新目标九年级英语常用短语与重点句型Unit 1、常用短语制作动漫卡 列词汇表 听磁带 备考与朋友练习会话 练习发音口语技巧更具体的建议 看英文电影/录像学语法根本不变得兴奋结束做某事在语法上犯错误 正确发音首先首先、第一后来决定做某事做大量语法笔记参加英语俱乐部做调查整理英语笔记 看英文电视尽力进行比较中断1、ma ke fla sh c a rd s2、ma ke voc a b ula ry list3、listen to c a ssettes/ta pes4、stud y for a test5、pra c tic e c onversa tions with friend s6、pra c tic e pronunc ia tion7、spea king skills8、more spec ific sug g estions9、wa tc h Eng lish movies/vid eos10、stud y g ra mma r11、not,a t a ll12、g et exc ited13、end up d oing sth14、ma ke mista kes in g ra mma r15、g et the pronunc ia tion rig ht16、first of a ll 17、to b eg in with18 la ter on19、d ic id e to d o sth20、ta ke lots of g ra mma r notes21、join the Eng lish c lub22、d o a survey23、keep a n Eng lish noteb ook24、wa tc h Eng lish-la ng ug e TV25、try ones b est26、c ompa re,to/with 27、b rea k off二、重点句型1、How d o you stud y for a test?I stud y b y listening to ta pes.2、How d o you lea rn Eng lish?I lea rn b y stud ying with a g roup.3、Do you lea rn Eng lish b y rea d ing a loud?4、It improves my spea king skills.5、Ha ve you ever stud ied with a g roup?6、Do you ever pra c tic e pronunc ia tion?7、Wha t a b out rea d ing a loud to pra c tic e pronunc ia tion?8、We a sked stud ents a b out the b est wa y to lea rn more Eng lish?9、S tud ying g ra mma r is a g rea t wa y to lea rn a la ng ua g e.10、We g et exc ited a b out something a nd end up spea king in Chinese.11、I ma ke mista kes in g ra mma r.12、I c a n*t g et the pronunc ia tion rig ht.13、I wa s a fra id to spea k in c la ss.14 I think tha t d oing lots of listening pra c tic e is one of the sec rets of b ec oming a g ood la ng ua g e lea rner.15、I d ec id ed to ta ke lots of g ra mma r notes every c la ss.16、Most people spea k Eng lish a s a sec ond la ng ua g e.17、How d o we d ea l with our prob lems?18、Unless we d ea l with our prob lems,we c a n ea sily b ec ome unha ppy.19、Worrying a b out our prob lems c a n a ffec t how we d o a t sc hool.20、It c a n a lso influenc e the wa y we b eha ve with our fa milies.21、When we a re a ng ry,however,we a re usua lly the ones a ffec ted.22、This is a n importa nt lesson for us.23、We c a n solve a prob lem b y lea rning to forg et.Unit 2一、常用短语1、pla y the pia no弹钢琴2、b e interested in对-感兴趣3、b e a fra id of sth./d oing sth.害怕某物、做某事4、b e a fra id to d o sth.害怕要做某事5、b e a lone独处6、fly in a n a irpla ne乘飞机7、b e terrified of害怕、恐惧8、fill in the c ha rt/the b la nks填表/空9、g ym/music c la ss10 in the pa st11、a ll the time12、c hew g um13、b e ma d e up of14、sound like15、It ta kes sb.,to d o sth.做某事16、c a nt stop d oing某事17、instea d of18、ma ke fa c es19 c onsist of20、on the swim tea m21、spea k in front of g roup22、b e a fra id of the d a rk23、spend time(in)d oing sth.24、not*,a nymore25、g o rig ht home26、c ha t with sb.online27、ta ke sb.to c onc erts28 in the la st few yea rs29、d a ily life30、c a use a lot of troub le/prob lems31、ma ke notes32、g et b a d g ra d es33、a fford to pa y for34、to d o this35、g et into troub le with sb.36、in the end37、ma ke a d iffic ult d ec ision38 to one*s surprise/exc itement是体操/音乐课在过去一直嚼口香糖由.