北京工业大学耿丹学院 毕业设计(论文) 题目:国际建筑工程总承包项目的合同管理 姓 名 吴嘉辉 系 名 经济与管理系 专 业 工程管理 学 号 100300115 指导教师 树玉秀 日 期 2013.07.04 诚信承诺 本人 声明,本论文及其研究工作是由本人在导师指导下独立完成,论文所利用的一切资料均符合论文著作要求,且在参考文献中列出。 签名: 日期: 摘 要 摘 要 在改革开放之后,我国经济迎来了迅速的发展。特别是在建筑工程行业,我国相比之前有了翻天覆地的变化。在经济全球化的大背景下,越来越多的建筑工程企业走出国门,参与国际竞争。因此,国际建筑工程成为我国大型建筑企业在发展过程中不得不重视的重要方面。 国际总承包项目是一个复杂的大系统,涉及面广,建设周期长,各项目都有不同的特点,也有很多项目管理模式和合同模式,而合同管理则是项目管理的核心,它贯穿于整个总承包项目管理的全过程,合同管理的好坏将直接关系到项目的成败。 论文的创新点在于:一是国际建筑工程总承包项目的合同管理管理属于前沿理论研究范畴,本文研究具有开拓性。二是运用了多种研究方法,包括文献研究法、分析比较法等。三是对国际建筑工程总承包项目合过程中的合同管理进行了系统的理论研究,提出在传统工程项目管理目标的基础上,增加国际视野,前沿模版的目标,同时借鉴国内外各类国际工程中的优秀经验。四是由此形成的结论简明易懂,更有说服力以及可行性。 关键词:建设工程;项目管理;绿色管理 I Abstract Abstract In today's society, with the concept of sustainable development and the popularization, green management project more attention. In engineering construction, enterprises in the pursuit of economic interests, often at the expense of the social benefit and environmental benefit. In this way, not only caused a great waste of resources, but also caused serious pollution to the environment. Green engineering project management, as a new management concept, can effectively ease the situation. The green building industry includes two meanings, green and green management of construction products. This paper mainly from the three part of the green engineering project management research: first, in the base of enterprise green management, put forward the concept of green engineering project management and the results are compared with the project management common; secondly, from the point of view of project life cycle perspective, analysis of the green engineering project management at the design stage, construction stage the use of stage, and demolition stage of the specific measures, methods and assurance measures; finally, from the macroscopic angle proposed the implementation of measures and the feasibility of green engineering project management advice. The innovation of this paper lies in: one is the project green management belongs to the frontier of theory study, this paper has pioneering. Two is the use of various research methods, including literature research, comparative analysis etc.. The three is the systematic research of green engineering project management process, based on the traditional project management, increase environmental, resources, the goal, and drawing on the experience of industrial enterprises to implement green management experience, combined with the characteristics of the project to implement the whole process, comprehensive, full of project green management. The four is the conclusion is straightforward, more convincing and feasibility. Key Words: construction project; project management; green management II 目 录 目 录 摘 要 I Abstract II 第1章 绪论 1 1.1 课题背景与国内外研究概况 1 1.1.1 课题研究背景与目的 2 1.1.2 国内外研究进展概况 2 1.2 论文主要内容及研究方法 3 1.2.1 论文主要内容 3 1.2.2 论文研究方法 4 1.2.3 论文创新观点 4 第2章 工程项目与绿色管理 5 2.1 绿色管理 5 2.1.1 绿色管理的内涵 6 2.1.2 绿色管理的理论基础 6 2.1.3 绿色管理的实施程序 6 2.2 绿色工程项目管理 6 2.2.1 绿色工程项目管理的概念 7 2.2.2 绿色工程项目管理的内涵 7 2.2.3 绿色工程项目管理的意义 7 2.2.4 绿色工程项目管理的实施原则 8 2.2.5绿色工程与传统工程管理比较…………………………………………...8 第3章 设计阶段绿色工程项目管理 10 3.1 设计阶段绿色管理的现状与问题 10 3.1.1 设计阶段绿色管理的现状 10 3.1.2 设计阶段绿色管理的问题 10 3.2 设计阶段绿色管理的内容与内涵 11 3.2.1 设计阶段绿色管理的内容 11 3.2.2 设计阶段绿色管理的内涵 11 目 录 3.3 绿色设计的原则与方法 12 3.3.1 绿色设计的原则 12 3.3.2 绿色设计的方法 14 第4章 施工阶段绿色工程项目管理 16 4.1 绿色施工管理的现状与问题 16 4.1.1 绿色施工管理的现状 16 4.1.2 绿色施工管理的问题 16 4.2 绿色施工管理的概念与内涵 17 4.2.1 绿色施工管理的概念 17 4.2.2 绿色施工管理的内涵 18 4.3 绿色施工管理的方案设计 19 4.3.1 组织管理 19 4.3.2 实施管理 22 4.3.3 技术管理 22 第5章 使用阶段和拆除阶段绿色工程项目管理 24 5.1 使用阶段的绿色工程项目管理 24 5.1.1 物业绿色管理的现状 24 5.1.2 物业绿色管理的方法 25 5.1.3 物业绿色管理的意义 26 5.2 拆除阶段的绿色工程项目管理 26 5.2.1 拆除阶段存在的主要问题 27 5.2.2 拆除阶段的绿色控制内容 27 第6章 实行绿色工程项目管理的措施和建议 29 6.1 实行绿色工程项目管理的措施 29 6.1.1 ISO14000环境管理评估 29 6.1.2 建立绿色管理的评价体系 30 6.2 政府宏观政策取向建议 31 6.2.1 政府的管理原则 31 6.2.2 政府的管理措施 32 6.2.3 政府的宣传教育 33 结 论 35 参考文献 37 附 录 38 致 谢 46 结 论 结 论 本论文针对对绿色建筑管理问题进行了考察,经分析研究得出: 绿色建筑是一种正在兴起的建筑发展模式,其管理的核心是在市场机制基础上,通过制度创新、技术创新和人类生存发展观念的根本性转变,推动提高能效技术、节约能源技术、可再生能源技术和温室气体减排技术的开发和运用,促进建筑业在满足功能需求的情况下,在整个生命周期内朝向高效能、低能耗和低碳排放转型,以适应“两型社会”建设要求的可持续发展模式。 绿色建筑要求从建筑的全生命周期全程引入低碳理念,通过合理的土地利用、材料选择、能源系统配置等来节约资源和减少碳排放,以实现建筑业的可持续发展。绿色建筑强调在规划设计中充分考虑碳排放因素,对建筑在全生命周期内的能源与资源消耗提出合理的解决措施;在施工过程中节约能源并减少碳排放;在使用阶段为人们提供健康、舒适和低能耗低碳排放的生活空间;在拆除以及处置的过程中减少碳排放。 绿色管理是以可持续发展思想为指导,以消除和减少组织的行为对生态环境的影响为前提,以满足消费者的需要为中心,通过规划、生产、营销、使用等为实现经济效益、社会效益、生态效益的协调统一而进行的全过程、全员、全面的管理活动。绿色管理是一种全新的管理思想,它是人类在认识自然、改造自然过程中形成的,是人类对自身行为经过深刻反思的基础上总结出来的。随着社会的进步,人类对自然的认识在经历了先污染后治理的末端治理模式后,开始寻求可持续发展的模式。绿色管理正是在这一基础上产生并发展起来的,因此,从出现伊始,绿色管理就具有很强的生命力,它符合人类改造自然、创造美好生存环境的愿望,是与协调人类、社会、自然二者的关系,实现经济效益、社会效益和生态效益的统一的要求相一致的。 工程项目的绿色管理是可持续发展思想在项目管理上的运用,是项目管理理论的发展,它的核心是经济发展与社会影响、保护资源、保护生态环境的协调一致,满足经济、社会与环境的共同发展。