服 务 指 南 Services Directory 总经理致辞 尊敬的宾客: 欢迎您光临陶源酒店!酒店全体员工热诚欢迎海内外宾客以及各组织单位、旅游团体下榻,我们将以舒适的环境、精美的设施、热情的服务盛情接待,让您高兴而来,满意而归。 我们殷切期望酒店的服务和设施令阁下感到满意。为了方便您的旅行,特奉上此《服务指南》,详细介绍了本酒店各项设施及其服务项目等,以供参阅。 如您仍有其它任何需要或不详之处,请拨打内线电话“3581188”与总服务台联系。 祝您旅居愉快,一切顺利! 总经理 : Dear Guest: Welcome to Fair Park, five thousand years of Anhui WanFu International Hotel! Hotel staff warmly welcome guests as well as organizational units, tourist groups stay, we will be first-class environment, first-class facilities, first-class hospitality services, allow you happy and satisfied. We look forward to the hotel services and facilities to make you satisfied. In order to facilitate your travel, special offer this "service guide", details the various facilities of the hotel and its services, etc., for reference. If you still have any other needs or unknown place, please call the intercom "3581188" with the main desk contact. I wish you lived in a happy, all the best! General Manager: 环 境 保 护 Environmental Protection ________________________________________________________ 节能环保,在酒店已不再是一个口号或是一种形式,它是酒店的一种企业文化和精神,并已具体至酒店的日常运作中。 我们希望通过我们大家的坚持和努力,能不断唤起人们的环保意识,更加重视和珍惜我们的地球资源。因此我们倡议: ——当您离开房间时,请随手关闭所有的电器、照明和空调。 ——在不影响您居住舒适度的情况下,减少客房日常用品的更换次数。 ——地球上最后一滴水将是人类的眼泪,请节约用水。 Energy saving, the hotel is quiet and then a slogan or a form, it is the hotel of a corporate culture and spirit, and have specific to the hotel's daily operations. We hope that through persistence and hard work we can continue to arouse people's awareness of environmental protection, more attention to and cherish our earth's resources. Therefore, we advocate: ——When you leave the room, please turn off all appliances readily, lighting and air conditioning. ——Without affecting the comfort of your living situation, daily replacement to reduce the number of rooms. ——The last drop of water on Earth is human tears, please conserve water. 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 为翻译结果评分 客房服务 Housekeeping Service ________________________________________________________ 行李服务 电话分机:9999 Luggage Service Ext:9999 为您提供24小时行李服务以及贵重物品寄存服务,如需服务请联系礼宾部。 Our24hours bellboys provide you luggage service and valuables storage.For any assistance, please contact us. 接待服务/问询服务 电话分机:6666/8888 Reception/Information Ext: 6666/8888 提供24小时的接待/问询服务,位于大堂。 Located in the lobby,our receptionists provide you24hours service. 商务中心 电话分机:3333 Business Center Ext: 3333 位于大堂,提供商务、订票、邮件服务。 Locates in the lobby,our Business Center service provide you business service,tickets booking Seruice Time:07:00-21:00 订房服务 电话分机:6666/8888 Reservation Ext: 6666/8888 酒店提供24小时订房服务。 We provide you24hours reservation service. 大堂保险箱 Lobby Safe 大堂接待处为阁下提供免费使用的保险箱,较大的贵重物品可存放在大堂保险箱内。酒店管理当局对留在客房内物品的任何损坏或遗失不负任何责任。 Each room is fitted with a safe ,your valutable belongings are recommended to be keep in the safe .Please open the your safe door before you checkout . Bye the way ,the lobby located provide free safes for bigger valutable belongings .The hotel management is not liable to any loss or damage valutables left in the gust rooms . 叫醒服务 Wake-Up Calls Service 请按6666/8888与接线生联络,确定您的叫醒时间。 Wake-up calls can be arranged by the operator to confirm the time.please dial XXXX 结帐服务 电话分机:6666/8888 Check-out Service Ext: 6666/8888 退房时间为正午十二时,若需延迟退房时间,请与宾客服务经理联系。如果您在下午六点前退房,酒店将保留对客人增收半天房费的机利,超过六点,酒店将增收全天房费。 Check out time is 12:00 at noon ,if you extend you stay ,please contact our Guest Service Manager who will assist you .we reserve the right to charge guest who will departing late an additional half room charge of continued occupancy until 6 pm.after which a full night charge may be incurred. 