(完整版)现代大学英语精读3第三课课后答案(完整) 现代大学英语精读3第三课课后答案(完整) Pre-class Work II 1. Paraphrase。 1) And when he was 29 now, he has found the power of another idea that has enabled him to grow from a teenager and become a rich and powerful person in computer industry。 2) .。. he thought it might be a good idea to finish his high school education as quickly as possible. 3) He believed that the newly married people are the most likely customers. 4) He also knew that it was expensive to keep more products than necessary. So he bought these products of the dealer’s at the price they had bought them. 5) Dell put advertisements in the local media and was ready to sell specially designed and made computers at a price which was 15 percent lower than the market price. 6) It was time for him to seriously deal with the size of the computer business he had created。 7) Dell still sold IBM personal computers to which he had added special properties required by people. 2。 Learn to use reference books. 1) Find the proper definition of the following in the text。 (1) stock: a supply of a particular type of thing that a shop has available to sell (2) firm: a business or company (3) break: a short holiday (4) feature: something important, interesting or typical of a place or thing (5) order: a request for a product to be made for you or delivered to you (6) overhead: money spent regularly on rent, insurance, electricity, and other things that are needed to keep a business operating (7) accounting: the work of accountants or the methods they use (8) edge: sth. that gives you an advantage over others 2) Find the synonyms of the following in a thesaurus。 (1) cast: throw, toss, fling, hurl, pitch, chuck, thrust, heave (2) flabbergasted: surprised, shocked, amazed 3. Word—building。 1) Give the corresponding nouns of the following. (1) plunge (2) contact (3) advertisement/advertising (4) enrollment (5) requirement (6) inquiry (7) replacement (8) marketing/market (9) failure (10) incorporation (11) guarantee (12) specialization 2) Give the corresponding verbs of the following. (1) to subscribe (2) to perform (3) to deliver (4) to donate (5) to consume (6) to entitle (7) to manufacture (8) to compute 3) Translate the following based on what you know about rules of word-building。 (1)现在的问题不是生产过剩,而是消费不足。 (2)他们说在计算机硬件方面中国正在赶超他们。 (3)必须有高度集中的领导机制。 (4)这些人当中有的不仅没有工作,而且还不适合工作. (5)我们外交关系的正常化发生在1973年。 (6)我们的银行业正在实现计算机管理. (7)这些都是国家级的无价之宝。 (8)我们的教学应该有利于开发学生的独创能力和创造力。 (9)我的大儿子在学营销,d,JL子在学表演。 4) Observe how these words are formed and make your own discoveries of rules of word—building. (1)一cy,—ry,一ty均是构成抽象名词的后缀,如:intimacy(亲密)、prophecy(预言);bravery(勇敢)、rivalry(竞争;敌对);cruelty(残忍)、loyalty(忠贞). (2)-ee是构成表示“被……的人”的名词后缀,与.er意思相反或相对,如:examinee(应试者)、trainee(接受培训者). (3)sur—是前缀super一的一个变体,意思是“在……之上;超过”,如:surmount(战胜;克服)、surround(包围;围绕)。 (4)“名词+形容词"构成复合形容词,如:trigger—happy(乱开枪的;好战的)、snow—white (雪白的)。 More Work on the Text II Vocabulary 1。 Translate 1) into English。 (1) to call it a day (2) to cast a line (3) to head a corporation (4) to make profit (5) to pay (in) cash (6) to improve performance (7) to quit school (8) to make a deal (9) to start again with a vengeance (10) to risk all the savings (11) to incorporate a company (12) to assemble a car (13) to gross (top, net) 10 million dollars (14) to develop products (15) to market products (16) to lead a normal life (17) to own subsidiaries (18) to draw a lesson from it (19) to realize a dream (20) to enter into the computer (21) to donate money (22) to fool around 2) into Chinese. (1)石油大王 (2)经济前景 (3)商务订单 (4)竞争优势 (5)营业执照 (6)库存和管理费 (7)按客户需要配置的电脑 (8)库存过多 (9)销售定额 (10)增值 (11)零售价格 (12)千载难逢的机会 (13)感恩节假日 (14)春假 (15)财务与管理 (16)直销 (17)律师事务所 (18)会计基础 (19)可以退货的保证 (20)打免费电话 (21)现场服务 (22)独资子公司 (23)公共设施集中的市中心 (24)犹太人社区 (25)(产品的)最终用户 2. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following. l) Give synonyms. (1) to fasten, to link (2) to make fun of, to ridicule, to mock (3) company, firm (4) maker, producer (5) excess (6) personalized (7) company (8) break, a time for rest (9) to drop out, to leave (10) to start (11) to employ (12) hardly (13) valuable, priceless (14) to make, to coerce, to compel (15) income (16) advantage 2) Give antonyms. (1) insufficient (2) reluctant (3) netting (4) roughly, about, approximately (5) to fire, to dismiss (6) employer, boss (7) to take apart (8) inefficient (9) unprofitable, useless (10) cheap, worthless (11) to discourage (12) expenditure (13) producer (14) stingy, miserly, tight—fisted 3. Translate. l) The mission was put off minutes before the rocket was launched. 