Table of ContentsOverview of the Paper-based GRE revisedTest Structure.3Prepari ng f or the GRE revi sed General Test.4Test-taki ng Strategi es.4Scori ng and Score Reporti ng.5Introduction to the Analytical WritingAnalyze an Issue Task.7Analyze an Argument Task.10Introduction to the Verbal ReasoningVerb al Reasoni ng Questi on Types.15Read i ng Comprehensi on Questi ons.15Text Completi on Questi ons.18Sentence Equi valence Questi ons.20Introduction to the Quantitative ReasoningQuanti tati ve Reasoni ng Questi on Types.21Quanti tati ve Compari son Questi ons.22Multi ple-choi ce Questi ons一Select One Answer Choi ce.25Multi ple-choi ce Questi ons-Select One or MoreAnswer Choi ces.27Numeri c Entry Questi ons.28Data Interpretati on Questi ons.30Usi ng the Calculator.32Taking the Practice Test.33Evaluating Your Performance.33Additional Test Preparation.34Practice GRE revised General Test.35AppendicesA-Analyti cal Wri ti ng Scori ng Gui d es and ScoreLevel Descri pti ons.92B-Sample Analyti cal Wri ti ng Topi cs,Scored Sample Essay Responses and Read er Commentary.97C-Practi ce Test Analyti cal Wri ti ng Topi cs,Scored Sample Essay Responses and Read er Commentary.106D-Interpreti ve Inf ormati on f or the Verb al Reasoni ng and Quanti tati ve Reasoni ng Measures.116Overview of the Paperbased GRE revised General TestThe revi sed General Test measures verb al reasoni ng,quanti tati ve reasoni ng,cri ti cal thi nki ng and analytical wri ti ng ski lls,ski lls that have b een i d enti f i ed as cri ti cal f or success i n grad uate and b usi ness school.Thi s pub li cati on provi d es a comprehensi ve overvi ew of each measure of the test to help you get read y f or test d ay.It i s d esi gned to help you:und erstand what i s b ei ng tested gai n f ami li ari ty wi th the vari ous questi on types revi ew test-taki ng strategi es b ecome f ami li ar wi th the calculator that wi ll b e d i stri b uted on test d ay revi ew scored Analyti cal Wri ti ng responses and read er commentary und erstand scori ng practi ce taki ng the testIf you are planni ng to take the computer-b ased GRE revi sed General Test,please vi si t f or test preparati on materi als f or the computer-b ased test.If you have a d i sab i li ty and need speci al accommod ati ons,vi si t f or test preparati on materi als.Test StructureThe paper-b ased GRE revi sed General Test contai ns two Analyti cal Wri ti ng tasks,two Verb al Reasoni ng secti ons and two Quanti tati ve Reasoni ng secti ons.Total testi ng ti me i s approxi mately 3 hours and 30 mi nutes.The d i recti ons at the b egi nni ng of each secti on speci f y the total numb er of questi ons i n the secti on and the ti me allowed f or the secti on.The Analyti cal Wri ti ng tasks are always presented f i rst.Typical Paper-based GRE revised General TestMeasureNumber of QuestionsTimeAnalytical Writing1 Analyze an Issue task and1 Analyze an Ar叫merit task30 minutes per taskVerbal Reasoning(2 sections)25 questions per section35 minutes per sectionQuantitative Reasoning(2 sections)25 questions per section40 minutes per section3Unli ke the previ ous paper-b ased GRE General Test and the GRE Sub ject Tests,whi ch use separate answer sheets,the paper-b ased GRE revi sed General Test i s self-contai ned:all responses f or the Analyti cal Wri ti ng tasks and the Verb al Reasoni ng and Quantitati ve Reasoni ng secti ons must b e entered i n the test b ook i tself.Preparing for the GRE revised General TestPreparati on f or the test wi ll d epend on the amount of ti me you have avai lab le and your personal pref erences f or how to prepare.At a mi ni mum,b ef ore you take the paper-b ased GRE revi sed General Test,you should know what to expect f rom the test,i nclud i ng the ad mi ni strati ve proced ures,types of questi ons and d i recti ons,numb er of questi ons and amount of ti me f or each secti on.The ad mi ni strati ve proced ures i nclud e regi strati on and appoi ntment sched uli ng,d ate,ti me,test center locati on,cost,score-reporti ng proced ures and avai lab i li ty of speci al testi ng arrangements.You can f i nd out ab out the ad mi ni strati ve proced ures f or the revi sed General Test i n the GRE Information and Registration Bulletin.Inf ormati on i s also avai lab le onli ne at or b y contacti ng ETS at 1-609-771-7670 or 1-866,473,4373(toll f ree f or test takers i n the U.S.,Ameri can Samoa,Guam,Puerto Ri co,U.S.Vi rgi n Island s and Canad a).Bef ore taki ng the practi ce revi sed General Test,i t i s i mportant to b ecome f ami li ar wi th the content of each of the measures.In thi s pub li cati on,youll f i nd i nf ormati on speci f i c to each measure of the test.You can use thi s i nf ormati on to und erstand the type of materi al on whi ch you wi ll b e tested and the questi on types wi thi n each measure.Determi ne whi ch strategi es work b est f or you.Rememb eryou can d o very well on the test wi thout answeri ng every questi on i n each secti on