威客模式在中国 1 Feng Liu ,Lingling Zhang, Jifa Gu, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF KNOWLEDGE AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES, Volume 4.Number 4 .December 2007 摘要: 随着知识经济的兴起和互联网的加速发展,各种互联网的创新型应用和新概念不断出现,威客模式就是利用互联网进行知识管理的网络创新模式。该模式理论最先由本文作者之一刘锋在中国提出。作者首先发现了电子公告牌功能分离现象,而威客模式就是起源于电子公告牌功能之一的智力互动问答功能。同时作者认为信息完全免费共享的互联网时代已经过去,知识,智慧,经验,技能通过互联网也具备商业价值,可以成为商品进行买卖,而知识价值化是人们参与互联网智力互动问答的催化剂。在上述观点的基础上,作者于2005年7月提出了威客模式。 关键词:威客;互联网;中国 引言 从本世纪初,互联网开始加速发展,各种创新型应用和互联网新概念不断出现,例如搜索引擎、电子商务、博客、维基百科、RSS、3G、web2.0、长尾理论等。这些应用和概念与知识管理都有着或多或少的关系。如何利用互联网进行知识管理已引起互联网界和知识管理学界诸多学者的高度关注 威客模式就是在这个大的背景下产生的,它是利用互联网进行知识管理的网络创新模式。该概念最先由刘锋在中国提出。从2005年开始,刘锋开始建立一个互联网网站将中国科学院的专家资源,科技成果与企业的科技难题对接起来。在建设网站的过程中,刘锋发现通过互联网解决问题并让解决者获得报酬是互联网一个全新的领域,于是我们通过边实践边总结的方式对这个领域进行探讨和研究。 1.威客模式的定义 定义1:威客模式:人的知识,智慧,经验,技能通过互联网转换成实际收益的互联网新模式。主要应用包括解决科学,技术,工作,生活,学习等领域的问题。体现了互联网按劳取酬和以人为中心的新理念。 定义2:威客---威客的英文Witkey是The key of wisdom 的缩写,是指通过互联网把自己的智慧、知识、能力、经验转换成实际收益的人,他们在互联网上通过解决科学,技术,工作,生活,学习中的问题从而让知识、智慧、经验、技能体现经济价值。 2.威客模式提出了互联网新定义 传统上人们认为互联网是由建立在统一标准上的计算机网络所组成的一个全球性的网络,它由数以万计的网络和几百万台服务器(也称为宿主计算机或主机)组成。威客模式的重要功能是通过互联网调动人的知识,智慧参与解决科学,技术,工作,生活,学习中的问题,因此威客模式认为人是互联网不可缺少的要素之一,互联网不仅仅是机器之间的联网。它的最终发展目标是实现人类大脑的联网。基于此,我们提出互联网的新定义: 定义3:互联网应该是由物理网络、服务器节点、物理网络末端的终端设备、操作终端设备的人,在服务器节点,物理网络,终端设备,人的大脑间储存和流动的数据,信息等五个要素组成的集合体。 3.威客模式提出的互联网发展规律-互联网进化论 互联网进化论是威客模式研究过程中发现的重要成果,从电子公告牌功能的分离到威客地图中大脑映射的产生,威客模式发现互联网的发展并不是无序和杂乱无章的。2007年12月26日,刘锋在的科技频道提出了互联网进化论的观点。 定义4:互联网进化论就是指互联网的起源和进化的终极目标是为了实现人类大脑的联网,这一目标产生了强大的拉动力,不断引导互联网向前发展。最终实现人类大脑的充分联网。 互联网进化论的重要观点如下: 1) 互联网的发展是人类进化的一部分 2) 互联网进化的力量直接导致了电子公告牌功能的分离和重新组合 3) 互联网进化的力量导致大脑映射和威客地图的出现 4)互联网进化的力量导致互联网虚拟大脑神经链接不断增加,例如网页超级链接,互联网即时通讯软件,博客的访问者记录等 5) 互联网进化的力量导致无线互联网的出现和互联网与大脑接驳时间的延长 6) 互联网进化的力量导致电子邮件,网络游戏,与电子公告牌及其衍生应用逐步融合 7) 互联网进化的力量导致互联网从二维世界开始向三维世界发展 4.威客模式的应用领域 从2005年7月威客模式第一次提出以来,它主要有四个不同的应用领域。 1)生活相关:与人们日常生活相关,但价值含量不大的领域,用积分或小奖品激励。 例: 2)在线工作:可通过互联网直接进行操作完成具有较高难度和价值含量的工作和任务,如翻译,设计,咨询等。例: , 3)威客营销:让用户在知识、互动、趣味、奖励中了解企业的产品,在潜移默化中接受企业的产品和理念。 例:, 4)技术转移:把各领域的专家,高级专业人才同企业,科研院所的科学技术难题对接。例:, 根据用户交易意愿的高低和知识,智慧的价值含量的多少可以将威客模式的上述四个领域进行排列组合(图5),其中生活相关的领域其交易意愿和价值含量最低,技术转移领域的交易意愿和价值含量最高。从实践上看,不同的威客模式应用领域有不同的特点,所以威客模式网站不能采取统一的商业运行制度,应具体问题具体对待。 5. 威客模式网站在中国的发展和影响 从2005年威客模式第一次在中国科学院研究生院提出以来,目前在中国有超过200家网站认同威客模式提出的理念,涵盖的范围包括法律,管理咨询,农业,教育,程序和图形设计,科研,体育,医疗,招聘等多个领域。总注册用户超过500万人(对注册用户量前十名进行统计),付费解决问题超过20万条(对认同威客模式的100家网站进行统计)。交易金额超过1000万元人民币(对交易金额最大的五家网站统计)。目前在中国认同威客模式且具有影响力的网站举例:,,,,,, , , witkey的概念进入中国高考试题,数百万考生因此了解威客模式。2007年8月,中国教育部将威客列入中国2007年171个新出现的汉语词汇。 2007年11月18日,首届威客大会在中国北京召开,这次会议由中国科学院虚拟经济与数据科学研究中心主办。有来自互联网,威客模式网站,新闻媒体等领域的专业人士300多人参加了此次会议,多名互联网专家和威客模式网站负责人从理论和实践的不同角度对威客模式进行了探讨。此外在2006到2007年间,赛迪顾问有限责任公司,中国电信研究院等单位也举办了多场会议和沙龙对威客模式进行探讨和研究。 6.威客模式提出的意义 1)可以解决搜索引擎无法创造性的给出答案的问题 2) 宣告互联网知识价值化时代的到来 3)威客模式体现了一种灵活的工作方式 4)提高用户使用互联网的积极性 7.结论 威客模式从第一次提出到本文发表已经经历了两年时间,一方面,我们不断从实践中总结威客模式的定义,概念和公式。另一方面威客模式也正在指导着许多互联网网站从事实际应用工作,产生了巨大的社会价值和经济价值,并获得了社会的广泛认同。两年以来,威客模式已经初步构建了一个理论框架,包括威客模式的定义,理论基础,运营流程,应用领域等,但我们认为从威客模式的深度和广度看,已有的理论框架还需要进一步完善,衍生的新领域需要进一步研究。例如威客模式的信用体系建立问题,威客模式的运营流程和实践进一步结合的问题,威客模式中智力产品的定价与交易问题,威客模式的重要产品-威客地图的应用问题。从威客模式衍生出的互联网进化论的理论框架建立问题。我们相信,通过进一步的实践和研究,威客模式还将产生更多的成果,为知识管理在互联网中的应用做出贡献。 Witkey Mode in China Abstract Following the flourish of knowledge economy and accelerated development of internet, various creative applications and new concepts of internet occurs continuously. Witkey mode is a creative mode that utilizes internet to manage knowledge, which is initially discovered and proposed by Liu in China. The author firstly finds functions separation of BBS, witkey mode just originated from one of BBS functions “intellect interactive quizzes”. At same time the author deems times of information totally free-sharing has passed, knowledge,Wisdom, experience, skills also have commercial value through media of internet and can be traded as merchandises, the valuelization of knowledge is an activator for people joining in intellect interactive quizzes. On the above basis, in June 2005, the author brought forward the theory of witkey mode which has drawn high attention of China and abroad media. Key words: witkey; internet; china Introduction From the beginning of this century, the development of internet began to accelerate, various creative applications and new internet concepts came out continuously, such as search engine, e-commerce, blog, wikipedia, RSS, 3G, web2.0, theory of long tail etc. These applications and concepts have relations more or less with knowledge management. It has brought high attention of many experts and scholars in the field of internet and knowledge management on how to utilize “Internet” to manage knowledge . 