“xx支付”跨境电子商务外汇支付服务协议 “CGP Payment” Cross-Border E-commerce Exchange Payment Service Agreement 甲 方: 地 址: 联 系 人: 联系电话: Party A: Address: Contact: Tel.: 乙 方:北京xx科技服务有限公司 地 址:x 联 系 人: 联系电话: Party B: China Golden Pay Co., Ltd. Address: x Contact: Tel.: 鉴于: 乙方作为具有外汇管理局颁发的跨境电子商务外汇支付业务试点资格的企业,致力于为电子商务用户提供便捷、专业的外汇支付服务。甲方愿接受乙方为甲方在甲方网站(该网址或域名为: ,以下统称为甲方网站)上进行商品和服务(以下合称“商品”)交易提供“xx支付”外汇支付服务,乙方代理甲方用户向银行进行购汇,并按照甲方指令和结算周期将外币资金支付给甲方合作方。 Seeing that: Party B as a pilot enterprise specialized in cross-border e-commerce payment in foreign exchange authorized by State Administration of Foreign Exchange is committed to providing convenient professional foreign exchange payment service to e-commerce users. Party A is willing to accept Party B as its partner in the aspect of “CGP Payment” foreign exchange payment service supply for commodities and services transactions (hereinafter collectively referred to as commodities) on Party A’s website (domain name: ), so that Party B will purchase foreign exchange from the bank on behalf of Party A’s user, and pay the foreign exchange fund to Party A’s partner according to Party A’s instructions and settlement period. 本着平等、互利、友好协商的原则,甲、乙双方就上述支付服务事宜达成一致,签订本协议,以资共同遵守。 Party A and Party B have signed this Agreement of “CGP Payment” Cross-Border E-commerce Exchange Payment Service (hereinafter referred to as this Agreement for short) for common abide-by, based on the principle of equality, mutual benefit and friendly consultation. 1.定义 1. Definitions 如无特别说明,下列用语在本协议中的含义为: The meaning of the following terms in this Agreement is defined below, unless otherwise specified. 1.1 甲方商户号,是指乙方为甲方提供“xx支付”支付服务时,乙方向甲方提供的服务编号,并用以查询或计量商户的预付、应收或应付款。 1.1 Party A’s merchant No. refers to the No. of “CGP Payment” service provided by Party B for Party A, for reference in query or measurement of merchants’ advance payment, accounts receivable and accounts payable. 1.2 “xx支付”跨境支付平台,是指乙方开发的、用于提供本协议项下服务的计算机软件信息系统。 1.2 “CGP Payment”, a cross-border payment platform, refers to the computer software information system developed by Party B to provide the services mentioned in this Agreement. 1.3 商户,是指使用“xx支付”支付服务的商品卖家。 1.3 Merchant refers to the seller using “CGP Payment” service. 1.4 “xx支付”支付服务,是指乙方在收付款人之间作为中介机构提供部分或全部货币资金转移的服务。 1.4 “CGP Payment” service refers to service of partial or complete money transfer provided by Party B as the intermediary between payer and payee. 1.5 “xx支付”外汇支付服务,是“xx支付”支付服务的服务内容之一,通过“xx支付”外汇支付服务,乙方代理甲方用户向银行进行购汇,并按照甲方指令和结算周期将外币资金支付给甲方合作方。 1.5 “CGP Payment foreign exchange payment service” is part of “CGP Payment” services, and with its help Party B can purchase foreign exchange from the bank on behalf of Party A’s user, and pay the foreign exchange fund to Party A’s partner according to Party A’s instructions and settlement cycle. 2.安全条款 2. Clauses about security 2.1账户安全条款 2.1 Account security 2.1.1 甲方应采取有效措施妥善保管好甲方商户号及其密码,不得将其向任何人泄露,且不得将甲方商户号及其密码转交给其他任何人使用; 2.1.1 Party A shall take effective measures to keep Party A’s merchant No. and password properly; he shall neither disclose nor transfer Party A’s merchant No. and password to any other person for use; 2.1.2 乙方将利用甲方商户号及其密码进行的一切操作行为视作甲方的行为,甲方需对甲方商户号下的一切操作行为负责。甲方如发现有第三人冒用或盗用甲方商户号及其密码,或其他任何未经合法授权的情形,应立即通知乙方,并要求乙方暂停相关服务。同时,甲方理解并同意,乙方在接受甲方的上述有效通知后对甲方的请求采取行动需要合理期限,在此之前,乙方对已执行的指令及所导致的损失不承担任何责任。 2.1.2 All of Party B’s operations based on Party A’s merchant No. and password are regarded as Party A’s behavior, and thus Party A will be responsible for all such operations. In case of the third people’s use or misappropriation of Party A’s merchant No. and password or any other unauthorized circumstances if found, Party A should immediately inform Party B and request Party B to suspend the relevant service. At the same time, Party A shall understand and agree it will really take reasonable period of time for Party B to execute Party A’s requests for action after the acceptance of Party A’s effective notification mentioned above, and before this Party B shall not bear any responsibility to the executed instructions and corresponding losses. 