correctly.Test*taking StrategiesAnalytical Writing MeasureEveryone-even the most practi ced and conf i d ent of wri ters一should spend some ti me prepari ng f or the Analyti cal Wri ti ng measure b ef ore arri vi ng at the test center.It i s i mportant to und erstand the ski lls measured and how the tasks are scored.It i s also usef ul to revi ew the scori ng gui d es,sample topi cs,scored sample essay responses and read er commentary f or each task.The tasks i n the Analyti cal Wri ti ng measure relate to a b road range of sub jects-f rom the f i ne arts and humani ti es to the soci al and physi cal sci ences一 b ut no task requi res speci f i c content knowled ge.In f act,each task has b een tested b y actual GRE test takers to ensure that i t possesses several i mportant characteri sti cs,i nclud i ng the f ollowi ng:GRE test takers,regard less of thei r f i eld of stud y or speci al i nterests,und erstood the task and could easi ly respond to i t.The task eli ci ted the ki nd s of complex thi nki ng and persuasi ve wri ti ng that uni versi ty f aculty consi d er i mportant f or success i n grad uate school.The responses were vari ed i n content and i n the way the wri ters d eveloped thei r i d eas.Td help you prepare f or the Analyti cal Wri ti ng measure,the GRE Program has pub li shed the enti re pool of tasks f rom whi ch your test tasks wi ll b e selected.You mi ght f i nd i t helpf ul to revi ew the Issue and Argument pools.You can vi ew the pub li shed pools at ore taki ng the Analyti cal Wri ti ng measure,revi ew the strategi es,sample topi cs,essay responses and read er commentary f or each task contai ned i n thi s d ocument.Also revi ew the scori ng gui d es f or each task.Thi s wi ll gi ve you a d eeper und erstand i ng of how read ers evaluate essays and the elements theyre looki ng f or i n an essay.In the paper-b ased revi sed General Test,the topi cs i n the Analyti cal Wri ti ng measure wi ll b e presented i n the test b ook,and you wi ll hand wri te your essay responses i n the test b ook i n the space provi d ed.It i s i mportant to b ud get your ti me.Wi thi n the 30-mi nute ti me li mi t f or the Issue task,you wi ll need to allow suf f i ci ent ti me to consi d er the i ssue and the speci f i c i nstructi ons,plan a response and compose your essay.Wi thi n the 30-mi nute ti me li mi t f or the Argument task,you wi ll need to allow suf f i ci ent ti me to consi d er the argument and the speci f i c i nstructi ons,plan a response and compose your essay.Although the GRE read ers who score your essays und erstand the ti me constrai nts und er whi ch you wri te and wi ll consi d er your response a f i rst d raf t,you sti ll want i t to b e the b est possi b le example of your wri ti ng that you can prod uce und er the testi ng cond i ti ons.4Save a f ew mi nutes at the end of each ti med task to check f or ob vi ous errors.Although an occasi onal spelli ng or grammati cal error wi ll not af f ect your score,severe and persi stent errors wi ll d etract f rom the overall ef f ecti veness of your wri ti ng and lower your score accord i ngly.Duri ng the actual ad mi ni strati on of the revi sed General Test,you may work only on the parti cular wri ti ng task the test center supervi sor d esi gnates and only f or the ti me allowed.You may not go b ack to an earli er secti on of the test af ter the supervi sor announces,uPlease stop workn f or that task.The supervi sor i s authori zed to d i smi ss you f rom the center f or d oi ng so.Followi ng the second Analyti cal Wri ti ng secti on,you wi ll have an opportuni ty to take a 1 O-mi nute b reak.Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning MeasuresThe questi ons i n the Verb al Reasoni ng and Quanti tati ve Reasoni ng measures have a vari ety of f ormats.Some requi re you to select a si ngle answer choi ce;others requi re you to select one or more answer choi ces,and yet others requi re you to enter a numeri c answer.Make sure when answeri ng a questi on that you und erstand what response i s requi red.Complete i nstructi ons f or answeri ng each questi on type are i nclud ed i n the practi ce test af ter the two Analyti cal Wri ti ng tasks.When taki ng a Verb al Reasoni ng or Quanti tati ve Reasoni ng secti on,you are f ree,wi thi n that secti on,to ski p questi ons that you mi ght have d i f f i culty answeri ng and come b ack to them later d uri ng the ti me provi d ed to work on that secti on.Also d uri ng that ti me you may change the answer to any questi on i n that secti on b y erasi ng i t completely and f i lli ng i n an alternati ve answer.Be caref ul not to leave any stray marks i n the answer area,as they may b e i nterpreted as i ncorrect responses.You can,however,saf ely make notes or perf orm calculati ons on other parts of the page.No ad d i ti onal scratch paper wi ll b e provi d ed.Your Verb al Reasoni ng and Quanti tati ve Reasoni ng scores wi ll b e d etermi ned b y the numb er of questi ons