目录2004年北京大学外国语学院661专业能力考研真题及详解2007年北京大学外国语学院661专业能力考研真题及详解2012年北京大学外国语学院664专业能力考研真题及详解2004年北京大学外国语学院661专业能力考研真题及详解一、Translate the passage into Chinese.(50分)HE THAT hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune;for they areimpediments to great enterprises,either of virtue or mischief.Certainly thebest works,and of greatest merit for the public,have proceeded from theunmarried or childless men;which both in affection and means,have marriedand endowed the public.Yet it were great reason that those that havechildren,should have greatest care of future times;unto which they knowthey must transmit their dearest pledges.Some there are,who though they lead a single life,yet their thoughts do endwith themselves,and account future times impertinences.Nay,there are someother,that account wife and children,but as bills of charges.Nay more,thereare some foolish rich covetous men,that take a pride,in having no children,because they may be thought so much the richer.For perhaps they haveheard some talk,Such an one is a great rich man,and another except to it,Yea,but he hath a great charge of children;as if it were an abatement to hisriches.But the most ordinary cause of a single life,is liberty,especially incertain self-pleasing and humorous minds,which are so sensible of everyrestraint,as they will go near to think their girdles and garters,to be bondsand shackles.Unmarried men are best friends,best masters,best servants;butnot always best subjects;for they are light to run away;and almost allfugitives,are of that condition.A single life doth well with churchmen;for charity will hardly water theground,where it must first fill a pool.It is indifferent for judges andmagistrates;for if they be facile and corrupt,you shall have a servant,fivetimes worse than a wife.For soldiers,I find the generals commonly in theirhortatives,put men in mind of their wives and children;and I think thedespising of marriage amongst the Turks,making the vulgar soldier morebase.Certainly wife and children are a kind of discipline of humanity;and singlemen,though they may be many times more charitable,because their meansare less exhaust,yet,on the other side,they are more cruel and hardhearted(good to make severe inquisitors),because their tenderness is not so oft calledupon.Grave natures,led by custom,and therefore constant,are commonlyloving husbands,as was said of Ulysses,vetulam suam praetulitimmortalitati.Chaste women are often proud and froward,as presuming upon the merit oftheir chastity.It is one of the best bonds,both of chastity and obedience,inthe wife,if she think her husband wise;which she will never do,if she findhim jealous.Wives are young mens mistresses;companions for middle age;and old mens nurses.So as a man may have a quarrel to marry,when he will.But yet he was reputed one of the wise men,that made answer to thequestion,when a man should marry.A young man not yet,an elder mannot at all.It is often seen that bad husbands,have very good wives;whether itbe,that it raiseth the price of their husbands kindness,when it comes;or thatthe wives take a pride in their patience.But this never fails,if the badhusbands were of their own choosing,against their friends consent;for thenthey will be sure to make good their own folly.【参考译文】成了家的人,可以说对于命运之神付出了抵押品。因为家庭难免拖累于事业,使人的许多抱负难以实现。所以最能为公从献身的人,往往是那种不被家室所累的人。因为只有这种人,才能够把他的全部爱情与财产,都奉献给唯一的情人公众。而那种有家室的人,恐怕只愿把美好的祝愿保留给自己的后代。有的人在结婚后仍然愿意继续过独身生活。因为他们不喜欢家庭,把妻子儿女看作经济上的累赘。还有一些富人甚至以无子嗣为自豪。也许他们是担心,一旦有了子女就会瓜分现有的财产吧。有一种人过独身生活是为了保持自由,以避免受约束于家庭承担的义务和责任。但这种人,可能会认为腰带和鞋带,也难免是一种束缚束吧!实际上,独身者也许可以成为最好的朋友,最好的主人,最好的仆人,但很难成为最好的公民。因为他们随时可以迁逃,所以差不多一切流窜犯都是无家者。作为献身宗教的僧侣,是有理由保持独身的。否则他们的悲慈就将先布施于家人而不时供奉于上帝了。作为法官与律师,是否独身关系并不大。因为只要他们身边有一个坏的幕僚,其进谗言的能力就足以抵上五个妻子。作为军人,有家室则是好事,家庭的荣誉可以激发他们的责任感和勇气。这一点可以从土耳其的事例中得到反证那里的风俗不重视婚姻和家庭,结果他们士兵的斗志很差。