精品文档就在这里 -------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Purpose: 目的 Ø To ensure that all goods and services are purchased at the lowest possible price consistent with the appropriate quality standards, delivery requirements and optimum volume levels. 确保适当的质量标准、运输要求、库存水平的条件下以可能的最低价格采购所有的货物和服务。 Ø To ensure maximum use of Group’s volume purchasing power in obtaining the best price for goods and services purchased. 确保最大程度使用威斯汀集团批量采购来获得采购货物和服务的最佳价格。 Ø To establish a delegation of authority for the commitment of funds for goods and services. 为采购货物及服务的任务任命授权代表。 Ø To maintain ethical and legal business practices and to avoid conflict of interest within the procurement cycle. 保持法律及道德指导下的商业运作以避免在循环运作中产生利益冲突。 Ø To ensure all relevant corporate purchasing policies are adhered to and the corporate code of conduct is followed. 确保所有相关的公司购买政策得到实施,严格遵守公司的行为规范和准则。 Policy: 政策 Authority 职权范围 The hotel’s Purchasing Manager is responsible for obtaining all goods and services from outside sources. Exceptions to this policy are outlined below. However, all purchases exceeding RMB 1,000.00 will require Purchase Order formalities to be completed through the Purchasing Department and approved accordingly. 酒店的采购经理负责由酒店外部采购所有的货物及服务。政策的例外有下列大致情况。任何超过人民币1000元的采购必须通过采购部门采购的正式步骤并得到相应的批准。 DELEGATED AUTHORITY 代表职权 FOR THE PURCHASE OF 采购任务 Chief Engineer or Designate Specialised Engineering Supplies & Services 总工程师或代表 特定工程补给及服务 Director of Sales & Marketing Specialised Services e.g. Market research, 市场营销总监 Advertising, Direct Mail Campaigns etc 特别服务如市场调查分析;广告;宣传品寄送等 Director of Rooms Specialised Rooms and related supplies 房务总监 特定房间及相关供给 Director of Food and Beverage Specialised F & B Services & Supplies. 餐饮总监 特殊餐饮服务及供给 Financial Controller Specialised services such as Audit etc. 财务总监 特殊服务如审计等 Department Head Specialised items ordered early e.g Fresh Fish, 部门经理 Poultry, Fruits and Vegetables. 特殊预购产品如:鲜鱼、家禽、水果和蔬菜 Relationship with Suppliers 与供应商的关系 All business must be conducted in accordance to Westin’s standard of ethics and in accordance with federal and local statutes governing conflicts of interest, price discrimination, restraint of trade, reciprocity, unfair competition- etc. 所有业务往来必须遵循威斯汀道德规范以及国家、地方关于利益冲突、价格歧视、贸易管制、互惠、不正当竞争等的法律、法规。 Sourcing and Competitive Bids 来源及竞价 Competitive bids must be secured for purchases with at least 3 quotes with an estimated value of more than RMB 1,0500. The buyer should establish the number of bids required to ensure adequate competition. 估计超过人民币10500元的采购必须有至少3家供应商报价。采购员需建立所需的价格体系以确保充分的竟争。 Purchasing must keep competitive quotes on file for at least 12 months. 采购部必须将所有竞价存档至少十二个月。 For purchases whereby a preferred supplier is utilised due to providing the best quotes, the Purchasing Department must obtain new quotes for the product at minimum, every three (3) months and every 10 days for daily food market lists items. 首选供应商的资格是因为提供最佳报价而取得的。采购部必须至少每3个月重新由市场上获得新报价,日常鲜活食品至少每10日从市场上获得新报价。 Any changes in preferred suppliers must be approved in advance by the General Manager and Financial Controller. The reason’s for the change must be clearly outlined by the Purchasing Manager and/or Department Head. 对首选供应商的更换必须由由总经理与财务总监批准。更换理由必须由采购部经理或者部门经理详细陈述说明。 The specifications of the product being quoted upon by the suppliers must be clearly communicated by purchasing. Under no circumstances should quotes be compared for products whereby specifications are not the same. 采购部对采购货物的详细要求必须在询价时向供应商详细说明。不具备条件比价的,应参照不同具体要求的货物作比较。 If purchases are Sole-Source or if competitive bids cannot be obtained, the Purchase Order must be documented with an explanation. 如采购为独家经营或无条件进行比价的,采购委员会必须注明详细理由。 Volume Purchasing 批量采购 The Purchasing Manager will utilise the concept of volume purchasing through Regional, Corporate or Unit level programs to ensure lower costs, higher quality and better service from suppliers. 采购部经理应利用地区、公司或计量水平等批量采购概念来确保从供应商处获得高质低价的产品和优质服务。 Quality 质量 The Purchasing Manager or delegated authority will ensure that suppliers provide goods and services that conform to Westin requirements and standards, including applicable specifications, safety and environmental regulations. 