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Teach a man to fish; and you have fed him for a lifetime)。今天本人有幸在这里分享自己在过去几个月 的心路历程和口语心得,真心希望这篇日志能帮助各位摆脱口语困境(get rid of current adversity),早日征服雅思口语(conquering spoken English is just a matter of time and practice)。 【假如你是一个就读于外国语学校或者是英语专业的童鞋, 或者从高中开始就在国外接受教 育的人(for you, speaking English is just like a piece of cake. It is no big ideal),那你看我这篇日 志纯碎是浪费你的时间 (It is a waste of time reading this. You do not even bother to scan it)。假 如你是一个渴望英语口语能一蹴而就、瞬间能突飞猛进(solve the problems at a single stroke) 的人,那这篇日志对你来说就是一坨狗屎(It is full of crap/shit for you)。 】 其实雅思口语只是块敲门砖(a stepping-stone to success),从你踏上飞往国外的国际航班那一 刻起,你无时无刻不在面临着一场又一场的真实“雅思”live show (It is a live show instead of a rehearsal. You will encounter challenges as well as opportunities for speaking English anytime anywhere)。从租房子到银行开户,从大学 orientation week 的新生交流和自我介绍到和老师 教授的问答互动,从 tutorial 上每一次的 presentation 到课后和老外一同 discussion for group assignment,从找过工作过程中的 phone interview 或者 face-to-face interview 到真正工作中 和同事(colleagues)、和经理(supervisors)、或者客户(clients) 的交流,口语表达能力都是异常 的重要 (It is exclusively important to master an excellent communication skill)。当然,你可以 选择沉默是金(silence is golden),你可以选择随声附和(echo other’s views),你可以选择只和 中国学生交朋友(confine yourself to Chinese social network), 但是你会因此与很多有利于表达 你自己个性的机会失之交臂(let slip such golden opportunities to express yourself),你也随之与 真正的西方文化和主流的西方社会渐行渐远 (keep your distance from western mainstream)。 雅思终究是浮云,总会在你人生的某一天之后烟消云散 (pass away like a cloud),但是,英 语口语应该成为你我生活的一部分, 而不是一场接一场的考试 (It is supposed to be part of our daily lives rather than a lasting exam)。 雅思口语,曾经一直是我的死穴(speaking once was my Achilles’heel);它就像一个刺,曾经 一直刺痛着我的神经(It was like a sting, which always frustrated me)。从 2006 年到 2010 年初, 我一共考了 4 次雅思, 几乎每次口语都毫无疑问地包揽最低分, 并且一再刷新我的雅思单科 成绩最低分。所以,我一直把雅思口语列为我的头号杀手(It is always the biggest killer for me)。以下为我过去四年 9 次烤鸭的口语成绩 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 2006 年 07 月 xx 日@广州仲恺:6.0 分 2007 年 07 月 xx 日@广州仲恺:5.0 分 2007 年 09 月 xx 日@北京朝阳:6.0 分 2010 年 02 月 xx 日@广州仲恺:5.5 分 2010 年 12 月 11 日@悉尼 ACL:6.0 分 2011 年 01 月 22 日@悉尼 ACL:7.0 分 2011 年 02 月 12 日@卧龙岗大学:8.5 分 2011 年 02 月 26 日@新南威尔士大学:7.0 分 2011 年 03 月 05 日@悉尼 ACL:8.0 分 记得 2007 的时候,为了满足悉尼大学商科招生中雅思单科不能低于 6.0 的要求,我拼命地 背新东方的《雅思口语胜经》 (那时候那没有慎小嶷的《十天》。最后在考官面前连骗带蒙 ) 才混了个 6.0 分,算是蒙混过关(bluff it out)。 没想到了 2010 年初,我与雅思又不期而遇。更没想到的是澳洲会计师学会竟然要求雅思培 训类 4 个 7。这简直是要了亲命啊~~为了准备那一次考试(2010 年 2 月) ,我又开始重走了 以前的老套路,疯狂地背新东方的《雅思口语胜经》和慎小嶷的《十天突破雅思口语》 。本 以为经过在国外三年的熏陶,加上一个多月的准备,口语怎么也应该是有点提高吧。可惜, 当我得知成绩的时候,我又被重重地打击了(The result absolutely dealt me a terrible blow)。分 数比我第一次考雅思的时候还低(5.5 分) 。经过这一役,我认为我与雅思 7 分真的无缘了, 因为在那时看来,我认为自己已经用尽了所有办法了。 到了 2010 年底,最不想看到的事情又发生了(no news is good news)。澳洲又改政策了,对于 会计技能的认定需要有雅思学术类 4 个 7,那就是说培训类的 4 个 7 已经成为历史了(it becomes a yesterday’s news)。而且更加恶心的是(What’s worse),如果不能赶在 2011 年 7 月 1 日之前考到的话,对于完成澳洲梦的朋友来说,就必须得考学术类的 4 个 8。这简直就是晴 天霹雳啊(It is really like a bolt from the blue)。 究竟怎样才能提高口语呢,而且是要在短时间内?这成为了我过去三个月不停思索的问题。 经过最近三个多月的复习(从 2010 年 11 月到 2011 年 2 月) ,我总结出 20 个关于雅思口语 不能回避的核心问题。同样地,这 20 个问题一直贯穿在我整个复习过程当中。相信如果你 能找出关于这个 20 问题、 属于你自己的答案的话, 我觉得你离雅思口语 7 分就近在咫尺了。 (对于以下问题,我会在以后的不断更新中详细回答) 口语 7 分是一个什么样的概念 口语和写作能一起准备吗,复习资料能共用吗? 口语常犯的语法错误有哪些? 有口音是不是就不能拿高分呢,纯正的英式或美式重要吗,平时怎么纠正语音问题? 口语可以速成吗,有捷径吗? 要相信口语预测吗?怎么利用口语预测? 平时应该怎么准备口语呢?什么样的方法才是好方法? 平时要多看美剧,多听 BBC,多读英文报纸吗? 要把所有的雅思问题都准备? Part 1 是不是回答一两句话就可以呢 Part 2 topics 是不是一定要事先准备才能说得好呢 Part 3 应该怎么准备呢,怎么说才能拿高分呢? 口语有模版吗? 准备口语要多少词汇啊? 准备口语需要像作文那样背句型吗? 在口语考试中,对于某个问题,万一脑海一片空白怎么办,怎么才能防止卡壳? 我们需要什么样的思维模式去回答问题? 陪练的 Partner 重要吗?万一没有怎么办? 和外国人练口语就一定有效吗?是不是在中国就不能练好英文? 考点考官(特别是考官的性别)等非可控因素对分数有 substantive influence 吗? ============================================================= 由于最近很忙,所以每天只能蚂蚁搬家式逐点逐步写这篇日志,不便之处,敬请原谅 ============================================================= 以下为我自己编写的 part 2 solution(80%为原创(既有真实的,又有瞎编) ,剩下的为改编 别人的答案) ,以后我会重新系统地整理,现在就请将就一下看看 Describe a child you know What is he/she like What about his/her personality And how do you know him/her Speaking of a child I know, the first one that comes into my mind is my nephew—Jason. He is 5 years old and still in kindergarten. He’s the only child in his family. So inevitably, he’s a bit spoiled. He is quite chubby cuz he likes eating French fries and snacks and drinking cokes. But he is still a lovely kid. Sometimes he seems to be a bit shy and reluctant to talk in front of strangers. But actually once he gets familiar with you, he becomes quite talkative. He is also quite imaginative and inventive. He is crazy about aircraft and spaceship and things like that. He dreams of designing and making a space shuttle in the future so that he can take the whole family to travel in the space. The whole family is proud of his creative idea and appreciates his imagination. I love talking to him cuz every time I talk to him, it reminds me of my childhood and makes me feel young. Describe an adventurous person who you know. who the person is how you know this person what this person does that is adventurous and explain why you think this person likes to take risks.