酒店危机管理计划操作程序 CONTENTS 目 录 Introduction----------------------------------------------------------- 1 序言 Part I Definitions-----------------------------------------------------------------2 第一部分:名词解释 ¨ What Is A Crisis? --------------------------------------------------------------------------2 什么是危机? ¨ What Are The Key Goals? --------------------------------------------------------------------------3 危机处理关键目标 ¨ Emergency Response Team (ERT) ----------------------------------------------------------------4 紧急反应小组 ¨ The Crisis Management Team (CMT) ------------------------------------------------------------5 危机管理委员会 ¨ Primary responsibilities of the CMT --------------------------------------------------------------6 CMT关键职责 ¨ CMT Member Major Assignments ----------------------------------------------------------------7 CMT组员关键任务 ¨ Fire Fighting Team (FFT) -------------------------------------------------------------------------10 义务消防队员 ¨ Responsibility of FFT-------------------------------------------------------------------------------11 义务消防队员职责 Part II、Crisis Management-----------------------------------------------------------------12 第二部分:危机管理方案 ¨ Fire--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12 火警 ¨ Armed Robbery----------------------------------------------------------------- 48 持械抢劫 ¨ Bomb Threats-----------------------------------------------------------------51 炸弹威胁 ¨ Civil Disturbance-----------------------------------------------------------59 民事骚乱 ¨ Power Failure----------------------------------------------------------------63 紧急停电 ¨ Floods---------------------------------------------------66 防汛 ¨ Disease Prevention ------------------------------------------------------------------------70 传染病防范 ¨ Food Contamination ---------------------------------------------------------------------------76 食物中毒 ¨ Kidnapping -------------------------------------------------------------------------78 绑架 ¨ Earthquake ------------------------------------------------------------------------78 地震 Introduction 前 言 The Crisis Management Plan is designed to provide an organized, efficient response to crisis situations. Such crisis may result in disruption of normal hotel operational functions or the closing of the hotel. Relocation of guests, patrons and employees may also result. 危机管理计划是为了在发生危机情况下提供有组织,有效率反应。 危机发生可能会阻碍酒店正常运作,甚至造成停业。 Circumstances which may constitute a crisis can never be entirely predicted. Implementation of this plan will always be based on analysis of the facts at hand. However, FAMILIARITY WITH THE CRISIS MANAGEMENT PLAN BEFORE A CRISIS OCCURS IS CRITICAL. 危机发生环境及情况是无法完全事先预知, 必需依据当初情况灵活应对。熟悉掌握危机处理方法会起到关键作用。 Properly used, the Crisis Management Plan protects guest patrons and employees as well as ensuring that the hotel’s image and reputation remain intact. 危机管理计划不仅能够保护客人和职员安全,还能够确保酒店形象和信誉。 Part I 第一部分 Definitions 名词解释 1、What Is A Crisis? 什么是危机? A crisis can be defined as one of a number of situations which threaten the profitability or reputation of the Company and for various reasons, cannot be handled by the normal management systems. Such a crisis can be immediately apparent. Alternatively, it may arise by the recognition that a number of separate incidents (such as product contamination) are related and are increasing in severity and frequency. 危机定义是: 由多种原因引发、威胁到酒店收益或声誉、不能以正常手段处理处理突发事件。危机可能是忽然发生,危机发生往往是多个方面相关联,(比如食物中毒),而且可能会引发多方面更严重后果。 It is impossible to provide a detailed manual that covers every conceivable situation. Instead, this manual aims to ensure that the proper structure, facilities and information are available to enable senior management to handle a crisis effectively. 