2.2系统安全条款 双方要保证自身系统的安全,对因过错给另一方造成的直接损失,需承担赔偿责任。双方承诺自身计算机系统中不存在“后门”、“程序炸弹”、“数据盗窃”等威胁另一方系统安全。 2.2 System security Both parties should ensure their own system security, and any of them should assume the liability of compensation for the other party’s direct loss due to the fault. Both parties commit that their computer systems do not embrace “back door”, “program bomb”, “data theft” or other threats of another party’s system security. 3.服务内容 乙方为甲方提供“xx支付”外汇支付服务、设立网上交易查询功能、提供交易信息管理和信息查询服务。 3. Service content Party A shall provide “CGP Payment” foreign exchange payment service, establish online transaction query function, and provide trade information management and information query service for Party B. 4.双方权利和义务 4 Rights and obligations of both parties 4.1甲方权利和义务 4.1 Party A’s rights and obligations 4.1.1甲方须遵守乙方关于“xx支付”外汇支付服务的管理和运行规定。 4.1.1 Party A shall comply with the provisions about management and operation of “CGP Payment” foreign exchange payment service defined by Party B. 4.1.2甲方应如实向乙方提供甲方有关经营的资质资料,包括基本业务情况说明、公司营业执照、组织机构代码证、税务登记证、银行开户许可证、ICP资质、法定代表人或负责人身份证复印件、企业邮箱(非个人Email信箱)等。若甲方为特殊行业商户,资质材料除以上资料外,还需提供证明其具备所经营业务合法资质的证书。甲方独立承担因上述资料不准确、不真实、不完整而引发的一切责任,并赔偿乙方因为上述资料不准确、不真实、不完整而导致的一切损失。 4.1.2 Party A shall truthfully provide his operation-related qualification and data to Party B, including the business overview, company’s business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate, bank account permit,ICP qualification, legal representative’s or responsible person’s ID card, enterprise mailbox (non-personal Email) and others. If Party A is a merchant of special industry, apart from the above business qualification and materials, the certificate of legal business qualification should be also provided. Party A shall independently bear all the responsibility caused by the above information if inaccurate, untrue or incomplete and completely make corresponding compensation for the losses to Party B. 4.1.3甲方通过“xx支付”外汇支付服务,在互联网上开展 方面的经营活动,甲方确保其所有的经营行为没有违反任何有关国家的法律法规及规范性文件。甲方应就自己经营的业务在甲方网站公布客户服务电话,不得将乙方的客户服务电话作为甲方的而误导用户。 4.1.3 Party A will conduct aspects of business on the Internet via “CGP Payment” foreign exchange payment services, and he shall ensure that all the operating behaviors are in no violation of the provisions of national laws, regulations and normative documents. Party A shall publicize the customer service telephone about his business on his website, and he shall never claim Party B’s as his own to mislead users. 4.1.4甲方在网上发布的所有信息及从事的经营活动必须严格遵守有关国家(包括其注册地国家和地区、中国和其经营活动涉及到相关国家和地区)法律法规、政府及管理部门的有关规定,并独立承担与此相应的责任,并赔偿乙方因为甲方违反本条规定而导致的一切损失。 4.1.4 When releasing information or carrying out business activities, Party A shall strictly abide by the provisions of relevant laws and regulations of the state (including the country and region of registration, China and the countries and regions related to the business activities), government and administrative departments, independently take corresponding responsibilities and compensate all the losses to Party B due to Party A’s violation of the above provisions. 4.1.5甲方确保促使甲方合作方遵守甲乙双方签订的本协议有关条款,如由于甲方合作方违反本协议有关条款给乙方造成损失,甲方应赔偿乙方的一切损失。 4.1.5 Party A shall ensure that his partner will abide by this Agreement. In case that Party A’s partner’s violation of the provisions of this Agreement causes losses to Party B, Party A shall make compensation for all damages to Party B. 4.1.6甲方承担对甲方合作方经营监督、审核和管理职责,确保其合作方严格遵守相关法律、法规、规章、政策及法令和不侵犯他人的合法权益。