对家庭的责任心不仅是对人类的一种约束,也是一种训练。那种独身的人,虽然在用起钱来很挥霍,但实际上往往是心肠很硬的,因为他们不懂得怎样去爱他人。一种好的风俗,能教化出情感坚贞严肃的男子汉,例如像尤利西斯(Ulysses)那样,他曾抵制美丽女神的诱惑,而保持了对妻子的忠贞。一个独身的女人常常是骄横的,因为她需要显示,她的贞节似乎是自愿保持的。如果一个女人为丈夫的聪明优秀而自豪,那么这是使她忠贞不渝的最好保证。但如果一个女人发现她的丈夫是忌妒多疑的,那么她将绝不会认为他是聪明的。在人生中,妻子是青年时代的情人,中年时代的伴侣,暮年时代的守护。所以在人的一生中,只要有合适的对象选择,任何时候结婚都是有理由的。但也有一位古代哲人,对于人应当在何时结婚这个问题是这样说的:“年纪少时还不应当,年纪大时已不必要。”美满的婚姻是难得一遇的。常可见到许多不出色的丈夫却有一位美丽的妻子。这莫非是因为这种丈夫由于具有不太多的优点,反而使他的优点更值得被珍视吗?也许因为伴随这种丈夫,可以考验一个妇人的忍耐精神吧?如果这种婚姻出自一个女人的自愿选择,甚至是不顾亲友的劝告而选择的,那么就让她自己去品尝这枚果实的滋味吧。二、Translate the passage into English.(50分)臣亮言:先帝创业未半,而中道崩殂;今天下三分,益州疲敝,此诚危急存亡之秋也。然侍卫之臣,不懈于内;忠志之士,忘身于外者:盖追先帝之殊遇,欲报之于陛下也。诚宜开张圣听,以光先帝遗德,恢弘志士之气;不宜妄自菲薄,引喻失义,以塞忠谏之路也。宫中府中,俱为一体;陟罚臧否,不宜异同:若有作奸犯科,及为忠善者,宜付有司,论其刑赏,以昭陛下平明之治;不宜偏私,使内外异法也。侍中、侍郎郭攸之、费依、董允等,此皆良实,志虑忠纯,是以先帝简拔以遗陛下:愚以为宫中之事,事无大小,悉以咨之,然后施行,必得裨补阙漏,有所广益。将军向宠,性行淑均,晓畅军事,试用之于昔日,先帝称之曰能,是以众议举宠为督:愚以为营中之事,事无大小,悉以咨之,必能使行阵和穆,优劣得所也。亲贤臣,远小人,此先汉所以兴隆也;亲小人,远贤臣,此后汉所以倾颓也。先帝在时,每与臣论此事,未尝不叹息痛恨于桓、灵也!侍中、尚书、长史、参军,此悉贞亮死节之臣也,愿陛下亲之、信之,则汉室之隆,可计日而待也。臣本布衣,躬耕南阳,苟全性命于乱世,不求闻达于诸侯。先帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈,三顾臣于草庐之中,谘臣以当世之事,由是感激,遂许先帝以驱驰。后值倾覆,受任于败军之际,奉命于危难之间:尔来二十有一年矣。先帝知臣谨慎,故临崩寄臣以大事也。受命以来,夙夜忧虑,恐付托不效,以伤先帝之明;故五月渡泸,深入不毛。今南方已定,甲兵已足,当奖帅三军,北定中原,庶竭驽钝,攘除奸凶,兴复汉室,还于旧都:此臣所以报先帝而忠陛下之职分也。至于斟酌损益,进尽忠言,则攸之、依、允等之任也。愿陛下托臣以讨贼兴复之效,不效则治臣之罪,以告先帝之灵;若无兴复之言,则责攸之、依、允等之咎,以彰其慢。陛下亦宜自谋,以谘诹善道,察纳雅言,深追先帝遗诏。臣不胜受恩感激!今当远离,临表涕泣,不知所云。【参考译文一】The First Ruler had accomplished but half his great task at his death.At thismoment the empire is in three parts,and our country is weak;it is a mostcritical moment for us.Still,ministers are not remiss in the capital,and loyaland devoted soldiers sacrifice their lives abroad,for they still remember thespecial kindness of the First Ruler and wish to show their gratitude to him byservice to Your Majesty.Therefore it would be indeed fitting that you shouldextend your holy virtue to glorify his virtuous memory in the stimulation ofthe will of your purposeful officers.Your Majesty should not lose yourself inthe pursuit of mean things,quoting phrases to confound the eternal principlesof rectitude,and so preventing remonstrance from honest people.One rule applies to the palace of the Emperor and the residence of a courtier;there must be one law rewarding the good and punishing the evil.Evil-doersand law-breakers,as also true and good people,should be dealt withaccording to their deserts by the officers concerned in order to manifest YourMajestys impartial and enlightened administration.Partiality is wrong,as isone law for the court and another for the regions.The High Ministers Fei Yi,Guo Youzhi,and Dong Yun are honest men,devotedly anxious to be loyal tothe last degree;wherefore His Late Majesty chose them in his testament.Myadvice is to consult them in all Palace matters,great or small,before takingaction.Your Majesty will reap the enormous advantage of having anyfailings corrected.General Xiang Chong is a man of well-balancedtemperament,versed in military matters,to whom,after testing him,the lateEmperor applied the epithet capable.The consensus of opinion is that XiangChong should be Grand Commander.My advice is to consult him in allmilitary matters,great or small,whereby your military forces will yield theirmaximum,each one being employed to the best advantage.Attract worthypeople;repel mean ones.This policy achieved the glory of the Former Hans,while its reversal ruined the Latter Hans.When the late Emperor was with us,he often discussed this with your servant,and he took much to heart the storyof Emperors Huan and Ling.The Chair of the Secretariat Chen Zhen,Commander Zhang Si,and Minister Jiang Wan are both incorruptible andenlightened people,honest to the death.I wish that Your Majesty should havethem near and hold them in confidence.If this be done,then the glory