剑桥商务英语中级口语考试 (基本讲义) 剑桥商务英语中级考试辅导—口语部分 一、口语考试概述 (一)考试形式与流程 (二)测试范围 (三)评分标准 二、应试辅导 (一)问答对话 (二)小演讲 (三)互相讨论 三、备考指南 一、口语考试概述 (一)考试形式与流程 考试形式 口语测试由两位口语考官(一位提问官,一位评分官)对两位考生同时进行。提问官负责主持口试,还要求他给每位考生的成绩打总分,评分官负责对每一位考生的成绩进行分析评估。经提问官介绍以后,评分官就不再参与交流。口试为两人一组进行。然而,如果考点的考生人数为奇数,最后三位考生可以同时进行考试。P1w90。 考试流程: 第一部分考官对每个考生轮流提问,问一些一般性的问题,并不严格按照顺序进行。这部分测试约三分钟左右。这部分考查考生自我介绍的能力:提供有关自己的家庭、兴趣和工作的信息,并表达如同意、反对或喜好等意见。nkmgX。 第二部分是“小演讲”,共六分钟左右。在这一部分,考生可以选择一个题目,用大约一分钟的时间准备一段有发挥的演讲,每个考生讲完以后,就会请他们的同伴对他所讲的内容提一个问题。9si5I。 第三部分是考生间双向的谈话(三个考生则采取三向讨论的形式),考官给考生一个讨论题目,要求考生谈论大约3分钟,考官可以进行恰当的引导,然后再提一些与主题有关的问题。jX7bl。 (二)测试范围 BEC口试主要考查考生在商务交往过程中运用英文的能力。测试范围包括: 1. 建立和保持商务联络 (1)向人表示问候和对问候的回答; (2)自我介绍; (3)询问对方或介绍自己的身份特征; (4)表达自己喜欢什么、不喜欢什么; (5)发出邀请、接受和拒绝邀请; (6)表示感谢和欣赏; (7)给别人提供方便,接受和拒绝帮助。 2. 谈论工作 (1)询问和描述工作任务; (2)询问和介绍公司情况; (3)询问和简要介绍产品; (4)比较不同的产品及价格; (5)询问和提出自己的观点; (6)表示同意或反对; (7)提出、接受或拒绝建议; (8)表达需要和要求。 3. 制定计划和安排工作 (1)商务会议:安排会议日程与议程; (2)商务旅行:预定饭店房间、入住饭店和结账、点菜、进行旅行咨询、预定机票、乘火车旅行、根据指南行路等。sl3FA。 (三)评分标准 两位考官都给考生评分,评分官运用详细的评分标准给分,与考生谈话的考官参考评分标准给出总分,考生彼此之间互不影响。现将评分标准进一步描述如下:iba9O。 1. 语法和词汇 指的是对语法和词汇形式恰当运用的范围和准确性。BEC中级测试需要一定程度的语法和词汇量。这一水平的考生应该相当准确地使用足够的适当词汇来表达自己的意图。LYFN6。 2. 话语组织 指每位考生个人谈话是否连贯,长度是否合适,是否切题。话语应足以符合BEC中级水平的要求。 3. 发音 指考生发出让人能够理解的声音的能力。BEC中级水平要求考生通过恰当使用重读、节奏、语调和清楚的单个发音来表达意思。dOU0Z。 4. 互动式交流 指考生在谈话的过程中积极参与的能力。在BEC中级考试中,考生应该对轮流说话反应灵敏,并通过恰当地提问和回答使谈话能持续进行。EfZXL。 5. 综合成绩等级 指考生参加口试的总成绩。整个口语测试都在对考生的语言技巧进行评价。为了能公平、准确地对每位考生的成绩进行评分,必须让考官有足够的语言样本来评估。因此,考生必须准备充分地回答考官或其他考生的问题,说话清楚、让人听得见。考官有责任在必要时控制或指导交谈,以确保每位考生都有均等的机会说话,考生也有责任尽可能保持交谈的持续进行。考生均等地轮流谈话可以最有效地利用可以使用的时间。bGMdK。 二、应试辅导 (一)问答对话 本考试第一部分为问答对话。考官一般会让考生介绍个人信息,谈论目前的情况、过去的经历、将来的打算、表达意见、推测等。要求考生有问必答,考生根据自己的个人情况和知识对考官的提问做出及时得体的反应,给出机智合理的回答。MZCAq。 1. 应试技巧: (1)认真听题,如果不清楚某一问题一定要礼貌而巧妙地请主考官再重申一遍问题。常用句式有:I beg your pardon. I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch you, would you please say it again?2MTmR。 (2)回答要全面、得体、切题,不可仅用一两个单词来回答,同时要简洁干脆,三五句即可,不要太啰嗦,也不可谈论与话题无关的事情。1dSVh。 (3)回答问题时要面向考官而不是另一名考生。说话要大方、自信和清晰。 (4)在本部分考试中切记不要打断另一名考生的讲话。 2. 考试演示 (A为考官,B为一考生,C为另一考生) A: OK. Now let's get started. What's your name? Where are you from? aGOFg。 B: My name is Li Ming, and I'm from Shanghai. A: Thank you. And you? Where are you from? C: I'm Zheng Fang. I'm from Hangzhou. A: Thanks. Do you work or study here, Miss Zheng? C: I work as a sales clerk in a foreign company. A: What about you, Mr. Li? B: I'm a student. I study Biology. A: Do you like your major, Mr. Li? B: Yes, I'm very fond of Biology. A: Why? B: I find biology very interesting and very useful. It helps me understand life forms and nature better.03tGi。 A: How about you, Miss Zheng? C: I like my job very much. The Sales Department is very important in the company. I can learn a lot from my work, and my boss treats me very well.t9iFD。 A: Thank you. Now I'm going to ask you both some questions about office hours. How many hours do you study each day, Mr. Li?IetTD。 B: I study about 10 hours every day. A: What about you, Miss Zheng? How many hours do you work every day? VMbMk。 C: Eight hours. A: Do you think working overtime is a good thing for a company, Miss Zheng? kTlde。 C: No, I don't think so. A: Why not? C: Working overtime will cause complaints from employees and ruin their health in the long run. If the workers develop the habit of working overtime, their efficiency tends to be lower. And that means the company should pay more to them.zLeY7。 A: What do you think of it, Mr. Li? B: I don't think overtime work is a good thing. That makes the job very stressful and tiring. Of course, it's understandable to work overtime occasionally when it's really busy and necessary.Xyid3。 A: Mr. Li, do you think people in the future will work longer hours or shorter hours? tu5RW。 