卓同教育集团外籍教师生活管理规定 1、外籍教师必须遵守中国的法律、法规;尊重中国人民的文化习俗、生活习惯及宗教信仰。不得做出有损于中国人民感情的事。 2、外教宿舍内不得留宿他人,来访人员需住宿的应登记入住涉外宾馆。私自留宿他人的,将视情况给予批评教育或外事纪律处分。 3、履行会客登记制度,经校外事工作领导小组同意后方可接见有预约或受到邀请的人员。有事外出必须在晚上十点钟前返校,十点钟后,未经分管校长同意,不准私自与任何来访的人员接触。 4、不许在校园等公共场所吸烟、吐痰;不准穿背心、拖鞋进入课堂。严禁在学校规定的时间之外与异性学生接触。 5、严守校规校纪。外教应和我校教职工一样,按时上、下班,不得无故缺席、迟到或早退,有事须先通过联系教师向分管校长请假,批准后方可离开。 6、爱护电脑、自行车等生活用品及有关设施,损坏或遗失的要赔偿。 7、到职后,学校有关工作人员演示如何使用生活设施,外教应认真学习并掌握;在联系教师的带领下,到附近的银行开设账户,熟悉邮局、超市、影院、车站等场所。 8、与中方教师、学生互相尊重、和睦相处,如遇具体问题,应通过联系教师向学校外事工作领导小组及时反映,妥善解决。 9、外教每日工作量不超过8小时,每周工作不超过5天。与校内的英语老师一起办公。每周五下午及工作日内的第1、2节原则上不排课。 10、外教宿舍内配备以下生活用品,双方届时交接清点:电话(1),电热水器(1),微波炉(1),饮水机(1),烤面包机(1),餐具(2 套),餐桌(1),单人床(2),床上用品[含:被套,床单,枕套,春夏被芯,秋冬被芯,枕芯,席梦思保护垫等一批](2套),蚊帐(2),床头柜(2),写字台(2),书架(2),椅子(2),沙发(1套),衣柜(2),台灯(2),淋浴设备(1),洗衣机(1),电视机(1),冰箱(1),空调(1~2)。 11、如需用车,应提前一天通过联系教师告知国际交流中心负责人,待批准后方可使用。注意乘车安全,保持车内整洁。 12、外教可在校内免费就诊,如须到校外就诊,医疗费可由其本人结清或先由学校垫付,由本人偿还。 医疗保险和意外个人财产保险,均由外教本人自理。 13、享受中国的正常节假日。圣诞节期间,放假4天。校方组织2—3次市内及周边地区旅游,费用由校方负担。由外教自行安排的游览活动,一切费用由其本人自理,同时必须及时告知分管校长其旅游地名及行车路线。 14、校方在假期结束一个月前通知外教,以利于他们进行安排;校方在外教入校和离校时分别举行欢迎及送行party,学校相关领导讲话,请外教吃饭,外教离校前要求他们留下有关教学资料,并在学期结束后一个月内向市教委提交外教在校工作评估情况。 15、校方协助外教办理居住证(有效期限截至学期结束后的一个月)。协助预定其离校车(船、机)票。 16、外教离校后,其与校方的聘用关系同时解除,学校不再对其承担任何责任。 17、本规定的解释权归教育集团国际合作与交流中心。 卓同教育集团 二○一四年八月二十日 一、学校为每位外教免费提供一套两室一厅的住房,配备整套家具、电器。由外教入住外国公寓之日起,外教应保管好钥匙,不得私自配钥匙和转借他人,如钥匙丢失,请尽快与国际合作与交流处联系更换门锁并支付门锁费用。确保自己住房内设施的安全及完整,如有物品人为的损坏或遗失,由外教本人承担赔偿责任。 The school has provided an apartment with one bedroom and one living room to every foreign teacher. The foreign teachers shall safe keep the key to the apartment. Foreign teachers cannot copy the key and lend it to the others without permission. In case the key is lost, please inform Division of International Cooperation and Exchanges to change the lock and pay the relevant expenses. Make sure the articles in the apartment are safe and complete. In case the articles are broken or lost because of negligence or other unnatural reasons, the foreign teachers shall be responsible for the losses. 二、外教要爱护公寓内设施,管好个人的物品,注意防火、节水、节电,离开房间时,关掉空调、电视、电灯等家用电器。 Foreign teachers shall take good care of the appliances and the articles in the apartment. And pay special attention to fireproofing, water saving and electricity saving. Before leaving apartment, turn off some of the electrical home appliances, such as air-conditioner, TV and electrical lights. 三、外教公寓不经允许不得私自留宿他人。如有需要,须向国际合作与交流处提交有关申请。 Foreign teacher’s apartment is not allowed to accommodate others without permission. In case of need, please submit an application letter to the Division of International Cooperation & Exchanges. 四、外教请保持公寓安静,不得从事影响他人休息的活动。不可喧哗和放大电视及音响音量等,严禁酗酒,赌博等活动。严禁吸毒贩毒和其他违法行为。不得饲养宠物。 Keep quiet in the apartment. Do not make noises or turn on TV or speakers loudly in the apartment. Alcohol abuse, gambling and other similar activities are strictly prohibited. Drug addiction, drug selling and other illegal acts are also forbidden. Strictly no pets. 五、外教入住时请核对室内物品,并在物品清单上签字。离任时,应将清单上的物品如数交还。 Foreign teachers shall check the articles before moving in and sign the name on the checklist. And before leaving the teaching post, please return all the articles on the checklist to the university. 卓同教育集团外籍教师住宿管理规定(试行) Foreign Teachers Provisional Accommodation Regulation 外籍教师公寓是外籍教师生活学习的重要场所。为规范管理,特制定本规定。 This REGULATION is formulated for the purpose of standardized management of foreign teachers' apartment, which is an important place for living and studying. 一、 住宿登记/Registration 1. 凡在我校的外籍教师均需在我校外籍教师公寓居住。 All foreign teachers who work for Zhuotong Education Group should reside in Foreign Teachers’ Apartment. 2. 外国教师到达本校后即刻办理住宿登记手续,包括领取住房钥匙。 