个人收集整理 勿做商业用途 2010届本科英语专业毕业论文要求与撰写规范 为进一步规范毕业论文格式,参照学校的毕业论文格式和外语论文格式,特制定本规范. 一、 毕业论文内容 题目 要求简明扼要,有概括性,通过标题概括说明毕业论文的主要内容。 摘要与关键词 摘要 摘要是毕业论文内容的简要陈述,是一篇具有独立性和完整性的短文。摘要应包括本论文的创造性成果及其理论与实际意义,并给予客观、具体、简要的描述。摘要中一般不使用公式、图表,不标注引用文献编号。避免将摘要写成目录式的内容介绍。 关键词 关键词是供检索用的主题词条.关键词一般列3~5个,按词条的外延层次排列(外延大的排在前面)。 论文正文 论文正文包括引言(或绪论、前言)、论文主体、结论。 英语专业:正文部分4000—6000英语单词 对外汉语专业:正文部分6000-8000汉字 引言(或绪论、前言) 引言(或绪论、前言)一般单独作为一章排写。应包括:本研究课题的学术背景及理论与实际意义;国内外文献综述;本研究课题的来源及本文主要研究内容(简要介绍论文框架)。 论文主体 论文主体是毕业论文的主要部分,应该内容充实,论据充分、可靠,论证有力,逻辑性强,结构合理,层次清楚,重点突出,文字简练、通顺,图文编排得当。 结论 毕业论文的结论单独作为最后一章排写。 结论是对整个论文主要成果的总结.在结论中应明确指出本研究内容的创造性成果或创新性理论(含新见解、新观点),对其应用前景和社会、经济价值等加以预测和评价,并指出今后进一步研究工作的展望与设想。 参考文献 文中出现的直接引用的参考文献.参考文献以近期的为主.参考文献数量要求: 书刊数量:20-30 (包括书籍、杂志、报纸、词典、网络) 其中: 英文书刊: 25% (对外汉语专业无此要求) 刊物: 50% 专著: 50% 近5年的书刊:15% 致谢 对导师和给予指导或协助完成毕业论文工作的组织和个人表示感谢。内容应简洁明了、实事求是. 附录 包括调查表、问卷、试卷样本、课文等。 二、毕业论文书写 基本要求 对外汉语专业的毕业论文用中文撰写。英语专业的毕业论文须用外文撰写。 除封面、评语、答辩记录及签名等内容必须手工填写外,毕业论文各部分文字、符号必须在计算机上输入、按本规范规定编排与打印。 章节及层次 论文正文原则上分章节撰写。各章标题要突出重点、简明扼要。字数一般在15字以内,不得使用标点符号。标题中尽量不采用英文缩写词. 论文层次以少为宜,根据实际需要选择,一般不超过三级.各章层次的编写格式要统一,若节下内容无需列条的,可直接列款、项,用到哪一层次视需要而定. 引用文献 文献资料应与文中引用一一对应。全部采用夹注形式。 文字编印与排版要求 页面要求 页面 论文需用A4纸(210 mm×x297 mm)印刷,上页边距为3cm,左、右、下页边距为25 cm。 页码 前置部分的目录用罗马数字编写页码,格式为“—i—”、“—ii—”、“-iii—”……等。正文第一页往后各部分用阿拉伯数字连续编写页码。格式为“—1—”、“—2-"、“-3—”……等,页码置于页脚,均用五号Times New Roman字体,居中放置. 正文字体和字号及段落 一级标题(各章题序及标题):加粗,小二号,段后空小二号1行;居中 二级标题(各节的题序及标题):加粗,四号,段前空小四号1行;段后不空行,顶格 三级标题(各条的题序及标题):加粗,小四号,段前空小四号1行;段后不空行,顶格 内容:英文用Times New Men, 中文用宋体,小四号,段前段后不空行,1。5倍行距,首行缩进2个汉字字符(英文4个字符)。 超过40个英文单词的直接引文要单独成段落,五号字体,段前段后空1行(小四号),空8个英文字符。 例句要标号(1)(2)等,全文例句连续标号, 标号顶格。英文五号字体,段前段后空1行(小四号), 参考文献 体文献条目每条另起行,顶格,跨行用悬挂缩进,字体用五号宋体. 参考文献先英文,后中文,按字母顺序编排. 连续出版物 主要责任者。 出版年份.文献题名[J].刊名,卷号(期号):起止页码。 专著 主要责任者. 出版年份.文献题名[M].出版地:出版者 会议论文集 主要责任者。 出版年份。文献题名[C]。主编.论文集名。出版地:出版者,起止页码. 毕业论文 主要责任者. 年份。文献题名[D]。保存地:保存单位。 报告 主要责任者. 出版年份。文献题名[R].报告地:报告会主办单位。 条例 颁布单位。 发布日期。条例名称 [Z]。出版地:出版社 译著 原著作者。 出版年份,译者,书名[M]。出版地:出版社 。 报纸文章 主要责任者.文献题名[N].报纸名,出版日期(版次). 电子文献 主要责任者.电子文献题名[文献类型/载体类型].电子文献的出版或可获得地址,引用日期 参考文献著录中的文献类别代码: 参考文献著录中的文献类别代码: 普通图书 会议录 汇编 报纸 期刊 毕业论文 报告 条例 专利 数据库 计算机程序 M C G N J D R Z P DB CP 非文字材料 电脑软件格式: 制作人姓名、软件名称(说明是电脑软件)、版本,年份。 Rosenberg, Victor, et al。 Pro-Cite。 Vers。1。4. (Computer software). IBM PCDOC 2。0, 256 KB, disk. 1987. 电影、电视、广播、幻灯、录像、艺术品格式: 片名(或节目名),导演(或制作者)姓名,出品地(或播出台和播出地), 年代, The Last Emperor (Film). Bertolucci, Berbardo (Director), With J。 Jone & P.O'Toole. Columbia, 1987。 If God Ever Listened: A Portrait of Alice Walker. Horizons (Radio program)。 Rosenthal, Jane (Producer). NPR. WBST, Municie. 03—03, 1984 《我的父亲母亲》(电影), 张艺谋(导演)。 北京, 1998。 封面及扉页 封面 毕业设计(论文)封面采用统一用纸,固定格式,内容手工填写。 英文扉页(见附件) 摘要及关键词 摘要文字之后隔一行顶格: 关键词:词;词;词;…;词 ↑ ↑ (小四号黑体)(关键词3~5个,小四号宋体字) Key Words:word;word;word;…;word ↑ ↑ (小四号Times New Roman加粗) (3~5个,小四号Times New Roman) 印刷与装订 印刷 单面印刷。 装订顺序 (1)封面 (2)扉页 (3)任务书 (4)致谢 (5)指导人评语 (6)评阅人评语 (7)答辩记录 (8)英文摘要 (9)中文摘要 (10)目录 (11)正文(包括引言、主体、结论) (12)参考文献 (13)附录 论文装订成本后必须切边。 电子版毕业论文 优秀毕业论文除按规定印刷论文外,在论文答辩完成后,还需提交毕业论文电子版交学院保存。 附件 可直接拷贝附件进行编排. 附件1:封面示例 附件2:扉页示例 附件3:任务书示例 附件4:致谢示例 附件5:指导人评语示例 附件6:评阅人评语示例 附件7:答辩记录示例 附件8:英、中文摘要示例 附件9:目录示例 附件10:正文部分示例 附件11:参考文献示例 附件12:夹注示例 湖 南 科 技 大 学 毕 业 设 计( 论 文 ) 题目 作者 学院 专业 学号 指导教师 二0一0 年 月 日 On the Function of Cooperative Principles in Translation A Thesis Submitted to School of Foreign Studies Hunan University of Science and Technology In Partial Fulfillment of The Requirements for The Degree of Bachelor of Arts By XXX (四号字) Under the Supervision of Prof。 /Associate Prof./ Lecturer XXX (选一) June, 2010 湖南科技大学 毕业设计(论文)任务书 外国语学院 院 英语一 系(教研室) 系(教研室)主任: (签名) 年 月 日 学生姓名: 学号: 专业: 1 设计(论文)题目及专题: 论如何提高高中生英语听力理解能力 2 学生设计(论文)时间:自 2009年 12 月15日开始至 2010年 6月20日止 3 设计(论文)所用资源和参考资料: 1)Ellis, R。 2005。 Understanding Second Language Acquisition [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press。 2) Grant, L。 & Gither。 2000。 Using computer- tagged linguistics features to describe L2 writing differences [J]。 Journal of Second Language Writing 9, 2 : 123—145。 3)Zamel. V。 1985。 Responding to Student writing [J]. TESOL Quarterly 19, 1: 79—101。 4)纪小凌,2006,外语教学研究中的定量分析 [M] .武汉: 话中科技大学出版社. 5)文秋芳、丁言人、王文宇,2002, 中国英语学习者产出性词汇发展研究 [J]。 外语教学与研究 (3):202—207。 4 设计(论文)应完成的主要内容: 在高中英语听力教学中存在很多弊病,导致学生在听力学习中存在着种种的障碍.本论文对高中生存在的听力理解的若干问题,从语速、语音,背景知识、心理障碍等方面进行详细分析,借助相关理论基础进行研究,并提出解决方案,旨在为教师们提供参考. 5 提交设计(论文)形式(设计说明与图纸或论文等)及要求: 1)要求学生认真、独立完成毕业论文的写作 2)要求按照学校规定的论文格式撰写论文 3)要求及时同指导老师进行沟通,按步骤完成论文的写作和答辩工作。 6 发题时间: 2009 年 12 月 27 日 指导教师: (签名) 学 生: (签名) Acknowledgments There are so many people whom I wish to extend my gratitude to during my composition of the thesis and the past four years of study in the university。 I would first express my appreciation to Prof. Xu Li—jie, my supervisor, whose guidance and insightful criticism have been greatly helpful in the writing of the thesis. I have been impressed and inspired by her patience and encouragement, without which this present study would not have been what it is. My thanks also go to the School of Foreign Studies, Hunan University of Science and Technology, where I had great opportunities to attend classes and improve myself in knowledge as well as my character formation. My gratitude will also extend to my classmates and friends who have helped me all along the past four years and who have given my good advice in my study。 Last but not the least, I’d like to express my thanks to my parents. Their love and concern for me gives me endless strength and courage on the way to graduation。 Abstract Listening, speaking, reading and writing are the four essential skills of language competence. The mastery of a language requires balanced development in these four areas。 However, in China, English listening ability has long been neglected. There remain many drawbacks in the English listening teaching in senior high school, which have formed barriers to students. Listening comprehension becomes students’ headache。 This thesis gives analysis to listening comprehension problems among senior high school students based on relevant theoretical foundations, including speech speed, phoneme, background knowledge, psychology and vocabulary barriers. Based on the analysis, constructive solutions to these barriers are put forward for teachers to refer and to adopt.个人收集整理,勿做商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途 Key Words: senior high school teaching; listening comprehension barriers; solutions 注:英文摘要用一般现在时撰写。 中文摘要 听说读写是语言的四项基本技能。要想掌握一门外语,需要这四种能力协调发展。但在我国,英语听力教学长期被忽视。在高中英语听力教学中存在很多弊病,导致学生在听力学习中存在着种种的障碍,听力理解成为很多学生的难题.本论文对高中生存在的听力理解的若干问题,从语速、语音,背景知识、心理障碍,以及词汇障碍等方面进行了详细分析,借助相关理论基础进行研究,在此基础上,针对每种情况提出了解决方案,旨在为教师们提供参考,使学生们能有效地提高听力理解水平. 关键词:高中英语教学;听力理解障碍; 解决方案 注:从致谢页到该页止,页码用小罗马字,五号,居中:-i—,-ii— Contents Acknowledgments ………………………………………………………………….。.……… i Abstract ………………………….……。.…………………………………………。… ii 中文摘要 ………。.。