of theHouse of Han will be quickly consummated.I was originally a private person,a farmer in Nanyang,concerned only tosecure personal safety in a troubled age and not seeking conversation with thecontending nobles.His Late Majesty,the First Ruler,overlooking thecommonness of my origin,condescended to seek me thrice in my humble cotand consult me on the trend of events.His magnanimity affected me deeply,and I consented to do my utmost for him.Then came defeat,and I took officeat a moment of darkest outlook and at a most difficult crisis.This is twenty-one years ago.The First Ruler recognized my diligent care,and when dyinghe confided the great task to me.From that day I have lived a life of anxietylest I should fail in my trust and so dim his glory.That is why I undertook theexpedition to the lands beyond the River Lu.Now the Southern Mangs hasbeen quelled,and our army is in good condition.I ought to lead it against thenorth,where I may meet with a measure of success in the removal of thewicked ones,the restoration of Han,and a return to the old capital.This is myduty out of gratitude to the late Emperor and loyalty to Your Majesty.As to adiscussion of the pros and cons and giving a true version of the whole matter,that belongs to Guo Youzhi and Fei Yi and Dong Yun.I desire Your Majesty to confide to me the task of slaying the rebels andrestoring the Hans.If I fail,then punish me by telling the spirit of the lateEmperor.If you know not what restoration implies,that is the fault of youradvisers.Your Majesty should take pains to be guided into the right path andexamine carefully what is laid before you,carefully remembering the lateEmperors testament.I cannot express what would be my delight if you hadthe goodness to accept and act on my advice.Now I am about to depart on adistant expedition,I write this with tears and clearly know what I have said.【参考译文二】Permit your servant,Liang,to observe:the late sovereign was taken from uswhile his lifes work,the restoration of the Han,remained unfinished.Today,in a divided empire,our third,the province of Yizhou,war-worn and underduress,faces a season of crisis that threatens our very survival.Despite this,the officials at court persevere in their tasks,and loyal-minded officersthroughout the realm dedicate themselves to you because one and all theycherish the memory of the exceptional treatment they enjoyed from the latesovereign and wish to repay it in service to Your Majesty.Truly this is a timeto widen your sagely audience in order to enhance the late Emperors gloriousvirtue and foster the morale of your dedicated officers.it would be unworthyof Your Majesty to demean yourself by resorting to ill-chosen justificationsthat would block the avenues of loyal remonstrance.The royal court and the ministerial administration constitute a singlegovernment.Both must be judged by one standard.Those who do evil andviolate the codes,as well as those who are loyal and good,must receive theirdue from the proper authorities.This will make manifest Your Majestys fairand enlightened governance.Let no unseemly bias lead to different rules forthe court and the administration.Privy counselors and imperial attendantslike Guo Youzhi,Fei Yi,and Dong Yun are all solid,reliable men,loyal ofpurpose,pure in motive.The late Emperor selected them for office so thatthey would serve Your Majesty after his demise.In my own humble opinion,consulting these men on palace affairs great or small before action is takenwill prevent errors and shortcomings and maximize advantages.XiangChong,a general of fine character and fair-minded conduct,profoundlyversed in military matters,proved himself in battle during the previous reign,and the late Emperor pronounced him capable.That is why the assembly hasrecommended