采购部经理或授权代表要确保供应商提供的产品和服务符合包括适用要求、安全及环保标准等在内的威斯汀要求及标准。 Approval 批准 Purchase of goods and services below the value of RMB 1,000 can be made on the Purchase Order form which requires the approval of the Department Head and Financial Controller. A purchased order would then be initiated for purchases above RMB 1,000 for the approval of the Purchasing Manager, Controller and General Manager. 采购金额在人民币1000元以下的,可由部门经理和财务总监批准采购单以现金进行。采购单金额在人民币1000元以上的,须得到采购经理,财务总监,总经理的批准。 Goods and services with a value exceeding RMB 5000 require the Purchasing Department to enter into a contract with the supplier. Typically, the contract is in the form of a Purchase Order with the signature of the Purchasing Manager, Financial Controller and General Manager. 金额超过人民币5,000元的采购必须由采购部与供应商签订合同。合同需附在采购单上并由采购经理、财务总监和总经理签字批准。 Purchases 采购 Exec. Chef. 行政总厨 Store Man 仓管员 Dept. Head 部门经理 F.C. 财务总监 G.M. 总经理 Food食品 X Beverages (stock Replenishment) 饮料(补充库存) All other Op.Supplies(其他补给) - Below RMB (1,000 低于1000元) - Above RMB (1,000超出1000元) X X X X X X X Contracts/Services 合同/服务 X X X Capital Purchases (Internal Approval) 固定资产(内部批准) X X X Purchases of goods may not be split to reduce approval formalities i.e. if two items are being purchased and total RMB 1,000 then a Purchase Order must be raised for RMB 1,000. The purchase cannot be split into two RMB 500 purchases reducing the approval level required. This is also necessary to ensure compliance with the Chinese Tax laws. 采购不应分开以减少审批手续,如两个项目总额是1000元的,出具其尽额采购单;不能分成2张500元的采购单以减少规定的审批手续。同时必须遵循中国有关税收的法律。 Approval Cont. Any purchase order raised after the expense has been incurred will not be approved by either Financial Controller or General Manager. In this instances, the Department Head must take the invoice to the General Manager for approval with an explanation. 任何费用发生后开具的采购单将得不到财务总监及总经理的批准。在此情况下,部门经理必须亲自将发票交给财务总监及总经理签字并说明理由。 Goods or services which are to be purchased through normal contracts (eg. Musicians, supply agreements etc) must be initiated and approved on a Purchase Order. The actual contract need not be signed by the Purchasing Manager as the contract must be signed by the Financial Controller & General Manager. 由普通合同(如音乐家、供货合同等)形式确认的货物或服务必须填写采购单并得到批准。合同文本因必须有财务总监和总经理签字因此无须采购经理签字。 In accordance with the Corporate Policy, a Purchasing Delegation Authority Cards will be maintained by the hotel Financial Controller. The form will contain employee’s title, name, sample signature and level of authorisation. Any required changes in authority (name only) must be notified by Department Head to Purchasing Manager, who in turn will update the authority form maintained by the Financial Controller. 为与公司政策一致,财务总监将保留采购委员会代表授权卡,注明员工职位、姓名、签名和权限水平。任何授权人姓名更改,部门经理必须通知采购经理,由采购经理向财务总监进行更新。 The minimum level of authorisation ( unless included in Purchasing Delegation Authority) required for various purchases are as follows: 最低授权度(除非已包括在采购代表授权)如下: Project and capital purchases are subject to dollar level authorisations established under separate policy D10.However, the minimum level of internal approval capital purchases is Department Head/Financial Controller/General Manager. 美金的项目和固定采购的授权参照另外的政策D10规定。少量的内部固定资产采购授权于部门经理、财务总监和总经理。 REGIONAL APPROVALS 地域性批准 Linen/China/Glass/Silver 布草/瓷器/玻璃器皿/银器 The purchase of new linen, china, glass and silver requires the approval of the Country Manager and the Area Director of Finance when any of the following conditions apply: 当以下条件出现时新布草、瓷器、玻璃器皿和银器的采购须由地区管理总监及地区财务总监批准: Ø The volume purchased exceeds six months usage 购量超过6个月使用量的。 Ø The purchase involves operating equipment that would make an existing reserve inventory item obsolete. 采购涉及的操作设备将使现有储备库存废弃的。 HOTEL APPROVALS 酒店批准 Approval 批准 All purchases are to have the following approvals: 所有采购单必须有以下批准: RMB 1,000 and over - Purchasing, General Manager and Financial Controller 人民币1000元及以上-采购部,总经理及财务总监 RMB 1,000 and under - Department Head, Purchasing and Financial Controller 人民币1000元及以下-部门经理,采购部及财务总监 Note: See Food & Beverage below for specific instructions. 食品和饮料的采购另有说明。 Authority 授权 Authority to purchase (contact suppliers directly) is delegated to : All Department Heads, on the condition that correct procedure (as listed below) has been fulfilled. The purchasing department can and will assist if requested. 