……………………………………。……………………。。……. iii Introduction …………………………………………………………………………..…… 1 1. Theories Relating to Listening Comprehension…。.…………………………………. 2 1.1 Importance of Listening Comprehension…………………………………………。。。 3 1.2 Essence of Listening Comprehension……………………………………………… 3 II。 Problems in English Comprehension with Senior High School Students…………… 4 2。1 Impediments in Speech Speed……………………………………………………… 5 2。2 Phoneme Barriers…………………………………………………………………… 5 2.3 Undesirable Listening Habits………………………………………………………。。 5 2.4 Background Knowledge Deficiency……………………………………………。。…. 6 2.5 Psychological Obstacles………………。.…………………………………………… 6 III。 Solutions of Helping Students Overcome Barriers………………………………。… 11 3。1 Reinforcement of Skills in Distinguishing Pronunciation…………………………。 11 3.1.1 Specialized Training in Distinguishing Pronunciation………………。。…。.… 11 3.1.2 Repetitive Imitating Pronunciation………………………………。………… 12 3.2 Subsidiary Background Knowledge Teaching ……………………………………。 12 Conclusion …………………………………………………………………………….。.。.。.. 13 Bibliography ……………。 ……………………….……………………………………。..。. 19 (Appendix)………………………………………………。。………………….。。。.。.。。。..。....。...。 20 *(用Tab键定空格) *正文至少为两章,首字母大写,标题全部用名词性词组 * Appendix 视需要而定 Introduction 和Conclusion 没有章节标号,本页也没有页码号 Introduction Although listening comprehension plays so importent a part in English study, however listening teaching has always been overlooked. In China, only when listening test came into College Entrance Examination did listening teaching began。 Prior to this time, English teaching focused on reading and writing skills, while listening classes remained insignificant。 Due to insufficient attention which had paid to this area, listening teaching suffered a lot of drawbacks。 Students became victim of poor listening education. This has to be changed in order to meet the need of international communication。 本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途文档为个人收集整理,来源于网络 The present study attempts to find some solutions to help teachers and students to improving the listening comprehension。 In order to achieve the aim, we need to, first of all, investigate the existing problems。 In other words, we need to find out the barriers that hinder students in their understanding what they are listening to and analyze the true nature of listening comprehension. Then we are able to offer helpful suggestions. …… …… The thesis consists of three chapters. After the Introduction, Chapter One gives a brief account of the role of listening ability in the English learning and the essence of listening. Chapter Two is a detailed analysis of the existing problems in listening to English of our senior high school students。 Chapter Three puts forward some solutions to the problems correspondingly。 Then we come to the last part, Conclusion。 (从该页起,页码用-1-, 五号,居中) Theories Relating to Listening Comprehension Listening comprehension is a kind of input process of a language. Before going to problems and solutions to listening comprehension education in senior high schools in China, importance and essence of listening comprehension are discussed first. 1.1 Importance of Listening Comprehension Researches performed in recent years proved listening comprehension more and more vital to English study。 