* (or, explain how you feel about the risks this person takes.)* Speaking of an adventurous person, the first one comes into my mind is my friend Sharron. We have been friends with each other since 2009. At that time we often met each other at the same lecture room because we both chose the same course. She looks like a gentle girl, but actually she seems even more adventurous [?d’vent??r?s] than any other boy. That is because she is always passionate about the extreme activities, such as bungee jumping, rock climbing, and kite surfing and so on. What she likes most is to climb up natural rock formations or mountains, which to my mind is really dangerous. She told me that every time she goes out for climbing, she will be equipped with anchors [‘??k?], ropes 绳索 and other protection equipment for the sake of safety. She always said that rock climbing is quite risky because climbers [‘klaim?] may easily get injured or even lose their lives. However, this is also the reason why such an activity is so attractive. In terms of the reason why people like to take risks, to my mind, many people are tired of routine life and want to get away. Some challenging sports like rock climbing or mountain climbing provide people a chance to challenge themselves and surpass their limit. The sense of achievement after reaching the top of the mountain gives them a pleasant sensation [sen’sei??n] 感觉. Also, mountain climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport so that doing such sport enables people to keep healthy and strong. In fact, it not only tests a climber’s strength and endurance [in’dju?r?ns], but also requires a balance along their mental control. Describe the oldest person you know Speaking of the oldest person, the first one that comes into my mind is my uncle Michael. Michael is 75 years old. He was a HongKong citizen and then he decided to immigrate to Australia 10 years ago. Michael is an important person in my life because it was him who advised my father to let me go overseas for further study. He always says it is essential for a person to broaden his/her mind and experience different culture in order to succeed. Studying overseas is one of the best ways in terms of widening one’s horizon. Since I came here, Michael has kept telling me that I should be independent instead of relying on my parents’ financial and psychological support. He always emphasizes that a person, especially a man, should hold responsibility for himself. He told me that he earned money by himself when he was in high school. And since then he has become the breadwinner of his family. For example, he paid the university fees for his younger sister. He bought a house for his parents. From my perspective, this is an amazing achievement. Also, Michael is one of the most confident people I’ve ever met. No matter what difficulties he comes across, he strongly believes he is able to tackle them. He never gives up and always works his best. Now I am on my own in Australia, I set him as my idol and try my best to achieve my dream here. Describe a family member you admire Who he/she is How much you spend with him/her every day And what you learnt from him/her Speaking of a family member I admire, the first one that comes into my mind is my father. He is 50 years old. He works for the Chinese government as a judge. He is always busy doing his work on the weekdays. s a man with a grim determination. 