B: I think people will work shorter hours in the future.IupCX。 A: Why? B: With the help of computers, work efficiency will be much higher than before. Within the shorter hours, they can do the same even more work than what they can do now.zS7OR。 A: Do you think people will feel free to choose the work hours in the future, Miss Zheng? DoibT。 C: Yes, I suppose so. A: Why? C: Computers have made it possible for people to work at home. So they may choose to work part-time or full time, work in Small Office, Home Office.9KapF。 A: OK. That's all for the first part of the exam. Now let's move to the second...H8zOx。 3. 常考话题 (1)个人 Possible Questions Suggested Answers and Note What’s your registration number? My registration number is… What’s your name? How do you spell your name? How do you spell your family name / surname / last name? My name is… My given name is…, but my friends always call me…, my English name is …. You can call me…, if you like / wish. My nickname is … What do you consider as your major strength? self-motivated hard working and honest look for better ways of doing the work good interpersonal relationships What do you consider as your major weakness? I cannot leave a job half-done and usually find myself thinking of possible solutions to problems while I am driving to work or in the shower. I also know I spend too much time in my work. I can't get enough leisure time. 注:family name指姓;first name指“教名”、“名字”,不包括姓,放在姓前。如在Peter Smith中,Smith为姓,Peter为名字;在Kathleen Anne Stone中Anne Stone为姓,Kathleen为名字。但在Mary Anne Stone中,Mary Anne一起作为教名。lxJ38。 (2)家乡 Possible Questions Suggested Answers and Note Where are you from? I’m from china / Shandong province / Xi’an city. What’s your nationality I’m Chinese. Would you say it’s a good place to live in? (Why?) What is special about your hometown? Do you like living in…? Where would you like / rather live in…? (Why?) Do you think it would be better to live in…or…? (Why?) Weather Transportation Environment Housing Night life (exciting, dynamic) Local people Local government Job opportunities Atmosphere customs (3)家庭 Possible Questions Suggested Answers and Note Do you come from a large family or a small family? Extended family(大家庭,扩大的家庭) Nuclear family(小家庭,核心家庭) Can you get along well with your parents / sisters / brother? Can you tell me a bit about…in your family? Generation gap / be agree with / quarrel with Easing going / strict / tender / friendly Harmonious / unhappy family atmosphere. What do your parents do? / What do your parents do for living? Doctor / farmer / teacher / scientist / worker (4)工作或学习 Possible Questions Suggested Answers and Note Do you work or are you a student? Where do you work / study? I’m a student in Northwest University. I am a member of …company. What’s your major? / What do you study? My major is…/ I majored in…, and minored in…/ I’m of English major in foreign languages department in…university. What do you do in the company? What exactly do you do in the company? What are your job responsibilities? I'm the group accountant for HBC. At HBC, I work as an administrator for the international business development group. I deal with the systems administration for HBC. I'm responsible for the day-to-day accounting for the group. My responsibilities are responding to correspondence and receiving and answering phone calls. What are the advantages of your job? What do you like most about your job? (Why?) Can you tell me a little about your work, what you find most interesting about it? What kind of job would you like to do most? (Why?) What would your ideal job be? (Why?) Job Satisfaction / Job responsibility high promotion space feel comfortable