2) Scientists are trying to develop a more effective way of using solar energy。 3) Sport is important because it concerns the health of the people of a nation, and not because it is a profitable business。 4) The project was launched last year, and when completed we can bring the gas from the west all the way to our east。 5) The survival of a company depends on how fast it can develop new products to meet the needs of the market。 6) He developed a theory that human progress has been largely due to cooperation rather than competition. 7) For many people in China who used to worry every day ~vhere their next meal was to come from, today their biggest concern is being overweight。 8) It is believed that they will launch an attack sooner or later。 It is only a matter of time。 9) OK, you make me an offer. How much would you pay? 10) One lesson we have drawn from the 20th century is that human resources are more important than natural resources in the development of a nation. 11) Many teachers are concerned about a lack of communal spirit among some young people. 12) It was a very generous offer. He said that he would pay me $ 100,000 a year as personnel manager。 13) Today the corruption problem has become a matter of international concern, 14) She suddenly walked out of the room without offering any explanation. 15) These tough competitions can drive young people crazy。 16) I'm sorry I can't let you use my car now. I will have to drive my wife to the airport. 17) What he said the other day sounded very vague. I don’t really know what he was driving at. 4. Give the Chinese of the following abbreviations。 UN 联合国 UNESCO 联合国教科文组织 WHO 世界卫生组织 WTO 世界贸易组织 OPEC 欧佩克(石油输出国组织) APEC 亚太经合组织 OECD 经济合作与发展组织 IMF 国际货币基金组织 NATO 北大西洋公约组织 EU 欧盟(欧洲联盟) UK 联合王国(英国) PRC 中华人民共和国 GNP 国民生产总值 GDP 国内生产总值 ITT (美国)国际电报电话公司 GM (美国)通用汽车公司 FBI (美国)联邦调查局 CIA (美国)中央情报局 CCTV 中国中央电视台 VOA 美国之音 BBC 英国广播公司 CBS (美国)哥伦比亚广播公司 WWII 第二此世界大战 GMT 格林尼治标准时间 UFO 不明飞行物 NAFTA 北美自由贸易协议 UFI (美国)合众国际社 JAL 日本航空公司 MIT (美国)麻省理工学院 UCLA (美国)加利福尼亚州立大学洛 US 美国 杉矶分校 AD 公元(后)HK 香港 NASA (姜国)国家航空航天局 BC 公元前 5。 Complete the following sentences。 1) out of the way/over and done with 2) out of the way/over and done with 3) with a vengeance 4) with a vengeance 5) (Example) he had been given the best education in the country 6) (Example) more than 70% of our people are peasants 7) (Example) we still have tens of millions of people living below the poverty line 8) empty—handed/penniless 9) speechless 10) to 11) about 12) with 13) grossed/reached/amounted to/rose to/jumped to, etc. 14) netted/topped/grossed/rose to/jumped to/increased to/increased by/dropped to/plunged to, etc. 6。 Fill in the blanks with appropriate prepositions or adverbs,. 1) C 2) A 3) B 4) A 5) C 6) A 7) A 8) C 9) C lO) C ll)A 12)B 13)D 14)A 15)D 16)A 17)A 18)B 19)D 20)A 7。 Choose the right words in their proper forms. 1) (1) ridiculed/mocked/laughed at (2) mock/ridicule/laugh at (3) teasing (4) laughing, laughing, laughing (5) tease (6) laughs, laughs (7) mocked/ridiculed 2) (1) worthwhile (2) worthy (3) worth (4) worth (5) worthy (6) worthwhile 3) (1) personality (2) person (3) person (4) personnel (5) person, personal 4) (1) special (2) specific (3) particular (4) special, particular (5) special 8。 Choose the best word or phrase for each blank from the four supplied in brackets. (1) host (2) piece (3) rare (4) listed (5) What (6) more than (7) just (8) is seen (9) Another (10) raise (I1) going on (12) In (13) out (14) must (15) conclude III Grammar 1。 Understand grammar in context。 1) Identify infinitives or infinitive phrases and point out their grammatical function in each of these sentences. (1) to call it a day: used after an adjective as adverbial (2) ever to head a。。。: as attribute modifying "the youngest man” (3) to learn: as attribute modifying ”the desire”; to work: as attribute modifying ”the drive" (4) to get high school out of the way: as subject of the object clause, the anticipatory ”it" being the nominal subject (5) to trade stamps..。