本预案即使不能涵盖全部可能发生情况,但仍然能够为大家在应对危机时提供指导作用,包含建立对应指挥机构,配置必需设备器材,确保通畅信息沟通,等等。 Different management responses will be required but all of them contain common features that this plan addresses. However, whatever the crisis, those involved must keep as priorities to: 不管处理哪种危机,在作决议时,必需优先考虑以下多个方面: ¨ Protect the public/customer 保护公众/客人 ¨ Protect the employees 保护职员 ¨ Protect the business 确保经营 ¨ Cooperate with the authorities involved 和相关政府部门合作 2、What Are The Key Goals? 危机处理关键目标 A. Minimizing impact on the Crowne Plaza’s brand reputation and profitability. 最大程度降低对洲际酒店品牌声誉及收益影响。 B. Maximizing the ability of senior management (through the Crisis Management Team) to respond rapidly and effectively to the crisis presenting. 最大程度地帮助危机处理委员会对突发危机作出快速有效反应。 We have to be able to convince owners and customers that regardless of fault for the original incident, Crowne Plaza Lijiang Ancient Town can quickly and decisively react to stabilize the situation and resolve problems arising. 我们必需使我们股东及客人相信:洲际大酒店即使不能阻止事件发生,但能够在事态恶化前快速果断做出反应,控制局面并处理问题。 The Crisis must be perceived as much an Opportunity as a Threat! 我们必需把危机变为机会,而不是威胁。 Our aim must be for those watching our crisis response to conclude: 我们对危机反应必需让大家产生以下共识: “The company acted with professionalism and integrity throughout.” “这个酒店一直根据专业及诚信准则应对处理突发事件。” 3、Emergency Response Team (ERT) 紧急反应小组 The Emergency Response Team (ERT) of the hotel will be sufficiently trained and manned to cope with any type of emergency not necessarily confined to fire. The team will be made up of Duty Engineer, Duty Security Supervisor and Duty Manager, but will also include members of other departments to ensure that sufficient trained personnel cover emergency on a 24 hours basis. 紧急反应小组应接收多方面培训,方便能够妥善处理包含火灾在内多种紧急情况。紧急反应小组关键由值班工程师、保安部督导及大堂经理组成,但也包含其它部门人员, 以确保二十四小时内发生任何紧急情况时,全部能有经过熟练培训人员处理紧急事故。 4、The Crisis Management Team (CMT) 危机管理委员会 The Crisis Management Team (CMT) includes the management team members and other experts who can quickly and effectively execute tasks to control a crisis and minimize loss. 危机管理委员会(CMT)由酒店管理团体组员和其它专业人士组成。危机管理委员会组员必需在危机发生时候作出快速有效反应,控制危机,把损失减到最小。 Position General Manager 总经理 Resident Manager 驻店经理 Deputy General Manager 副总经理 Manager Finance & Business Support 财务总监 Director of Food and Beverage 餐饮总监 Director of Sales and Marketing 销售总监 Human Resources Manager 人力资源部经理 Assistant Chief Security Officer 保安部经理 Chief Engineer 工程部总监 Front Office Manager 前厅部经理 Executive Housekeeper 行政管家 Executive Chef 行政总厨 Duty Manager/Night Manager 大堂经理/夜班经理 Executive On Duty 总值班 Marketing Communications Manager 公共关系经理 Mobile Number 5、Primary responsibilities of the CMT CMT关键职责 · Evaluate Risks and Exposures to the hotel. 分析事件严重程度 · Prompt decision-making and prioritization of tasks. 快速反应,并按轻重缓急公布指令 · Help ensure the authorities are notified in a timely fashion.向相关部门立即汇报 · Provide preliminary first aid and fire fighting efforts发生突发事件时,开展早期抢救和扑救工作 · Provide for the safe evacuation of guests and employees帮助客人和职员安全离开事故现场 · Provide for the safe relocation and transportation of guests为客人提供其它住宿场地及相关交通安排 · Development of media/public relations response.决定怎样向媒体作出反应 · Secure hotel assets确保酒店财产安全 · Evaluate and report losses评定损失 · Restore operations in a timely manner立即恢复运转 · Post-crisis critique and revision of plan as necessary for future use.危机后修改危机管理计划以备后用 The General Manager serves as the Crisis Leader and spokesperson. If unavailable, the next person on the CMT list assumes the role of Crisis Leader in the order set in the CMT list. All members of the CMT must be kept abreast of all pertinent information but will refer all inquiries to the spokesperson. This assures consistent statements and release of appropriate information. 