount Everest珠穆朗玛峰【答案】11.IT信息技术【答案】12.literal translation直译【答案】13.jerry-built project豆腐渣工程【答案】14.summit conference高峰会议【答案】15.optional course选修课【答案】(二)汉译英(15分)1.翻译硕士MTI(Master of Translation and Interpreting)【答案】2.团购group purchase【答案】3.长江三角洲Yangtze River delta【答案】4.传销pyramid sales【答案】5.酒驾、醉驾drunk driving【答案】6.吊销执照revoke license【答案】7.反腐倡廉combat corruption and uphold integrity【答案】8.分期付款pay by installments【答案】9.公正、公平、公开impartiality,fairness and openness【答案】10.基层组织primary-level organization【答案】11.可持续发展sustainable development【答案】12.诺贝尔文学奖the Nobel Prize in Literature【答案】13.纯收入net income【答案】14.发人深省thought-provoking【答案】15.单独二胎selective two-child policy【答案】.语篇翻译:英汉段落互译(120分)(一)英译汉(60分)For this reason,no style of conversation is more extensively acceptable thanthe narrative.He who has stored his memory with slight anecdotes,privateincidents,and personal peculiarities,seldom fails to find his audiencefavorable.Almost every man listens with eagerness to contemporary history;for almost every man has some real or imaginary connection with acelebrated character,some desire to advance or oppose a rising name.Vanityoften co-operates with curiosity.He that is a hearer in one place,qualifieshimself to become a speaker in another;for though he cannot comprehend aseries of argument,or transport the volatile spirit of wit without evaporation,he yet thinks himself able to treasure up the various incidents of a story,andplease his hopes with the information which he shall give to some inferiorsociety.Narratives are for the most part heard without envy,because they are notsupposed to imply any intellectual qualities above the common rate.To beacquainted with facts not yet echoed by plebeian mouths,may happen to oneman as well as to another;and to relate them when they are known,has inappearance so little difficulty,that every one concludes himself equal to thetask.But it is not easy,and in some situations of life not possible,to accumulatesuch a stock of materials as may support the expense of continual narration;and it frequently happens,that they who attempt this method of ingratiatingthemselves,please only at the first interview;and,for want of new suppliesof intelligence,wear out their stories by continual repetition.There would be,therefore,little hope of obtaining the praise of a goodcompanion,were it not to be gained by more compendious methods;but suchis the kindness of mankind to all,except those who aspire to real merit andrational dignity,that every understanding may find some way to excitebenevolence;and whoever is not envied may learn the art of procuring love.We are willing to be pleased,but are not willing to admire;we favor themirth or officiousness that solicits our regard,but oppose the worth or spiritthat enforces it.【参考译文】因此,若要受到众人的普遍欢迎,谈话之道莫过于叙事。凡是腹中装满琐闻轶事、秘密掌故、奇行怪癖的人,极少不受听众偏爱。几乎人人都爱听当代史话,因为几乎人人都与某位名人有着某种或者想象的关系,对于声誉日隆的名字都有一种或褒或贬的愿望。虚荣心与好奇心常常携手合作。有人在某个场合只能洗耳恭听,但到了另一个场合便有了侃侃而谈的资格。他虽不能理解一系列论点,不能如实传达诙谐幽默的欢乐精神,但却自信能将故事细节珍藏于心中,并且庆幸有了这些材料,便可满足自己的愿望,今后再将这些故事奉献给比自己更孤陋寡闻的听众。叙事一般说来不会引起听众的嫉妒之心,因为没有人会认为叙事需要任何超越常人的聪明才智。知道一些尚未被市井小民传闻的事实,这样的巧事人人都能碰上;知道这些事实之后再转述给别人听,似乎也无多大困难,人人都为认为自己可以胜任。但是,要累积足够的材料,补充不断讲述的消耗,却也不是一件容易的事,在某些情况下甚至不可能。因此,试图用这种办法自我陶醉的人,往往只能在初次与人见面时讨得他人欢心,因为没有新的谈资供应,故事经过多次重复便会难以为继。为此,如果不另谋更为简便易行的办法,就休想赢得好的伴侣的赞赏。但是,除了那些敬仰真正才学品德和理性尊严的人之外,人类对于其他人都是宽大为怀的。所以,只要能够善解人意便总能赢得善意的回报,只要不遭人妒忌便总能赢得他人的喜爱。我们都乐于成为他人讨好的对象,却不甘心赞美他人:我们喜欢别人为博得我们的尊敬而说笑逗趣或者殷勤赐教,但却拒绝接受强行要求我们尊敬的价值或精神。(二)汉译英(60分)去年5月,江西省政府孙刚副省长率团- 配套讲稿:
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- 考研历年真题
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