项目管理活动中要贯彻绿色的思想,要充分考虑人和自然的关系,对那些虽然能获得短期的经济利益,但严重破坏人类生存环境的项目应该坚决予以禁止。 关于绿色工程项目管理,应该围绕建设“美丽中国”、“两型社会”大目标,强调经济、技术、管理、法律的融合,牢牢把握运用市场机制、政府推动、制度创新、技术创新、管理创新等工具,从满足工程项目全生命周期的功能需求,实现高效能、低能耗和低碳排放出发;在传统管理基础上,以高效能、低能耗和低碳排放为约束条件,与现代管理相结合,确立绿色现代管理理念和方式,以管理过程的绿色化来实现建筑产品的绿色化。 由于自己的学识有限以及客观研究条件的限制,工程项目绿色管理的研究还存在以下一些方面的问题:绿色管理理论是一个比较新的课题,迄今尚未形成完整的理论体系,加上本人对建筑业涉足不多,研究仅限于理论与方法探索,缺少实践经验的论证,需要在后续研究中进一步完善。 7 参考文献 参考文献 [1] 丛培经.工程项目管理[M].北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2012. 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New work: Mcgraw Hill,2010. 8 附 录 附 录 Green Project Management Research Green Engineering Project Management of Project as a running body from the planning, organizing, to the construction of the full life cycle of the finishing process, not least within the allocation and use of a variety of substances, energy, at the same time, it is also its external environment, social aspects imposed far-reaching and complex. Research green project management is a management process, it can systematically consider the project all aspects of the implementation of the whole process all aspects of ecology, management science, sociology, economics interdisciplinary The negative impact of conflict between knowledge and modern technology, a balanced project construction and ecological environment, the management of human activities on the ecological environment, and ultimately to promote coordinated and sustainable development of economic, social and ecological. Traditional project management activities, due to the "high input, high consumption, high pollution," the mode of production, resulting in a serious waste of resources and serious environmental pollution. The purpose of the project objectives, the traditional project management to economic efficiency, economic and environmental benefits of green project management is unified; the purpose of the use of resources, serious waste of traditional project management, and green projects management is reflected in a reasonable savings; higher pollution pollution in terms of the construction process, the traditional project management, basic pollution-free green project management; construction waste processing, the results of traditional project management directly put on the natural, green project management for chemical disposal or recycling; decontamination technology, the traditional project management governance technology, green project management is preventive technologies; addition to sewage time, traditional project management is pollution, green project management before pollution; decontamination technology and built relations, traditional project management phase separation, and green project management combination; purpose of the running costs of the building products, the cost of traditional project management is much higher than the green project management; project organizational culture, the traditional project management performance and lax, harmony, and green project management is manifested in unity, 9 harmony; on the sustainability of the project of building products, traditional project management can not compared with the green project management. Green project management is in accordance with the requirements of the green economy, in the traditional project management theory and methods into the green concept in the management of the entire project life cycle at every stage of every process always adhere to the guiding principles of "green" adopted a series of effective and actionable evaluation, control, analysis and other methods of implementation, focusing on the management of resources and the environment, so that each implementation of the project through resource conservation and pollution control in the scientific, practical and reasonable, systems and integration under the guidance of the theories and methods of project management, the ultimate realization of economic, social and environmental benefits among the harmony and unity, in order to achieve sustainable development. Academia defined in the related fields of green project management and content point of view is basically the same, are from a purely the ecological environmental point of departure for research, have not been able to break through this narrow circle, in a broader range of from more angle to explore. The so-called "green" means saving, recycling and recycling, its direct meaning is environmentally friendly, the deeper meaning is "harmony" Therefore, to explore the meaning of the green project management, which should be in the traditional areas of project management around the "green "and" harmony "to expand. 