Accommodation registration shall be finished once arrived, which is including room key . 3. 外籍教师公寓为双人间。因特殊原因要求一人住一间房者,需向学校提出书面申请,在条件允许的情况下,经批准可只住1人。 The room is a twin bed room which designed for two teachers. One teacher in one room is only allowed for special consideration. 4. 外籍教师生应服从公寓管理人员的安排,按指定房间住宿,不得私自调换或强占房间。 Foreign teachers should follow the arrangement and reside in the arranged room. It is forbidden to switch rooms without permission. 5. 外籍教师入住房间前,应按照本校《外籍教师公寓家俱物品清单》检查房间物品是否配齐。如有缺少,应及时告知。否则,须照价赔偿丢失物品。 Before moving in, foreign teachers are supposed to check inside furniture according to The list of furniture in Foreign Teachers’ apartment。 Please report in time if any is missing. Otherwise, compensation must be made according to the lost value. 二、 日常管理/ Daily Management 1. 不得利用外籍教师公寓房间从事违反中国法律和法规的活动。 Violations of Chinese law and regulations must not happen in the room of Foreign teachers' apartment. 2. 外籍教师应遵守公寓管理规定,尊重服务人员,服从管理。公寓管理人员因工作需要进入房间,外籍教师应给予配合,不得拒绝。 Foreign teachers shall observe this Regulation, respect apartment administrators and obey management. Foreign teachers should be cooperative if apartment administrators needs access into the room when necessary 3. 节约使用水、电、煤气等能源。房内禁止使用自备的大功率电器,禁开无人空调。每户水、电、煤费使用总额度为150元/月(水30元/月、电100元/月、煤气20元/月),超额费用自理。 Think GREEN when using water,electricity,gas and other energy during the stay. Any illegal or high power electrical equipment shall not be used in the apartment. Keeping air-conditioner on when no one is in the apartment is not allowed. Every apartment has a total free energy use limit of 150 RMB(as for water, 30 yuan per month; electricity ,100yuan per month; gas ,20 yuan per month). The surpassed cost should be paid by the residents. 4. 保持宿舍安静,不得在宿舍内从事影响他人学习与休息的活动,如跳 舞、大声喧哗、高声播放音乐等。严禁酗酒,赌博等活动。严禁吸毒贩 毒和其他违法行为。不得饲养宠物。 Remain quiet inside of the apartment. Loud activities which influence other residents are not allowed, such as dancing, high talking noises, high volume music playing, etc. Alcohol abuse, gambling and other similar activities are strictly prohibited. Drug addiction, drug selling and other illegal acts are also forbidden. Strictly no pets. 5. 保持寝室内卫生整洁,及时清理生活垃圾。垃圾和杂物不得随意堆置在公共楼道内,不得从楼上外抛。 墙壁上不乱贴、乱画。 Remain clean and tidy of the apartment and clear living garbage on time. Placing rubbish in the public area or throwing outside from window is not allowed. Keep Posters and paintings away from the wall. 6. 不得擅自改动宿舍内预装设施。不得损坏、拆卸、改装宿舍楼内设备和线路。如有损坏,需按价赔偿。 All facilities shall not be moved without permission. Do not damage, disassemble and change inside equipment and cord. Otherwise, compensation must be made according to the original value. 7. 不得擅自更换房门钥匙、另配钥匙或另加门锁。钥匙如有遗失,将从押金中扣除相应金额。 It is not allowed to change the locks or make copies of the key or add another lock without permission. Fee would be charged if the room key is lost. 三、 会客管理/ Visiting management 1. 校外来访人员需凭本人有效证件在公寓管理办公室登记,得到管理人员同意后方可进入公寓。 Outside visitors should have valid ID card to register in the doorkeeper office before entering. 2. 校外来访人员必须在22:30前离开公寓。外籍教师严禁留宿他人。否则,将收缴住宿费用每晚500元,并作违纪处理。 Outside visitors must leave before 22:30. Residents must not keep outside visitors overnight. Otherwise, 500RMB accommodation fee would be charged, and it would be recorded as a violation. 3.严禁带学生进入外教公寓。 Taking students to the foreign teachers’ apartment is strictly prohibited. 四、 安全管理/Security Management 1. 妥善保管护照、现金及其它个人物品,不宜在房间内存放贵重物品和大量现金。 Keep safe of passport,cash and other valuable personal belongings. Leaving high value goods or large amounts of cash inside the apartment is not suggested. 2. 外籍教师应按规定在23:00前回寝室就寝。禁止翻越公寓围墙、栏杆进入公寓和寝室。 