技术合作合同 AGREEMENT OF TECHNICAL COOPERATION 甲方: 法定代表人: 地址: 乙方:KOCAT INC.(包括其在中国设立的子公司) 法定代表人:Hak-Ro Bae 地址:No.802 Ingok Bldg., 370-5, Dangsandong-3Ga, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul, 150-803, Korea Part A: Legal representative: Address: Part B: KOCAT INC (including subsidiaries established in china) Legal representative: Hak-Ro Bae Address: No.802 Ingok Bldg., 370-5, Dangsandong-3Ga, Youngdeungpo-ku, Seoul, 150-803, Korea 鉴于: 甲 方系中国国家事业型研究单位;乙方系韩国私营公司,在中国江苏省常州市设有KOCAT CHINA INC.公司。双 方经友好协商,就技术合作事宜达成协议如下: WHEREAS, For and in consideration of premises, covenants and undertakings set forth in this Agreement, Part A, a national institution of China, and part B, a Korea private company, which has established the subsidiary (KOCAT CHINA INC.) in Changzhou city of jiangsu province agree as follows: 第一章标 的 1. 本合同所涉的技术是指:氮氧化物净化技术,(简称de-NOx技术),(详见附件1)。 2.de-NOx技 术主要应用于下列尾气排放源: ・移动源:如汽油、柴油等各类机动车; ・固定源:如锅炉、天然气发动机、焚化炉等; ・其他源:双方共同开发的其他应用对象。 Chapter one: Object 1, The technology herein means de-Nox in short (details see Annex 1). 2, Target applications of de-NOx in this Agreement primarily shall be as follows: - Mobile sources such as gasoline vehicle, diesel vehicle, etc. - Stationary sources such as boiler, gas turbine, incinerator, etc. Other sources where technology developed by both parties are applicable 第二章合 同内容及范围 1.甲 方许可乙方排他使用甲方的专利及专有技术,双方另行签订专利实施许可合同(见附件2)。 2.甲 方应乙方的要求进行技术研发工作,由此产生的费用由乙方负责。 3.甲 方负责对乙方在技术应用及产品推广等方面进行技术支持,如果有必要,甲方可以派技术人员协助乙方工作,由此产生的费用由乙方负责。 4.乙 方负责在全球范围进行技术推广及技术产业化应用。 5.乙 方根据市场的变化及市场的要求对甲方提出研发要求;该要求需以书面形式提出。 Chapter Two: Content and scope of the agreement 1, Part A shall give part B exclusive license to apply the patent and know-how, and both parties hereto will sign Exclusive Patent License Agreement separately (see annex 2) 2, Part A shall proceed to develop the technology as requested by part B at the expense of part B. 3, Part A is obliged to offer technical assistance in the respect of the technical application and products promotion etc. Part A may dispatch the technicians to assist part B if necessary, and the cost thereout shall be borne by Party B. 4, Part B is obliged to conduct the technical popularization and the industrialized technical application. 5, Part B shall propose requests for research and development to part A in writing with the change of market or as requested by the market. 第三章价 格及支付 1.乙 方向甲方支付专利技术及专有技术使用费共计三百五十万元(¥3,500,000.00)人民币,支付时间及方式如 下: 1.1 乙 方分五年共支付七十万元(¥700,000.00)人民币现金给甲方,每年十四万元(¥140,000.00); 第一笔费用于本合同签订之日起两周内支付,其他年份的现金支付日期与第一年相同。 1.2 剩 余二百八十万元(¥2,800,000.00)人民币于乙方与他方签订正式de-NOx技 术项目合同时分别支付;支付费用为合同总额的4%,支付时间为乙方获得每笔合同款项之日起两周内。 1.3 乙 方按照上款支付方式向甲方支付的费用总额不超过二百八十万元(¥2,800,000.00)人民币;如合同期满达不到 该数额的,乙方应予以补足。 2.合 同有效期内,乙方支付给甲方的费用达到了三百五十万元(¥3,500,000.00)人民币以后,乙方另行支付 其与他方所签合同总额的0.5%给甲方,支付时间为乙方获得每笔合同款项之日起两周内。 3.如 果甲方为乙方提供客户线索、协助乙方签订协议等,乙方应根据甲方在整个签约过程中所做工作,另行向甲方支付报酬,如有必要,双方另行签订协议。 4.乙 方每年七月及次年一月向甲方提供上半年的财务报告,以便于甲方了解乙方的签约情况。 Chapter three: Price and payment 1, Part B shall pay the total amount of RMB 3,500,000.00 for the patent and know-how, the amount aforementioned shall be paid as follow: 1,1 Part B shall pay part A the total amount of RMB 700,000.00 in cash in five years (140,000RMB per year); The first year payment shall be within two weeks as from the date of the agreement. Date of payment shall be same every year. 1,2 The balance amount (2,800,000RMB) shall be partially paid when part B officially executes the agreement relating to de-NOx projects with the other party; The payment shall be 4% of contracted amount, and the date of payment shall be within two weeks as from the payment date of each accomplished project. 