个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 论述如何做好建设施工的监理工作保障工程质量 摘 要:建设工程施工阶段是将工程的设计意图形成工程实体的阶段,也是保证工程质量和工程价值的重要阶段,所以对于施工阶段的质量监理工作显得尤其重要。本文首先简单探讨了工程监理对施工阶段质量控制的重要性,继而通过施工准备的质量控制、施工过程的质量控制以及竣工验收的质量控制三方面对建设工程施工阶段的质量监理进行了论述。 Pick to: construction engineering construction stage is the project design intent of the forming stage, the project entity and ensure engineering quality and engineering value of the important stage, so for the quality of the construction stage supervision is especially important. Simple at first, this paper discusses the construction supervision of construction stage the importance of quality control, and then through the quality control of construction preparation, construction process quality control and quality control of the completion acceptance of tripartite face of construction engineering quality supervision during construction are discussed. 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途 关键词:建设工程;施工阶段;质量监理;竣工验收;施工过程;质量控制 Key words: construction project; Construction phase; Quality supervision; Completion inspection and acceptance; The construction process; The quality control 建设工程施工阶段包括施工准备阶段、施工过程中以及最后的竣工验收阶段,施工阶段的质量控制不但是施工监理的重要工作内容,也是建设工程质量控制的重点。下文笔者着重对工程监理对施工阶段质量控制的重要性进行了简述。 Construction engineering construction stage, including the construction preparation stage, construction process and the final completion acceptance stage, construction stage of quality control of construction supervision work important content, also is the focus of the construction engineering quality control. Below the author of engineering supervision on the importance of the construction phase quality control for the description. 1工程监理对施工阶段质量控制的重要性 1 the importance of project supervision in construction stage quality control 建设工程施工阶段主要包括施工准备阶段、施工过程进行中以及最后的竣工验收阶段。施工阶段的质量控制主要是对施工准备阶段到最后竣工验收阶段的质量控制,它也是对整个施工阶段中投入条件和投入资源质量控制。施工准备阶段的质量控制是建设工程开始前的第一个环节,在这个环节准备工作是否做的充分以及影响工程质量的诸多因素是否考虑的周全都会影响到后续工作的资金周转和质量的好坏,所以一定要做好这个阶段的工程监理工作,尤其是要做好工程建设前的各项严格把关以实现工程的顺利开展[1];施工过程中的质量控制是在整个施工阶段周期较长的质量控制环节,对于它的质量控制主要是对施工进行中各个环节的把关,这个环节的监理工作是造成建设工程后期质量的关键步骤,所以施工过程中的质量监理工作突显出的重要性;而对于在竣工验收阶段的工程监理尽管是工程的最后一个环节,但确同样不能忽视。综上所述,工程监理对于建设工程施工阶段质量控制具有重要的作用,建设工程施工阶段的质量监理对于整个工程项目来说具有重要的意义。 Construction engineering construction stage is mainly including the construction preparation stage, construction process and final stages of completion inspection and acceptance。 Construction stage of quality control is mainly the construction preparation stage to final completion acceptance stage of quality control, it is also to the entire investment in the construction stage quality control conditions and resources. Construction stage of quality control is the construction project prior to the start of the first link, do sufficient preparation in this section and whether considering the comprehensive factors impacting the construction quality will affect the follow-up work of capital turnover and the stand or fall of quality, so be sure to do a good job in this phase of the project supervision work, especially to various strictly control for engineering construction in order to realize the project smoothly [1]; Is in the whole construction stage of quality control in construction process cycle longer quality control links, mainly for its quality control is carried out on the construction of the control of each link and the link of the late construction project quality supervision is the key step, so the construction process of the work highlights the importance of quality supervision, For the completion acceptance stage of the project supervision although is the last link project, but it also cannot be ignored。 To sum up, the construction supervision for construction engineering construction stage quality control plays an important role, the quality of construction engineering construction stage supervision is of great importance for the whole project. 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途 2建设工程施工阶段的质量监理 2 the quality of construction engineering construction stage supervision 对于建设工程施工阶段的质量监理笔者分为施工准备阶段的质量控制、施工过程中的质量控制以及竣工验收阶段的质量控制三个阶段对其进行了相关论述。 For construction engineering construction stage of quality supervision, the author divided into in the process of quality control of the construction preparation stage, construction quality control and quality control in the three stages of the completion acceptance stage it was related in this paper。 2。1对于施工准备阶段的质量控制 对于这个阶段的质量监理工作重点主要放在对于施工承包单位资质的核查、施工组织设计的审查以及现场施工准备的质量控制三个部分上。施工承包单位资质的核查主要把握在招投标阶段对人员、资金情况以及技术设备等方面,以及包括对施工单位资质的审查工作。而对于中标的施工单位主要把握好承包企业质量管理体系的核查工作细节;对于施工组织设计的审查应保证施工组织设计一定要符合规定的程序,另外还要保证施工组织设计一定要具有针对性、可操作性强。除此之外还要关注建设工程质量管理和技术管理体系是否合理健全[2];对于现场施工准备的质量控制离不开对工程定位以及标高基准控制、材料构配件采购订货的控制、施工平面布置的控制以及施工机械配置的控制,施工机械的控制主要需要监理工程师要不断检查并督促承包单位,只有状态良好,性能满足施工需要的机械设备才允许进入现场作业。除此之外还包括分包单位资质的审核确认以及设计交底与施工图纸的现场核对和监理组织内部的监控准备工作.劳动组织涉及的从事作业活动的操作者的数量必须满足作业活动的需要,管理人员要到位,相关制度要健全。从事特殊作业的人员(如电焊工、电工、起重工、架子工、爆破工)必须持证上岗。