(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!) RTK 技术在地形测量中的应用研究 摘要:随着科学技术不断的发展,GPS 技术也在不断的发展,目前 GPS 已经成为集卫星技术、微电子技术、计算机技 术和天文观测技术为一体的高端技术.GPS 技术的出现,在一定程度上促进了测绘技术发展,尤其是在定位和测量上.RTK 技 术作为 GPS 技术重要组成部分,其对地形测量有一定优势,其不仅能提高测量效率,同时也能提高测量精度,从而使地形测 量工作有序进行.本文主要从 RTK 技术概况及原理、RTK 技术地形测量过程中应该注意的问题、RTK 技术在地形测量中的应 用等方面出发,对 RTK 技术在地形测量中的应用进行相应研究. RTK 技术作为 GPS 系统中重要定方式, 其在地形测量中有重要作用.RTK 技术不仅能控制测量、提高工作效率, 同时也能以全站仪坐标进行放样, 也能进行高精度定位.而 要想将 RTK 技术更好的应用在地形测量中,仍需要对 RTK 技术技术概况、原理、应用应该注意的问题和实际应用进行 具体分析,以便为地形测量工作创造更多有利条件.如何更好的将 RTK 技术更好应用在地形测量中,已经成为相关部门值得思索的事情. 1 RTK 技术概况及原理 1.1 RTK 技术概况 RTK 技术事实上就是动态测量技术, 其在实际测量中 将相位测量与数据传输技术结合在一起, 根据载波相位实 时进行差分 GPS 测量,RTK 技术作为 GPS 测量重要组成部分,已经成为测量技术发展的重要标志.在实际应用过程中, RTK 技术是通过基准站接收机、数据链和流动站接收机来,实现其测量功能的.RTK 技术在实际测图过程中,仅需一人 拿着仪器在要测量地物或地貌特征点上 1~2 分钟,并在仪器上输测量地物或地貌特征点,就能将相应数据导入计算机,以此为依据通过绘图软件进行编绘,输入要完成的地形图数据,就能完成地形图.RTK 技术在地形测量中应用,不仅节省大量人力、物力,同时也能避免传统测量中通视问题,尤其是在起伏较大的山地中使用,能使其工作效率得到显著的提高;工程放样方法相对较多,但是在实际应用过程中,对点通视状况要求较高,不能更好满足放样需求.而用RTK 技术进行放样,只需要将目标点位置输入电子簿中并背向 GPS 机就能找打放样点位置, 这种方法不仅快速方便且精度均匀,能更好满足放样需求.。此外,RTK 技术也能对 常规方法无法定位的坐标进行定位.因此,RTK 技术主要在地形测量和工程放样中使用. 文中主要对 RTK 技术在地形测量中应用进行相应分析. 1.2 RTK 技术原理 RTK 技术原理就是基准站实时将测量的载波相位观测值、伪距观测值、基准站坐标等数据,以无线电传送的方式将将相应数据传送给流动站,流动站再对这些数据进行差分处理,最终得出基准站和流动站坐标差.在此基础上将数据转换成流动站平面坐标和高程,整个过程中就是 RTK 技术定位过程. 2 RTK 技术地形测量过程中应该注意的问题 一般地形测量是以静态测量控制点方法进行测量的,并在此基础上用 RTK 技术来完成碎部测量.RTK 技术在实际测量过程中可以对测区内一定数量基准点进行测量并对该地形区地形、地物特征点坐标进行测定,最后利用相应 测图软件来实现测绘编辑使其成为地形图. 2.1 做好准备工作 在使用 RTK 技术进行测量的时候,应该做好相应准备工作.在测量前,应该了解点位、交通状况,同时也应该了解卫星预报评估障碍物状况及对 GPS 观测的影响.最后根据测量点卫星状况进行测量,并确定具体布网和作业方案.在此基础上,对电池、电量、内存容量和测图软件进行常规性检测.. 2.2 选好基准点 一般基准点都会选在交通便利的地方,这样不仅便于 设备运输和操作,同时也便于保存.在选择基准点的时候,应 该尽量避免成片植物区域,当无法避免时,尽量将基准点范 围内植物清除.同时在选择基准点时,也应尽量远离高达建 筑物或是大面积水域;在选择基准点时也应保证区域内无 无线电发射设施和高压输电线路设备.埋石时最好从点位实 际需求出发来确定基点.此外,还应该对 GPS 电台功率及覆 盖能力进行分析,尽量将基准点布设在测区较高位置,以方 便获取通讯数据,减少基准点个数. 2.3 做好外业测量和数据处理工作 在对外业进行观测的时候,应该以仪器的具体步骤为: 依据逐步进行操作,得出相应数据后,再以单位实际需求为 依据选择适当的软件进行处理,处理过程中也应该对不同基准站点坐标进行计算,以确保坐标位置. 2.4 做好基准站设置和参数求解工作 在使用仪器时, 应该将正确基准站坐标输和仪器高度 输入基准站中.选择正确的发射差分数据,对波特率进行正 确选择,以保证基准站设置准确性.在对参数求解时,应该先 在电子手簿中输入标准基准点以外的坐标, 并对已知控制 点进行联测,算出转换数据后接收数据并确定数据. 2.5 做好碎步测量工作和数据工作 完成基本工作后,还应该对碎步进行测量.可以将流动 站放置在地物地貌特征点上对每个碎步至少测量两三分钟.同时应该追的是碎步测量点必须与实际需求一致.完成外业采集工作后,还应该及时将采集数据处理成内业数据.在处理过程中可以以外业采集过程中画的草图和预设编码为依据完成内业图.这项数据工作必须及时完成,以避免时间过长而遗忘相应数据和图形, 而影响地形测量进度.为了使RTK 坐标数据更加准确,必须保证 RTK 数据与展点数据一致.在此基础上将代码、坐标或高程输入相对应办公软件中,之后再用相应软件进行处理,以便使 RTK 和软件有效的连接在一起, 实现数据下载. 最后通过编辑转换 RTK 格式将RTK 数据存入计算机,使 RTK 数据和测图软件数据格式一致,为内业成图创造一定条件. 2.6 做好地图绘制工作 做好上述一系列工作后,还应该对地图进行绘制.在绘制过程中,应该现对软件中的比例尺进行调试,使其与实际需要比例尺一致,之后启动展点命令,输入上述数据名称,根据外业草图进行绘制,并用人机操作形式进行交互编辑,使其形成完整图形. 同时也应该将野外测点输入计算机中,使其与图式符号库形成连线,以便对地形图进行规范,一旦地形图与实际规范有差距,就应该进行进行编辑处理,以保证相应工作顺利进行. 3 RTK 技术在地形测量中的应用 测量工程的发展对测量精度和效率要求越来越高,而常规的测量技术不能更好满足实际需求.GPS 技术的出现,尤其是 RTK 技术的出现,其仅以数量基准控制点就能确定测量坐标,并在此基础上通过绘图软件将野外测量数据绘制成地形图, 之后以相应方式输出不同比例大小的地形图. 目前来看,RTK 技术在地形测量中应用的比较多.某地区在对城市规划进行测量时, 先对该地区地形条件和居民人口数量进行分析,在此次基础上对该区水准面控制网实际情况进行分析,并采用 RTK 技术进行控制测量.在实施该方案时,先对传统控制测量、细部测量等作业方法进行相应调整并导入 RTK技术,对传统测量技术进行改进.通过全站仪辅助,对该地区进行测量.测量过程中是用 RTK 控制网对测区进行总体控制的,在一定程度上实现了多基点控制点联测,基准站一般控制在十千米范围内.在实际操作中会受到电磁波干扰或卫星条件限制,对不同基站进行联测后,对 RTK测量精度进行检测,以实现对不同分层技术进行控制.检测时RTK 点之间的边长符合规定,采集数据时,控制点的固定解采集超过三次,仪器能自动取平均值.在移动 RTK 流动站时,能检测到已知点和 RTK 重复点,在一定程度上证明数据采集不同时段的精度是比较可靠的.因此,在对这一城市进行地形测量过程中,其测量精度与实际相符、能控制在一定范围内并符合技术要求.通过对城市坐标差、点位进行检验时,也能达到一定标准.通过全站仪对这一区域边长进行测量, 其边长误差值在标准范围内, 能满足实际精度.将 RTK 技术应用在城市规划测图中,虽然有一些不规范的地方,检测起来也比较繁琐,很难形成统一的标准,但是随着数字技术不断的发展,RTK 技术的测量精度将会有所提高.为了更好满足现实需求,还需要对 RTK 技术进行相应研究. 4 结语 随着各种工程测量的发展,对测量的要求越来越高,不仅要满足基本测量需求, 同时也要满足测量效率和精度需求.而常规的测量方法不能更好满足这一需求,RTK 技术的出现,在一定程度上满足了工程测量需求.RTK 技术在地形测量中的使用,不仅节省大量人物力和时间,一定程度上也提高了测量效率和测量精度.然而,在实际应用过程中,也应该注意相应问题.随着科学技术不断的发展,对地形测量要求将会更高要求.