授权采购代表(直接与供货商联系): 在以下正确步骤全部被采取的条件下的所有部门经理。在被要求时,采购部也将协助进行。 General Purchases - (Excluding Food and Beverages stock) 普通采购(不含食品和饮料库存) Purchasing /Department Head is to: 采购部/部门经理 A) Competitively source the goods required indicated on the Purchase Order. (Obtain the best possible price for the prescribed goods specification) 针对采购单上的要求寻找有竞争力的货源(根据货物规定的详细说明寻找最优价格) B) Complete the Purchase Order. This must include: 完成采购单,必须包括: · A description of the goods 对货物的描述 · Price - including tax and freight 价格——包括税收和运费 · The quantity 数量 · G/L account Code 费用支出项目 · Preferred supplier 首选供应商 · Quotes to be detailed if in excess of RMB 1,000 如金额超出人民币1000元需附询价细节 Note : The reason for the purchase must be stated on the P.O. 注意:采购理由必须在采购单上注明. C) If less than RMB 1,000: 金额低于人民币1000元: 1) Department Head to sign the P.O 部门经理签署采购单 2) Purchasing review and sign P.O. and type P.O. onto the computer system. 采购部检查采购单并签署,将采购单输入电脑系统 3) Financial Controller to sign P.O. 财务总监签署采购单 4) Purchasing fax P.O to supplier. 采购部将采购单传真给供货商 5) Contact the supplier verbally to confirm the order if necessary. 如有必要,联系供货商口头确认 6) Forward copies of the P.O to the receiver and department requesting. 将采购单各联分发收货部和相关部门 If RMB 1,000 or greater: 金额达到或超出人民币1000元: 1) Department Head to sign the P.O 部门经理签署采购单 2) Department Head to forward to Purchasing to check order for completeness or raise the P.O and obtain competitive quotes and create P.O. in the computer system then forward to Financial Controller & General Manager to approve 部门经理转交采购单到采购部进行采购或询价并开具采购单, 输入电脑系统,由财务总监和总经理签字批准。 3) Purchasing fax the P.O. to the supplier. 采购部将采购单传真给供应商 4) Forward appropriate copy to Receiver. 将相应一联交给收货部 5) Forward appropriate copy to Dept. Head. 将相应一联交给部门经理 NOTE: The Purchase Order must be approved and faxed to the supplier PRIOR to any verbal commitment being given to the supplier. 注意:采购单必须在口头与供应商确认之前得到批准并传真给供应商。 The receiver will not accept any goods for which he does not have a Purchase Order. 收货员不接受任何没有开具采购单的货物。 Any person contacting a supplier without a completed Purchase Order, does so in their own prerogative and without the contractual obligation of the Hotel and will therefore be personally responsible for any account incurred. 任何人在没有完整采购单即以个人特权联系供应商的,酒店不承担任何合同职责。任何帐目纠纷均由个人承担 全部责任。 D) Banquet purchases to be re-charged to client. 由客人支付的宴会采购. 1) Above procedures (outline in C) apply. 需要完成所有C类的程序 2) Purchase Orders must clearly outline the re-charge details for the function, which goods and services are being supplied. The function sheet number must also be quoted on the Purchase Order. 采购单上对要求采购货物和服务的支付方式必须进行详细说明。宴会活动单号码必须附在采购单上。 NOTE: The invoice will not be paid unless the Purchase order and Banquet Invoice reflecting the re-charge is attached. This will be the Banquet Manager’s responsibility as the Banquet Invoice must be attached to supplier invoice at time of approval. 注意:在采购单、客人支付的宴会发票未提供之前,酒店将不支付供应商相应款项。宴会经理负责将宴会发票在批准时附在供应商的发票上。 Food Purchases 食品采购 Ø Food Orders are to be documented on the approved Hotel Food Order Forms or Purchase Orders (kept by the Chef). 食品采购清单须与批准的酒店食品采购单同时存档(由厨师长保存) Ø All orders are to be signed by the Chef. 所有定单须由厨师长签字确认。 Ø A copy of all orders to be forwarded to the receiver. 订单中的一份交收货部。 Beverages Purchases 饮料采购 Ø All outlets to maintain a par level of beverage stock. When replenishment is required the outlet manager or designate should complete a beverage requisition. 所有部门需保持适当的饮料存量。需要补给时由部门经理或指定的代表填写饮料申领单。 Ø The storeman/user departments maintains a par level and a minimum order point of beverage stock in the main store, which is approved by the Financial Controller. When replenishment is required, the purchasing requisition list will be forwarded to the purchasing department. 仓库保管员保持总仓饮料适当的库存量,并根据财务总监批准的最低量进行采购。 Ø The Storeman/ user department will order beverage via the Purchasing Manager as required but must not exceed the par for the Storeroom. 仓库保管员通过采购经理采购饮料,但不能超出正常库存水平。- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 威斯丁 酒店 成本 控制 采购
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