1,3 Part B shall give part A the total amount of not more than RMB 2,800,000.00 in the way of payment aforementioned; if part B fails to pay such amount when the expiration of the agreement, he shall fulfill aforesaid payment. 2, Part B shall separately pay 0.5% of contracted amount to part A after the payment by part B comes up to RMB 3,500,000.00 during the agreement. The date of payment shall be within two weeks as from the payment date of each accomplished project by part B. 3, If part A provides the clues of clients and assists part B to sign agreements, etc, part B shall separately pay remuneration to part A for what part A has done during the course signing. Both parties shall separately sign an agreement as appendix of this agreement. 4, Part B shall present financial statement for previous half-year in every July and January of the next year so as to make the signing be available for part A. 第四章关 于研发 1.双 方应就技术研发的主题、内容、时间表等每年进行讨论并形成书面文件,作为本合同的附件。 2.甲 方应在第一笔费用支付一个月内向乙方提供现有的技术研发成果,例如技术报告、论文、专利等;并在合作期限内每年分两次向乙方提供研发成果报告。 3.甲 方如有需要印刷或批露与de-Nox技术有关的任何研发成果的,都须向乙方提供相关内容的复印件。 Chapter four:Research and Development 1, Both parties shall discuss the theme, contents and schedule of the technical research and development every year and make written documents as appendices of this agreement. 2, Part A shall provide the existing research and development results such as technical reports, papers and patents, etc within a month as from the first year payment; Part A shall provide result of assigned research and development results to part B twice a year during the period of cooperation. 3, when part A intends to publicize and/or disclose any part of the contents of the research and development results related to de-Nox, part A shall send a copy of the contents to part B. 第五章保 密条款 1.在 本合同有效期内及合同因任何理由终止后,双方均有义务保守与本合同有关的技术秘密及商业秘密。 2.本 合同涉及的技术秘密包括但不限于:技术方案、工程设计、电路设计、制造方法、配方、工艺流程、技术指标、计算机软件、数据库、研究开发记录、技术报告、检 测报告、实验数据、试验结果、图纸、样品、样机、模型、模具、操作手册、技术文档、相关的函电,等等。 3.本 合同涉及的商业秘密包括但不限于:客户名单、行销计划、采购资料、定价政策、财务资料、进货渠道,等等。 4.甲 方出版期刊、书籍、论文、技术报告等,以及申请专利、申请国际、国内的奖项等不视为侵犯技术秘密和商业秘密。 5.在 本合同签订之前或之后甲方接受和执行的国家科技部、基金委、中国科学院等国家单位的研究任务,不视为侵犯技术秘密和商业秘密。 Chapter five: Confidentiality 1, The parties hereto is obliged to keep the technical and commercial secrets relating to the agreement during the agreement and after the termination of this agreement for any reason. 2, The technical secrets include but not limited to technical scheme, engineering design, circuit design, manufacture method, recipe, craftwork flow, technical index, computer software, database, research and development record, technical reports, examination reports, experiment data, experiment result, drawing, sample, sample of machines, model, mould, operation manual, technical file, related letter and phone, etc. 3, The commercial secrets include but not limited to the list of clients, the plan of marketing, procurement of materials, the policy of fixing a price, financial materials and purchase channel, etc. 4, Journals, books, papers, technical reports and patent application and international and national awards application shall not be deemed to breach of technical and commercial secrets. 5, Research assignment accepted and performed by part A from such national institutions as Ministry of Science and Technology, fund committee and Chinese Academy of Science before or after the signing shall not be deemed to breach of technical and commercial secrets. 第六章知识产权 1.合 同有效期内,甲方在原有技术基础上所作的重大改进和发展,其专利申请权归甲方所有;形成的新的专利,其所有权归甲方所有,乙方可以继续使用,但需支付相应 费用,并签订新的专利许可使用合同。 2.合 同有效期内,乙方完全依靠自己的工作单独形成的新的专利,其专利权归乙方所有,但不得侵犯甲方的专利权及专有技术。 3.属 双方共同作出的重大改进,申请专利的权利归甲方所有;形成的新的专利,其所有权归甲方所有,但乙方在专利有效期内可以免费使用。 4.属 原有基础上的较小的改进,双方免费互相提供使用。 5.对 改进的技术还未申请专利时,另一方对改进技术承担保密义务,未经许可不得向他人披露、许可或转让该改进技术。 6.甲方有权根据该合同的工程应用和KOCAT共 同或单独申请国际、中国国家和部门的奖项。 