解剖学双语解剖学双语 Myology 肌学肌学nMorphology of skeletal muscleqMuscle belly 肌腹肌腹qTendon 肌腱肌腱 aponeurosis 腱膜腱膜nClassificationqLong muscle 长肌长肌qShort muscle 短肌短肌qBroad muscle 阔肌阔肌qOrbicular muscle 轮匝肌轮匝肌Myology 肌学肌学nOrigin 起点the fixed attachment nInsertion 止点 the movable attachment nAction 作用qAgonist 原动肌qAntagonist 拮抗肌qSynergist 协同肌qFixators 固定肌nNomenclature of mucles 肌的命名:qshapeqsize qLocationqtheir points of attachmentMyology 肌学肌学Accessory structuresnFascia 筋膜qSuperficial fasciaqDeep fascian Synovial bursa 滑膜囊Myology 肌学肌学nTendinous sheath 腱鞘腱鞘 q Fibrous layerq Synovial layer:nMesotendon 腱系膜nvincula tendinum 腱纽Synovial cyst of wrist 腕部腱鞘囊肿腕部腱鞘囊肿Muscles of head 头肌头肌Facial muscles 面肌面肌nEpicranius 颅顶肌颅顶肌 qFrontal belly 额腹额腹qOccipital belly 枕腹枕腹qGalea aponeurotica 帽状腱膜帽状腱膜nOrbicularis oculi 眼轮匝肌眼轮匝肌nBuccinator 颊肌颊肌nOrbicularis oris 口轮匝肌口轮匝肌nNasalis 鼻肌鼻肌Facial muscles 面肌面肌Masticatory muscles 咀嚼肌咀嚼肌nTemporalis 颞肌颞肌nMasseter 咬肌咬肌nlateral pterygoid 翼外肌翼外肌nMedial pterygoid 翼内肌翼内肌 Masticatory muscles 咀嚼肌咀嚼肌nTemporalis 颞肌颞肌qOrigintemporal fossaqInsertioncoronoid process of mandibleqActionelevates and retracts mandiblenMasseter 咬肌咬肌qOrigininferior border and medial surface of zygomatic archqInsertionlateral surface of ramus of mandible and angle of mandibleqActionelevates mandible Masticatory muscles 咀嚼肌咀嚼肌nLateral pterygoid 翼外肌翼外肌nMedial pterygoid 翼内肌翼内肌Muscles of the neck 颈肌颈肌Muscles of the neckSuperficial groupnPlatysma 颈阔肌颈阔肌nSternocleidomastoid 胸锁乳突肌胸锁乳突肌Muscles of the neckSuprahyoid muscles nDigastric 二腹肌二腹肌nMylohyoid 下颌舌骨肌下颌舌骨肌nStylohyoid 茎突舌骨肌茎突舌骨肌nGeniohyoid 颏舌骨肌颏舌骨肌 Elevate(raise)hyoid bone and depress mandible.Muscles of the neckInfrahyoid musclenSternohyoid 胸骨舌骨肌胸骨舌骨肌nSternothyroid 胸骨甲状肌胸骨甲状肌nThyrohyoid 甲状舌骨肌甲状舌骨肌nOmohyoid 肩胛舌骨肌肩胛舌骨肌Depress hyoid or larynx after elevationMuscles of the neckDeep groupnLateralqScalenus anterior 前斜角肌前斜角肌qScalenus medius 中斜角肌中斜角肌qScalenus posterior 后斜角肌后斜角肌nMedial qlongus capitis 头长肌头长肌 qlongus colli 颈长肌颈长肌Flex the head,bends the neck forwardMajor muscles of the neck Sternocleidomastoid 胸锁乳突肌胸锁乳突肌nOrigin:manubrium and sternal end of claviclenInsertion:mastoid process of temporal bonenAction:contraction of one muscle draws head toward the same side,and turn face to opposite side;both muscles act together to draw head backwardMajor muscles of the neckScalenus anterior 前斜角肌前斜角肌nOrigin:transverse processes of C3-C6.nInsertion:tubercle for scalenus anteriornAction:unilateral,bends neck laterally;bilateral,elevate first rib,an accessory muscle of inspiration;if rib is fixed,flex neck anteriorlyMajor muscles of the neck Scalene fissure 斜角肌间隙斜角肌间隙 nAbove the first rib,there is a triangular space between scalenus anterior and medius.nThe brachial plexus and the subclavine a.emerge from this space.Muscles of trunk 躯干肌躯干肌The Muscles of BackSuperficial groupnTrapezius 斜方肌斜方肌nLevator scapulae 肩胛提肌肩胛提肌nRhomboideus 菱形肌菱形肌 nLatissimus dorsi 背阔肌背阔肌nThoracolumbar fascia 胸腰筋膜胸腰筋膜The Muscles of BackDeep group nSplenius 夹肌夹肌nErector spinae 竖脊肌竖脊肌Major Muscles of