本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途 2.1 for construction stage of quality control for this stage focus mainly on the quality of the supervision for the construction contractor qualification verification, review and on-site construction preparation of construction organization design of quality control in three parts。 Construction contractor qualification verification mainly grasp in the bidding stage of personnel, capital and technology equipment, etc。, and including the review of construction unit qualification. For the bid of the construction unit mainly grasp contracting enterprise quality management system verification details; For review of construction organization design should guarantee the construction organization design must conform to the provisions of the program, also guarantee the construction organization design must have strong pertinence and operability。 In addition to focus on construction engineering quality management and technical management system is sound [2]; Prepared for site construction quality control depends on the project location and elevation datum control, the control of material components purchasing order, the construction layout of the control and mechanical control configuration, control of construction machinery main supervision engineer will need to continue to check and supervise the contractors, only to be in good condition and performance to meet the need of construction machinery and equipment is allowed to enter the site operations. In addition also includes the qualification of subcontractors shall review and confirm design disclosure and construction drawings of preparations for monitoring on—site check and supervision organization。 Labor organization engaged in the activities involved in the number of operators have to meet the needs of activities, managers must reach the designated position, we need to improve related systems. Engaged in special operations personnel (e.g。, welders, electricians, rigger, scaffolder, blasting) must hold relevant certificates。 本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途 2.2建设工程施工过程中的质量控制 建设工程的具体施工过程也包括作业前后的各个环节的控制,主要包括作业技术准备的质量控制以及作业技术活动运行过程的控制两个环节.对于作业技术准备的质量控制工作重点一定要把握好质量控制点的设置、作业技术交底的控制、现场材料构配件的质量控制以及环境状态的控制,除此之外还包括对进场施工机械设备性能及工作状态的控制和施工测量及计量器具性能、精度的控制以及施工现场劳动组织及作业人员上岗资格的控制[3];另一方面对作业技术活动运行过程的控制。承包单位自检与专检工作的监控.技术复核工作监控。凡涉及施工作业技术活动基准和依据的技术工作,都应该严格进行专人负责的复核性检查,以避免基准失误给整个工程质量带来难以补救的或全局性的危害.见证取样送检工作的监控。对工程材料、承重结构的混凝土试块,承重墙体的砂浆试块、结构工程的受力钢筋(包括接头)实行见证取样。工程变更的监控.根据工程变更要求方的不同,按相关程序处理好施工承包单位、设计单位、建设单位提出的工程变更.见证点的实施控制。承包单位应将已选定设置质量控制点的施工计划及质量计划提交监理工程师审批。级配管理质量监控[4].不同原材料的级配,配合比及拌制后的产品对最终工程质量有重要影响。因此,监理工程师要对拌合原材料的质量、材料配合比和现场作业质量控制三方面进行监控。计量工作质量监控.监理工程师要对施工过程中使用的计量仪器,检测设备,称重衡器,作业人员技术水平和现场计量操作等方面进行质量控制.质量记录资料的监控。施工质量记录资料应真实、齐全、完整,相关各方人员的签字齐备、字迹清楚、续建、结论明确,与施工过程的进展同步。工地例会的管理。通过工地例会,监理工程师检查分析施工过程的质量状况,指出存在的问题,承包单位提出整改的措施,并做出相应的保证。停、复工令的实施。根据委托监理合同中建设单位对监理工程师的授权,可按不同情况下达停工指令;承包单位经整改具备恢复施工条件时,向监理机构报送复工申请,经监理工程师现场复查合格后,总监签署复工报审表.本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络 2.2 in the process of construction engineering construction quality control of construction project specific construction process also includes the operation of each link of the before and after control, mainly includes the technical preparation of quality control and scheduling technology activities operation process control two parts。 Quality control work for assignment of technical preparation must hold good quality control points set, the control of operation technical clarificaiton, the scene material quality control of components as well as the state of the environment control, in addition also includes the approach of construction machinery equipment performance and control and the working state of construction performance measurement and measuring instruments, precision of control and the construction site of labor organization and the operating personnel are qualified control [3]; On the other hand control of the technical activities running process. Contractors self—check and ZhuanJian monitoring work。 Monitoring technology review work. Construction technical activities involving the benchmark, and based on the technology work, should be strictly inspected specialist is responsible for the review of, the benchmark in order to avoid mistakes bring to the whole project quality or global harm it would be difficult to repair。 Monitoring of witness sampling inspection work。 For engineering materials, bearing structure of concrete block, bearing wallboard of mortar test block, the stress of the structure engineering reinforcement (including joint) a witness sampling. Engineering change monitoring. According to the engineering change request is different, according to related procedure to deal with construction contracting units, design units, construction units of engineering change. The implementation of the witness point control. Contractors should be selected set up quality control points of construction plans and quality plan submitted to supervision engineer for approval. Grading management quality monitoring [4]. Different grading of raw materials, and mixing after products have important effects on final project quality。 