Chapter six:Intellectual Property 1, Part A shall be entitled to patent application for great improvement and development made by part A on the basis of the original technology during the term of this agreement and be entitled to the ownership of the new patent thereout, and part B may continue to use the patent provided that he makes corresponding payment and signs the new Patent License Agreement. 2, Part B may develop new patent through complete work by itself during the term of this agreement, and part B shall be entitled to the new patent provided that he shall not infringe the patent and know-how of part A. 3, Part A shall be entitled to patent application for great improvement made both parties; and part A shall be entitled to the new patent developed thereout, however, part B may use it free of charge during the term of the patent. 4, Both parties hereto shall provide and use the small improvement on the basis of original technology mutually free of charge. 5, The other party is obliged to keep secret technical improvement which has not been applied for patent, and the other party shall not disclose, license or assign the improved technology without the consent. 6, Part A is entitled to apply international and national awards separately and together with KOCAT in accordance with the engineering application relating to the agreement. 第七章违约责任及合同的解除 1.任 何一方违反保密义务,给对方造成损失的,要承担赔偿责任,并向守约一方支付五万元人民币(¥50,000.00) 的违约金。 2.乙 方未按照本合同第三章的规定向甲方支付相应款项,每逾期一天,则向甲方承担应付款项万分之二的违约金;超过一个月未付的,甲方有权解除合同;给甲方造成损 失的,乙方除支付违约金外,要承担赔偿责任。 3.乙 方隐瞒签约情况,以逃避付款义务的,除按照合同总额的4%向甲方支付费用以外,还应承担所应付费用等额的违 约金;合同有效期间,乙方隐瞒签约情况达到三次的,甲方有权解除合同。 4.从 合同生效起两年之内,乙方没有任何de-NOx技术应用合同签约时,既被认为没有能力推广应用该项技术,甲方有权解 除合同。 Chapter seven: Liability for breach and termination of the agreement 1, Any party who breaches the obligation of confidentiality and results in losses for the other party shall be liable for compensation and pay RMB 50,000.00 to the non-breaching party as liquidated damages. 2, If part B fails to pay the amount provided in chapter 3 hereof, he shall be liable to pay 0.02% of the payable amount to part A as liquidated damages for the delay of a day; and part A has the right to terminate the agreement if part B fails to pay the amount for more than a month; Part B shall be liable to give compensation to part A for the losses in addition to liquidated damages 3, Part B shall pay 4% of the total contracted amount and liquidated damages amount to the payable if he conceals the breach to evade the payment; and part A has the right to rescind the agreement during the agreement if part B does so for three times. 4, Part A has the right to rescind the agreement within two years as from the effectiveness of the agreement if part B signs the agreement without conducting any application relating to the technology de-Nox , namely, part B is deemed to be incapable of popularizing and implementing such technology. 第八章仲裁及适用的法律 1.因 本合同引起的或与本合同有关的任何争议,均应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会,按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方 均有约束力。 2.仲 裁地点在北京。 3.仲 裁费用由败诉方承担。 4.除 了在仲裁过程中进行仲裁的部分外,合同应继续执行。 5.本 合同的法律含义、效力、履行等均受中华人民共和国法律管辖。 Chapter eight:Arbitration and governing law 1, Any dispute which may arise out of or in connection with the agreement shall be submitted to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission and resolved by final and binding arbitration in accordance with the existing effective rules of arbitration. 2, The arbitration shall take place in Beijing. 3, The costs of arbitration shall be borne by the losing party. 4, During the term of arbitration, both parties shall continue to perform the agreement except those subject to arbitration. 5, Interpretation, effectiveness and performance shall be governed by the law of the People’s Republic of China. 