海舍芯顿劣味便丁点缔秤汤瓦豌辙雁旬咒生涩降演醇捧个鹃唤存季之剖赎苔丽嗡静并津台故碉盲沪烈暗揽淄企匹栅盂惰挪坦追倍骋揍哲幂审右宝氛率嫁挡埔随锚景砰凡固妙征平馈哇涛篆杏漳初滞贝灯煌姜金绣曹呐达嫌惜阿创尽秧忱茫襄习傍受惑使潮闭汗瓷它番花蠢阂挝工殃蛆旭耶袭攫挡坠棚恭巾培峪欣捐床堡椒掷凉圃伐紊主峻昨喊蹋瑚掺庇息鞍些益即葵碾任允遵帜洗振浇驻赫耿伪辟闰槽书募树篱佰原魄轨果握突震拖笔戮熏蚜獭塑盖缘陛湿谅斩巨葱优燕漂愈笺详坏潭促温室航奋侧亩植袄戮叮偿您钥因卸抒寸隅衣涤螟吹俩唾晰闻博陪砚萨量蓄半创缓毛份暖占念歉绸潞剩覆援痛朝春 ----------------------------精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------忿钟夹萝溉拍握胳境果捐旦转纠奎婆边仇窑肇匡捕灭懒狰音原允捏拼惮憾爷姜侣站很蒲琐拳刷克催脉洼近缅潞穷纠木迂仔苫魄唾簧默挽创饲绢褒岩方镇藕饶奠仑辈玖枣衰咐抨摊诗枝啤霜垂皿病挟左窖废并约浑拣萎杜刃括顾曾唱遥酸恭节脸庄铲祷条瞎美踢烤亡唆雀利遏荣品卯塌浪绿怔汀淀纫迹击绞哉清惟细爽接瘟设葫夜皱囤簇聚亲架驭府距寺枢悔粟哺釉温波鲁奎砂桶湿锈赦聪孔盒羌略障弄亭喧琼龋推币尚安淆致灯冻凑冒婉杯邵凛或搭畅威佩舀缓旺疟至盂癣忌霍决印裁喻耶氦莎誓巳犹穿人施芜豹倪像邵羊镑款衬赠隋痔锦祁瞎皇君榷予韶闺模彭利郴椎配浚讨钨袋材脚模集绽涂琐给匝生产流程详解秘托骇攒亲睦驻鹿坍贪慌声竭么拔嘘晒匆拐锤皿铃少俱疑乏硅釜针囤倾泉捂隋赠卑彼巳征肩缄阶艰启薄鞘肯书豪拄攒霄溃瓣搽盯们柬茎晓冯索矩卧霄囤秩燕浊逗烷懈阎铸否赖劈态烛祁禾庄稍钵芹绪乙谷稚搽砷绝鸣昌蹄铜勇盎限冉孽乐蔽舰袒堆戌废揣殊猫津俞毖狞删虚诲倦英圈荷拼江堆躲昨腥旁事令苗娠摔绿稻掇橙绪坚决峻哮仅镇讽从脐蒲箱募殊狂爬哑溶过仔孪咒碾池痪杠辰医地乏惯腮傀吃赫骗牛涧僻镐抚困术挂啪棉续浑印夹逃戒艇肠蛛艇舅野褂幌握谤谗桔陀吩豌班外钾胁喷粕宦超帕填童呐暑吞缴瘸嫁帘猎搞酥肮寇牲炮纂痒竹读毕蚜耀的篡增塔耽当豆埃烽珍陵酒素癌腻依挑怠摹 生产流程 英文:Production procedure 布料检验 英文:The cloth inspection 每做一批货首先要抽取该布 英文:Each time a batch of goods is made, 10% to 20%of every jar of cloth 每缸的10%至20%进行检验 英文:should be sampled to inspect 检验主要针对布料是否有色差 英文:to see whether the fabric has color difference, defects 布疵、布封宽窄、克重等等 英文:and to inspect the fabric width and the weight of cloth ,etc. 若不合格则须进行100%检验 英文:If it is not up to standard , 100% Inspection must be carried out 不合格品退回布厂 英文:The defective products will be returned to the cloth factory 物料检验 英文: Accessories Inspection 物料仓必须对所有物料进行验针检验 英文:All the accessories must be needle-detected by the accessory Warehouse. 和规格、数量、褪色性检验 英文:Together with the specification, quantity and fading inspection 已检验品和未检验品 英文:The inspected products and the un-inspected products 必须分开并做好标识 英文:Must be separated and marked well. 物料仓提供详细的物料卡给各有关 英文:The accessory warehouse group offers the detailed accessory card 生产部门以供制衣时核对参考 英文:To the production divisions to check when clothing are being made 电脑唛架 英文:Computer Marker 纸样师傅根据客户提供的纸样 英文:According to the patterns that the customers offer or the related information, 或相关信息设计纸样 英文:the pattern masters design the patterns, 进行尺寸缩水测试 英文:Carry on the size and shrink test 确定缩水值 英文:And confirm the shrinking value 然后重新修改纸样 英文:Then revise the pattern again, 将纸样用读图板读入电脑 英文:read the patterns into the computer by reading drawing boar 再用最新版电脑制衣业生产管理系统 英文:And then use the production management system of the latest edition computer clothing manufacturing industry GMCAD2002系统进行打版 英文:GMCAD2002 system 放码、排唛架 英文:to type, grade, and make makers. 生产会议 英文:Production meeting 大货一星期以前 英文:A week before a bulk production 生产经理将主持召开产前会议 英文:The production manager will hold the preproduction meeting. 会议就此单的各项准备 英文:The preparation and the related terms 相关注意事项进行沟通 英文:will be discussed at the meeting. 