组成;由构成听起来像花费某人(多长时间)去禁不住做某事;忍不住去做代替做鬼脸由组成;由构成 在游泳队在一群人面前说话怕黑花京时间做某事再也不立刻回家更某人在网上聊天带某人参加音乐会 在过去几年中 日常生活惹很多麻烦做记录成绩很遭支付得起为了这与某人产生麽擦最后做一个艰难的决定 令某人惊奇的/兴奋的39、even thoug h即使;纵然40、no long er不再41、ta ke prid e in对,感至u自豪42、b e proud of以而自豪43、pa y a ttention to sth.对某事注意/留心44、g ive up d oing sth.放弃做某事45、a c c ord ing to根据二、重点句型1、I used to b e a fra id of the d a rk.2、Im on the swim tea m.3、People sure c ha ng e.4、Tm terrified of the d a rk.5、I g o to sleep with my b ed room lig ht on.6、I d id nt used to like tests.7、Then I g o rig ht home.8、I just d on*t ha ve the time a nymore.9、These d a ys,I ha rd ly ever ha ve time for c onc erts.10 I rea lly miss the old d a ys.11、My life ha s c ha ng ed a lot in the la st few yea rs.12、My d a ily life is d ifferent a nd I used to like d ifferent thing s.13、It seems tha t Yu Mei ha s c ha ng ed a lot.14、He often g ot into troub le with the polic e.15、He would a lwa ys ta ke prid e in everything g ood I d o.Unit 3一、常用短语1、b e a llowed to d o sth.2、a llow sb.to d o sth.3、ha ve pa rt-time j ob s4、g et ones ea rs pierc ed5、c hoose ones own c lothes6、g et ones lic ense7、c ut ones ha ir8、seem to d o sth.被允许干某事允许某人做某事 做兼职工作打耳洞选择自己的衣服 拿到驾驶证 理发似乎要做某事9、spend time with friend s10 instea d of d oing sth.11、g o to the movies12、worry a b out13、b y the wa y14、fa c e to fa c e15、sa ve spa c e/time/money16、a c omputer prog ra m c a lled ICQ程序17、send messa g es18 sec ret c od e19、sta y up20 the other d a y21、lea rn from22、a t present23、b e g ood for24、d eveloped c ountry25、d eveloping c ountry26、d o homework with friend s27、c lea n up齐28 ta ke the test29、pa ss the test30、fa il a ma th test31、b e stric t with sb.32、b e stric t in sth.33、c onc entra te on34、d esig n uniforms35、keep sb.ha ppy36、stud y in g roups37、ha ve a n opportunity to d o sth.38 a t the loc a l hospita l39、ma ke a list同朋友一起共度时光 代替做某事去看电影担心顺便问一下面对面节省空间/时间/钱一个名叫ICQ的电脑发送信息密码熬夜前几天向学习目前对有好处发达国家发展中国家和朋友一起做作业把打扫干净;梳理整参加考试通过考试数学考试不及格对某人要求严格对某事要求严格在上投入精力设计制服使某人高兴小组学习有机会做某事在当地医院列表40、a t lea st41、old peopled home42、perform a pla y43、write for a newspa per44、a t the newspa per offic e45、a g ree/d isa g ree with46、g et in the wa y of47、a professiona l a thlete48、a c hieve ones d rea ms49、ha ve nothing a g a inst sth./d oing sth.50 a rec ent survey on Ya hoo.c om51、pla y g a mes on mob ile phones52、a s well(a s)53、g ive sb.some d irec tion54、b e serious a b out sth./d oing sth.二、重点句型至少养老院表演话剧给报纸写稿在报社同意/不同意某人的观点妨碍专业运动员实现某人的梦想反对某事/做某事一个雅虎网站的近期调查在手机上玩游戏也;又给某人一些指导对某事/做某事是认真的1、Teena g ers should b e a llowed to c hoose their own c lothes.2、S ixteen-yea r-old s should b e a llowed to d rive.3、He should stop wea ring tha t silly ea rring.4、Ini not a llowed to g et my ea rs pierc ed yet.5、Our tea c hers b elieve tha t if we d id tha t,we would c onc entra te more on our c lothes tha n our stud ies.6、We should b e a llowed to d esig n our own uniforms.7、La st summer I ha d a n opportunity to volunteer a t the loc a l hospita l.8、I c a n*t c hoose whic h pa ir of jea ns to b uy.They b oth look g ood on me.9、We should