为了更好满足时代发展需求,还需要加大工程测量技术研究力度,以保证地形测量工作顺利进行. GPS - RTK technology application in topographic survey and research ABSTRACT: With the continuous development of science and technology, the GPS application in the measurement range is becoming more and more wide. The emergence of GPS technology, to a certain extent, promoted the development of surveying and mapping technology, especially on the positioning and measurement. RTK technology as an important part of GPS technology, the topographic survey has some advantages, it can not only improve the measurement efficiency, at the same time also can improve the measurement precision, so that the topographic survey work orderly. This article mainly from the RTK technology principle, TK survey and topographic survey process, RTK technology should pay attention to the problems in its application in topographic survey, the application of RTK technology in topographic survey conducted corresponding research. KEYWORDS: GPS - RTK technology; Topography measurement; application ( Global Positioning System) Global Positioning System (GPS) is jointly developed by the American armed forces in the 1970s a new generation of space satellite navigation and Positioning System. RTK technology as an important way of GPS system, it has an important role in topographic survey. RTK technology can not only control measure, improve work efficiency, also can with total station coordinate lofting, also can undertake high-precision positioning. To the better application of RTK technology in topographic survey, still need to overview of RTK technology, principle, application, should pay attention to the specific and practical application of the analysis, in order to create more favorable conditions for topographic survey work. How to better apply RTK technology better in topographic survey, has become a relevant department is worth thinking. 1.1 profile of RTK technology RTK technology in fact is the dynamic measurement technique, the phase measurement in the actual measurement and data transmission technology together, according to the carrier phase differential GPS measurements in real time, as GPS RTK technology important constituent, has become an important symbol of measuring technology development. In practical application process, RTK technology is through the base station receiver, data link and rover receiver to achieve its measurement function. RTK technology in the actual mapping process, only one person holding the instrument in measuring the feature or features point 1~ 2 minutes, and losing on instrument measurement features or geomorphic feature points, can the corresponding data into the computer, on this basis through the drawing software compilation, enter to complete the topographic map data, topographic map will be finished. RTK technology application in topographic survey, not only save a lot of manpower and material resources, at the same time can also avoid the traditional measurements depending on the problem, especially in the mountains of volatile use, can make its work efficiency is significantly improved; RTK technology can also be unable to locate the coordinates of the conventional methods for positioning. Therefore, RTK technology is mainly used in topographic survey and engineering layout. The main application of RTK technology in topographic survey accordingly. 