甲方传输到乙方的交易报文,除了交易报文必须含有的要素外,还应该包含甲方合作方号、合作方名称等,便于乙方对甲方合作方日常监控管理。 4.1.6 Party A shall audit, supervise and control his partner’s operation, and ensure his partner can strictly abide by relevant laws, regulations, rules, policies and regulations, without infringement upon others’ legitimate rights and interests. Besides the necessary elements, the transaction message delivered by Party A to Party B should also include Party A’s partner’s No. and name, for Party B’s daily monitoring and management of Party A’s partner. 4.1.7甲方应于每月5日前通过邮件方式向乙方提供上一个月新增或变更之甲方合作方,包括名称、统一编号、营业项目、银行账号等,作为本协议附件供乙方备案,未如期提供资料之甲方客户,乙方不予提供服务。 4.1.7 Party A shall provide the changed or newly added information last month about his partner before 5th day of each month to Party B by email, including his partner’s name, uniform No., business items and bank account numbers, which should be shown in annexes attached to this Agreement for record in Party B. Party A’s customers whose information is not provided to Party B in timely manner won’t enjoy Party B’s service. 4.1.8甲方向用户销售商品或提供服务时,应要求用户进行确认,并长期妥善保存好与用户达成交易的凭证(若涉及实体货物的,应妥善保存收货单据)。当出现用户拒付或否认交易等纠纷时,甲方应主动调查处理和解决,能及时准确地提供相关交易信息和售货单据。否则,甲方应自行承担未履行上述义务而造成的一切损失,并赔偿乙方因为甲方违反本条规定而导致的一切损失。 4.1.8 When selling goods or providing services to users, Party A should ask for the users’ confirmation and keep the transaction credentials properly for long term, (in case of entity goods transaction, the reception certificate shall be properly kept). In case of the user’s refusal and / or denying trade or other disputes, Party A should actively conduct investigation and settlement, so as to provide related transaction information and sales documents timely and accurately. Otherwise, Party A shall bear the responsibilities for the losses and make compensation for all losses to Party B due to his failure to perform the obligations. 4.1.9甲方须按照乙方所要求的指令格式准确、真实、完整提交交易信息,信息包括但不限于:外币交易金额、商品名、客户银行卡号、客户身份证号等。因甲方所提供的信息出现过错而导致使用者投诉、纠纷和资金损失,由甲方负责处理并承担相关责任。 4.1.9 Party A should submit the transaction information in accordance with Party B’s requirement in accurate, true and complete manner, including but not limited to foreign currency transaction amount, commodity name, customer’s bank account No., customer’s ID number, etc. Party A shall handle the complaints, disputes and losses of funds caused by fault information provided by him and bear relevant responsibility. 4.1.10因甲方原因造成的一切用户投诉和纠纷,甲方应及时解决并承担责任。甲方须解决因甲方网站信息虚假、陈旧、错误和不详实造成的投诉、退货和纠纷,并独立承担因此给用户造成的损失,并赔偿乙方因为甲方违反本条规定而导致的一切损失。 4.1.10 Party A shall timely solve all of the customer complaints and disputes as the results of his faults and take corresponding responsibility, cope with the complaints, returns and disputes caused by the false, out-of-date, over-general information on his website and independently bear the losses to users, and make compensation for all losses to Party B caused by his breach of the provisions of this article. 4.1.11甲方应在甲方网站页面上如实描述乙方提供的“xx支付”外汇支付服务,甲方不得采用技术手段或其它非法手段截获持卡人的卡信息,代替持卡人提交订单。甲方必须在甲方网站引导持卡人到乙方支付平台亲自提交订单。 4.1.11 Party A shall truthfully describe “CGP Payment” foreign exchange payment services provided to Party B on his website, and he shall never obtain the cardholder’s card information in technical means or other illegal means and then submit orders on behalf of the cardholder, but he shall describe the procedures on website as guidance for the cardholder to personally submit orders on Party B’s platform. 4.1.12甲方业务正式上线之前,乙方有权进行全面的评估考核,如果甲方业务未能通过乙方的考核而不能正式上线,则乙方有权终止本协议而不承担任何违约责任。正式上线后甲方终止服务或业务发生变更时,应提前一个月以书面方式通知乙方,否则须承担由此给乙方造成的一切损失。 