: as appositive (to "another good idea") (6) 。to figure out how it worked: adverbial of purpose (7) to let loose: with a wh-word (question word) as object of ”know" (8) to take a monthly quota.。。: as complement to the object "its dealers" (9) to come to grips with。.。: as subject, the anticipatory ”it” being the nominal subject (10) to learn something: as subject, the anticipatory "it” being the nominal subject (11) for customers to talk directly.。.: as attribute modifying ”a 24—hour—a-day toll-free line” (”for” is used to introduce the performer of the action the infinitive denotes when it is not one and same as the subject itself.) (12) to encourage even greater productivity: as adverbial of purpose (13) to be replaced (a passive infinitive): as object of "needs" (14) to become the world’s largest personal-computer maker: predicative (15) to realize your dream: as object of "try”; to achieve: as object of "love" 2) Observe the clauses introduced by ”。that" and point out which are appositive clauses and which are attributive clauses. Attributive clauses: (1), (3), (4), (9), (11), (12), (13) Appositive clauses: (2), (5), (6), (7), (8), (10), (14), (15) 2. Practice using infinitives. 1) Rewrite the sentences using as object (wh—word+) a to-infinitive (1) managed to complete the project a few days ahead of schedule (2) intended to compete with IBM (3) refused to perform for those people (4) expect to get a reply in two weeks (5) intends to work toward a Ph.D。 Degree in journalism after he completes the M。A. program (6) pretended to have known Professor Wu for years (7) what to do (8) me how to find a document in my computer (9) which button to click first (10) him what t~ do under such circumstances 2) Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in brackets。 (1) a way to stop the leaking (2) desire to fly (3) for these children to go to school (4) for the guest to take home (5) the person to rely on in an emergency (6) waiting for dedicated people to develop and explore (7) to live to see all our country reunified (8) To avoid damaging files (9) I'm pleased to inform you (10) In order to communicate without interpreters with their English-speaking counterparts 3。 Combine each pair of the sentences as shown in the example。 1) At midnight the soldiers received the order that they were to open fire on the enemy in half an hour. 2) After a survey, the faculty came to the conclusion that the majority of today's college students are ready to work for the common good。 3) We have to face the fact that China still has a long way to go toward modernization in spite of her economic growth over the years. 4) I have the feeling that some people are not happy about the changes that have taken place in our coutry 5) The Confucian idea that those who work with their minds should govern while those who work with their hands should be governed is wrong。 6) People all over the country hailed the news that China successfully launched its first space shuttle. 7) Galileo was prepared to prove his theory that two different weights, dropped simultaneously from the same height, would reach the ground at the same time. 8) The defense committee explicitly expressed the opinion that his paper lacked depth and was not up to standard. 9) The accusation that the director had taken bribes was later withdrawn。 10) After interviewing a large number of college students over 30 years, the author came to the conclusion that every college generation is defined by the social events of its age. 11) The knowledge that their parents are not perfect is one of the growing pains every child will have to go through sooner or later. 4. Translate the sentences into English. 1) It’s encouraging to see these children making progress. 2) It wouldn't hurt you any to do a bit of housework. 3) For the Chinese, July 1, 1997 is a day to remember forever. 4) Is it necessary for every staff member to wear the company uniform at work? 5) In order to live close to nature, more and more city dwellers are moving to the suburbs. 6) They lifted a rock only to drop it on their own feet, as a Chinese saying goes. 7) She isn't asking much.- 配套讲稿:
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