租赁合同 NO. 2002NCLC**** This lease agreement (“Lease”) dated as of Nov. 20, 2001, is between New Century International Corp. a corporation, with its principal office at One China World Trade Center 2121-2127, Beijing1 00004, China (“Lessor”), and , a corporation, with its principal office at (“Lessee”) 本租赁合同于 年 月 日由新世纪国 际租赁有限公司(“出租人”)和 (承租人)共同签署。LESSOR agrees to lease to the LESSEE and the LESSEE agrees to lease from LESSOR, the equipment ( the “Equipment “) described in this Agreement for the entire Term of lease as stipulated herein, subject to the Terms and Conditions of this Agreement.根据合同条款所述,出租人同意在租赁期限内向承租人出租租赁物件,承租人也同意对本出租予以接受 Customer Name 承租人名称 Installation Address (Premises) 租赁物件安装地址 Billing Address 发票接收地址 Contact Person 承租人联系人 Telephone/电话 Fax/传真 PAYMENT SCHEDULE/付款表 ITEM NO 项目 1 2 3 EQUIPMENT 租赁 物件名称 SERIAL NUMBER 租赁物件号码 GUARANTEED PAYMENT means guarantee by the lessee of the following undertakings 付款保证 意味着承租人对以下事 实做出的保证: Term of Lease 租赁期限 Commencement Date 起租日 租赁物件验收确认书签署日 Deposit 保证金 _______________________________ Total Rent 租金总额 __ ______________________ Method of Payment 支付方式 于租赁期限内每季度末月 15 日支付人民币 (详见附件 1) Dat e of the first Payment: 第一期租金支付日:_ Place of delivery 交货地点 The lessee HEREBY IRREVOCABLY AND UNCONDITIONALLY undertakes to pay all installments throughout the entire term of lease through electronic bank transfer to the account of NC IL in_ . This account should remain unchangeable in the entire term of lease. 在整个租赁期间,承租人不可撤销及无条件承诺通过电汇形式将所有应付款项付至新世纪国际租赁有限公司在 开立的帐 户中,在整个租赁过程中此帐户保持不变。 开户行: 户名: 帐号: TERMS AND CONDITIONS 合同条款 1. Purchase of the Leased Equipment Lessor shall enter into the Equipment Purchase Contract with the equipment supplier and purchase the Leased Equipment specified as Equipment in the Request to Purchase and Lease Exhibit 3_ solely in accordance with the choice, decision and request of Lessee. Lessee shall have full power and assume full responsibility to decide directly with the supplier, the brand name, technical specification, modal, as well as the after sales 1 租赁物件的购买 出租人根据设备采购租赁申请表 附件 3 中承租人的要求和选择,以租给承租人使用并 在承租人履行完本合同所规定的全部义务后售 给承租人为目的,同意与供货商签订租赁物件贸 易合同,购买设备采购租赁申请表中所记载的物 件。承租人负责确定租赁物件的品质规格、技术 性能和数量、价格、包装、交货期等条件. 承租 人对自行的选择和确定负全部责任。 services, price and payment terms and the delivery of the Leased Equipment. 2.Delivery and Acceptance of the Leased Equipment The Equipment Supplier will d eliver the Lease equipment to Lessee according to the terms in the Equipment Purchase Contract. Lessee shall inspect the Leased Equipment together with the Equipment Supplier.Lessee shall sign and certify its receipt of the Leased Equipment upon its receipt of the Leased Equipment and issue a “Certificate of Acceptance”to Lessor in three (3) days after the Leased Equipment is delivered. If Lessee have no reason to refuse the Leased Equipment and could not issue a “Certificate of Acceptance”, it should be regarded as that Lessee has accepted the Leased Equipment.Lessor shall not be responsible for any delay in the shipment, unloading and customs clearance of the Leased Equipment resulting from a force majeure accident or government regulation.As the Leased Equipment is, at its sole discretion, selected by Lessee, Lessee shall exercise its rights and powers directly with the Supplier with the Supplier, without recourse to Lessor, with regard to the Supplier’s default under the Purchasing Contract, inclu ding but not limited to late