According to statistics, every adult spends approximately 40 to 50 percent of their daytime listening, while 20 to 30 percent speaking, and 11 to 16 percent reading, finally, only 9 percent writing (Rivers, 2006). From this, we can see that listening is the most prominent ability when absorbing knowledge. Gary (2004) pointed out that listening had to come first in foreign—language teaching。 There are four advantages of listening: recognition, efficiency, emotion and practicality。 Merit in recognition refers to listening as a natural approach to absorb foreign language knowledge. And merit in efficiency means that focusing on improving listening study could effectively improve efficiency in foreign language study, because what students hear is the most natural, accurate and authentic language material. That means, students emphasize memorizing and storing correct language knowledge, rather than wasting time practicing oral English among students with limited speaking ability. Advantage in emotion also refers to psychological advantage。 To emphasize speaking more than listening would undoubtedly pose great potential psychological stress, because students have no idea whether the way they speak are accurate and authentic。 To the contrary, rank listening in the first place will reduce students’ pressure, so that students are more relaxed and give more practice opportunities to listening。 Lastly, the advantage in practicality. Language input has to come to first especially for those learners。 Listening comprehension give orientations structuring foreign language acquisition theory and foreign language pedagogical approaches。个人收集整理,勿做商业用途本文为互联网收集,请勿用作商业用途 1.2 Essence of Listening Comprehension What is the process of listening comprehension and what happened in the process? Mary Underwood (1990: 16) thinks it can be divided into three steps: The first stage: phonetic signal come into a sense pool(often known as memory pool) and forming meaningful units(words or phrases) according to listener’s own knowledge。 The second stage: processing information in a short time, our brain checks these words and phrases by comparing to long-term memory in order to retrieve the meaning of these words and phrases. Once brain finished the retrieving, words and phrases will be forgotten。 The third stage: once a listener understand the meaning of the sentence by hearing, he or she will store the meaning of the sentence to long-term memory. Listener seems to copied the information and stored on mind in a short form. These three processes are conducted in several seconds. However a foreign—language study student may not catch up with the speed, therefore, fail to give relative meaning on his or her mind。 According to the statement above, we can see that a successful listener has to make connections between sounds and meaning on mind and to correctly distinguish different sounds. Only when brain can tell the sounds and corresponding meaning can make a successful listening comprehension。 Otherwise, it can not perform smoothly。 And this requires listener to make strong connection between sounds on mind and the meaning of a word。 (1) Joey went to church to pray, and he told father that his father can not be here today。 There are two fathers in the sentence, one of them relates to godfather, and the other father means the real father. If a student fails to realize the particular father in the church, the student will co- 配套讲稿:
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