BackTrapezius 斜方肌斜方肌 nOrigin:superior nuchal line,external occipital protuberance,ligamentum nuchae and spinous processes of seventh cervical and all thoracic vertebraenInsertion:lateral third of clavicle,acromion,and spine of scapularnActon:upper fibers elevate scapula,lower fibers depress scapula;if scapula is fixed,one side acting along,draws head toward the same side,and turn face to opposite side;both sides together,draw head directly backwardnNerve supply:accessory nerve(cranial nerve)Major Muscles of BackLatissimus dorsi 背阔肌背阔肌nOrigin:qSpinous processes of lower six thoracic and all lumbar vertebraeqMedian sacral crestqPosterior part of iliac crestnInsertion:floor of intertubercular groove of humerus.nAction:trunk fixed,extends,adducts and medially rotates arm;arm fixed,elevates trunk.nNerve supply:thoracodorsal nerveThoracolumbar Fascia 胸腰筋膜胸腰筋膜Posterior layerMiddle layerAnterior layerTrapeziusDeltoid Ausculatory triangleLatissimus dorsiThoracolumbar fasciaLevator scapularRhomboideus Inferior lumbar triangleMuscles of thoraxMuscles connecting the upper limb to the thoracic wallnPectoralis major 胸大肌胸大肌 nPectoralis minor 胸小肌胸小肌 nSerratus anterior 前锯肌前锯肌Muscles of thoraxnIntrinsic musclesqIntercostales externi 肋间外肌肋间外肌qIntercostales interni 肋间内肌肋间内肌qIntercostales intimi 肋间最内肌肋间最内肌qTransverses thoracis 胸横肌胸横肌Major muscles of thoraxPectoralis Major nOrigin:medial half of clavicle,sternum,upper six costal cartilages.nInsertion:lateral lip of the bicipital groove of humerusnAction:adducts the arm and rotates it medially;the clavicular fibers also flex the arm;with the arm above the head,raise the body as in climbing nNerve supply:lateral pectoral n.Major muscles of thoraxIntercostales externi 肋间外肌肋间外肌nOrigin:inferior border of rib abovenInsertion:superior border of rib belownReplaced anteriorly by external intercostals membrane nAction:raise ribs adding in forced inspirationMajor muscles of thoraxIntercostales interni 肋间内肌肋间内肌nOrigin:superior border of rib belownInsertion:inferior border of rib above nReplaced posteriorly by internal intercostals membrane.nAction:depress ribs for forced expirationDiaphragm 膈膈nShape and position:dome-shaped between thorax and abdomen,consists of a peripheral muscular part and a central tendonnOriginqSternal part:arising from xiphoid processqCostal part:arising from lower six and costal cartilagesqLumbar part:arising by two crura from upper 2-3 lumbar vertebraenInsertion:central tendonnWeak areas:qLumbocostal triangle qSternocostal triangleT12Diaphragm 膈膈Openings in the diaphragmnAortic hiatus 主动脉裂孔主动脉裂孔 lies anterior to the body of the 12th thoracic vertebra between the crura and transmits the aorta,thoracic ductnEsophageal hiatus 食管裂孔食管裂孔 lies at level of T10.It transmits esophagus and vagus nerves nVena cava foramen 腔静脉孔腔静脉孔 lies at T8 level in the central tendon.It transmits the inferior vena cava.T8T10Diaphragm 膈膈Action:nContraction:the dome moving downward,increases the volume of thoracic cavity which results in inspiration,at the same