delivery, failure of the equipment to conform with the specifications of this Contract, and any quality defects found in the installation, test, operation of the found in the installation, test, operation of the equipment within warranty. Lessor shall be kept free and harmless, without recourse, from any claim for default damages, compensation, loss of profit, arising out of the Purchase Contract. Lessee hereby agrees that under the circumstances set out in this Article, the validity and performance of this Agreement shall not be affected, whether or not Lessee’s claim for compensation is successful, or if damages are being claimed. Lessee shall pay the Rent and all other due fees and expenses to Lessor under this Agreement. Lessor shall furnish assistance as may be requested by Lessee in the course of arbitration and shall not unreasonably withhold such assistance in case Lessee submits its claim for damages to arbitration, Lessee shall bear all fees and expenses incurred and all legal consequences of such arbitration. 2. 租赁物件的交货和验收 租赁物件将根据租赁物件贸易合同所规定的时 间、地点和方式等条件,由供货商运达付款表中 所规定的交货地点,向承租人或承租人指定的代 理人交货,由承租人及供货商共同验货。 租赁物件到达 租赁合同付款表中所规定的交货 地点后,如果租赁物件符合采购合同的租赁物件 标准,承租人应在三天内向出租人出具一份签收 盖章的“验货合格确认书”,如果承租人未按本 款规定的时间验收并出具“验收确认书”,出租 人可视为租赁物件已在完好状态下由承租人验 收完毕,并视同承租人已经接受租赁物件,上述 三天期限届满之日即视为本合同起租日,出租人 有权终止合同并依据本合同违约、保证条款采取 相应违约补救措施。 因国家政策、法规、不可抗力等不属于出租人责 任而造成租赁物件交货延迟时,出租人不承担责 任。 租 赁物件的品质规格、价格、技术性能和数量以 及供货商系由承租人选定。其品质保证由供应商 根据直接对承租人负责。由承租人自主选定的租 赁物件在实际使用中不能达到其在签订贸易合 同时所期待的效果,出租人不承担任何责任。如 供应商迟延交货,所交货物的品质规格、技术性 能和数量等条不符合贸易合同的规定,或在贸易 合同品质保证期内发生质量问题,出租人不承担 赔偿责任,承租人若因前上述原因遭受损害,出 租人根据贸易合同的规定将向供应商的索赔权 转让给承租人,由承租人直接向供应商提出索 赔。任何上述情况发生均不能影响承租人按付款 表规定向出租人支付租金。基于租赁物件贸易合同所发生的一切争议以及 索赔、仲裁和诉讼由承租人办理,全部费用和一 切法律后果由承租人承担;出租人应合理协助承 租人采取及时而充分的补救措施。如因承租人的 疏忽和迟延导致某种请求权的丧失或对某种请 求权的限制或发生某项损失,其后果由承租人承 担。器材及辅配件均系新由工厂使用新的或经 重新加工且使用性能达到和新的一样程度之部 件组装/装配而成。 Equipment and Accessories have been newly factory processed And comprise new and reprocessed parts which are operationally Equivalent to new. 3. Term, Rent, and Payment The term of this Lease as to each Equipment shall commence on the Delivery Date in respect thereto and continue as specified in the first page of this agreement. The rent for each equipment shall be in the amounts, and shall be payable at the time and place set forth in the first page of this agreement. The Payment Date is the right day the rent to have reached Lessor’s Account, and if the Payment Date is holiday then it will move up to the pre-last bank-working day. Lessee should pay itself for the fee of rent payment . Where advance payment or deposit payment is made by the Lessee per Contract of the parties, the advanced payment Shall be applied first to off set the last Monthly Payment in the Monthly Payment until the advanced payment has been Fully utilized. In case the prime interest rate published by the People’s Bank of China has floated over 200 basic points during the term of lease, both party agree to adjust the rent accordingly to ensure the present value of the rents remain no change. 3 租赁期限及租金支付 每一租赁设备的租赁期限按第一页表中所规定 的日期确定, 并从交货日起。租金须按表中规 定的日期,金额和地点进行支付。租金支付日为 到帐日,如遇节假日则提前至前一银行工作日。 同时承租人应自行负担支付租金时发生的银行 及其他费用。 如承租人支付保证金,保证金不计息,将被 用于 保证本合同的履行、充抵最后一期租金。 若中国人民银行公布的基准利率在租赁期内发 生变化,且与合同签订日相比变化幅度超过 200 个基本点, 双方同意对租金进行调整以保证原 租金的现值不变。 