目录2014年广东财经大学外国语学院613普通语言学考研真题2013年广东财经大学外国语学院613普通语言学考研真题2012年广东财经大学外国语学院613普通语言学考研真题2011年广东财经大学外国语学院603普通语言学考研真题2010年广东财经大学外国语学院603普通语言学考研真题2009年广东财经大学外国语学院603普通语言学考研真题2008年广东财经大学外国语学院603普通语言学考研真题2014年广东财经大学外国语学院613普通语言学考研真题 一、名词解释(10题,每题3分,共30分)1.pragmatics 2.diachronic linguistics3.allophones 4.morpheme5.cohesion 6.cognitive linguistics7.hyponymy 8.contrastive analysis9.American structuralism 10.Language Acquisition Device(LAD)二、判断题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1.()The Cooperative Principle,an important pragmatic principleproposed by P.Grice,aims to explain how we mean more than we say.2.()Phonetics studies the rules governing the structure,distribution,and sequencing of speech sounds and the shape of syllables.3.()m is a“bilabial lateral”,j a“palatal approximant”,and h a“glottal fricative”.4.()Relevance is a matter of degree.The larger effect produced,thegreater the relevance;the smaller effort cost,the greater the relevance.5.()Exocentric construction is one whose distribution isfunctionally equivalent to that of one or more of its constituents,i.e.,a wordor a group of words,which serves as a definable centre or head.三、简答题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1.What is the major difference between Saussures distinction betweenlangue and parole and Chomskys distinction between competence andperformance?2.Divide the following words into Roots,IA(inflectional affix)and/orDA(derivational affix).e.g.transformations:trans(DA)-form(Root)ation(DA)-s(IA)1)unconscious2)earthquakes3)misled4)geese3.Distinguish the two possible meanings of“more complicatedexaminations”by means of IC analysis.4.Draw a tree diagram according to PS rules to show the deep structureof the sentence:The kid broke a vase yesterday.5.Which of the Conversational Maxims is being violated in thefollowing conversation?A:So you like icecream.What are your favourite flavours?B:Hamburger fish and chips.四、论述题(2题,每题20分,共40分)1.What are the main differences between pragmatics and semantics?2.Explain the following remark with examples or make somecomments:Each language articulates or organises the world differently.Languagesdo not simply name existing categories;they articulate their own.2013年广东财经大学外国语学院613普通语言学考研真题一、名词解释(10题,每题3分,共30分)1.macrolinguistics2.blending3.diphthong4.aspect5.reference6.cooperative principle7.Indo-European family8.taboo9.CALL10.corpus linguistics二、判断题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1.()Hallidays linguistic potential is similar to the notions of paroleand performance.2.()Descriptive linguists are concerned with how language work,not with how they can be improved.3.()The word“hour”contains a diphthong and a pure vowel.4.()The concept“competence”originally refers to the grammaticalknowledge of the ideal language user and has nothing to do with the actualuse of language in concrete situation.5.()All words contain a root morpheme.三、简答题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1.What are the major design features of language?2.What are the methods for the addition of new words in the Englishlanguage?3.Exemplify the relationship between phone,phoneme and allophone.4.Distinguish the two possible meanings of“more beautiful flowers”bymeans of IC analysis.5.What is the difference between meaning,concept,connotation anddenotation?四、论述题(2题,每题20分,共40分)1.How do you understand the saying that language is symbolic?2.In what way can corpus data contribute to lexical studies?2012年广东财经大学外国语学院613普通语言学考研真题一、名词解释(10题,每题3分,共30分)petence4.prescriptive5.semantic component6.acronym7.cohesion8.denotation9.phoneme10.derivation二、判断题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1.()Morpheme is the smallest unit of language in terms of therelationship between expression and content,a unit that cannot be dividedinto further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering themeaning.2.()In speech act,the sense in which to say something can mean todo something concerns the consequential effects of a locution upon thehearer,which can be called a illocutionary act.3.()Phonology is the study of the sound patterns and sound systemsof languages.It aims to discover the principles that govern the way soundsare organized in languages,and to explain the variations that occur.4.()Generative semantics was developed as a creation toChomskys syntactic-based TG Grammar.This theory considers that allsentences are generated from a semantic structure.Linguists working withinthis theory hold that there is essential distinction between syntactic processesand semantic processes.5.()Corpus is a collection of linguistic data,either compiled aswritten texts or as a transcription of recorded speech.