1.2 principle of RTK technology GPS positioning is determined mainly by using the principle of ranging intersection point. Carrier phase differential technique is also called RTK (Real Time Kinematic) technology, is real-time processing of two station carrier phase observation quantity difference method. Carrier phase difference technology system configuration consists of three parts: (1) the base station receiver. (2) the rover receiver, rover also includes software systems that support the real-time dynamic difference. (3) data link. Real-time will measure principle of RTK technology is in carrier phase observations, the pseudorange observations, reference station coordinates data, corresponding data transmitted in the form of radio transmission to the rover, rover difference processing these data again, finally draw a base station and rover coordinate difference. On the basis of general data into a rover plane coordinates and elevation, the whole process is the process of RTK positioning technology. Usually RTK measurement accuracy can reach several centimeters. 2 topography measurement in the process of RTK technology should pay attention to the problem General topography measurement based on control point method for measuring the static measurement, and on this basis, using RTK technology to complete the detail measurement. RTK technology in the actual process of measuring the measurement zone of a certain number of benchmarks can be measured, and the cryovolcanic terrain and object of the feature point coordinates are measured, and finally using the corresponding mapping software to implement the mapping editor, making it a topographic map. 2.1 good preparation before When using RTK technology to measure before the corresponding measure should be ready for work. Should understand point, traffic conditions, also should understand the status of the satellite forecast assessment of obstacles and impact on GPS observation. According to the measurement point on satellite measurements, and determine the net and work plan. Based on this, again to the battery, battery, memory capacity, and routine inspections of mapping software. 2.2 choose a good benchmark When selecting a reference point, generally choose where the transportation is convenient, and try to avoid piece of plant area, when unable to avoid, try to clear the benchmark within the scope of the plant. At the same time also should try to stay away from tall buildings or large water areas and areas with no radio emission and transmission line equipment. In addition, you should analyze the GPS radio power and coverage, as far as possible the reference point setting higher position of the surveyed area , convenient to obtain communications data and reduce number of datum. 2.3 to do a good job of field measurement and data processing In field observations, should be operated according to the specific steps of instrument gradually, and then select the appropriate software based on practical needs for processing, processing of different benchmark site should also coordinate calculation, to ensure that the coordinates of the location. 2.4 do a good job base station setting and parameters to solve When using instrument, should be the correct reference station coordinates and the height of the instrument input datum station. Launch difference data, choose the right to correct selection of baud rate, in order to make sure the base station setting accuracy. Of solving parameters, should first hand in electronic book beyond standard datum input, the coordinates of known control points are measured, calculated conversion data after receiving data and data were determined. 2.5 do a good job and many quick measurement After completion of basic work should also be measured in detail. Can place the rover on the terrain landform feature points for every detail measuring at least two or three minutes. After completion of field collection work should also be timely collection and processing of data into data in the industry. In the process can be collected outside the industry in the process of painting on the basis of the sketch and the default encoding completion figure in the industry. , coordinates, on the basis of this code or elevation input corresponding office software, and then with the corresponding software for processing, so that the RTK together effectively, and the software for data download.. Finally by editing the convert RTK formats the RTK data stored in the computer, make the RTK data format, data and mapping software to create certain conditions for mapping in the industry. 