1.Definition for witkey mode Definition 1 witkey mode : a new internet mode that human’s knowledge, wisdom, experience, skills can be converted to actual returns. Main applications include solving problems in science, technique, work, life, learning etc fields through media of Internet. It embodies the new concepts in Internet “payment according to work and focus on people”. Definition 2 witkey : the abbreviation of “The key of wisdom”, refers to person who can convert his own wisdom, knowledge, ability, experience to actual returns. By solving problems in science, technique, work, life and learning through media of Internet, economic values of witkey’s knowledge, wisdom, experience, skill can be embodied accordingly. 2.Witkey mode proposes new definition of internet Traditionally people assumes internet is a global network formed by tens of thousands regional networks (built on a unified criteria) and several million server computers. The important function of witkey mode is to mobilize human’s knowledge, wisdom through media of internet to solve problems in science, technique, work, life, study etc. So witkey mode assumes people are an indispensable element in internet. Internet is not only the network of machines, its ultimate developing target is to realize the connection of human brains. On the basis of above, We propose new definition of “Internet”. Definition 3: Internet should be the integration of five elements: physical networks, server nodes, terminals of physical networks , people who operate terminals, data flow and information within server nodes , physical networks, terminal equipments and human brains. 3.Rules of internet development advanced by witkey mode—internet evolution theory Internet evolution theory is the important achievement in the research of witkey mode. From the separation of BBS functions to witmap brains mapping, witkey mode found that the development of internet is not disorderly and unsystematic. On 26th Dec. 2007, the theory of internet evolution had been brought forward in the science channel of by Liu . Definition 4: Internet evolution theory is that the ultimate goal for the birth and evolution of internet is to realize the connection of human brain into a network. The goal brings a great urge and guides the development of internet, realizes sufficient connection of human brains into a network.The most important viewpoints of the theory are as follows: 1) Development of internet is the part of human evolution. 2) The power of internet evolution directly leads the separation and recombination of BBS functions. 3) The power of internet evolution brings on brain mapping and witmap. 4) The power of Internet evolution brings on continuous increase of internet virtual nerve interlinkage. E.g: hyperlink, instant messengers, access records of blog, 5) The power of Internet evolution brings on occurrence of wireless internet network and connection time extension between human brain and Internet. 6) The power of Internet evolution brings on gradual merges of functions within email, online game, BBS and their derived applications. 7) The power of internet evolution leads 2- dimension world developing to 3-dimension world. 