三、简答题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1.What is Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?2.What is contrastive analysis?3.What is the INPUT Hypothesis?4.Please choose the most appropriate maxim you believe to analyze thefollowing dialogue briefly:A:Where is Liming?B:Hes gone to the library.He said so when he left.5.What is the definition of cognitive linguistics?四、论述题(2题,每题20分,共40分)1.What is the tradition and special features of systemic-functionallinguistics?2.What are the special features of American Struralism?2011年广东财经大学外国语学院603普通语言学考研真题 一、名词解释(10题,每题 3分,共 30分)1.interlanguage2.blending3.assimilation4.concord5.connotation6.frequency effect7.validity8.the textual thought10.proficient test 二、判断题(5题,每题 8分,共 40分)1.()Systematic grammar is based on the assumption thatgrammatical categories should be defined not in terms of meaning but interms of distribution,and that the structure of each language should bedescribed without reference to the alleged universality of such categories astense,mood and parts of speech.2.()Chomsky once thought that sentences like the active and thepassive,the declarative and the interrogative,ant the positive and the passive,are each derive from the same deep structure.The difference between themsimply comes from the operation of relevant transformations.3.()Morphology studies the internal structure of words,and therules by which words are formed.4.()The conception of language input as a way to promote languageacquisition is to some extent in line with the so called constructivism aconstructivist view of language argues that language is socially constructed.5.()Immediate constituent analysis is a kind of grammaticalanalysis which divides a sentence to parts and then cut these parts into twoand continue with this segmentation until we reach the smallest grammaticalunit,the morphemes.三、简答题(5题,每题 8分,共 40分)1.What is the distinction between MT and human translation?2.What is the theory of communicative competence?3.What is the interpersonal function and how is it realized?4.What is the major features of schemata?5.Please choose the most appropriate maxim you believe to analyze thefollowing dialogue briefly:A:Lets get the kids something.B:Okey,but I veto I-C-E-C-R-E-A-M-S.四、论述题(2题,每题 20分,共 40分)1.What contribution did Saussure make to modern linguistics?2.What are the linguistic relativity and linguistic determinism?Andwhat insight have the two assumptions brought to us?2010年广东财经大学外国语学院603普通语言学考研真题一、名词解释(10题,每题3分,共30分)1.The theory of metafunctions of language2.Distinctive feature3.Open-class word4.Syntagmatic/horizontal/chain relation5.Selection restrictions6.Cohort theory7.Linguistic relativism8.Contextual meaning9.Indirect thought10.External evaluation二、判断题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1.()Chomsky distinguished the linguistic competence of the speakerand the actual phenomena or data of linguistics(utterances)as language andparole.2.()Formalism sees as a central task for linguists characterizing theformal relationships among grammatical elements independently of anycharacterization of the semantic and pragmatic properties.In contrast,functionalism rejects that task on the grounds that the function of conveyingmeaning in its broad sense has so affected grammatical form that it issenseless to communicate to compartmentalize it.3.()Structurally,a word is the smallest unit because many wordscannot be separated into even smaller meaningful units.4.()Theme and rheme belong to functional analysis of the sentenceand subject and predicate belong to formal analysis of the sentence.Mathesius believes that they are not the same and should be strictlydistinguished from each other.5.()According to Leech,conceptual meaning makes up the centralpart of meaning.It is connotative in that it is concerned with the relationshipbetween a word and the thing it refers to.In this sense,conceptual meaningoverlaps to a large extent with the notion of reference.三、简答题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1.What is the distinction between the endocentric compound and theexocentric compound?2.What is the difference between descriptive and prescriptive study?3.What is the functional sentence perspective?4.What is componential analysis?5.What are the Q-principle and the R-principle developed by L.Horn?四、论述题(2题,每题20分,共40分)1.What are the Q-,I-,and M-principles proposed by S.Levinson?2.What is the difference between traditional grammar and modernlinguistics,transformational-generative grammar and systemic-functionallinguistics?2009年广东财经大学外国语学院603普通语言学考研真题一、名词解释(10题,每题3分,共30分)1.category2.semantic components3.schemata4.linguistic universality5.duality6.metalingual function7.minmal pair8.inflection9.cooperative principle10.validity二、判断题(5题,每题8分,共40分)Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully and decidewhether it is true or false.Write T for true and F for false in the bracket.1()The Chinese expressions“吃饭了吗?”