信用卡 Credit Card 欢迎使用下列信用卡:国内各大银行信用卡 We accept the credit as below: American Express ,Diners C lub,Master Card ,Visa,JCB card.other credit cards of China Unionpay 客房门匙 Room Key 本酒店使用先进安全的磁卡门锁,但请阁下留意:当超过预订时间,锁卡将不能开锁。若要续住,请到总台办理手续。 We set sophisticated security Room Card Lock on guest’s rooms.Be attention to it that if you are the reserved time,the room key will not open the door .please contact the reception if you extend you stay. 残障人士设施 Handicapped Facilities 酒店备有轮椅车,如需使用请与行李部联系。 Handicapped room is available,please contact the front desk for reservation.for wheclchair ,please contact Bell Service counter 雨伞 Umbrellas 大堂入口处备有雨伞,借用请与礼宾部联系。“9999” Umbrellas are available, Please contact the concierge for borrowing. “9999” 宠物 Pets 酒店谢绝宾客携带宠物出现在酒店范围内。 No pets are allowed into the hotel. 访客 Visitors 根据酒店安全管理程序规定,来访客人请出示有效证件配合做好访客登记,请访客在晚上十一点后离开客房。 According to the “Hotels security Administrative Procedures”, Visitors to the hotel should follow the regulations as stated below. Visitors must show proper identification and fill in the visitors registration form if they wish to visit guestrooms. Visitors must leave guestrooms before 11:00Pm of the some day. 失物招领 Lost & Found 如有物品遗失,请与客房中心联系。遗失物品,酒店保留三个月,易变质物品只保留三天。在上述期限内无人认领的物品,酒店有权自行处理。 For lost and found items,please contact Housekeeping ,the hotel will only keep lost and found items for a period of three months .Perishable items will be retained for three days only.The hotel reserves the right to dispose of any item which is not claimed within this period of time. 洗衣服务 Laundry and Dry Cleaning Service 如有水洗、干洗衣物请与客房中心8500联系。详情请参阅洗衣单。 For laundry and dry cleaning ,please contact Housekeeping at Ext 8500 For details please refer to the laundry list . 擦鞋服务 Shoe Polishing Service 房内备有擦鞋布,如需提供擦鞋服务,请与客房中心联系。 Each room provide shoe polishing ,please contact HouseKeeping if you need extra service. 房内用餐服务 Roon Service 酒店为您提供房内送餐服务,如需要请拨打“7777”与送餐部联系,时间:11:00-20:00 Room service is available, Please see the Room service menu section in this directory “7777”. Time: 11:00-20:00 棉被服务 Quilts add 服务时间:二十四小时,酒店备有适量的棉被以供阁下需时添加,请联系房中心。 Hours: 24 hours, the hotel offers the right amount of blankets for when you need to add, please contact the Housing Service Center. 客房设备服务 Rooms Equipment and Service 房务部 电话分机:0 HouseKeeping Ext:0 您若需要增加房内用品或服务请于客房部联系。 If you need any additional room supplies and services HouseKeeping . 饮用水 Drinking Water 如需饮用开水请用房内开水器。 Please make use of the electric thremos if you need some hot water. 客房照明系统 Lighting Control of Guest Room 房间配有灯光总控制器,将磁卡插入取电器内,灯光便会自动开亮,当您离开房间时,请取出磁卡,灯光便会自动开关。 Each room is equipped with master switch control lighting.Please insert the card key in to the slot beside the door to turn on the lights.When leaving the room please remove the card key to turn lights off automatically. 吹风筒 Hair Dryer 客房的浴室备有吹风筒,如有问题请与客房中心联系。 Pleas contact Housekeeping if there is any problem with the hair dryer in your washroom. 冰块 Ice Cube 如您需要冰块,请与客房部联系。 If you need ice cube ,please contact Housekeeping. 宽带上网接口 Broadband Access (ADSL Access) 酒店客房已安装宽带上网接口。 The guest rooms had fixed with broadband access. 迷你吧 Mini Bar 客房内备有迷你酒吧,每日有专人补充,任何使用都会按价计入您的客帐上。如有其它需要,请随时与客房部联系。 A full stock mini bar is provided in your room. Items will be replenished daily and all consumption will be chgarged to your account according to the list price .For any requirement please contact Housekeeping. 空调 Air-conditioning 本酒店设有中央空调系统,各客房均设有调节器,显示温度,安装在墙壁上。冷暖风速分低、中、高三种速度,可随意调节室内温度 The hotel has central air-conditioning system, all rooms are equipped with regulators to show temperature, mounted on the wall. Well-being of the wind speed at low, middle, three high-speed, free to adjust the room temperature. 插座 Socket 本酒店设有中央空调系统,各客房均设有调节器,显示温度,安装在墙壁上。