f or whi ch you select or provi d e the b est answer.Questi ons f or whi ch you mark no answer or more or f ewer than the requested numb er of answers are not counted i n scori ng.Nothi ng i s sub tracted f rom a score i f you answer a questi on i ncorrectly.Theref ore,to maxi mi ze your scores on the Verb al Reasoni ng and Quanti tati ve Reasoni ng measures of the paper-b ased test,i t i s b est to answer every questi on.Work as rapi d ly as you can wi thout b ei ng careless.Si nce no questi on carri es greater wei ght than any other,d o not waste ti me pond eri ng i nd i vi d ual questi ons you f i nd extremely d i f f i cult or unf ami li ar.You may want to go through a secti on rapi d ly at f i rst,stoppi ng only to answer those questi ons you can d o so wi th certai nty.Then go b ack and answer the questi ons that requi re greater thought,conclud i ng wi th the d i f f i cult questi ons i f you have ti me.Duri ng the actual ad mi ni strati on of the revi sed General Test,you may work only on the secti on the test center supervi sor d esi gnates and only f or the ti me allowed.You may not go b ack to an earli er secti on of the test af ter the supervi sor announces,uPlease stop work f or that secti on.The supervi sor i s authori zed to d i smi ss you f rom the center f or d oi ng so.All answers must b e record ed i n the test b ook.Scoring and Score ReportingAnalytical Writing MeasureFor the Analyti cal Wri ti ng measure,each essay recei ves a score f rom two read ers usi ng a si x-poi nt holi sti c scale.In holi sti c scori ng,read ers are trai ned to assi gn scores b ased on the overall quali ty of an essay i n response to the assi gned task.If the two scores d i f f er b y more than one poi nt on the scale,the d i screpancy i s ad jud i cated b y a thi rd GRE read er.Otherwi se,the two scores on each essay are averaged.The f i nal scores on the two essays are then averaged and round ed up to the nearest half-poi nt i nterval.A si ngle score i s reported f or the Analyti cal Wri ti ng measure.The pri mary emphasi s i n scori ng the Analyti cal Wri ti ng measure i s on your cri ti cal thi nki ng and analyti cal wri ti ng ski lls rather than on grammar and mechani cs.Scori ng gui d es f or the Issue and Argument prompts are i nclud ed i n thi s pub li cati on i n Append i x A on pages 92-95 and avai lab le at Intellectual ActivityDuri ng the scori ng process f or the GRE revi sed General Test,your essay responses on the Analyti cal Wri ti ng measure wi ll b e revi ewed b y ETS essay-si mi lari ty-d etecti on sof tware and b y experienced raters.In li ght of the hi gh value placed on i nd epend ent i ntellectual acti vi ty wi thi n grad uate schools and uni versi ti es,ETS reserves the ri ght to 5cancel the scores of any test taker when there i s substanti al evi d ence that an essay response i nclud es,b ut i s not li mi ted to,any of the f ollowi ng:text that i s si mi lar to that f ound i n one or more other test essay responses quoti ng or paraphrasi ng,wi thout attri b uti on,language that appears i n pub li shed or unpubli shed sources unacknowled ged use of work that has b een prod uced through collab orati on wi th others wi thout ci tati on of the contri b uti on of others essays that are sub mi tted as work of the exami nee when the word s have,i n f act,b een b orrowed f rom elsewhere or prepared b y another personWhen one or more of the ab ove d i screpanci es occurs,ETS scori ng gui d eli nes i nd i cate that your essay text d oes not ref lect the i nd epend ent i ntellectual acti vi ty thi s test seeks to measure.Theref ore,ETS must cancel the Analyti cal Wri ti ng score as i nvali d and cannot report the GRE General Test scores of whi ch the Analyti cal Wri ti ng score i s an i nd i spensab le part.Verbal Reasoning and Quantitative Reasoning MeasuresScori ng of the Verb al Reasoni ng and Quanti tati ve Reasoni ng measures i s essenti ally a two-step process.Fi rst a raw score i s computed f or each measure.The raw score f or each measure i s the numb er of questi ons f or whi ch the b est answer was gi ven i n the two secti ons f or that measure.The Verb al Reasoni ng and Quanti tati ve Reasoni ng raw scores are then converted to scaled scores through a process known as equati ng.The equati ng process accounts f or mi nor vari ati ons i n d i f f i culty among the d i f f erent test ed i ti ons.Thus,a gi ven scaled score f or a parti cular measure ref lects the same level of perf ormance regard less of whi ch ed i ti on of the test that was taken.Score ReportingThe scores f or the GRE revi sed General Test i nclud e:a Verb al Reasoni ng score reported on a new 130-170 score scale,i n one-poi nt i ncrements a Quanti tati ve Reasoni ng score reported on a new 130-170 score scale,i n one-poi nt i ncrements an Analyti cal Wri ti ng score reported on a 0-6 score scale,i n half-poi nt i ncrementsIf no questi- 配套讲稿:
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