HP LaserJet M1522 MFR SeriesService Manual版1HP LaserJet M1522 MFP SeriesService ManualCopyright and License 2008 Copyright Hewl ett-Packard Devel opment Company,L.P.Reproduction,adaptation,or transl ation without prior written permission is prohibited,except as al l owed under the copyright l aws.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.The onl y warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services.Nothing herein shoul d be construed as constituting an additional warranty.HP shal l not be l iabl e for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.Edition 1,1/2008Trademark CreditsAdobe,Acrobat,and PostScript are trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Microsoft,Windows,and Windows NT are U.S.registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.Part numbe匚 CB534-90945Table of contents1 Product information Quick access to product information.2Product comparison.3Product features.4Product wal karound.5Front view.5Back view.5Interface ports.6Control-panel.6Serial number and model number l ocation.7Software description.8Supported operating systems.8Supported printer drivers.8Software incl uded with the product.8Recommended instal l ation for Windows.8Express instal l ation(USB or network).9Macintosh software.9Software for Windows.9HP Tool boxFX.9Embedded Web server(EWS).10Software for Macintosh.10HP Director.10Macintosh Configure Device(Mac OS X v10.3,v10.4,and l ater).10PDEs(Mac OS X v10.3,v10.4,and l ater).11Uninstal l software.11Windows.11Macintosh.11Media specifications.12Supported paper and print media sizes.12Supported paper types and tray capacity.132 Installation Site preparations.16Operating environment.16Minimum system requirements.17What was in the box.18Instal l input devices.19ADF input tray.19Priority input tray.20ENWWiiiTray 1.21Instal l suppl ies.22Instal l the print cartridge.223 Maintenance Manage suppl ies.26Life expectancies of suppl ies.26Check and order suppl ies.26Store suppl ies.26Repl ace suppl ies.27Print cartridge.27HP pol icy on non-HP suppl ies.28HP fraud hotl ine.29Cl ean the product.30Cl ean the exterior.30Cl ean the fl atbed scanner gl ass.30Cl ean the scanner-cover backing.31Cl ean the ADF pickup-rol l er assembl y.32Cl ean the paper path.34Cl ean the paper path from HP Tool boxFX.34Cl ean the paper path from the product control panel.34Cal ibrate the scanner.34Cal ibrate the scanner from HP Tool boxFX.35Cal ibrate the scanner from the product control panel.35Management tool s.36Information pages.36HP Tool boxFX.37View HP Tool boxFX.37Status.38Event l og.38Al erts.38Set up status al erts.38Set up e-mail al erts.38Fax.39Fax tasks.39Fax phone book.39Fax send l og.41Fax receive l og.41Bl ock Faxes.41Hel p.41System Settings.42Device information.42Paper handl ing.43Print qual ity.43Paper types.43System setup.44Service.44Device pol l ing.44Print Settings.44Printing.44ivENWWPCL 5e.45PostScript.45Network Settings.45Embedded Web server.45Features.45Use HP Web Jetadmin software.464 Operational theory Basic operation.48Sequence of operation for the base unit.48Scanner and ADF functions and operation.50Scanner functions.50Scanner operation.51ADF operation.51ADF paper path and ADF sensors.52ADF jam detection.53Internal components(base unit).54Engine control system.55Laser/scanner system.57Pickup/feed/del ivery system.58Image-formation system.59Fax functions and operation(fax model s onl y).63Computer and network security features.63PSTN operation.63Receive faxes when you hear fax tones.63Distinctive ring function.64Fax by using Voice over IP services.64The fax subsystem.65Fax card in the fax subsystem.65Safety isol ation.65Safety-protection circuitry.65Data path.66Hook state.66Downstream device detection.66Hook switch