4.1.12 Before the official launch of Party A’s business, Party B has the right to conduct comprehensive evaluation, and if Party A’s business fails to pass the above evaluation and thus cannot officially launch the business, Party B has the right to terminate this Agreement without the obligation to assume any liability for breach of contract. After the official launch, in case of Party A’s service termination or business change, he should notify Party B in written form one month in advance, otherwise, he should bear all the losses to Party B. 4.1.13甲方应妥善保管甲方的商户号及密码,并承担因保管及使用不当而造成的一切损失和责任,并赔偿乙方因此而遭受的一切损失。未经乙方书面授权,甲方不得在多个域名或不同的网站上使用同一商户号的支付接口。 4.1.13 Party A shall properly keep Party A’s merchant No. and password, and bear all losses and liabilities due to the improper safekeeping and use, and make compensation for all losses to Party B. Without Party B’s written authorization, Party A shall never use the same merchant No. payment interface in multiple domains or different web sites. 4.1.14甲方未经乙方书面认可,不得把乙方提供的接口技术、安全协议等转交其它网站或第三方使用,否则,乙方可单方面解除本合同,并有权要求甲方赔偿因此给乙方造成的一切经济损失。 4.1.14 Without Party B’s written approval, Party A shall never transfer technical interface, security protocol or other data provided by Party B any other third party, otherwise, Party B may terminate this contract unilaterally and have the right to request Party A to indemnify Party B for all economic losses. 4.1.15甲方不得对乙方“xx支付”支付平台采取反向工程手段进行破解,不得对乙方“xx支付”软件系统程序(包括但不限于源程序、目标程序、软件文档、运行在本地电脑内存中的数据、客户端至服务器端的数据、服务器数据等)进行复制、修改、编译、整合和篡改,不得修改或增加乙方提供的“xx支付”软件系统的原有功能。 4.1.15 Party A shall neither crack Party B’s payment platform of “CGP Payment” with reverse engineering means, copy, modify, compile, integrate or tamper “CGP Payment” software system program (including but not limited to the source program, the target program, the software documentation, the data in local computer memory, the data from client to server, server data, etc.), nor modify or expand original functions of “CGP Payment” software system. 4.1.16甲方应遵守相关网上银行业务和信用卡相关交易相关的政策法规,不得进行虚假交易、信用卡套现、洗钱、转移非法所得等非法行为,否则,甲方将独立承担由此带来的全部法律责任,且乙方可将甲方行为的相关证据信息提交给有权机关处理。 4.1.16 Party A shall comply with the policies and regulations related to e-banking and credit card transactions, but not involve into false trading, credit card cash, money laundering, transfer of illegal proceeds or other illegal acts, otherwise, Party A shall independently bear all legal responsibilities arising therefrom, and Party B can submit the evidence about Party A’s behaviors to relevant authority. 4.1.17甲方应保证本协议下甲方联系信息的真实、有效,变更上述信息前,甲方应提前五个工作日以书面形式通知乙方。 4.1.17 Party A shall ensure that his contact information under this Agreement is real and effective, and he shall issue written notice to Party B five working days in advance, in case of the necessity to change the above information. 4.1.18甲方应对自身向乙方和用户所提供信息的真实性、合法性、有效性独立担责。 4.1.18 Party A shall independently take full responsibility for authenticity, legitimacy and effectiveness of the information provided to Party B and the users. 4.1.19甲方保证具有履行本协议的合法资质及权利,且不得侵犯其他任何第三人的合法权益,否则,甲方应对自己的行为独立担责。 4.1.19 Party A guarantees the legal qualifications and rights to perform this Agreement, without the possibility to infringe upon the legitimate rights and interests of any other third person, otherwise, Party A shall take independent responsibility. 4.1.20如甲方网站上存在向最终用户销售商品或提供服务的商家(下称“下级商户”),甲方应制定下级商户业务管理办法,承担对下级商户经营范围的监督、审核和管理职责,确保其下级商户严格遵守相关法律、法规、规章、政策及法令和不侵犯他人的合法权益。 4.1.20 In case the merchants selling goods or providing services to end users are shown on Party A’s website (hereinafter referred to as the “subordinate merchants”), Party A shall formulate measures for the management of subordinate merchants’ bus- 配套讲稿:
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- 电子商务 外汇 支付 服务 协议 模版 中英文
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