7 years ago, he was diagnosed nasopharyngeal cancer. He was in the stage prior to terminal stage. The doctor said his life expectancy varied from 3 months to 3 years, depending on his strength of will. It was a really really really… bad news for my family cuz my father was the only bread winner. Both my mum and I were extremely depressed. However, my father still maintained a positive attitude toward life. It was him who consoled my mother and me. He promised us that he would survive and create a miracle of life. He went through all sorts of treatment; I could imagine how hard they were. Now he is still living, and the disease is under control. My father is a hero in my heart, for his never-lose-hope spirit. Describe a well-known TV or radio presenter what kind of program he or she presents what he or she does in this program and explain why he or she is so well-known. Speaking of a well-known TV presenter, the first one that comes into my mind is YangLan. She is one of the most famous TV talk show presenters. The talk show Yang Lan One on One she hosted has been really famous to most Chinese. As a signature TV talk show, Yang Lan One on One focuses on getting to know leading figures from the fields of international politics, business, society and culture. In her show, she profiles the guests’ life stories, career experiences, and personal insights. Because of her special personal style and unique viewpoint, she has successfully interviewed with over four hundred celebrities around the world, such as Bill Clinton, Jackie Chan and so on. In terms of the reason why she is so famous, I would say other than her excellent performance in the talk show, she has also made many contributions to society. For example, she supports numerous charities. She really wants to help students from rural area or from poor family to receive education without having to dropout from schools. In fact, she is just a TV host and she has no obligation to do such things. But she actually does and has a heart for others who are in need. She really sets a good example to us. She is also a celebrity who always gives teenagers useful advice and proper guidance. I still remember what she said; people should be independent and knowledgeable. Don’t always rely on others’ help. As long as he or she sets a target and puts effort in, they will fulfil their potential. Describe a teacher who has taught you in your childhood and you want to meet him again Who he/she was how much you contact, how he or she affect you, And explain why you want to meet him/her again Speaking of a teacher who has taught me in my childhood, the first one that comes into my mind is Michael Li. Michael Li was my mathematics teacher when I was in primary school. At that time, he was in mid-forties then and always wore a friendly smile on his face. He was amiable [‘eimj?bl] and approachable. That was why his lectures were always welcomed by students. At that time, I didn’t study mathematics [m?θi’m?tiks] well. I tried my best to remember the equations and formulas by heart but it never helped. I asked Mr. Li what to do. He went through the formulas that we would use most often and explained each one to me with great patience. After he made sure that I fully understood, he gave me some practice questions and then gave me feedback. Thanks to him, I finally made sense of all those formulas and built up interests in maths. I really appreciate his great teaching technique and later on maths became my favorite subject. In terms of the reason why I want to meet him, I want to express my hearfelt gratitude to him. He had a great influence on my career life. He is the first person who said to me that it is no shame to make mistakes. The more mistakes I made, the more progress I will achieve. Every time I make mistakes or feel frustrated, I will always remember his saying and then become stronger and stronger. Describe a person who speaks another language who he/she is where do you meet here, what do you learn from him/her, how do you communicate with him/her, how do you know each other Speaking of a person who speaks another language, the first one that comes into my mind is a Vietnamese woman. Her name is Loan. She is 56 years old and works in the Sheraton on the Park hotel as an income audit managers. Previously I joined an accounting internship program in the Sheraton hotel under the supervision of Loan. I still remember at the first several days I was so scared and nervous, because I have not had any accounting-related working experience in Australia. Also, I am a person who lacks confidence in the face of strange environment. It was really an honor for me to have a chance to work with Loan because she is always an approachable, easygoing and knowledgeable person. Every time when I had trouble in performing my jobs, no matter how busy she was, she was always patient to answer my questions and share her working experience with me. What I really admire most is her progressive attitude toward work and learning. Although she seems- 配套讲稿:
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