4. Maintenance 4 During the Leasing Period, the Lessee shall, from the date of the installation of the Equipment and at own cost and expense, keep the Equipment safe and in good serviceable condition and working order, use the Equipment lawfully in accordance with the general purpose for which it was designed and manufactured and operate the Equipment strictly in accordance with the Operation Manual supplied with the Equipment, not alter or remove or procure alternation or Removal of the Equipment without Lessor’s prior written Consent. Furthermore, the Lessee shall make reasonable Effort and take reasonable measures to pervert damages Loss or destruction of the Equipment. Lessor’s representative shall have the right to enter onto the premise where the Equipment is installed for the purpose of inspecting of Testing whether the requirements described hereunder have been fully complied, and whether any improvement is Recommended. It is expressly agreed by the Parties, and this is the Condition for this Contract to become and remain effective, That the Lessee shall sign the full Service Maintenance Contract at its own cost with the Supplier.5. Insurance 5 Lessee shall assume the risk of loss, damage, Destruction theft . of Equipment or part t hereof throughout The Leasing Period. It is expressly agreed by the parties, and is an express condition for Lessor to agree to provide the Equipment to the Lessee of 设备维护 在租赁期限内,自租赁物件安装日起,承租人应 自费保证租赁物件的安全和处于良好的可接受 服务、工作状态,按照通常的租赁物件设计和制 造用途合理使用租赁物件,并严格按照提供的使 用手册操作租赁物件,严禁未得到出租人预先书 面认可的情况下改变、移动或允许改变、移动租 赁物件;另外,承租人应努力并采取合理的措施 防止租赁物件损坏、遗失。出租人的代表有权进 入租赁物件安装的场地对上述要求是否被遵守 进行核查,并提出改进建议。双方在此一致同意 承租人应自费向设备供应商购买全部设备维护 服务。购买全部设备维护服务为本合同生效的前 提条件。保险 租赁物件在租赁期限内一切与租赁物件有关的 全部或部分丢失、损害、破坏及偷盗的风险全部 由承租人承担。双方在此明确同意,即使租赁物 件发生全部损坏、灭失或遭窃,承租人必须按照 未付租金数额赔偿出租人损失。对这项义务的承 the obligation to make the Payment of the Total Contract Amount According to the Leasing Schedule of this Contract. It is agreed that the Lessee shall at its own expense insure and will keep insured The Equipment against loss, damage or theft for a value no less Than the replacement value of the Equipment Upon request by Lessor, the Lessee shall produce policies and premium Payment receipts to evidence such insurance. 诺是出租人同意向承租人提 供本合同项下租赁 物件的先决条件。双方亦在此明确同意在租赁期 限内承租人必须以出租人为受益人对租赁物件 进行保险,并承担有关费用。保险价值应不少于 其重置价格。在出租人要求承租人须向出租人出 示其保险单及保险费发票以证明其保险事宜 6. Late payment penalties Without prejudice to other rights which Lessor may enjoy under the applicable law or under this Contract, the Lessee shall pay interest at the rate of 2.5% per Month on the daily balance of the amount under this Contract which is due but remains unpaid. 6 迟付罚金 在不影响出租人在有关法律及本合同下的权利 的前提下,承租人必须就到期应付未付的租金或 其他款项,每日按月率 2.5%付罚金。 7. Default Lessor may at any time during the Payment Period terminate this Contract and repossess the Equipment if (1)the Lessee is in breach of the conditions and terms of this Contract and fails to rectify the breach within 15 days after written notice from Lessor. (2)Lessee shall cease or threaten to cease to carry on its business or shall be unable to pay its debts as they mature. If this Contract is terminated According to his Article, the Lessee shall pay to Lessor the total rents. 7 违约 在承租人违反本合同付款条款以及出租人向其 发出通知后 15 天内仍未能纠正上述违约时,或 承租人破产及将要破产,或承租人未能按期偿还 到期债务时,出租人有权选择终止合同并收回租 赁物件并要求承租人付清全部租金。 8. ResidualsIf the lease is ended or Lessee pay all the rest fees to Lessor once-off, Lessee can purchase and posses the lease equipment. At the end of the lease, if Lessor has received all the rent, interest, penalty and other related fees , Lessor will transfer the ownership of lease equipment to Lessee and Lessee should pay the residuals to Lessor with the last rent. Here the residuals value is RMB 1 yuan. 8 残值处理 租赁期满或承租人一次性提前偿付全部余款时, 承租人对租赁资产予以留购。