冷暖风速分低、中、高三种速度,可随意调节室内温度 Hours: 24 hours For extra power outlet or power connectors, please contact the Housing Service Center. Hotels articles, please do not away from the hotel, not of, the purchase price will be calculated and collected. 应急电筒 Emergency Flashlight 所有房间均设有应急电筒以作紧急照明使用,酒店物品,请勿带离酒店,否之将按购买价计收,如发现设备存在质量问题或有疑问,请联系房务中心。 All rooms are equipped with emergency flashlight for emergency lighting use, hotel items, please do not away from the hotel, not the purchase price will be collected, such as found in equipment quality problems or have questions, please contact the Housing Service Center. 门锁 Lock 客房门锁为先进的电子设备控制装置,如阁下预计的离店当日十二时后未至或联系前台接待处办理续住手续,门锁将自动启动闭锁功能,出现类似情况,请联系总服务台。 Room door lock for the advanced electronic equipment control devices, such as your expected departure after noon the day before the arrival or contact the front desk reception procedures for continued stay, door locks will automatically start lockout feature, a similar situation, please contact the General Service Taiwan. 安全栓 Safety bolt 所有客房房门均设有安全栓。 All rooms are equipped with security door bolt. 防滑垫 Mat 所有客房浴室均设有防滑垫,以防止因地面水滑而造成人身伤害,请阁下在进入独立浴室沐浴时,将防滑垫铺于浴室地面,如有问题,请联系房务中心。 All rooms are equipped with non-slip bath mat to prevent personal injury caused by surface water slide, please enter in your bathroom shower, the bath mat spread on the ground, any questions, please contact the Housing Service Center. 火警疏散图 Fire evacuation map 所有客房门后均贴有该楼层和阁下所在客房位置以及消防疏散平面示意图,入住后请仔细了解,如有疑问或需协助,请联系房务中心。 All rooms are affixed to the door, floor and room location where your plane and fire evacuation diagram, after the arrival of carefully understanding and, if questions or need assistance, please contact the Housing Service Center. 客房物品价格 Rooms goods prices 为了给您营造一个舒适的入住环境,客房内的物品都是经过精挑细选配置的, 如果由于您的有意或无意造成房内物品损坏时,您需要给予相应的赔偿。 To check your environment to create a comfortable, guest rooms are carefully selected items within the configuration, If, your room, intentionally or unintentionally cause damage to items, you need to be given appropriate compensation. 会议服务 Conference Services ________________________________________________________ 多功能会议厅 电话分机:6666/8888 Conference Center Ext: 6666/8888 无论是商务谈判、产品展示、新闻发布会,还是高级宴会,都能满足不同的重要商务活动需求,是太湖县最高规格的政务、商务和对外交流的需要活动场所之一。 Our experienced and professional meeting service team will ensure that every event , whether it is a meeting conference,dinner,or banquet ,Is tailored to suit you specific requirement and expectations. 位置:七层 Location Floor7 营业时间:根据活动需要 Service Time: 餐饮服务 Food and beverage service ________________________________________________________ 订餐服务 电话分机:7777 Banquet Reservation Ext: 7777 承接个人或团队的各类宴会、酒会及住店客人的房内用餐服务。 Various reservations are available for dinner and cocktail party fot company or private gathering .It is 24 hours for room service. 位置:一层 Located :Floor 1 订餐时间:8:00-20:00 Reservation Time : 8:00-20:00 大堂吧 电话分机:1111 Lobby Bar Ext: 1111 与浪漫钢琴相约,提供各式西点、饮品,即时调制的鸡尾酒更是令人赏心悦目,是您休憩商谈理想场所。 Relax and taste a drink form our cocktail list while listening to the wonderful music played by our resident pianist. 位置:一楼大厅 Located :Floor 1. 营业时间:10:00-12:00 Service Time: 10:00-12:00 客房早餐 Breakfast Room 阁下入住本酒店一楼自助餐厅为您提供早餐,早餐时间:07: 00-09:00 You stay in the first floor of the hotel coffee shop to provide you with breakfast, breakfast time :07:00-09: 00 安全服务 Safety service ________________________________________________________ 客房烟感防火系统 Fire system in the Guestrooms 酒店内每间客房均装有烟感防火器,当客房烟浓度超过规定时,烟感器将会自动向服务室报警,服务员将迅速到现场处理。 All guestrooms in the hotel are installed with smoke sensor systems. When the thick smoke in the room is over the rate stipulated, the system will automatically alarm. 消防设备 Fire-fighting equipment 酒店每层楼均备有现代化消防设备。 