in the workplace Interesting / challenging / easy / flexible Traveling opportunity / can meet many people Training (career development) Financial benefits / high salary work with nice people / learn from each other What are the disadvantages of your job? What are the things you don't like about your job? The disadvantages of my job are that I have to start early and finish late. The things I don't enjoy are the routine back-ups of all the data. What I don't like about my job is that I often have to work overtime. I don't like the 9 to 5 system. I hope I can work with the flextime system. You know the SOHO, Small Office, Home Office. What do you like most about your studies? (Why?) Can you tell me a little about your studies, and what you find most interesting about it. What is favorite subject? (Why?) It is very useful to my career development. Being interested in the major / courses Excellent / professional / friendly teachers study with fellow students / discussions Why do you study English / Japanese / besiness? Useful / interesting / job requirement I’m going to America / Japan next year. (5)业余爱好 Possible Questions Suggested Answers and Note Do you have much free time? Yes, I don’t have many courses / I only work 8 hours a day. No, I don’t have much free time, because so many wonderful courses are fixed. How do you spend your free / leisure time? What do you do in your free time? What’s your hobby? Do you like sports / watching films? Sports: tennis / badminton / golf / baseball / attend the gym / fitness center Chat online / surfing / reading / play video games Watch TV / Teleplay / films / Educational programs / Amusement programs Music: classical / light / pop / jazz / blues / folk Fine arts: Abstract painting / oil painting Recharge the battery: Attend training courses I watch TV a lot. My friends say I’m a couch potato. Yes, I’m crazy about playing basketball. When I am free, I try to get together with friends and go on outings. Once I get on the Internet, I find that time really passes very quickly. Why do you like…? Is there any particular reason why you enjoy…? I am fond of traveling. Traveling is a good way of learning and a good way of communicating with other people. When did you first take up / start… (Why did you start then?) I started playing badminton when I was a freshman. A friend of mine recommended it to me / I decided to lose weight at that time. (6)交通方式 Possible Topics & Questions Suggested Answers and Note How did you come here today? How did you travel to the test? bus / taxi / cab / private car / subway / tube underground / train / bike / on foot If you could travel by any form of transport you want, what would you choose? (Why?) Which form of transport would you like to travel by? bike / subway / airplane / boat / bus / train distance / time / safety / money How do you think you will travel to work in 15 years’ time? / 15 years from now? subway / underground It would be fast developing in 15 years time and will cover everywhere in Xi’an. It will be really convenient. (7)培训 Possible Topics & Questions Suggested Answers and Note Should companies offer training to staff? (Why? / Why not?) training: productivity / profit / motivation But: cost money, time, internal conflict (who should get the opportunity) What kind of training course have you ever taken? / Have you ever taken any training course? What do you think is most important when you choose a training course? (Why?) What do you usually expect from a training course? BEC online training course Computer skill training course English training Location / Transportation / Duration of course / Cost / Flexibility of trainer / Topics