control.66Ring detect.67Line current control.67Bil l ing-(metering-)tone fil ters.67Fax page storage in fl ash memory.67Stored fax pages.67Advantages of fl ash memory storage.675 Removal and replacement Removal and repl acement strategy.70Introduction.70Removal and repl acement warnings,cautions,notes and tips.70El ectrostatic discharge.71Required tool s.71Before performing service.71After performing service.72ENWWvPost-service tests.73Test 1(print-qual ity test).73Test 2(copy-qual ity test).73Test 3(fax-qual ity test).73Parts removal order.74Scanner and ADF components.75ADF input tray.75Fl atbed l id.76Link assembl ies and scanner support-frame springs.79Control-panel bezel.81Control-panel assembl y.82ADF separation pad.83ADF input-tray fl ag.84ADF pickup rol l er assembl y.85ADF scanner gl ass.88Scanner assembl y.90Product base.95Print cartridge.95Separation pad(product base).96Pickup rol l er(product base).97Scanner cushions.100Media input tray.101Transfer rol l er.103Side covers.104Print-cartridge door.106Rear cover and fuser cover.107Front cover.109Speaker assembl y.111Formatter and fax card.113Power suppl y.114Scanner support-frame.118Laser/scanner assembl y.121Main motor.125Fuser.128Paper-pickup assembl y.132Drive-gear assembl y and drive bel t.1356 Problem solve Probl em-sol ving checkl ist.138Control-panel messages.140Al ert and warning messages.140Al ert and warning message tabl es.140Critical error messages.147Critical error message-tabl es.147Cl ear jams.149Causes of jams.149Where to l ook for jams.150Cl ear jams from the ADF.151Cl ear jams from the input-tray areas.153Cl ear jams from the output bin.155viENWWCl ear jams from the print-cartridge area.156Print probl ems.157Print-qual ity probl ems.157Improve print qual ity.157Print-qual ity settings.157Identify and correct print defects.158Print-qual ity checkl ist.158General print-qual ity issues.158Scan probl ems.163Sol ve scanned-image probl ems.163Scan-qual ity probl ems.165Prevent probl ems.165Sol ve scan-qual ity probl ems.165Copy probl ems.166Prevent probl ems.166Image probl ems.166Media-handl ing probl ems.167Performance probl ems.169Fax probl ems(fax model s onl y).170General fax probl em-sol ve.170Probl ems receiving faxes.171Probl ems sending faxes.174Voice-cal l probl ems.175Media-handl ing probl ems.176Performance probl ems.177Functional checks.178Engine test page.178Drum rotation test.178Hal f sel f-test functional check.179Perform a hal f sel f-test check.179Perform other checks.179Heating el ement check.180High-vol tage contacts check.180Check the print-cartridge contacts.180Check the high-vol tage connector assembl y.181Service-mode functions.182NVRAM initial ization.182Super NVRAM initial ization.182Secondary service menu.182Probl em-sol ve tool s.184Product information pages and reports.184Configuration page.184Suppl ies Status page.184PCL,PCL 6,or PS font l ist.184Demo page.185Usage page.185Menu map.185Network report.185Fax reports.186Fax activity l og.186ENWWviiFax confirmation report.186Last cal l report.186Phone book report.186Bil l ing-code report.188HP Tool boxFX.188View HP Tool boxFX.188Troubl eshooting tab.188Service menu.189Restore the factory-set defaul ts.189Cl ean the paper path.190T.30 protocol trace.191Archive print.191Probl em-sol ve diagrams.192Repetitive image defects.192Interface ports.193ECU connectors.194Formatter PC A.195Fax card.196Sol enoid and motor.197Rol l ers.198Sensors.199Major components.200PCAs(base unit).201Scanner and ADF.202Circuit diagram.203Firmware updates.204Firmware update by using a fl ash executabl e fil e.2047 Parts Ordering information.206Suppl ies and hinge tool.206Cabl e and interface accessories.206Whol e unit repl acement.207Control-panel bezel s.211Suppl ementry documentation