time the intra-abdominal pressure is increased assists in defecation,vomiting or child birth.nRelaxation:the dome returns to the former position,reduces the volume to the thoracic cavity,resulting in expiration.Muscles of abdomenAnterolateral groupnObliquus externus abdominis 腹外斜肌腹外斜肌nObliquus internus abdominis 腹内斜肌腹内斜肌nTransversus abdominis 腹横肌腹横肌nRectus abdominis 腹直肌腹直肌Obliquus externus absominis 腹外斜肌腹外斜肌nGeneral direction of fibers:downward,forward and medially(run down and inward)Obliquus externus absominis 腹外斜肌腹外斜肌StructuresnInguinal ligament 腹股沟韧带腹股沟韧带nLacunar ligament 腔隙韧带腔隙韧带nSuperficial inguinal ring 腹股沟管浅环腹股沟管浅环 triangular-shaped defect in aponeurosis of obliquus externus abdominis above pubic tubercleSuperficial inguinal ringObliquus internus abdominis 腹内斜肌腹内斜肌nDeep to obliquus externus abdominisnGeneral direction of fibres:upwards,forwards and mediallyTransversus abdominis 腹横肌腹横肌nDeep to obliquus internusnGeneral direction of fibers:run horizontally forward.Transversus abdominis 腹横肌腹横肌nInguinal falx 腹股沟镰腹股沟镰 qObliquus internus abdominis has a lower,free border that arches over spermatic cordqInserted with transversus abdominis fiber into medial part of pecten of pubis nCremaster 提睾肌提睾肌 qDirived from the lower fibers of the obliquus internus abdominis and transversus abdominisqAround the spermatic cord and testisRectus abdominis 腹直肌腹直肌nPosition:lie on to either of midlinenOrigin:pubic crest and symphysisnInsertion:xiphoid and 5th-7th costal cartilagesnTendinous intersections 腱划腱划 3-4 nlinea semiluaris 半月线半月线 Similar functions for above four pairs of musclesnSupport and compress the abdominal visceranIncrease intra-abdominal pressure,aid in expulsive efforts-vomiting,coughing,sneezing,defecation,urination and childbirth.nDepress ribs,assist in(the act of force(4)expiration.nFlex,lateral flex,and rotate vertebral columnSheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘腹直肌鞘Anterior layernFormed by fusion of aponeurosis of obliquus externus abdominis and anterior leaf of aponeurosis of obliquus internus abdominisSheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘腹直肌鞘Posterior layer nFormed by fusion of posterion leaf of aponeurosis of obliquus internus abdominis and aponeurosis of transversus abdominisnAbsent in about 4-5cm below the umbilicus,where aponeuroses of all three muscles form anterior layer the lower free border named arcuate line 弓状线弓状线nBelow this line rectus abdominis in contact with transverse fasciaMuscles of abdomennLinea alba 白线白线 tendinous raphe between right and left recti from xiphoid to pubic symphysisLandmarks and surface anatomynLinea alba nRectus abdominisnTendinous intersectionsnLinea semilunarisnUmbilicus:at the level of L3 L4nInguinal ligamentMuscles of abdomenPosterior group nQuadratus lumborum 腰方肌腰方肌nPsoas major 腰大肌腰大肌Muscles of upper limb 上肢肌上肢肌Muscles of shouldernDeltoid 三角肌三角肌nSupraspinatus 冈上肌冈上肌nInfraspinatus 冈下肌冈下肌nTeres minor 小圆肌小圆肌nTeres major 大圆肌大圆肌nSubscapularis 肩胛下肌肩胛下肌Muscles of armnAntererior groupqBiceps