covered / Materials / Follow up advice (8)未来计划 Possible Topics & Questions Suggested Answers and Note What would you like to do after you finish your studies? (Why?) go abroad, look for a job, hunt for a job, study further, post graduate What are you doing now for the preparation of your future plan? knowledge preparation: attend training courses psychological preparation: be mature in mind to improve interpersonal skills to gather relative experiences What if you failed to find a job as a…? / pass the entrance examination for postgraduate students? I would keep on trying / find another job as… I would find a job first and try it again next year. No, it’s impossible, I’m quite confident. (9)团队合作 What kind of people do you most like working /studying with? (Why?) What do you think makes a good team? What is a good team? Do you think you work in a good team? (Why? / Why not?) Friendly / trustworthy / honest / cooperative Honest and have good interpersonal skills Cooperation and friendly atmosphere Mutual trust (10)出国 Possible Topics & Questions Suggested Answers and Note Would you like to work abroad? (Why? / Why not?) Is the opportunity to work in another country important to you? Yes: broaden one’s horizon, experience, dream Experience different culture and people To learn advanced technology To improve English / other language ability No: I’m not interested. I have a large family to look after. I don’t want to leave my parents and friends. difficulties: Language, unfamiliar environment Which country do you prefer to go to? (Why?) America: learn advanced technology / English People are more open / friendly. Singapore: beautiful / no language hamper / having friends there. What is important when choosing a country? distance / language / work requirement / level of consumption / personal preference What to consider before going abroad? What are some necessary steps for preparing a business trip overseas? language training / passport / visa / money change 其他话题: What do you think of some modern methods of payment (credit cards, cheques, bank transfers)?V5fXF。 What role does the computer play in modern business?MTt1G。 Which kind of office would you prefer to work in, cellular or an open-plan office?zFdz5。 What do you think of international trade? How to deal with customer enquires on the phone? Health and safety in the workplace (How to ensure a healthy working environment for employees? What are some health hazards in the office/factory shop? What safety measures should be adopted in the workplace?)F7ng2。 How to keep a balance between growth and environment protection?hzEzP。 What kind of role does advertising play in promoting your products / services? 4pjv8。 Which form of advertising is most effective in your opinion?iEuQr。 What are the required qualities of a modern manager?QYYAl。 What do you know about flexible time? (二)小演讲 本部分考试为小演讲。每个考生分别会得到一张带有三个不同题目的卡片,每个考生的题目都不相同。三个题目各有侧重点,其中一个题目适合商务经历有限的考生,一个题目适合略有商业经验的考生,还有一个题目适合比较熟悉商业某领域运作的考生。因此考生应当认真审题,以选择适合自己的那一个题目。考生选完题后准备一分钟,然后根据题目要求和所附有的两三点提示作一分钟的简短发言。每个考生做完发言之后另外一位考生要根据他刚才的发言对其提出一个问题。VQfAv。 这一部分所涉及的范围相当广泛,但大多数与商务有关,考生应注意商务运作中各环节具体操作的重要性及其原因,如公司员工参加培训班的重要性应当从哪些角度去分析、选择公司驻地应有哪些重要性等。aohjN。 1. 应试技巧: (1)充分利用准备时间,仔细审题,罗列自己的主要观点和论点。 (2)演讲结构要完整,引题,观点陈述和结尾要清晰,衔接自然,有逻辑性。 (3)论点论据要充分,将论点充分展开,不可一味的重复论点。 (4)如果想不到更多的论点,在一分钟之内能就一方面发挥拓展开来也可以得到理想成绩。因此,考生在这部分的观点论述不见得要面面俱到,只要能够清晰明了、有理有据地去表达即可。3Vc3y。 2. 考试演示 考题: A. What is important when...? Motivating staff • financial benefits • career development opportunities • • B. What is important when...? Sat- 配套讲稿:
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- 剑桥商务英语 中级 口语 考试 基本 讲义
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