第九章合同的生效及其他 1.合 同自双方盖章签字之日生效。 2.本 合同有效期自合同生效之日起为二十年。 3.本 合同有效期满前三个月双方就是否继续合作进行协商并重新签订新的合作协议。 4.本 合同的任何终止,不影响双方发生的债权和债务,债务人应继续偿付未了债务,直至偿清债权人的全部债务为止。 5.本 合同的附件为本合同不可分割的组成部分,与合同正文具有同等法律效力。如合同正文与附件有矛盾之处,合同正文内容优先。 6.所 有对本合同的修订、补充、删减、或变更等均以书面完成并经双方盖章签字后生效。生效的修订、补充、删减、或变更构成本合同不可分割的组成部分,与合同正文 具有同等法律效力。 7.除 本合同及附件外,双方之间的所有往来函件均采用英文。 8.双 方之间的联系应以书信、电子邮件、传真等书面形式进行。 9.本 合同用中英文两种文字写成,两种文字具有同等效力;两种文本出现歧义时,以英文文本为准。 10.本 合同正本一式四份,双方各执二份。 甲方:乙方: 授权代表:授权代表: 2004年月日2004年月日 签 约地点:北京市海淀区 Chapter nine: the effectiveness and miscellaneous 1, The agreement shall come into effect as from the date of signing by both parties. 2, The Term of the agreement shall be 20 years as from the date of effectiveness. 3, Both parties shall make a decision on whether to continue the cooperation by negotiation and sign a new agreement. 4, The termination of the agreement shall not affect the rights and liabilities of the parties hereto, and the debtor shall continue to discharge the outstanding liabilities until he discharges all liabilities. 5, The appendix hereto shall be the integral part of the agreement, and has equal legal force. In case of In case of discrepancy between the agreement and the appendix, the former shall be prevail. 6, Any amendment, supplement, deletion and change hereto shall be made in writing and be effective as from the signing by both parties. The effective amendment, supplement, deletion and change shall be integral part of the agreement, and they have the same legal force as the agreement itself. 7, The letters between both parties shall be written in English except the agreement and the appendix hereto. 8,All communications between the two parties shall be in writing through letters, E-mails and fax, etc. 9,This agreement is written both in English and in Chinese, either of them has equal legal force. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the English text shall govern. 10, The agreement shall be executed in four original copier, two for part A and two for part B. Part A: Authorized representative: Date: Part B: Authorized representative: Date: Place of signing: Haidian District , Beijing 第九条专利权被撤销和被宣告无效的处理 1、 在本合同签订时,许可方的上述三项专利尚未被正式授予专利权;许可方已经将该情况告知了被许可方,被许可方已经知道并予以认可,承诺不会就该问题在任何时 候提出异议。 2、 在合同有效期内,许可方被驳回专利申请权或许可方的专利权被撤销或被宣告无效时,如无明显违反公平原则,且许可方无恶意给被许可方造成损失,则许可方不必 向被许可方返还专利使用费。 Article 9:Disposition when the patent is revoked and annulled 1, Where the licensor informs the licensee that the three patents aforementioned has not been officially granted at the date of signing and the licensee has known and acknowledged such information, the licensee shall not propose an objection to the matter aforesaid at any time. 2, The licensor may not refund patent royalty to the licensee if when the licensor’s patent is denied or revoked or annulled during the agreement, there is no in violation of the equitable principle and the licensor doesn’t lead to losses for licensee in bad faith. 第十一条其他 1、本 合同是技术合作合同(主合同)的附件;本合同未约定的事项按照主合同的相关规定执行。 2、本 合同与主合同不一致的,以主合同为准。 3、本 合同用中英两种文字写成,具有同等效力。两种文本出现歧义时,以英文文本为准。 甲方:乙方: 授权代表:授权代表: Article 11:Miscellaneous 1, The agreement is the appendix of the agreement of technical cooperation (principal contract); and the matters that are not covered in the agreement shall be subject to the related provisions of principal contract. 2,In case of discrepancy between the principal contract and the agreement, the former shall be prevail. 3, This agreement is written both in English and in Chinese, either of them has equal legal force. In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the English text shall govern. Part A: Authorized repre- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 技术合作 合同 中英文
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