总体设计 General design 设计根据 Design basis 建筑红线 Building line 建筑系数 Coefficient of building occupation 界区 Battery limited 有效面积 Effective area 使用面积 Usable area 构造面积 Structural area 建筑面积 Building area 建筑面积密度 Density of building area 竖向布置 Vertical planning 高程 Altitude 等高线 Contour line 相对标高 Relative elevation 绝对标高 Absolute altitude 地震基本烈度 Basic earthquake intensity 抗震设防烈度 Fortification intensity 风玫瑰 Wind rose 建筑朝向 Building orientation 建筑间距 Building distance 公顷 Hectare 指北针 North arrow 测北 Geophical north 建北 Plant north 气象 Meteorology 日照 Sunshine 天然采光 Natural lighting 人工照明 Artificant light;artificial illumination 照度 Degree of illumination 通风 Ventilation 正压通风 Positive ventilating 噪声 Noise 隔声 Sound insulation 吸声 Sound absorption 保温隔热 Heat insulation 露点 Dewpoint 冷桥 Cold-bridge 遮阳 Sunshade 恒温恒湿 Constant temperature & constant humidity 消声 Noise elimination;noise reduction 防振 antivibration 4.2 建筑普通词汇 Conventional terms of architecture 方案 Scheme;draft 草图 Sketch 透视图 Perspective drawing 建筑构图 Architectural composition 坐标 Coordinate 纵坐标 Ordinate 横坐标 Abscissa 跨度 Span 开关 Bay 进深 Depth 层高 Floor height 净高 Clear height;headroom 横数 Module;modulus 裙房 Skirt building 楼梯 Stair 梯段 Stair slab 楼梯平台 Stair landing 安全出口 Safety exit 疏散楼梯 Escape staircase 楼梯间 Stair well 封闭楼梯间 Enclosure staircase 防烟楼梯间 Smoke prevention stair well 消防电梯间 Emergency elevators well 自动扶梯 Escalator 中庭 Atrium 疏散走道 Escape corridor;escape way 耐火级别 Fire-resistive grade 生产类别 Classification of production 耐火极限 Duration of fire-resistance 防火间距 File-break distance 泄压面积 Area of pressure release 闷顶 Mezanine;mezzanine 砖标号 Grade of brick;strength of brick 承重墙 Bearing wall 非承重墙 Non-bearing wall 挡土墙 Retaining wall 填充墙 Filler wall 围护墙 Curtain wall;cladding wall;enclosure wall 女儿墙 Parapet wall 隔墙 Partition (浴室、厕所)隔断 Stall 窗间墙 Pier 墙垛 Pillar 过梁 Lintel 圈梁 Gird;girt;girth 防潮层 Damp-proof course 勒脚 Plinth 横梁 Transverse beam 纵横 Longitudinal wall 山墙 Gable;gable wall 防火墙 Fire wall 压顶 Coping 勾缝 Pointing 砖砌平拱 Brick flat arch 预埋件 Embedded inserts 直抓梯 Ladder 栏杆 Railing 防腐蚀 Corrosion resistant;Anticorrosion 化学溶蚀 Chemical erosion 膨胀腐蚀 Expansion corrosion 化学腐蚀 Chemical corrosion 电化学腐蚀 Electro-chemical corrosion 晶间腐蚀 Intergranular corrosion 气相腐蚀 Gaseous corrosion 液相腐蚀 Liquidoid corrosion 固相腐蚀 Solid corrosion 腐蚀裕度 Allowance for corrosion 锈蚀 rusting 4.3 建筑材料 Building materials 级配砂石 Graded sand & gravel 素土夯实 Rammed earth 灰土 Lime-soil 素混凝土 Plain concrete 钢筋混凝土 Reinforced concrete(R.C) 细石混凝土 Fine aggregate concrete 轻质混凝土 Lightweight concrete 加气混凝土 Aerocrete;Aerocrete concrete 陶粒混凝土 Ceramsite concrete 水泥膨胀珍珠岩 Cement & expended pearlite 岩棉 Mineral wool;mine wool 沥青 asphalt 卷材 Felt 玛蹄脂 Asphalt mastic 粘土砖 Clay brick 釉面砖 Porcelain enamel brick 空心砖 Hollow brick 砌块 Block 缸砖 guarry brick 锦砖 mosac 地面砖 paving brick 防滑地砖 