Therefore, supervision engineer to the mixing of raw materials, material mixture ratio and the quality of the on—site monitoring quality control in the three aspects。 Quality control measure work。 Supervision engineer to use in the construction process of measuring instruments, testing equipment, weighing instruments, homework personnel technical level and field measurement for quality control operation。 Monitoring of quality records data。 Construction quality records should be true, complete, complete, and the signature of the involved personnel are complete, legible, and carrying on, the conclusion is clear, and the progress of the construction process of synchronization. Management of construction site meeting。 Through site meetings, supervision engineer check analysis of the construction process quality status, points out the existing problems and the contractors proposed corrective measures, and makes the corresponding guarantee. The implementation of the stop, return to work。 According to the agency appointment contract for project of the construction unit to the authorization of supervision engineer, work instructions according to different situation; Contractors construction conditions after rectification has restored, submit to supervision institutions apply to return to work, the supervision engineer on site check after passing director sign reopened BaoShen table. 个人收集整理,勿做商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络 2.3竣工验收的质量控制 一方面作业技术活动结果的控制内容:基槽(基坑)验收;隐蔽工程验收。监理工程师收到报验申请后首先对质量证明资料进行审查,并在合同规定的时间内到现场检查,承包单位的专职质检员及相关施工人员一起到现场。符合质量要求,准予承包单位隐蔽、覆盖,进入下一道工序施工;工序交接验收;检验批、分项、分部工程的验收;联动试车或设备的试运转[5];单位工程或整个工程项目的竣工验收;另一方面作业技术活动结果检验程序与方法作业活动结束后,承包单位按规定进行自检、交检、专检,符合要求后向监理工程师提交报验申请表,监理工程师经检查确认质量合格后予以签认验收.对于现场所用原材料、半成品、工序过程或工程产品质量进行检验的方法,通常采用目测法、量测法和试验法。 2。3 completion inspection and acceptance of the results of quality control on the one hand work technical activities content: base tank (pit) acceptance; Concealed engineering acceptance。 Supervision engineer first proof of the quality information after receipt of the application for inspection, review, and within the time stipulated in the contract to the on-site inspection, the contractor full—time qualitative check member and related construction personnel to the scene together。 Conform to quality requirements and allow contractor hidden, covering, into the construction of next procedure; Process handover acceptance; Inspection lot, disciplines, division of the project acceptance; The linkage or equipment test run [5]; Unit or the whole project completion inspection and acceptance of the project; Assignments technology activities, on the other hand results after activities, testing procedure and method of the contractors in accordance with the provisions, conduct self-inspection, especially, ZhuanJian, meets the requirements to the supervision engineer after submit the inspection application form, the supervision engineer confirmed by the inspection qualified to sign the acceptance. For the raw material, semi-finished products, processes, or engineering quality inspection method, usually using visual method, measurement method and test method. 文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络 3结束语 3 conclusion 建设工程监理工作对于建设工程项目而言具有重要的作用,要保证建设工程的质量就需要重视和加强对建设工程质量监理工作。因为建设工程质量监理工作是一项复杂和系统的工作,在整个监理过程中最主要的把关人是工程的监理人,他们的敬业精神直接关系到对工程监理工作的重视度和责任感。除此之外,建设工程在施工过程中监理人一定要通过科学合理的监督管理来实现对于施工准备阶段、施工过程中以及竣工验收阶段的质量把控.只有双管齐下才能做好建设工程的质量控制工作,才能保证建设工程的最终质量。 Construction project supervision work for construction project plays an important role, to ensure the quality of construction projects will need to attach importance to and strengthen the construction engineering quality supervision work. Because construction engineering quality supervision work is a complex and systematic work, in the whole process of supervision, supervision of the main gatekeepers is engineering, their dedication is directly related to the degree of attention and responsibility for the work of project supervision. In addition, the construction project supervision in construction process are must be accomplished by scientific and rational supervision and management for the construction preparation stage, construction and completion acceptance stage in the process of quality control. Only both can do a good job in the construction project quality control to guarantee the final quality of construction project。个人收集整理,勿做商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络- 配套讲稿:
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- 论述 如何 做好 建设 施工 监理 工作 保障 工程质量
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