and support.214Parts l ists and diagrams.216Types of screws.217ADF and scanner assembl ies.218ADF internal components.220Assembl ies.222External covers and panel s.224Internal components(1 of 3).226Internal components(2 of 3).228Internal components(3 of 3).230Al phabetical parts l ist.232Numerical parts l ist.235Appendix A Service and support Hewl ett-Packard l imited warranty statement.239Customer sel f repair warranty service.240viiiENWWPrint cartridge l imited warranty statement.241Customer support.242HP maintenance agreements.242Repacking the device.242Extended warranty.242Appendix B Specifications Physical specifications.244El ectrical specifications.244Power consumption.244Environmental specifications.245Acoustic emissions.245Appendix C Regulatory information FCC compl iance.248Environmental product stewardship program.249Protecting the environment.249Ozone production.249Power consumption.249Toner consumption.249Paper use.249Pl astics.249HP LaserJet print suppl ies.249Return and recycl ing instructions.250United States and Puerto Rico.250Mul tipl e returns(two to eight cartridges).250Singl e returns.250Shipping.250Non-US returns.250Paper.250Material restrictions.250Disposal of waste equipment by users in private househol ds in the European Union.251Material Safety Data Sheet(MSDS).251For more information.252Tel ephone Consumer Protection Act(United States).253IC CS-03 requirements.253El l statement for tel ecom operation.254New Zeal and tel ecom statements.254Decl aration of conformity.255Decl aration of conformity.256Safety statements.257Laser safety.257Canadian DOC regul ations.257EMI statement(Korea).257Laser statement for Finl and.258Substances tabl e(China).259Index.261ENWWixXENWWList of tablesTabl e 1-1 Product guides.2Tabl e 1-2 Supported paper and print media sizes.12Tabl e 1-3 Supported envel opes and postcards.13Tabl e 4-1 Sequence of operation.48Tabl e 4-2 Power-on sequence.49Tabl e 6-1 Al ert and warning messages.140Tabl e 6-2 Critical error messages.147Tabl e 6-3 Repetitive image defects.192Tabl e 6-4 ECU connectors.194Tabl e 6-5 Formatter connectors.195Tabl e 6-6 Fax card.196Tabl e 6-7 Sol enoid and motor.197Tabl e 6-8 Rol l ers.198Tabl e 6-9 Sensors.199Tabl e 6-10 Major components.200Tabl e 6-11 PCAs(base unit).201Tabl e 6-12 Scanner and ADF.202Tabl e 7-1 Whol e unit repl acement,product bundl e CC372A.207Tabl e 7-2 Whol e unit repl acement,product bundl e CB534A.209Tabl e 7-3 Control-panel bezel s(HP LaserJet M1522n).211Tabl e 7-4 Control-panel bezel s(HP LaserJet M1522nf).212Tabl e 7-5 Documentation.214Tabl e 7-6 Scanner and ADF assembl ies.219Tabl e 7-7 ADF internal components.221Tabl e 7-8 Assembl ies.223Tabl e 7-9 External covers and panel s.225Tabl e 7-10 Internal components(1 of 3).227Tabl e 7-11 Internal components(2 of 3).229Tabl e 7-12 Internal components(3 of 3).231Tabl e 7-13 Al phabetical parts l ist.232Tabl e 7-14 Numerical parts l ist.235Tabl e B-1 Physical specifications.244Tabl e B-2 El ectrical specifications.244Tabl e B-3 Power consumption(average,in watts).244Tabl e B-4 Environmental specifications.245Tabl e B-5 Acoustic emissions.245ENWWxixiiENWWList of figuresFigure 2-1 Operating environment.16Figure 4-1 System bl ock diagram.48Figure 4-2 Optical system.50Figure 4-3 ADF paper path.52Figure 4-4 Cross-section of printer.54Figure 4-5 Engine control system.55Figure 4-6 Engine-control-system circuit diagram.56Figure 4-7 Laser/scanner system.57Figure 4-8 Pickup/feed/del ivery system.58Figure 4-9 Image-formation system.59Figure 4-10 Primary charging.59Figure 4-11 Devel oping.60Figure 4-12 Transfer.61Figure 4-13 Separation.61Figure 4-14 Fusing.61Figure 4-15 Drum cl eaning.62Figure 5-1 Phil l ips and pozidrive screwdriver comparison.71Figure 5-2 Parts