总经理是危机管理领导人、讲话人。假如总经理无法在场,就由CMT第二位替换。 各CMT组员必需了解全部和事件相关消息,不过要让总经理负责对外回复提问,以确保对外口径一致。 If the emergency occurs when only the EOD (Executive on Duty) is present, then he/she assumes the role of Crisis Leader until necessary. 假如危机发生时只有EOD在场,她要担任危机管理领导人角色,直到有些人替换她。 All CMT members need to appoint a designated representative in case when he/she is not on the property at the onset of a crisis, the next on-duty senior manager/designated representative in that department will perform the function until the arrival of the CMT member. 每一名CMT组员全部必需在部门内指定一名直接下属作为她后备人员。当她不在酒店时,这位候补人员就要替换她行使职责,直到她本人到场为止。 When a major incident occurs, it will be immediately investigated by the Duty Manager, Duty Security Officer, Duty Engineer and the manager who has responsibility over the area impacted. 发生突发事件时,大堂经理、保安督导和事件发生地点部门经理必需立即赶往现场进行调查。 The CMT’s demeanor during the crisis situation is very important. Maintaining calmness both in actions and manner of speaking is very important. CMT表现十分关键,必需在行动及言论中保持镇静。 A CMT which is “in control” reassures guests and sets an example for our staff. It also impresses the media and other officials who must rely upon us. The CMT is “on stage” throughout a crisis. CMT对事件有效控制是对客人及职员最好激励, 也会给外界留下良好映象。 6、CMT Member Major Assignments CMT组员关键任务 · General Manager总经理 Oversees the Crisis Management Team管理危机管理委员会。 Decision maker决议人。 Official spokesperson讲话人。 Report to Corporate Office向集团总部汇报事故情况。 · Deputy General Manager副总经理 Support the GM in decision making and information disclosure.帮助总经理决议和信息公布。 · Resident Manager驻店经理 Act as the Scene Director and Crisis Leader when GM is not on the premises 当总经理不在酒店时,担当处理危机总指挥。。 · Chief Engineer 总工程师 Proceed directly to the emergency scene. 一旦发生紧急事件,立即赶到现场. Provide information on structural integrity, emergency systems and utilities (power, gasoline, water, etc…) 向CMT提供相关设备运行情况,能源供给情况等。 Make accessible to the CMT a set of floor plans with the mechanical and geographical layout of the hotel. 向CMT提供楼面图纸、设备安装图纸、房屋结构图等。 Direct the activities of Engineering staff: shut down the hotel's utilities and HVAC system. 指挥切断能源和通风系统等。 Contact the electric company, gas company, and water department as necessary to report damage. Ask for inspections to confirm the integrity of the hotel's systems. 如有必需,向外求援报修。 · Chief Security Officer 保安经理 Proceed directly to the emergency scene. 抵达事故现场。 Direct the activities of fire fighting or evacuation from the affected area指挥救火或现场疏散。 Set up perimeter control to prevent unauthorized entry. 严禁无关人员出入现场。 Ensure the safety of guest property确保来宾财产安全。 Arrange necessary additional manpower with PSB/Fire Brigade.安排必需人力实施救助, 辅助警察、消防队员工作。 Help the GM coordinate with emergency agencies. 帮助总经理联络协调相关部门。 · Front Office Manager前厅部经理 Ensure effective communication and maintain complete log of communication. 保持通信通畅并做好通讯统计。 Assign staffing in the assembly point or the shelter area and help with First Aid. 安排人员在疏散中心提供服务,并帮助抢救。 Direct or assign guests to a safe area in the hotel or to a neighboring hotel. 疏散客人至安全地点或邻近酒店。 Maintain a master list of relocated guests and new lodgings. 做好来宾安排统计。 Prepare a list of names of guests who were in the area affected by the emergency. 提供事发区域受到影响客人名单。 In the event of guest injuries, assign the necessary staff to take the full name and room number of the guest and the name of the hospital to which the guest is transported. 一旦发觉客人受伤,应统计受伤人员名单,房间号码和送往医院地点。 Maintain the status and locations of guests receiving medical treatment. 统计好客人被送往医院名单,并随时掌握客人接收医疗情况。 Contact families of injured guests. 通知受伤人员家眷。 