销售合同 卖方:合同编号: 买方:签定日期: 为保护买卖双方的合法权益,买卖双方根据《中华人民共和国合同法》的有关 规定,经友好协商,一致同意签订本合同,共同遵守。 一、货物的名称、型号、数量、包装及价格: 序号 物料编号 货物名称 包装 数量 单价 金额 总价款(大写) 二、 质量要求和技术标准: 三、 接货单位(人): 买方指定本合同项下的货物的接货单位(人) 为: 四、 交货的时间、地点、方式及相关费用的承担: 1、交货时间为 年 月 日。 2、交货方式及费用承担: 五、 付款方式和付款期限 本合同签订之日起三日内,买方向卖方支付总货款 的 作为定金。在给付定金后,如果卖方解除合同,应双倍返还定金;如果买方解除合同,无权要求返还定金。 交货后三日内,买方向卖方支付合同 总金额的 ;产品验收合格后三日内,买方向卖方支付合同总金额的 。定金抵作价款。 付款方式:__________ 六、 货物的验收; 自产品交货后 日内(采用代办托运方式交货的,自产品运到之日起 日内),买方应依照双方在本合同中约定的质量要求和技术标准,对产品的质量进行验收。验收不合格的,应即向卖方提出书面异议,并在提出书面异议后 日内向卖方提供有关技术部门的检测报告。卖方应在接到异议及检测报告后及时进行修理或更换,直至验收合格。在产品交付后 日内,卖方未收到异议或虽收到异议但未在指定期限内收到检测报告的,视为产品通过验收。 七、接收与异议: 如买方指定由接货单位(人)接收货物,则买方同意对接货单位 提出的接收、拒收、书面拒收意见等行为负责。 采用送货上门和自提方式交货的,在交付产品时,接收货单位(人)应对产品品牌、规格型号、数量是否符 合合同规定进行检查;对于符合合同规定的,接收货单位(人)应当签收。对于不符合合同规定的产品,买方可以拒收,并书面说明拒收的理由。对于以送货上门方 式交货,买方依照约定拒收的产品,需要由买方保管的,买方应负责保管。 采用代办托运方式交货的,买方对产品、规格型号、数量有异议的,应自产品运 到之日起 日内,以书面形式向卖方提出。 买方因使用、保管、保养不善等造成产品质量下降的,不得提出异议。 上述拒收或异议属于 卖方责任的,由卖方负责更换或补齐。 八、售后服务: 1. 遵循《联想网络(深圳)有限公司技术服务指南》规定条 款。 2. 如果客户要求一年以上质保(高端产品),请客户在收货验收合格且提供产品序列号清单。详见SOP合同预审制度-销售合同审核规范 附件(五) 九、违约责任: (一)、卖方的违约责任 1、卖方逾期交货的,每日按所涉金额的万分之四的标准向买方支付违约金,违约 金总额不超过逾期所涉金额的5%; 2、卖方交付的产品规格型号、数量、质量、外包装经双方确认不符合合同规定的,如果买方同意接受,可以重新论 价;如果买方不同意接受,卖方应根据产品的具体情况负责补齐、包换或包修,并承担修理、调换而支付的实际费用。 (二)、买方的违约责任 1、 买 方逾期付款的,每日按所涉金额的千分之一的标准向卖方支付违约金。 2、 买方无故拒绝接受符合合同约定产品的(包括买方中途退货),视为买方单方 违约,应向卖方支付其拒绝接受部分(或中途退货部分)货款的 作为违约金,并赔偿卖方因此造成的损失。 3、 在卖方送货和卖方代运的交 货方式中,如因买方错误告知到货地点和接货人,致使卖方无法按时送达,卖方不承担任何责任,买方应赔偿因此给卖方造成的损失。 4、 如若本合同签 订后,买方未按约定向卖方支付定金,经卖方催促后七日内仍未支付,卖方可解除本合同,并要求买方支付本合同总价款的10%作为违约金。 十、免责条款 1、不可抗力 双方的任何一方由于不可抗力的原因, 包括但不限于火灾、水灾、地震、台风、自然灾害,不能履行合同时,应以书面形式及时向对方通报不能履行或不能完全履行的理由,并应在15日内提供有关主管 部门的证明。在发生不可抗力的情况下,应允许延期履行、部分履行或者不履行合同,并可以免除责任。 本合同中,不可抗力是指不能预见、不能避免并不 能克服的客观情况。 十一、合同的生效和变更: 本合同自双方签字盖章时生效,在合同执行期内,买 卖双方均不得随意变更或解除合同,如一方确需变更合同,需经另一方书面同意,并就变更事项达成一致意见,方可变更。如若双方就变更事项不能达成一致意见, 提议变更方仍应依本合同约定,继续履行,否则视为违约。 十二、争议的解决; 在执行本合同过程中,双方如若发生争议,应先协商解决,协 商不成时,任意一方均可向卖方所在地人民法院提起诉讼。 十三、其他: 按本合同规定应该偿付的违约金、赔偿金及各种经济损失,应当在明 确责任后十日内支付给对方,否则按逾期付款处理。 本合同一式两份,具有同等法律效力。 卖 方: 买方: 授权代 表: 授权代表: 开户银 行: 开户银行: 帐号: 帐号: 地址: 地址: 年 月 日 年 月 日 Sale Contract Seller: Number of Contract: Buyer: Date of Contract: With a view to protecting the lawful rights and interests of both parties, the Seller and the Buyer agree to enter into this contract under the provisions of the P.R.C Contract Law through friendly consultation for the mutual performance. 1. Name, Model Number, Quantity, Packing and Price of Commodity Sequential Number Serial Number of Materials Name of Commodity Packing Quantity Single Price Amount Total Amount(stated in capitals) 2. Quality and Technical Standards 3. Receiving Entity (Person) The buyer hereby designates the entity (person): who will receive the commodity under this contract. 4. Time, Location and Method of Performance and the Relevant Fees to Be Borne 1) The time of Performance shall be the day of , . 2) The method of Performance and the relevant fees to be borne: 5. Method and Time Limit of Performance With three days from the date when this contract is made, the Buyer shall deposit % of the total price with the Seller. After such deposit is paid, the Seller shall return such deposit on a double basis if it rescinds this contract; and the Buyer is not entitled to such deposit if is rescinds this contract. After the delivery by the Seller of commodity, the Buyer shall pay the Seller % of the total price. Within three days after the commodity is inspected to be eligible, the Buyer shall pay the Seller % of the total price, and such deposit shall be set off against the total price. Method of Payment shall be : 6. Inspection