1.environmental protection. The so-called environmental protection: we place emphasis on project management from planning and implementation to the end of a loop system, every aspect of the system chain can not go wrong, pay attention to and the contact of the external environment, but it does not destroy the surrounding environment. 2. Harmony. Including ecological harmony and interpersonal harmony, the so-called "ecological harmony, we place emphasis on project planning, implementation and results of the environmental and project organization for sustainable development. It is worth mentioning here the sustainable development of the project organization and project management process is always the "only" is not contradictory, because, once one of the objectives (project) can be achieved for a 10 project organization its elements, techniques and structures can be immediately changed to ensure that its pursuit of another target. 3.Interpersonal harmony. In addition to the environmental protection and sustainable development for the characterization of ecological harmony between man and nature, the essential connotation of green project management should include external harmony within the project organization characterized by the harmonious relationship between people, interpersonal harmony. Green project management is based on harmony between man and nature, green planning functions. It includes development and the resources available in the environment in the project identification and feasibility analysis (taking into account the depletion of resources and energy intensity) and human project organization's goals, and to determine the method of achieving these goals (taking into account the realization of the process may cause environmental pollution). 1.Make sure the green project management objectives Green project management is based on harmony between man and nature, green planning functions. It includes project identification and feasibility analysis to develop the resources and manpower available in the environment consistent with the organization's goals of the project, and to determine the method of achieving these goals. 2.Promote the green concept of project management Project Management Enterprises decomposition process of project management, organizational and technical personnel to develop a green control method and details of each process, set up a business management strategy, the use of green philosophy to guide the planning, design, construction. Enterprises to organize the project management personnel system to learn the green management theory, the theory of sustainable development, "green management" thinking into the project management plan, organize, coordinate, control the process, mobilize their staff to carry out a full orientation of the green revolution, making the concept of "environmental protection, ecology, green" enjoys popular support. 3.A green project organizational culture Build and constantly enrich the green culture to guide and motivate the members of the project to achieve the project objectives, the green leadership functions. In this function, the project managers to focus on the members of the project team and the harmonious relations of up to affect their job performance and behavior. Project management is a team co-management process, it requires each member of the efforts to complete the goal of a positive mental attitude, need more members to work together, complement each other, full communication. Green project organizational culture is the the green management thinking into the project organizational culture theory, the project participants to instill awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development, and establish a green management philosophy, to create a green living environment, create green corporate image, create a virtuous circle of ecological economy. Green project management, environment, resources, ecology, economics, management and sociology have a far-reaching significance: from an environmental point of view, the green project management refers to the construction of the Project activities should be environmentally sound, that no pollution or the minimum pollution; From a resource point of view, green project management is appropriate use of natural resources, utilization and take full advantage of the construction of the Project activities should be done; From an ecologica- 配套讲稿:
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- 关 键 词:
- 国际 建筑工程 承包 项目 合同 管理
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