non-slip brick 耐酸砖(板) acidbrick (acidtile) 胶泥 mastic 粘土瓦 Cloy tile 玻璃瓦 enamelled tile 波形镀锌钢板 galvanized corrugate steel sheet 玻璃钢瓦 glass-fiber reinforced plastic tile 彩色压型钢(铅)板 coloured corrugate steel (aluminium) plat; profiuing coloured stccl (aluminium) plat 石棉水泥瓦 ashestos-cement sheet 水磨石 terrajjo 水刷石 granite plaster 花岗石 granite 磨光花岗石 polished granite 剁斧石 artificial stone 大理石 marble 水泥砂浆抹面 cement plaster 石灰砂浆抹面 lime plaster 水泥石灰砂浆抹面 cement-lime plaster 刀灰打底 hemp-cut and lime as base 原木 Log 方木 square timber 板材 plank 胶合板 plywood 三夹板 3plywood 五夹板 5plywood 平板玻璃 flat glass 浮法玻璃 float-process glass 磨砂玻璃 ground glass;frosted glass 起 玻璃 prism glass 夹丝玻璃 Wire glass 夹层玻璃 sandwich glass 中空玻璃 hollow glass 钢化玻璃 reinforced glass 镀膜玻璃 coating glass 有机玻璃 organic glass 4.4 建筑构造及配件 Building construction & component 铺砌 paving 地坪 grade 基层 bedding 素土夯实 rammed earth 垫层 base 结合层 bonding course 面层 Covering 隔离层 insulation course 活动地板 raising floor;movable floor;access floor 篦子板 grating 地面提示块 ground prompt 遮阳板 sunshade 窗套 Window moulding 护角 curb guard 防水层 water-proof course 找平层 Leveling course 隔热层 heat insulation course 保温层 thermal insulation course 檩条 purlin 天窗 skylight 天棚 ceiling 吊顶 suspending ceiling 吊顶龙骨 ceiling joist 雨水口 drain gulley 水斗 Lead head 雨水管 Leader;downspout 天沟 Valley 挑檐 overhanging eave 檐口 eave 泛水 flashing 分水线 watershed 檐沟 eave gutter 汇水面积 catchment area 雨罩 canopy 散水 apron 坡道 ramp 台阶 entrance steps 保温门 thermal insulation door 隔声门(窗) sound insulation door (window); acoustical door (window) 防火门(窗) fire door (window) 冷藏门 freezer door 安全门 exit door 防护门(窗) protection door (window) 屏蔽门(窗) Shield door (window) 防风砂门 radiation resisting door (window) 密闭门(窗) weather tight door 泄压门(窗) pressure release door (window) 壁柜门 closet door 变压器间门 transformer room door 围墙门 gate 车库门 garage door 保险门 safe door 引风门 ventilation door 检修门 access door 平开门(窗) side-hung door 推拉门(窗) sliding door 弹簧门 swing door 折迭门 folding door 卷帘门 rolling door 转门 revolving door 夹板门 plywood door 拼板门 FLB door (framed,Ledged and battened door); matchboard door 实拼门 solid door 镶板门 panel door 镶玻璃门 glazed door 玻璃门 glass door 钢木门 steel & wooden door 百页门 shutter door 连窗门 door with side window 传递窗 delivery window 观测窗 observation window 换气窗 vent sast 上悬窗 top-hung window 中悬窗 center-pivoted window 下悬窗 bottom-hung window 立转窗 vertically pivoted window 固定窗 fixed window 单层窗 single window 双层窗 double window 百页窗 shutter 带形窗 continuous window 子母扇窗 attached sash window 组合窗 composite window 落地窗 French window 玻璃幕墙 glazed curtain wall 门(窗)框 door (window) frame 拼樘料 transom (横),mullion (竖) 门(窗)扇 door (window) leaf (平开窗扇 casement sash) 纱扇 screen sash 亮子 transom,fanlight 门心板 pancl 披水板 weather board 贴脸板 trim 筒子板 Lining 窗台板 sill plate 防护铁栅 barricade;iron grille;grating 合页 butts;hinges;butt hinges 