of Commodity Within days after the commodity is delivered ( days from the date of the arrival of the commodity if the commodity is delivered on consignment), the Buyer shall inspect the commodity in respect of its quality under the quality requirements and the technical standards agreed upon by both parties in this contract. If the commodity is inspected to be ineligible, the Buyer shall raise the objection thereon to the Seller in writing immediately, and provide the Seller with the inspection report produced by the relevant technical department within days thereafter. The Seller shall, after receiving the said objections and inspection report, repair or change the commodity in timely way until the repaired or changed commodity is inspected to be eligible. Within days after the delivery of the commodity, if the Seller does not receive the said objections or the said inspection report within the designated time limit although it has received the said objections, the commodity shall be deemed to have passed such inspection. 7. Receipt and Objections If the Buyer designates the entity (person) who receives the commodity, the Buyer shall agree to be responsible for such acts of the receiving entity (person) as the receipt, refusal to receive or the written opinions on the refusal to receive. If the commodity is delivered to the facilities of the receiving entity (person) directly or the receiving entity (person) obtains the commodity personally, the receiving entity (person) shall inspect the commodity in respect of its brand, specifications, model number and quantity; if the terms of this contract are conformed with, the receiving entity (person) shall sign off. With respect to such commodity that fails to conform to the terms of this contract, the receiving entity (person) may refuse to receive it, and explain the reasons therefor in writing. If the commodity is delivered to the facilities of the Buyer directly, the Buyer shall be responsible for keeping the commodity that it refuses to receive but needs to keep the commodity as contracted. If the commodity is delivered on consignment, and the Buyer desires to raise the objections in respect of the specifications, model number or quantity of the commodity, such objections shall be raised to the Seller in writing within days after the arrival of the commodity. The Buyer shall not raise any objection on the quality reduction of the commodity arising from the use or the improper keeping or maintenance thereof. If the above said refusal to receive or objections fall(s) with the responsibility of the Seller, the Seller shall be responsible for changing or make up for the commodity. 8. Post-sale Services: 1) The post-sale services shall be in compliance with the provisions of the Technical Service Guidance of Lenovo Network (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd. 2) If a customer requires to enjoy the quality guarantee more than one year, the customer please provide the product serial number list after the product is inspected to be eligible. For detailed information, please see Appendice 5, Contracts Pre-review Systems- Sale Contracts Review Provisions. 9. Liability for Breach of Contract 1, Liability for Breach of Contract by the Seller (1) The seller shall pay 0.04% of the amount involved per day as liquidated damages to the buyer for his delay of delivery, but the total amount of which should not exceed 5% of the amount overdue. (2) If the specification, quantity, quality and package of the good are not consistent with provisions of the contract and the buyer agrees to accept, both parties may make negotiations for the price; If the buyer refuses the goods, the buyer shall be responsible for making supplements, exchange or repair and assume the actual expenses for such repair and exchange. 