b e a llowed to ta ke time to d o thing s like tha t more often.10、S ome stud ents should b e a llowed to ha ve Frid a y a fternoon off to volunteer a nd help others.11、S hould I b e a llowed to ma ke my own d ec isions?12、S ometimes these hob b ies c a n g et in the wa y of homework.13、Only then will I ha ve a c ha nc e of a c hieving my d rea m.14、Ma ny stud ents often c ompla in a b out sc hool.15、Ed uc a tion is a n importa nt pa rt of our d evelopment.16、As young a d ults,it is our d uty to try our b est to d ea l with ea c h c ha lleng e in our ed uc a tion with the help of our tea c hers.Unit 410、in front of the whole c la ss/sc hool 在全班/校同学面前一、常用短语1、g ive it to c ha rity2、med ic a l resea rc h3、wha t if4、g et pimples5、tooto6、help with this prob lem7、ta ke a long wa lk8、in pub lic9、g ive a speec h捐给慈善机构医学研究如果将会怎样起疙瘩太而不帮助解决这个问题进行一段长距离的散步当众公开的发表演说16、g et on/a long(well/b a d ly)with 与相处(融洽/不好)17、ra ther tha n 宁可;宁愿18 would ra ther d otha n d o宁愿做某事也不愿做某事 相当于11、without permission12、b e in a movie13、in the slig htest14、plenty of15、g et a long with没经允许演电影丝毫;根本 很多的。足够的 与相处would d o,ra ther tha n d o19、introd uc e myself20、rig ht a wa y21、a ll d a y22、a nnoy sb.23、fa irly c onfid ent24、friend c irc le25、represent the c la ss自我介绍立刻;马上整天使某人烦恼;生气相当自信朋友圈代表班级26、in fa c t事实上27、c ome top名列而茅28、c ome out出版;发表;出来29、let,d own使失望;沮丧30、c ome up with(针对问题等)提出;想出31、fa ll d own摔倒;跌倒32、in lots of d ifferent situa tions 在许多不同情况下33、first-a id b ook急救书34、b y a c c id ent偶然的35、in history在历史上36、a d d to把加到37、win the lottery中奖38、ta ke a b ig exa m参加大考39、-、d rink lots of wa ter重点句型多喝水1、Wha t would you d o if you ha d a million d olla rs?2、I would g ive it to med ic a l resea rc h.3、I g et nervous b efore b ig pa rties a nd then I g et pimples.4、The food you g et c ould help with this prob lem.5、Wha t would you d o if the tea c her a sked you to g ive a speec h in front of the whole sc hool?6、S oc ia l situa tions d ont b other you in the slig htest.7、You like ta lking to one or two people ra ther tha n to a g roup.8、You ha ve a sma ll c irc le of very g ood friend s.9、Our c la ssma tes wa nt her to represent the c la ss in the sc hool c ontest.10、In fa c t,she a lwa ys c omes top in the sc hool exa m.11、You a lwa ys c ome up with g ood situa tions to peoples prob lems.12、It g ives a d vic e on wha t to d o in lots of d ifferent situa tions.13、Wha t would you d o if you c ut yourself b y a c c id ent?14、You should c over the c ut with a c lea n c loth a nd press it ha rd.15、Then put the b urned a rea und er c old running wa ter.16、Wha t would you d o if you injured your knee while running?Unit5一、常用短语1、fun thing s有趣的事2、kitc hen thing s厨房用具3、b elong to属于4、ta ke/lia ve a pic nic去野餐5、a t the pic nic在野营中6、listen to c la ssic a l music听古典首乐7、tha nk-you messa g e/letter感谢信8、d rop sth.