在承租人清偿本合 同项下的全部租金、利息以及付清设定残值和其 他一切费用的前提下,出租人即将租赁物件所有 权转移给承租人。关于残值的支付,承租人应在 本合同规定的最后一次租金回收日一起向出租 人支付,本合同规定租赁残值为人民币壹元。 9. Assignment As Lessor has assigned this leasing agreement to ,Lessee has its promise to pay all rent including penalties and other related fees to the account opened at by Lessor, and the account number is . This contract could not be amended without the written consent of Citic Industrial Bank Head Office. 9 合同转让 本合同已质押于 ,承租人在此承诺只将本 合同所规定的租金及其他应付款项包括但不限 于迟付违约所产生的罚金、赔偿付至出租人在 所开立的银行帐户,帐号为 ,且在未得 到受质人的同意前,不得对本合同进行修改。 10.Lessee’s Warranties No liability shall attach to Lessor either in contract or in tort for loss, injury or damage sustained by reason of any defect in 10 承租人保证: 出租人对由于租赁物件本身及设置、保管、使用 引起的承租人或者第三者的经济损失、人身伤害 或其它损坏不应负任何合同或侵权责任;相关损 the Equipment. Lessee warrants that the Equipment has been at its sole discretion selected by Lessee for the purpose of being lease to Lessee. Lessee shall have full power and assume full responsibility to decide directly with the supplier of the equipment, the Brand name, modal, properties, quality, quantity, technical Specification, as well as the content and quality of after Sales services, technological warranty and delivery of the Leased equipment. Lessor shall extend to Lessee the benefits and guarantees provided by the supplies of the equipment in so far as such benefits are capable of being so transferred. The responsibility of Lessor in the agreement herein is only Limited to financing the purchasing of the leased equipment. 失和责任由承租人承担。租赁物件是承租人自行 选定并要求出租人向制造商采购并供承租人自 己租用的,租赁物件的性能规格、价格、安装均 符合承租人的要求,承租人将自付费用与租赁物 件供货商确定租赁物件的维修服务事宜,且与出 租人无关,出租人将其在采购租赁物件时所获得 供应商的有关租赁物件的保障全部转让给承租 人,出租人本合同下的法律责任只限于对租赁物 件采购过程中资金的融通。承租人对所租用之施 乐器材或使用施乐器材时产生之不论直接或间 接之伤害和灭失(包括附带伤害损失)均应负全 部风险及责任。 11.Financial Information 11 During the term of this Lease, Lessee agrees to provide Lessor with its consolidated quarterly and annual financial statements promptly as they become available.12. Law Governing 12 This Contract shall be governed by the Law of China and constituted the entire Contract between the Lessee and NCIL. No representation or statement not contained in this Contract shall be binding on Lessor as a warranty or otherwise, Nor shall the invalidity of any particular clause hereunder Affect the validity of any other clause. 财务报告 在租赁期间, 承租人同意及时地向出租人提供 每季及年度财务报告。 法 律管辖 此合同应按中国法律解释,构成承租人和出租人 之间的全部协议。本合同以外的任何陈述或表示 均对出租人没有约束。任何单个条款的无效也不 应影响其它别的任何条款的效力。 因本履行本合同产生的一切争议,当事人应友好 协商解决,如协商不能解决,出租人和承租人同 意递交由出租人住所地人民法院诉讼解决。 13. Notice Any notice served hereunder shall be sufficiently served if sent by prepaid letter-telex or facsimile to the registered address of the addressee and of dispatch shall be conclusive evidence of receipt by the addressee in the due course of Transmission. 13 通知及送达:本合约项下发出的任何通知如果用 预付邮资信件,电传或图文传真发至收件人的注 册地址即为充分到达且为终局性证据。 The Language to be used in such proceeding shall be Chinese. 本合同以中文陈述为准。 SIGNED ON BEHALF OF SIGNED ON BEHALF OF ______________________________________ NEW CENTURY INTERNATIONAL LEASING CO., LTD. DATE: DATE: SIGNATURE & COMPANY STAMP SIGNATURE & COMPANY STAMPNAME: NAME:- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 租赁 合同 中英文
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