brachii 肱二头肌肱二头肌qCoracobrachialis 喙肱肌喙肱肌qBrachialis 肱肌肱肌nPosterior group qTriceps brachii 肱三头肌肱三头肌Muscles of forearmAntererior group(9)nSuperficial layer(5)qBrachioradialis 肱桡肌肱桡肌qPronator teres 旋前圆肌旋前圆肌qFlexor carpi radialis 桡侧腕屈肌桡侧腕屈肌qPalmaris longus 掌长肌掌长肌qFlexor carpi ulnaris 尺侧腕屈肌尺侧腕屈肌Muscles of forearmAntererior group(9)nSecond layer(1)qFlexor digitorum superficialis 指浅屈肌指浅屈肌nThird layer(2)qFlexor digitorum profundus 指深屈肌指深屈肌qFlexor pollicis longus 拇长屈肌拇长屈肌nFourth layer(1)qPronator quadratus 旋前方肌旋前方肌Action:flex radiocarpal joint and fingers,pronate forearmMuscles of forearmPosterior group(10)nSuperficial layer(5)qExtensor carpi radialis longus 桡侧腕长伸肌桡侧腕长伸肌qExtensor carpi radialis brevis 桡侧腕短伸肌桡侧腕短伸肌qExtensor digitorum 指伸肌指伸肌qExtensor digiti minimi 小指伸肌小指伸肌qExtensor carpi ulnaris 尺侧腕伸肌尺侧腕伸肌Muscles of forearmPosterior group(10)nDeep layer(5)qSupinator 旋后肌旋后肌qAbductor pollicis longus 拇长展肌拇长展肌qExtensor pollicis brevis 拇短伸肌拇短伸肌qExtensor pollicis longus 拇长伸肌拇长伸肌qExtensor indicis 示指伸肌示指伸肌nAction:extend radiocapral joint and fingers,and supinate forearmMuscles of handnLateral groupthenar 鱼际鱼际(4)qAbductor pollicis brevis 拇短展肌拇短展肌qFlexor pollicis brevis 拇短屈肌拇短屈肌qOpponens pollicis 拇对掌肌拇对掌肌qAdductor pollicis 拇收肌拇收肌nAction:flex,abduct,adduct and oppose thumbnMedial grouphypothenar 小鱼际(小鱼际(3)qAbductor digiti minimi 小指展肌小指展肌qFlexor digiti minimi brevis 小指短屈肌小指短屈肌qOpponens digiti minimi 小指对掌肌小指对掌肌nAction:flex,abduct,and oppose little fingerMuscles of handnIntermedial groupqLumbricales(4)蚓状肌蚓状肌 flex fingers at MP joints;extend fingers at IP jointsqPalmar interossei(3)骨间掌侧肌骨间掌侧肌 adduct fingers towards middle finger at MP jointsqDorsal interossei(4)骨间背侧肌骨间背侧肌 abduct fingers away from middle finger at MP joints Major muscles of upper limbDeltoid 三角肌三角肌nOrigin:lateral third of clavicle,acromion,and spine of scapulanInsertion:deltoid tuberosity of humerus nAction:abducts the arm,anterior fibers flex and medially rotate arm;posterior fibers extend and laterally rotate armMajor muscles of upper limbnTeres major 大圆肌大圆肌qOrigin:dorsal surface of inferior angle of scapulaqInsertion:crest of lesser tubercle of humerusqAction:medially rotates and adducts armMajor muscles of upper limbnTrilateral and quadrilateral foramina 三边孔和四边孔三边孔和四边孔qBetween the subscapularis and teres major,there is a long triangular space whose lateral side is surgical neck of humerus.qThe long head of triceps brachii subdivides this space into a medial trilateral foramen and a lateral quadrilateral foramen.Major muscles of upper limbBiceps brachii 肱二头肌肱二头肌nOrigin:long head,supraglenoid tubercle;short head,coracoid processnInsertion:radical tuberositynAction:supinator of forearm,flexor of elbow joint,weak flexor of should jointnNerve supply:Musculocutaneous n.Major muscles of upper limbTriceps brachii 肱三头肌肱三头肌nOrigin:long head,infraglenoid tubercle;lateral head,above groove for radical n.,medical head,below groove for radical n.nInsertion:olecranon of ulnanAction:extends elbow joint,long head can extend and adduct shoulder