2, Liability for Breach of Contract by the Buyer (1) The buyer shall pay 0.1% of the amount involved per day as liquidated damages to the seller if he fails to make the payment due. (2) It should be deemed to an unilateral breach on the part of the buyer if he refuses the goods which are consistent with the ones agreed under the contract without the reason (including returning the goods in the midway), and the buyer shall make of the payment for the refused goods (including the goods returned in the midway) to the seller as liquidated damages and be liable for the loss thereout. (3) If the seller is responsible for delivery and shipment of the goods, no liability shall be upon the seller if the buyer notifies a mistake place and person of delivery so that the seller fails to make delivery on time, and the buyer shall be liable for the losses thereout. (4) The seller has the right to rescind the contract and demand the buyer to pay 10% of the total amount of the contract as liquidated damages if the buyer fails to make advance payment to the seller and fails to do so within 7 days as from the seller’s call after the execution of the contract. 10, Disclaimer (1), Force Majeure Either party shall give a written notice promptly to the other party of the reason for his failure and provide the certification from the competent authorities within 15 days if he fails to perform or fails to perform completely due to the force majeure including but not limited fires, flood, earthquake, typhoon and nature disaster. Under such circumstance both parties may be exempted from the liabilities for the delay of performance, part of performance or failure to performance. Force Majeure under the contract means the objective circumstance beyond the anticipation, avoidance and control of the parties. 11, Effectiveness and Modification of the Contract The contract shall come into effect as from the execution of both parties, and both parties have no right to alter or rescind the contract at will during the performance. If it is necessary for one party to change the contract, the party may alter the contract provided that he has obtained the written consent of the other party and both parties come to agreement to the changed matters. If both parties fails to agree with each other on such matters, the party who making such proposal shall continue the performance under the contract, otherwise he would be deemed to a breach of contract. 12, Settlement of Dispute Any dispute arising out of the performance shall be solved through the negotiation by both parties. If the dispute fails to be solved in such way, either party may bring an action to the People’s Court located in the place of the seller. 13. Miscellaneous Liquidated damages, compensations and kinds of economical losses under the contract shall be paid to the other party within 10 days as of the determination of the liability, otherwise the party shall be deemed to failure to make the due payment. The contract is executed in duplicate and each one has the same legal force. Seller: Seller: Authorized Representative: Authorized Representative: Bank: Bank: Account: Account: Address: Address: Date: Date:- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 销售 合同 中英文

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