执手 knob 撑档 catch 滑道 sliding track 插销 bolt 拉手 pull 推板 push plate 门锁 mortice lock;door lock 执手锁 mortice lock with knob 4.5 建筑构造 Building structure 4.5.1 荷载 Load 活荷载 Live load 静荷载,恒载 Dead load 静力荷载 Static load 移动荷载 Moving load 动力荷载 Dynamic load 冲击荷载 impact load 附加荷载 Superimposed load 规定荷载(又称原则荷载) Specified Load 集中荷载 Concentrated Load 分布荷载 Distributed Load 设计荷载 Design Load 轴向荷载 Axial Load 偏心荷载 Eccentric Load 风荷载 Wind Load 风力、风压 Wind force、Wind Pressure 雪荷载 Snow Load 屋面积灰荷载 Roof ash Load (吊车)最大轮压 Maximum Wheel Load 吊车荷载 Crane Load 安装荷载 Erection Load 施工荷载 Construction Load 不对称荷载 Unsymmetrical Loading 重复荷载 Repeated Load 刚性荷载 Rigid Load 柔性荷载 Flexible Load 临界荷载 Critical Load 容许荷载 Admissible Load,Allowable Load safe Load 极限荷载 Ultimate Load 条形荷载 Strip Load 破坏荷载 Failure Load,Load at failure 地震荷载 Seismic Load;Earthquake load 荷载组合 Combination of load 4.5.2 地基和基本 Soil and foundation 地基 (Bed)soil 天然地基 Natural ground 人工地基 Artificial ground 混凝土基本 Concrete foundation;Concrete footing 毛石基本 Rubble masonry footing; (Rubble) stone footing 砖基本 Brickwork footing 桩基本 Pile foundation 设备基本 Equipment foundation 机器基本 Machine foundation 独立基本 Individual footing,Isolated foundation Pad foundation 联合基本 Combined footing 大块式基本 Massive foundation 条形基本 Strip foundation;Strip footing Strap footing;Continuous footing 方形基本 Square footing 杯形基本 Footing socket 板式基本 Slab-foundation;Mat footing 阶梯形基本 Stepped foundation;Benched foundation (Stepped footing) 扩展基本 spread footing 扩底基本 Under-reamed foundation 浮伐基地 Raft foundation;Buoyant foundation Floating foundation 沉箱(井)基本 Caisson foundation 构架式基本 Frame foundation 深基本 Deep foundation 基本 Footing Foundation 基槽 Foundation ditch;Foundation trench 基坑 Foundation pit 基本板 Foundation slab 基本梁 Foundation beam Footing beam 基本底面 Foundation base 基本底板 Foundation mat 基本垫层 Foundation-bed 基本埋置深度 Depth of embedment foundation 地下持续墙 Undelground continuous wall 打桩 Pile driving 打桩机 Pile engine;Pile driver;Ram mactuine 钢桩 Steel pile 水桩 Wood pile;Timber pile 钢筋混凝土桩 Reinforced concrete pile 砂桩 Sand pile 石灰桩 Lime pile;Lime column;Quicklime pile 单桩 Single pile 群桩 Pile group;Pile cluster 斜桩 Batter pile 预制桩 precast pile 灌注桩 In-situ pile;Cast-in-place pile Cast-in-situ pile;Filling pile 板桩 sheet pile 拆密桩 Compaction pile 挤密砂桩 Sand compaction pile 灰土挤密桩 Line-soil compaction pile 钻孔桩 Bored pile 打入桩 Driuen pile 摩擦桩 Friction pile;Buoyant pile 端承桩 End bearing pile;Point bearing pile; Column pile (柱桩) 支承桩 Bearing pile 抗拔桩 Tension pile;Uplift pile; 抗滑桩 Anti-slicle pile 桩承台 Pile cap 桩帽 Pile cap;pile couel 桩头 Pile crown;pile head 桩端 Pile tip 桩身 Pile shaft 桩距 Pile spacing 桩钢筋笼 Pile cage 试桩 Test pile 桩荷载实验 Pile load test 桩动荷载实验 Dynamic load test of pile 桩侧向荷载实验 Lateral pile load test 桩极限荷载 Ultimate pile load 桩承载能力 Pile capacity;Bearing capacity of