“家里都好吗?”“这是去哪啊?”etc.are examples of displacement.2.()Gradable antonymy is the sense relation between two antonymswhich differ in terms of degree while complementary antonymy is the senserelation between two antonyms which are complementary to each other.3.()In the example:“He couldnt open the door.It was lockedtight”,the relation between“the door”and“It”is that of substitution.4.()A phoneme in one language or one dialect may be an allophonein another language or dialect.5.()A speaker flouts the Maxim of Quantity when his contributionsto the conversation are not truthful.三、简答题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1.1.Find the sources of the following blends.(1 point for each)1)smash 2)workaholic 3)modem 4)medicare5)motel 6)brunch 7)spam 8)chunnel2.Indicate the category of each word in the following sentences.(2points for each)1)The instructor told the students to study.2)The Jet landed on the ground.3)That glass suddenly broke.4)The travelers are waiting for the train.3.What are the presuppositions that the following sentences maycontain?(2 points for each)1)She regretted not accepting the gift from Tony.2)The pregnant teacher went on holiday.3)Where did he buy the beer?4)She wants more popcorn.4.The following conversational fragment is to some degree odd.Towhat extent can the oddness be explained by reference to Grices CP andmaxims?A:Have you seen Peter today?B:Well,if I didnt denying seeing him I wouldnt be telling a lie.5.Give an example to illustrate the recursive nature of language thatprovides a theoretical basis for the creativity of language.四、论述题(2题,每题20分,共40分)1.What are special features of Systemic-functional linguistics and TGGrammar?Comment them briefly.2.Why do modern linguists put the priority of synchronic study over thediachronic study in linguistics?2008年广东财经大学外国语学院603普通语言学考研真题一、名词解释(10题,每题3分,共30分)petence3.displacement4.holophrasic stage5.Lexical ambiguity6.Locutionary act7.phoneme8.theme9.linguistic morpheme二、判断题(5题,每题7分,共35分)Directions:Read each of the following statements carefully and decidewhether it is true or false.Write T for true and F for false in the bracket.1.()The fact that the speech signal is often somewhat ambiguousdoes not mean that speech perception often relies heavily on top-down orconceptually driven processes.2.()Ogden and Richards argue that the relation between a word andthing it refers to is not direct.3.()The cooperative principle is proposed by Grice.4.()The phatic function can often be entirely personal and totallywithout any implication of communication to others.5.()A proposition is what is expressed by a declarative sentencewhen that sentence is uttered to make a statement.三、论述题(3题,每题15分,共45分)1.Compare carefully the following definitions of Language and write apaper discussing which points recur and explaining the significance of thesimilarities and differences among the definitions.Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which asocial group cooperates.(J.B.Carroll,1953)Language is a purely human and non-instinctive method ofcommunicating ideas,emotions and desires by means of voluntarily producedsymbols.(Sapir,1921)Language is“the institution whereby humans communicate and interactwith each other by means of habitually used oral-auditory arbitrary symbols.”(Hall,1968)From now on I will consider language to be a set of elements(Chomsky,1957)2.How many stages of development has Chomskys TG Grammarundergone?Comment on each of the stages briefly.3.Illustrate two major linguistic views and comment on theirsignificance in language learning and teaching.四、简答题(5题,每题8分,共40分)1.The following words have unusual plurals.Identify as many otherwords as you can which show similar behaviour in the plural.(1)man change vowel of singular form(2)sheep no change at all(3)phenomenon replace on with a(4)wife replace voiceless fricative with voiced fricative then add/z/2.Draw trees diagrams for the following compounds.Note that theyboth have more than one meaning and therefore require more than one tree.How does the tree structure relate to the difference in meaning?(1)student film society(2)child psychology graduate3.Study the following examples and discuss why Speaker Bs answer in(1)is acceptable while in(2)is not acceptable in term of co-ordination.(1)Speaker A:What did he do?Speaker B:Run up the hill and up the mountain.(2)Speaker A:What did he do?Speaker B:*Ring up his mother and up his sister.4.Try to make sense of the following witty dialog and to identify thecohesive ties and explain briefly.Speaker A:Time flies.Speaker B:You cant;they fly too quickly.5.What is the difference between lexical and grammatical meaning?- 配套讲稿:
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