掉落某物9、d rop b y/in顺便/偶然访问10、,d rop out退出n、,d uring the c onc ert音乐会期间12、,in the symphony ha ll在交响乐大厅中13、a t one optometrist a ppointment 在约好的验光师那儿14 ma ke up 30%占30%15、the fina l exa m 期末考试16、b e la te for17、a stra ng e c rea ture18 c a tc h a b us19、extremely worried20 ha ve fun21、c a ll the polic e22、a t first23、ma ke speec hes24、esc a pe from25、a n oc ea n of pa per26、g et on the pla ne27、b e c a reful of迟到一个奇怪的生物赶公交车极其焦虑闹着玩报警一开始做演讲从逃跑试卷海洋登机当心28 b e a nxious a b out 为担忧29、pretend to d o 假装做某事30、ta lk in front of ma ny people 在许多人面前讲话31、Eng lish speec h c ontest 英语演讲比赛32、the rest of the stud ents 其余的学生33、run for exerc ise 跑步锻炼二、重点句型1、It must b elong to Ca rla.2、He mig ht b e running to c a tc h a b us.3、He who would d o g rea t thing s should not a ttempt them a ll a lone.4、In my d rea ms,I wa s swimming in a n oc ea n of pa per.5、Be c a reful of the d og tha t d oesnt b a rk.6、Fred is a fra id of flying.7、I a m very a nxious a b out my c a t.8、There is a stra ng e smell in the house.9、One fing er c a n not lift a sma ll stone.11、Its less of a prob lem to b e poor tha n to b e d ishonest.12、Be c a reful of the person who d oesnt ta lk,a nd the d og tha t d oesnt b a rk.You c a n*t wa ke a person who is pretend ing to b e a sleep Dont let yesterd a y use up too muc h of tod a y.13、14、Unit 6一、常用短语1、prefer,to2、sing a long with3、ha ve/ha s g rea t lyric s4、d a nc e to5、write ones own lyric s 6、remind sb.of sth.7、pla y d ifferent kind s of music8、pla y quiet a nd g entle song s9、b e importa nt to sb.10、sc a ry monsters11、la test movies12 over the yea rs13、look for enterta inment14、Yellow R iver与相比更喜欢伴唱抒情随着跳舞自己作词使某人想起某事演奏不同种类的音乐 演奏轻松优雅的歌曲 对某人重要怪兽最新电影近年来寻求娱乐黄河15、ha ve a few g ood fea tures 有些好的方面16、on d ispla y展览;陈列17、c a tc h up with赶上;追上18、the b est known Chinese photog ra pher 最有名的中国摄影师19、in this exhib ition在这次展览上20、ha ve sth.for sb.对某人有影响21、less suc c essful不够成功22、interest sb.吸引某人23、ha ve/lose interest in对有/失去兴趣24、world c la ss世界级别25、miss the exhib ition错过展览26、music a l g roups白力、里口27、c ome a nd g o纷纷呈现28、g rea t pla c e to visit旅游胜地29、to b e honest说实话30、six-months Eng lish c ourse 六个月的英语课程31、Chinese music c onc ert中国音乐会32、suit sb.fine适合某人33、host fa mily房东34、Ind ia n film festiva l印度电影界35、ta ste g ood口感好36、sta y/keep hea lthy保持健康37、Frenc h fries炸薯条38、fa st food快餐39、c a re for关注40、sta y a wa y from远离41、b e in a g reement同意42、c a use c a nc er引起癌症43、inc rea se the risk of增加的风险44、even if即使45、ha ve a g ood b a la nc e保持良好的平衡46、a stric t veg eta ria n严格的素食主义者47、mind d oing sth.介意做某事48、b e shoc ked b y 二、重点句型被震惊1、I like music tha t I c a n d a nc e to.2、Ca rmen likes music ia ns who pla y d ifferent kind s of music.3、The music remind s me of Bra zilia n d a nc e music.4、It d oes ha ve a few g ood fea tures.5、Be sure to see this exhib ition a t the Lid o Ga llery.6、The few c ity photog ra phs a re less suc c essful.7、Wha t ever you d o,d ont miss the exhib ition.8、Few ha ve stra ng er na mes tha n this b a nd.9、As the na me sug g ests,the b a nd ha s lots of energ y.10、I prefer c la ssic a l music to pop music.11 I*m luc ky to b e here for my six-month Eng lish c ourse.12、I prefer quiet tra d itiona l music so the c onc ert suited me just fine.13、I only ea t food tha t ta stes g ood.14、I prefer not to ea t too muc