2.6 do a good job mapping After completing the above a series of work, should also be drawn on maps. In the process of drawing, should be on the scale of software debugging, now make it consistent with the actual needs scale, after start the at command, enter the name of the data, and according to the field to draw sketch, make its form a complete graphics.. And at the same time the field point should be input in the computer, with the schematic symbol library form the attachment, so that the specification of topographic map so as to ensure relevant work smoothly. 3 The GPS-RTK technology application in topographic survey With the emergence of RTK technology, rapid positioning measurement is more and more relaxed. Along with the continuous improvement of RTK technology, appeared different RTK measurement system. Now, RTK technology in the applications of topographic survey is more. As measured in the urban planning in a given area, first to the region terrain conditions and residential population quantity is analyzed, based on the analysis of actual situation level control network in the area, using RTK technology to control the measurement. In implementing the plan, first to the traditional control, detail measurement method to carry on the corresponding adjustment and import the RTT technology, to improve the traditional measurement techniques. The region is measured by total station auxiliary. With RTK measurement process control network to control the overall thickness division, to a certain extent, achieved more than bp control point measurement, general control benchmark station within 10 kilometers. Therefore, in the process of the city terrain measurement, the measurement accuracy is consistent with the actual, can be controlled within a certain range and accord with technical requirements. Through the urban coordinate difference, test point, also can reach a certain standard. The this area length is measured by total station, the side length error values in the standard range, can satisfy the precision. Apply RTK technology in urban planning and mapping, although there are some non-standard parts, and more cumbersome to test, it is difficult to form a unified standard, but with the continuous development of digital technology, the measuring accuracy of RTK technology will be improved. In order to better meet the demand of reality, also need to the corresponding study on the RTK technology. 4 conclusion Along with the development of engineering measurement, to measure the demand is higher and higher, not only to meet the demand of basic measurement, but also to meet the demand of measuring precision and efficiency. And conventional measuring methods can't meet this demand, the emergence of RTK technology, to a certain extent, meet the demand of engineering measurement. GPS - RTK will still alone or together with the total station in land survey plays an important role. And will load to the function of GPS - RTK total station and other equipment, or other instruments will be loaded into the function of GPS - RTK rover, a new generation of multi-functional instrument, will be GPS - RTK in land survey of the development direction in the future. RTK technology used in topographic surv- 配套讲稿:
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