Residents should return the apartment before 23:00. Do not climb wall or gate for entering. 3. 严禁乱动配电箱、消防器材等,室内禁止存放易燃易爆物品。如发现室内有设施故障和安全隐患,应及时向公寓管理人员或国际交流和合作办公室报告。 Do not touch distribution box and fire equipment if not necessary. Inflammables and explosives are forbidden to be placed in the apartment. Please report to Office of International Cooperation and Exchange Office immediately if facilities faults or safety loopholes are found. 4. 夜间睡觉时必须锁好房间门窗及阳台窗户;假期外出时须切断水、电源和煤气开关。 Lock well door and room windows and balcony windows during the night for safety. Water, electricity and gas must be switched off during the holiday leave. 5. 寒暑假期间如不在学校公寓内居住的,需到国际交流和合作办公室登记,同时公寓钥匙必须妥善保管或交由国际学院保管,不得擅自交他人保管或借给他人使用。 Residents should inform International Cooperation and Exchange Office of if not living in the apartment during holiday. Meantime, keep properly of the key or leave it to the International Cooperation and Exchange Office. Leaving keys to others is not allowed. 6. 遇到紧急情况请拨打以下电话:报警110 、火警119、救护120。学校不承担由于火灾、盗窃、水灾、或其它原因造成的住宿者个人财产损失。 Emergency calls: criminal report-110, fire report-119, and ambulance-120. The Education Group does not bear the lost cost by fire, stealing, flood or other disaster. 五、 退房管理/Check-out 1. 住宿时间期满,外籍教师应在一周内办理退房手续,并搬离外籍教师公寓。因特殊原因需延期居住时,经国际学院同意,可以办理延期手续,延期住宿时间不超过一周,延住期间按标准价格收费。 The residents should check out within one week of agreed leaving date, and move out at schedule time. For extending the time of residence in case of special conditions, permission must be granted by the International Cooperation and Exchange Office to fulfill extension formalities. The extension residence shall not exceed one week, and be charged same as standard rate, 80RMB per night for Single room and 40RMB per night for Twin room. 2. 办理退房手续时,由国际合作与交流办公室检查房间设备设施情况,按《外籍教师公寓家俱物品清单》核对房间的物品。如有损坏、丢失,在退还押金之前需照价赔偿。 When the residents are checking out, the International Cooperation and Exchange Office would check the room situation and facilities, count room items based on The list of furniture in Foreign Teachers' apartment. If any damage or loss, compensation must be made before leaving. 3. 外籍教师离校前将钥匙交还国际合作与交流办公室。室内遗留物品,按无主物品处理。 Residents should return the room key to the International Cooperation and Exchange Office before leaving. The remaining items in the room would be treated as unclaimed articles. 六、 其他/Others 1. 本规定未尽事宜,遵照《卓同教育集团外教公寓管理暂行规定》执行。 Matters not covered in this regulation shall be subject to Foreign Teachers Provisional Accommodation Regulation. 2. 如违反以上规定造成任何不良后果,住宿者需承担全部责任。 Any negative consequences caused by violation of above regulations, the resident should undertake all responsibilities. 3. 本规定自发布之日起执行。由国际学院负责解释。 The regulation shall become effective upon the date of issuing. The responsibility of its interpretation shall be vested by the International Cooperation and Exchange Office. 附件:《外籍教师公寓家俱物品清单》 :电话(1),电热水器(1),微波炉(1),饮水机(1),烤面包机(1),餐具(2 套),餐桌(1),单人床(2),床上用品[含:被套,床单,枕套, 春夏被芯,秋冬被芯,枕芯,席梦思保护垫等一批](2套),蚊帐(2),床头柜(2), 写字台(2),书架(2),椅子(2),沙发(1套),衣柜(2),台灯(2),淋浴设备(1),洗衣机(1),电视机(1),冰箱(1),空调(1~2)。 Attachment:The list of furniture in Foreign Teachers' apartment: 1 Telephone, 1 electric water heater, 1 microwave, 1 water dispenser, 1 toaster, 2 sets of tableware, 1 dining table, 2 single beds ,bedding, 2 mosquito nets, 2 bedside tables, 2 writing desks, 2 bookshelves , 2 chairs, 2 wardrobes, 1 set of living room sofa, 2 reading lamps, 1 set of showering facilities, 1 washing machine, 1 TV set , 1 refrigerator,1 air conditioner,- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 外教 生活 公寓 管理 规定
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