4.Application fields of Witkey mode Since the birth of witkey mode in June 2007, now there are four main applications for witkey mode.Common life: related to the common life field in small value,participants are rewarded by site marks or small prizes. Example: Work:work or tasks that can be accomplished directly through media of internet,such as translation, design, computer programming, consultancy etc. Example: ,.Witkey Marketing: through prized activities, prized survey and other business activities, customers can get more comprehension in knowledge, interactivities, interests, prize etc on enterprise’s products and are exerted subtle influence to accept the products and enterprises motion.Example:,.;(Witkey) Technology transfer:connect experts, senior professional talents of all fields with science and technique problems of enterprises, research academies and institutes. E.g: , . According to user’s will for knowledge transaction and value of knowledge, intellect etc, we make array on the four fields. thereinto transaction will and value for field of common life is the lowest. and transaction will and value for technology transfer is the highest. In practice, different applications of witkey mode has its self-owned characteristics, therefore different business operation strategy should be taken accordingly . 5.Development and influence of the witkey mode site in China Since 2005 theory of witkey mode was firstly published in graduate school of China Academy of Science, now there are more than 200 sites which identify with the concept of witkey mode. The fields cover laws, management, consultancy, agriculture, education, programming and design, scientific research, recruitment etc. Total number of registered users are more than five millions (statistics on top 10 sites ).Number of registered paying problems is over two hundred of thousands .(Statistics on top 100 sites which identify the concept of witkey mode). Transaction amount is over 10 million RMB(Statistics on top 5 sites). Example of the current most influential sites in China (identify with the concept of witkey mode):, ,,, ,. Occurrence of witkey mode also draws high attention of general media, CCTV, China Daily , People’s daily , Interfax , Stern etc several hundred China and abroad media made reports on witkey mode. In 2007, the concept of witkey mode came into the paper of national university entrance exam .several millions of candidate students hence knew more about the concept of witkey mode. On 18th Nov. 2007, the first witkey meeting was held in Beijing, China by CAS Research Center on Fictitious Economy & Data Science, more than 300 professional experts from witkey mode sites, media etc joined in the meeting. Many internet experts and site managers made discussions on witkey mode from different angle of theory and practice .Furthermore, from 2006 to 2007, several meetings and saloons on discussing witkey mode were held by CCID Consulting, China Academy of Telecommunication Research. 6.Significance of witkey mode 1)To solve the problem that search engine can not give creative answers 2) To declare the coming of knowledge valuelization time in internet 3)To embody a flexible work mode 4)To increases users’ positivity to utilize internet. 7. Conclusion It has been two years since the theory of witkey mode was advanced. On the one side, We summarized and abstracted the definition, concept and formula of witkey mode from practice. on the other side, witkey mode is guiding practical applications of many internet sites and producing giant social value and economic value, gaining wide social recognition and attention. In the last two years, witkey mode has gradually set up a theory structure, including definition, theory basis, business operation procedure, application fields etc. considering the depth and width of the theory of witkey mode,We deem that the theory structure still needs to be improved, new fields derived from witkey mode need to be further researched, such as the problem of credit system, problem of combination of operation procedure of witkey mode and its practice, problem of price marking for intellectual products and its transaction, problem of application for witmap( the important achievement of witkey mode), problem of construction for internet evolution theory ,which is derived from witkey mode. We believe under further research and practice, there will be more achievements and contributions of witkey mode to the applications of managing knowledge in internet. 五、主要参考文献: [1]王威. 国内竞标式威客网站的发展现状与趋势[J]. 商场现代化, 2007(9):11-20. [2]刘瑞儒. 威客:知识价值观的网络体现[J]. 情报杂志, 2007(5):26-27. 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