On every floor of the hotel, there is modern fire-fighting equipment. 安全门及安全梯 The security service 每层楼均有安全门通往安全梯,万一发生火警,切勿惊慌,望与服务员密切合作,听从服务员疏引。 The security Department of the hotel being on duty 24 hours a day and all the hotel staff have under a full training for the fire-fighting operation. 在紧急情况下,首先要求我们的客人保持镇静。我们的安保部24小时安排专业消防人员在值班。一旦火情发生,所有信息将立即传到控制中心,有关人员将开始灭火并指挥客人到安全地带。 In any emergency, we would first like to request all our guests to remain calm. For example, our disaster prevention station is on duty 24 hours a day, staffed by professional guards and our own fire fighting personnel. In case of a fire, all information will channeled to the station immediately and the staff will begin extinguishing the fire and guiding our guests to safety. 宾客进入房间后 Upon your arrival at your room 请看房门后面的示意图,图上标有从您房间通往紧急出口的线路。您一定要保证知道这些线路,至少知道两个紧急出口的位置。如您行动不便时,请将所有的电源设备关闭。请您不要在床上吸烟。 You know these routes and the locations of at least two emergency exits. Inform the from your room. Make sure you know these routes and the locations of at least two emergency exits. Inform the from desk if you are physically handicapped. Please turn off all electrical appliances before leaving room. Please do not smoke in bed. 万一发生火灾时 If you should notice a fire breaking out 请拨X,通知总机电话员火情发生点。为防止火的漫延,当您离开房间时,请不要忘记关门。请好您房间的钥匙。一旦疏散线中断,您可以回到您的房间。用湿毛巾捂住您的嘴和鼻子,以不致于被烟及火苗熏坏。立即在浴盆内放水,并将所有的易燃品淋湿,请不要砸房间窗户。请不要使用电梯。面向无火苗处的紧急防火楼梯处,沿着墙弯腰低头爬行前进。按照指示图中的紧急出口路线,根据火情使用楼梯上或下。如您向顶层跑,请站在逆风的一面,等待营救队。如果您不能跑出您的房间:如果您的门或门把手是热的,请不要打开,请用湿毛巾或床单沿着门缝塞上,然后耐心等待营救。 Dial “0” and inform operator of fires location. Do not forget to close the door when you leave the room to prevent the fire from spreading. Take your room key with you. Should the route be cut off. You can always return to your room. Cover your mouth and nose with a wet towel so as not to inhale smoke and flame. Run water into the bathrub immendiately any wet thoroughly any easily flammable objects. Do not break the window of the room. Keep away from the windows. Walk in a crouch or crawl along the wall and proceed towards an emergency staircase free of flames. Follow posted emergency exit escape routes. Depending on where the windward side and wait for the rescue party. If you can not get out of your room: If the door or knob is hot, do not open it. Stuff spaces around the door with wet towels or sheets and patiently wait for the rescue party. 万一发生地震时 If an earthquake occurs 如果地震发生的话,请按照我们警报系统广播的指示做。离窗户远些。拔掉所有的电源插头。保护好您的头部。一旦接到地震的预报,我们的内线广播系统将会告知您,如果有情况,请您保持镇静,并根据当时的情况,自己判断应采取的方法。在灾情发生期间我店员工将象平时一样的工作。一旦地震发生,我们将告诉您如何做,请一定按照执行为盼。一旦地震发生时,请不要用电梯。 Obey the instructions, we will be broadcasting on the corridor alert system. Put out cigarettes. Protect your head. If prior warning of an earthquake is received, our internal broadcasting system will make an announcement. Our guests are requested to remain calm and to use their own judgement as to what precautions to take. We assure you that our hotel staff will be on duty as usual even during a disaster. If an earthquake should occur, we will issue instructions, please follow them closely. If an earthquake occurs, you can not use the elevators. 由于我们遵循客人第一的宗旨,将继续进行对付火情和震情的训练,故这也是紧急项目中的一部分。在紧急情况发生时,您的大力合作能将人员损伤和财产损失控制在最低限度。 As part of our Emergency program, we continuously conduct fire and earthquake drills because we feel that the safety of our guests comes first. In case of emergency, your cooperation is necessary to keep injuries and property losses at a minimum. 宾客须知 尊敬的宾客:您好! 为了保障您的人身和财产安全,为了我们能更好的为您服务。根据中华人民共和国相关条例,特制定本须知望您能支持并配合我们的工作。 谢谢! 一、贵重物品请存放在总台寄存处。 二、房费在总收银处结算,请您注意退房时间中午12:00,超过- 配套讲稿:
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- 酒店 服务指南
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