h food tha t is fried.15、rd sta y a wa y from c oc a a nd sweet d esserts if I were you.16 I think most people a re in a g reement tha t fruit a nd veg eta b le a re g ood for hea lth.17、Ive hea rd ea ting b urnt food like this c a n inc rea se the risk of c a nc er.Unit 7一、常用短语1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、g o on va c a tion trek throug h the jung le some d a ysomewhere rela xing c onsid er d oing sth.fa nta stic sig hts tra vel a round China去度假长途跋涉穿越热带丛林有一天放松的地方考虑做某事奇妙的景观畅游中国ta ke the und erg round tra in乘坐地铁in g enera l10 pa c k lig ht c lothes总的来说带轻便衣服n、12、13、14、15、16、17、g rea t enterta inment lots to d owond erful g a lleries fa nta stic b ea c hesa t a tra vel a g enc y ta ke a tripprovid e sb.with some精彩的娱乐活动很多事去做绝妙的画廊迷人的海滩在旅行社旅行informa tion a b out向某人提供关于某方面的信息18、outd oor a c tivities 户外活动19 g ive sb.some sug g estions 给某人一些建议20 va c a tion spots 度假场所21、b e a wa y 出行22、stud ents exc ha ng e prog ra ms 学生交换项目23、sa il a c ross the Pa c ific 驾船横跨太平洋24、d rea m a b out sth.梦想某事25、in the future 在将来26、hund red s/thousa nd s/millions of成百上千的/数以千计的/数以万计的27、a s soon a s possib le 尽快的28 so tha t为了 29、30 31、32、33、34、35、36、37、provid e b etter lives 提供 c ontinue d oing sth./to d o sth.g o to university c omputer prog ra mming quite a fewb e willing to d o sth.ha ve a g ood ed uc a tion on the other ha nd hold on ones d rea ms(过上)更好的生活 继续干某事上大学电脑编程 相当多 乐意做某事 接受好的教育 另一方面坚持某人的梦想二、重点句型1、I hope to visit Ha wa ii some d a y2、Why not c onsid er visiting Pa ris?3、It is usua lly quite c onvenient to ta ke the und erg round tra in to most pla c es.4、The room need s to b e b ig enoug h for three people.5、Could you g ive me some sug g estions for va c a tion spots?6 We a ll d rea m a b out thing s tha t we would like to d o,a nd thing s we hope to a c hieve in the future.7、They c a n provid e b etter lives for their pa rents.8、Ac c ord ing to the survey,the most popula r c hoic e of job is c omputer prog ra mming.9、They a re willing to work ha rd to a c hieve their d rea ms.Unit 8一、重点短语1、c lea n up2、g ive out3、.c heer sb.up4、help sb.with sth.5、c ome up with 6、put off d oing sth.7、write d own8、put up9、ha nd out10、c a ll up11、set up12、think up13、put sth.to use14、feel g ood a b out sth.15、run out of16、ta ke a fter17、fix up18、g ive a wa y19、b e simila r to20、work out21、ha ng out22、offer sth.for sb./offer sb.sth.打扫干净分发使某人高兴帮助某人干某事想出推迟做某事记下;写下张贴送出;分发号召建起想出;想起把投入使用;利用 对某事感觉良好用光(长得)像(父母等)组装;修理 赠送与类似解决(问题)游荡;闲逛提供某人某物23、fill,with,24、fa c e c ha lleng es25、b ec a use of 26、a t onc e27、help sb.out二、重点句型用装满面对挑战因为立刻;马上使某人脱离困境1、Fil help c lea n up the c ity pa rk.2、We need to c ome up with a pla n.3、We c a nt put off ma king a pla n.4、Were g oing to set up a food b a nk to help hug ry people.5、These stud ents a ll voluteer their time to help other people.6、Huiping loves to rea d,a nd she puts this love to g ood use b y working in the a fter-sc hool c a- 配套讲稿:
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- 新目标 九年级 英语 常用 短语 重点 句型
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