a pile Carrying capacity of a pile 土压力 Earth pressure 积极土压力 Active earth pressure 被动土压力 Passive earth pressure 静止土压力 Earth pressure at rest 容许地耐力 Allowable bearing strength 冰冻深度 Frozen depth;Frost depth; Frost penetration depth of frost penetration 防冻深度 Frost-proof depth 粘土类土 Clayey soil 轻亚粘土 Sandy loam 亚粘土 Sandy clay;Loam 砂质土 Sandy soil 砂砾石 Sandy gravel stratum 膨胀土 Expansive soil 硬质土,硬盘岩,硬土层 Hard pan 液限 Liquid limit 塑限 Plastic limit 塑料指数 Index of plasticity 松软土 Mellow soil;spongy soil 回填土 Backfill Refilling 杂填土 Miscellaneous fill 地表水 Surface water; 地下水 Groundwater 地下水位 Groundwater eltualion; Groundwater level;Groundwater table 容重 Unit weight 干容重 Dry unit weight 湿容重 Wet unit weight 饱和容重 Saturated unit weight 不均匀沉降 Unequal settlement; Differential settlement 地基解决 Ground treatment 地基加固 Ground stabilization;soil improvement 土质查勘 Soil exploration 地质勘察 Geological exploration 沉陷 Settlement 倾斜 obliquity;Inclination 滑移 Sliding 夯实土 Compacted soil 夯实填土 Compacted fill 夯实回填土 Tamped backfill 夯实分层厚度 Compacted lift 持力层 Bearing stratum;Supporting;Course 管道与基本相碰 Pipeline interferes with foundation 4.5.3 普通构造用语 Terms for general structures 建筑构造 Building structure 建筑物 Building 构造形式 Structural type 混凝土(砼)构造 Concrete structure 砌体构造 Masonry structure 砖砌构造 Brick structure 石砌构造 Stone structure 砖砼构造 Brick and concrete structure 钢构造 Steel structure 构造型钢 Shape steel 木构造 Timber structure 组合构造 Composite structure 框架构造 Frame structure 梁板构造 Beam and slab structure 构件 Member 承重构件 Load-bearing member 构造构件 Structure member 肋形屋盖 Ribbed roof 肋形楼板 Ribbed floor slab 无梁楼板 Flat plate;Flat slab 桁架;屋架 Truss;Roof truss 三角形屋(桁)架 Triangular truss 梯形屋(桁)架 Trapezoidal truss 拱形屋架 Arch roof truss 折线形屋架 Segmental roof truss 弓形桁架 Bowstring truss 框架 Frame 排架 Bent frame 刚架 Rigid frame 门架 Portal frame 抗风构架 Wind frame 抗震构架 Aseismic frame 梁 Beam;Girder 大梁 Girder 主梁 Principal beam;Primary beam 次梁 Secondary beam 加腋梁 Haunched beam 筒支梁 Simply beam 固端梁 Fixed beam 悬臂梁 Cantilever beam 持续梁 Continuous beam 托梁 Spandrel 圈梁 girth 过梁 Lintel 曲梁 Curved beam bow beam 基本梁 Foundation beam 吊车梁 Crane girder T形梁 T-beam 柱 Column 组合柱 Combination column 立柱 Post 吊车柱 Crane column 抗风柱 End panel column 墙 wall 板 slab plate 承重墙 Bearing walls 柱网 Column grid 支撑系统 Brace system 柱间支撑 Portal bracing between columns 屋石支撑 Roof bracing 垂直支撑 Vertical bracing 水平支撑 Horizontal bracing 剪刀撑 Cross bracing 暂时顶撑,支撑 Shoring 桁架式支撑 Trussed bracing 斜撑 Kneel-brace 上弦 Top chord 下弦 Bottom chord 节间 Panel 节点 Panel point 压杆 Compression member;strut 拉杆 Tension member;Tie-beam 腹杆 Web member 斜杆 Diagonal member 斜腹杆 Diagonal web member 吊杆 Hanged rod;sag rod 系杆,拉杆 Tie bar;sag rod 天窗架 Skylight frame 天窗 Monitor;Skylight 托座、牛腿 Bracket 檀条 Purlin 连接 Connection 接点 Joint 铰接点 Hinged point 固接点 Fixed Joint 安装接点 Erection joint 拼接接点 Splice