jointMajor muscles of upper limbPronator teres 旋前圆肌旋前圆肌nOrigin:medical epicondyle of humerus and deep fascia of forearmnInsertion:middle of lateral surface of radiusnAction:pronation of forearm and flexion of elbownNerve supply:median n.Major muscles of upper limbSupinator 旋后肌旋后肌nOrigin:lateral epicondyle of humerus and upper part of lateral border of ulnanInsertion:upper third of anterior surface of radiusnAction:supination of forearmMuscles of lower limb 下肢肌下肢肌Muscles of lower limbThe muscles of lower limb are divided into:nMuscles of hipnMuscles of thighnMuscles of leg nMuscles of foot Muscles of hip Anterior groupnIliopsoas 髂腰肌髂腰肌qIliacus 髂肌髂肌qPsoas major 腰大肌腰大肌nPsoas minor 腰小肌腰小肌nTensor fasciae latae 阔阔筋膜张肌筋膜张肌Muscles of hipPosterior groupnGluteus maximus 臀大肌臀大肌nGluteus medius 臀中肌臀中肌nGluteus minimus 臀小肌臀小肌nPiriformis 梨状肌梨状肌nObturator internus 闭孔内肌闭孔内肌nObturator externus 闭孔外肌闭孔外肌nQuadratus femoris 股方肌股方肌Muscles of thighAnterior groupnSartorius 缝匠肌缝匠肌nQuadricep 股四头肌股四头肌qRectus femoris 股直肌股直肌qVastus lateralis 股外侧肌股外侧肌qVastus intermedius 股中间肌股中间肌qVastus medialis 股内侧肌股内侧肌nBlood supply:femoral arterynNerve supply:femoral nerveMuscles of thighMedial groupnPectineus 耻骨肌耻骨肌nAdductor longus 长收肌长收肌nAdductor brevis 短收肌短收肌nAdductor magnus 大收肌大收肌nGracilis 股薄肌股薄肌Action:adduct thigh at hip jointBlood supply:qDeep femoral a.qObturator a.Nerves supply:obturator n.Muscles of thighPosterior groupnBiceps femoris 股二头肌股二头肌nSemitendinosus 半腱肌半腱肌 nSemimembranosus 半膜肌半膜肌 ActionqFlex the leg at knee joint qExtend the thigh at hip joint Muscles of legAnterior groupnTibialis anterior 胫骨前肌胫骨前肌nExtensor hallucis longus 拇长伸肌拇长伸肌nExtensor digitorum longus 趾长伸肌趾长伸肌nPeroneus tertius 第三腓骨肌第三腓骨肌Blood supply:Anterior tibial a.Nerve supply:Deep peroneal n.Muscles of legLateral groupnPeroneus longus 腓骨长肌腓骨长肌 nPeroneus brevis 腓骨短肌腓骨短肌 nAction:plantar flex and evert the footnBlood supply:branches from the peroneal arteynNerve supply:superficial peroneal n.Muscles of legPosterior group nSuperficial lagerqtriceps surae 小腿三头肌小腿三头肌 nGastrocnemius 腓肠肌腓肠肌nSoleus 比目鱼肌比目鱼肌Muscles of legPosterior group nDeep layer qPopliteus 腘肌腘肌qFlexor digitorum longus 趾长屈肌趾长屈肌qTibialis posterior 胫骨后肌胫骨后肌qFlexor hallucis longus 拇长屈肌拇长屈肌nNerve supply:tibial n.Muscles of footnMuscles on dorsum:extensor digitorum brevisnMuscles in sole:medial,lateral and intermediate groupsMuscles of hipIliopsoas 髂腰肌髂腰肌nOrigin:qPsoas major:transverse processes and lateral surface of bodies of lumbar vertebraeqIliacus:iliac fossanInsertion:lesser trochanter of femurnAction:flexes thigh on trunknNerve supply:lumbar plexusMuscles of hipGluteus maximus 臀大肌臀大肌nOrigin:gluteal surface of ilium and dorsal aspect of sacrumnInsertion:gluteal tuberosity of femur and iliotibial tractnAction:extends and laterally rotates thigh at hip joint;raises trunk when the lower limb is fixednNerve supply:inferior gluteal n.Muscles of thighSartorius 缝匠肌缝匠肌 nOrigin:anterior superior iliac spinenInsertion:upper m- 配套讲稿:
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