Any reciprocal agreement for accommodations with nearby hotels should include beverage service and emergency toiletries (when available) upon check in. 临时安排客人单位全部必需含有餐饮及卫生服务设施,且尽可能在本酒店周围。 Put in place Rooming List (occupied/vacant). Organize personnel to conduct a complete check of occupied and vacant guest rooms and corridors in the affected area. 依据入住客人报表,组织检验楼层及走道,查明失踪人数。 · Director of Food and Beverage餐饮总监 Evacuate guests 疏散客人 Responsible to ensure that power supplies are switched off in kitchens, restaurants and bars 负责确保厨房、餐厅和酒吧电源被切断。. Arrange food and beverage service for guests in the assembly point.为被疏散客人提供餐饮服务。 · Director Of Finance & Business Support 财务总监 Assign personnel to handle reported losses and claims by displaced guests. 安排人员负责统计客人报失。 Coordinate with attorneys and insurance company regarding legal and liability limitations. Arrange for photographs to be taken of affected area for later use by insurance company. 帮助保险企业查明权责范围,拍照存档以备使用。组织人员处理损失及投诉,确定损失且提供损失照片以供保险企业核查。 · Human Resources Manager人力资源部经理 Help evacuate employees. 帮助疏散职员。 Account for employees by using Employee Roster. 依据职员上班名单做好职员疏散工作。 Take steps to maintain an accurate work record of number of hours employees work during the crisis.正确统计职员处理危机事件工作时间。 Assist in staffing of Press Information Center and help prepare press releases and memos to staff. 帮助新闻中心准备新闻稿,同时负责向职员发出书面通知。 Maintain a log of actions taken during the incident. 统计事件处理经过。 Assemble a list of all injured employee indicating hospital destination and nature of injuries and hand it to GM. Include also the list of employees evacuated搜集受伤职员名单和送医地点,受伤和职员疏散情况,提供给总经理。 Assign someone to supply information to and about affected employees and handle notification of next of kin. 通知受伤职员家眷。 Oversee and render assistance to injured employees. 探视受伤职员并给帮助。 · Marketing Communications Manager 公共关系经理 Assist spokesperson in dealing with the media and implementing the Crisis Communications Plan. Will act as the Alternate spokesperson.辅助媒体讲话人工作,将作为候选新闻讲话人 Anticipate media questions and supply the CMT spokesperson with information for a statement. 事先准备媒体会问及问题以帮助CMT讲话人讲话。 Establish the Press Information Center. 公关部负责建立信息公布中心、负责接待媒体、对外公布信息 Coordinate post crisis communication and correspondence with emergency agencies, news media, etc., to recognize exceptional reporting/handling of the crisis. 辅助CMT进行灾后联络和协调工作,组织并处理新闻报道事宜。 Express the hotels appreciation to the employees. 代表酒店方向职员表示感谢。 · Executive Housekeeper 行政管家 Guest evacuation.组织客人疏散。 Provide wet towels and blankets for evacuation.为疏散人员提供湿毛巾和毯子。 Provide the necessary staff for food and beverage service to displaced persons in the shelter area. 为疏散客人提供食物及饮料。 · Executive Chef 行政总厨 Arrange necessary staff to prepare and serve food and beverages to displaced persons. 为疏散人员提供食物及饮料。 Make sure that power supply in kitchens is switched off before evacuation. 疏散前切断厨房全部能源。 7、Fire Fighting Team (FFT): 义务消防队员: The Fire Fighting Team of the hotel is made up of staff mainly from the Security Department, Engineering Department, Housekeeping Department, Food and Beverage Department and Front Office. 义务消防队关键由保安部、工程部、管家部、餐饮部和前厅部职员组成。以上部门必需每班确保有两名义务消防队组员当班。 8、Responsibility of FFT: 义务消防队员职责: Staff from Security Department: Security officers will go to the fire scene to put out the fire. Security officer at the fire scene will take precaution measures and prohibit admission of unauthorized persons. At the same time, assist hotel staff to evacuate our guests to the Sun Moon Plaza assembly point 保安部消防队员:立即赶到火警现场,开展灭火工作。做好火警区域警戒和- 配套讲稿:
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- 酒店 危机 管理 计划 操作 程序 模板
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