joint 节点板、连接板 Gusset plate;connecting plate 加劲板 Stiffener plate 支撑板 Bearing plate 填隙板 Filler plate 梁柱接头 Beam-column connections 截面 Cross section 拱 Arch 壳 Shell 伸缩缝 Expansion joint 沉降缝 Settlement joint 施工缝 Construction joint 防震缝 Aseismic joint 4.5.4 构造理论用语 Terms for theory of slructures a) 设计办法术语 Terms for design method 构造设计 Structure design 按极限强度设计 Ultimate strength design 按允许应力设计 Working stress design 按承载能力设计 Loading capacity design 按稳定性设计 Design according to stability 按变形设计 Design according to deformation 构造分析 Structural analysis 构造计算 Structural calculation 静定构造 Statically determinate structures 超静定构造 Statically indeterminste structures 精准计算 Rigorous calculation 近似计算 Approximate calculation 安全级别 Safety classes 极限状态 Limit states 摩擦系数 Coefficient of friction 质量密度 Mass density 重力密度 Weight (Force) density b) 构造作用效应术语 轴向力 Normal force 剪力 Shear force 弯矩 Bending moment 扭矩 Torque 水平推力 Horizontal thrust 水平拉力 Horizontal pull 水平(垂直)分力 Horizontal (vertical) component 合力 Resultant 正应力 Normal stress 剪应力 Shear stress 主应力 Principal stress 次应力 Secondary stress 预应力 Prestress 位移 Displacement 挠度 Deflection 变形 Deformation 弯曲 Bending;Flexure 扭转 Torsion c) 材料性能、构造抗力术语 Terms of property of material and resistamle of structure 抗力 Resistancc 抵抗力矩 Resistante moment 强度 Strength 刚度 Stiffness;Rigidity 抗裂度 Crack resistance 抗压强度 Compressiue strength 抗拉强度 Tensile strength 抗剪强度 Shear strength 抗变强度 Flcxural strength 抗扭强度 Torsional strength 抗裂强度 Cracking strength 屈服强度 Yield strength 疲劳强度 Fatigue strength 弹性模量 Modulus of elasticity 剪切模量 Shear modulus 变形模量 Modulus of deformation 稳定性 Stabilith 泊松比 Poisson ratio d) 几何参数术语 Terma of geometry parameter 截面高度 Height of section 截面有效高度 Effective depth of section 载面宽度 Breadth of section 截面厚度 Thickness of section 截面面积 Area of section 截面面积矩 First moment of area 截面惯性矩 Second moment of area 截面抵抗矩模量规范中用词 Section modulus 回转半径 Radius of gyration 偏心距 eccentricity 长度 Length 跨度 Span 矢高 Rvse 长细比 Slenderness ratio 4.5.5 砖石构造 Masonry construction 砖砌体 Brickwork 砌筑 Laying 砖标号 Grade of brick;Strength of brick 毛石砌体 Rubble masonry 毛石砼砌体 Grouted rubble masonry 水泥砂浆 Cement mortar 石灰砂浆 Lime mortar 水泥石灰砂浆 cement-lime mortar 砂浆找平 Mortar leveling 4.5.6 钢筋砼构造 Reinforced concrete structure 素混凝土 Plain concrete 钢筋混凝土 Reinforced concrete 预应力砼 Prestressed concrete 砼标号 Grade of concrete 钢号 Grade of steel 整体式构造 Monolithic structure 装配式构造 Assembled structure 预制构件 Precast element;Fabricated element 现浇 Cast-in-site;Placed-in-site 灌溉砼 Concreting;Costion;Pouring;Placing 一次灌溉 At one pouring 分二次灌溉 Pours in two operations 二次灌浆 Final grouting 钢筋保护层 Reinforcement protective course 模板 Formwork;shuttering 拆模 Form stripping 预埋件 Embedded inserts 预留槽(洞) Groove (Hole) to be provided 垫层 Bed- 配套讲稿:
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