removal order for the scanner and ADF.74Figure 5-3 Parts removal order for the product(product base).74Figure 5-4 Remove the ADF input tray.75Figure 5-5 Remove the fl atbed l id(1 of 5).76Figure 5-6 ADF cover correctl y instal l ed.76Figure 5-7 Remove the fl atbed l id(2 of 5).77Figure 5-8 Remove the fl atbed l id(3 of 5).77Figure 5-9 Remove the fl atbed l id(4 of 5).78Figure 5-10 Remove the fl atbed l id(5 of 5).78Figure 5-11 Remove the l ink assembl ies and scanner support-frame springs(1 of 4).79Figure 5-12 Remove the l ink assembl ies and scanner support-frame springs(2 of 4).79Figure 5-13 Remove the l ink assembl ies and scanner support-frame springs(3 of 4).80Figure 5-14 Remove the l ink assembl ies and scanner support-frame springs(4 of 4).80Figure 5-15 Remove the control-panel bezel.81Figure 5-16 Remove the control-panel assembl y(1 of 2).82Figure 5-17 Remove the control-panel assembl y(2 of 2).82Figure 5-18 Remove the ADF separation pad.83Figure 5-19 Remove the ADF input-tray fl ag.84Figure 5-20 Repl acing the ADF pickup rol l er assembl y(1 of 6).85Figure 5-21 Repl acing the ADF pickup rol l er assembl y(2 of 6).85Figure 5-22 Repl acing the ADF pickup rol l er assembl y(3 of 6).86Figure 5-23 Repl acing the ADF pickup rol l er assembl y(4 of 6).86ENWWxiiiFigure 5-24 Repl acing the ADF pickup rol l er assembl y(5 of 6).87Figure 5-25 Repl acing the ADF pickup rol l er(6 of 6).87Figure 5-26 Remove the ADF scanner gl ass(1 of 3).88Figure 5-27 Remove the ADF scanner gl ass(2 of 3).88Figure 5-28 Remove the ADF scanner gl ass(3 of 3).89Figure 5-29 Remove the scanner assembl y(1 of 10).90Figure 5-30 Remove the scanner assembl y(2 of 10).90Figure 5-31 Remove the scanner assembl y(3 of 10).91Figure 5-32 Remove the scanner assembl y(4 of 10).91Figure 5-33 Remove the scanner assembl y(5 of 10).92Figure 5-34 Remove the scanner assembl y(6 of 10).92Figure 5-35 Remove the scanner assembl y(7 of 10).93Figure 5-36 Remove the scanner assembl y(8 of 10).93Figure 5-37 Remove the scanner assembl y(9 of 10).94Figure 5-38 Remove the scanner assembl y(10 of 10).94Figure 5-39 Remove the print cartridge(1 of 2).95Figure 5-40 Remove the print cartridge(2 of 2).95Figure 5-41 Remove the product separation pad(1 of 2).96Figure 5-42 Remove the product separation pad(2 of 2).96Figure 5-43 Remove the product pickup rol l er(1 of 5).97Figure 5-44 Remove the product pickup rol l er(2 of 5).97Figure 5-45 Remove the product pickup rol l er(3 of 5).98Figure 5-46 Remove the product pickup rol l er(4 of 5).98Figure 5-47 Remove the product pickup rol l er(5 of 5).99Figure 5-48 Instal l ing the scanner cushions.100Figure 5-49 Remove the media input tray(1 of 3).101Figure 5-50 Remove the media input tray(2 of 3).101Figure 5-51 Remove the media input tray(3 of 3).102Figure 5-52 Remove the transfer rol l er.103Figure 5-53 Remove the side covers(1 of 4).104Figure 5-54 Remove the side covers(2 of 4).104Figure 5-55 Remove the side covers(3 of 4).105Figure 5-56 Remove the side covers(4 of 4).105Figure 5-57 Remove the print-cartridge door(1 of 2).106Figure 5-58 Remove the print-cartridge door(2 of 2).106Figure 5-59 Remove the rear cover and fuser cover(1 of 3).107Figure 5-60 Remove the rear cover and fuser cover(2 of 3).107Figure 5-61 Remove the rear cover and fuser cover(3 of 3).108Figure 5-62 Remove the front cover(1 of 4).109Figure 5-63 Remove the front cover(2 of 4).109Figure 5-64 Remove the front cover(3 of 4).110Figure 5-65 Remove the front cover(4 of 4).110Figure 5-66 Remove the speaker assembl y(1 of 2).111Figure 5-67 Remove the speaker assembl y(2 of 2).111Figure 5-68 Remove the- 配套讲稿:
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- hp 惠普 一体机 打印机 M1522MFP 维修 操作手册 英文
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