him for overall command.In my humble opinion,GeneralXiang Chong should be consulted on all military matters large or small toensure harmony in the ranks and the judicious use of personnel.The FormerHan thrived because its emperors stayed close to worthy vassals and far fromconniving courtiers.The opposite policy led the Later Han to ruin.Wheneverthe late Emperor discussed this problem with me,he decried the failings ofEmperors Huan and Ling.Privy counselors Guo Youzhi and Fei Yi,Secretary Chen Zhen,Senior Adviser Zhang Yi,and Military CounselorJiang Wan are all men of shining integrity and unshakable devotion.I begYour Majesty to keep close to them and to trust them,for that will strengthenour hopes for the resurgence of the house of Han.I began as a common man,toiling in my fields in Nanyang,doing what Icould to keep body and soul together in an age of disorder and taking nointerest in making a name for myself among the lords of the realm.Though itwas beneath the dignity of the late Emperor to do so,he honored my thatchedcottage to solicit my counsel on the events of the day.Grateful for his regard,I respond to his appeal and threw myself heart and soul into his service.Hardtimes followed for the cause of the late Emperor.I assumed my duties at acritical moment for our defeated army,accepting assignment in a period ofdirest danger.Now twenty-one years have passed.The late Emperor alwaysappreciated my meticulous caution and,as the end neared,placed his greatcause in my hands.Since that moment,I have tormented myself right and daylest I prove unworthy of his trust and thus discredit his judgment.That is whyI crossed the River Lu in the summer heat and penetrated the barren lands ofthe Man.Now,the south subdued,our arms sufficing,it behooves me tomarshal our soldiers to conquer the northern heartland and do my humblebest to remove the hateful traitors,restore the house of Han,and return it tothe former capital.This is the way I mean to honor my debt to the lateEmperor and fulfill my duty to Your Majesty.As for weighing theadvantages of internal policy and making loyal recommendations to YourMajesty,that is the responsibility of Guo Youzhi,Fei Yi,and Dong Yun.My only desire is to obtain and execute your commission to chasten thetraitors and restore the Han.Should I prove unfit,punish my offense andreport it to the spirit of the late Emperor.If those three vassals fail to sustainYour Majestys virtue,then their negligence should be publicized andcensured.Your Majesty,take counsel with yourself and consult widely on theright course.Examine and adopt sound opinions,and never forget the lastedict of the late Emperor.Overwhelmed with gratitude for the favor I havereceived from you,I now depart on a distant campaign.Blinded by my tearsfalling on this petition,I write I know not what.【中文译文】先帝创立帝业还没有完成一半,就中途去世了。现在,天下已分成魏、蜀、吴三国,我们蜀国人力疲惫,物力又很缺乏,这确实是国家危急存亡的关键时刻。然而,侍卫大臣们在宫廷内毫不懈怠,忠诚有志的将士在疆场上舍身作战,这都是因为追念先帝在世时对他们的特殊待遇,想报效给陛下啊。陛下确实应该广泛地听取群臣的意见,发扬光大先帝留下的美德,弘扬志士们的气概;不应该随随便便地看轻自己,言谈中称引譬喻不合大义(说话不恰当),以致堵塞忠臣进谏劝告的道路。皇宫的侍臣和丞相府的宫吏都是一个整体,对他们的提升、处分、表扬、批评,不应该因人而有什么差别。如果有营私舞弊、违犯法律和尽忠行害的人,陛下应交给主管的官吏,由他们评定应得的处罚或奖赏,用来表明陛下公正严明的治理方针。不应偏袒徇私,使得宫内和宫外有不同的法则。侍中郭攸之、费祎、侍郎董允等人,他们都是忠良诚实的人,他们的志向和心思忠诚无二,因此先帝把他们选拔出来留给陛下。我认为宫中的事情,无论大小,陛下都应征询他们,然后再去实施,这样一定能补求欠缺疏漏的地方,获得更好的效果。将军向宠,性格和善,品德公正,精通军事,从前经过试用,先帝称赞他有才能,因此大家商议推举他做中部督。我认为军营中的事务,都应与他商量,这样一定能使军队团结协作,将士才干高的差的、队伍强的,都能够得到合理的安排。亲近贤臣,疏远小人,这是前汉兴隆昌盛的原因;亲近小人,疏远贤臣,这是后汉所以倾覆衰败的原因。先帝在世时,每次与我谈论这些事,没有一次不对桓、灵二帝感到叹息、惋惜痛心的。侍中郭攸之、费祎,尚书陈震,长史张裔,参军蒋琬,这些都是忠贞贤良能够以死报国的忠臣,希望陛下亲近他们、信任他们,那么汉室的兴隆就指日可待了。我本来是一介平民,在南阳亲自种田,只求能在乱世中暂且保全性命,不奢求在诸侯面前有什么名气。先帝不因我身世卑微、见识短浅,反而降低自己的身份,三次到草庐里来访问我,向我征询对当今天下大事的意见,我因此十分感激,于是答应先帝愿为他奔走效劳。后来遇到失败,我在战败的时候接到委任,在危难的时候奉命出使东吴,从那时到现在已经二十一年了。先帝(刘备)知- 配套讲稿:
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