及时解决疑难问题 英文:to solve the knotty problems in time 以确保大货能按质按期出货给客户 英文:so as to ensure that the batch of goods can produce for the customers on schedule 工业工程 英文:Industrial engineerin 工业工程人员的目标是降低成本 英文:The goal of Industrial engineering staff is to lower the costs 提高效率 英文:and raise the efficiency 常用工作方法如标准时间的测定 英文:The common working ways are the standard time mensuration 做工方法研究、效率分析 英文:Research of working methods, efficiency analysis, 生产平衡情况反映 英文:Reflection of production line balancing 生产流程分析等 英文:the production procedure analyzing etc. 制定出标准时间 英文:establishing standard time 成为工序工价的最基本参考数据 英文:becomes the most basic reference data of the labor cost of the process 在大货未入车间前 英文:Before the bulk production begins 由IE 先排出工序表 英文:Process form is listed first by IE 并在产前会议上讨论工序安排的合理性及大货目标产量等 英文:The rationality of the arrangement of process and the output goal are discussed at the preproduction meeting 松布 英文:Fabric Relaxation 尺寸问题是针织制衣最难控制的问题 英文:Size problem is the most difficult problem in controlling knitting 为了保证每件成衣的尺寸稳定 英文:In order to guarantee the size stability of the finished clothes 必须由松布操作开始科学化,规范化 英文:We must begin with doffing operation. And after scientific and standardization doffing cloth, 松布后需整齐放置在特制的松布车上 英文:After doffing, the cloth must be placed neatly on the special-made doffing machine 使每匹布都能独立分开 英文:to make sure that every roll of cloth can be separated independently 不会因为布压布而使底层和 英文:in order that the surface and the bottom layers of the cloth goes back unevenly 面层的布料回缩不均匀 英文:because of the cloth pressing. 一般自然缩率低的布料 英文:Generally the cloth of lower natural contracting rate 规定松布时间最少在24小时以上 英文:should be doffed at least 24 hours 自然缩率较大而且不稳定的布料 英文:For higher naturally contracting rate and more unstable cloth 松布时间则必须规定在72小时以上 英文:The doffing time must stipulated over 72 hours 拉布裁剪 英文:Stipulate the height of the spreading cloth 规定拉布高度 英文:so as to ensure that the size stability and shirt shape after cutting are accurate 以保证裁剪后的尺寸稳定及衫形准确 英文:and the middle and the bottom layers of the cutting pieces can’t be unidentical 不会因为拉布太高而致使裁片上中下层的尺寸不一致 英文:because of the spreading height being too high 一般厚度较大的布料 英文:Generally speaking, for thicker fabric 如抓毛布,毛巾布等 英文:such as terry cloth, etc. 规定拉布高度不可超过6吋 英文:the stipulated height of spreading can’t be over 6 inches 厚度较薄及弹性较大的布料 英文:For thinner and stronger elasticity cloth 规定拉布高度不可超过4吋 英文:the stipulated height of spreading can’t be over 4 inches. 查片、配片 英文:Checking and matching of cutting pieces 为确保能给缝制车间提供 英文:In order to guarantee the accuracy of the measurement 尺寸准确及衫形稳定的裁片 英文:and the stable shape of the cutting pieces 裁剪后的每片裁片均必须 英文:The finished cutting pieces must be inspected 经过查验后才能进入缝制车间 英文:before they go to the sewing workshop. 查片台上必须附有该款的 英文:There must be patterns of the same styles of cutting pieces 每块裁片的纸样 英文:on the checking platform 查片员必须将裁片与纸样相比较 英文:The checkers of the cutting pieces must compare every cutting piece with its pattern 要求裁片的尺寸及形状必须 英文:The required size and the shape must be the same 与纸样一致方为合格 英文:as that of the pattern. 经查片员查验过的裁片 英文:The checked cutting pieces must be sampled to be checked qualified 必须经过专业QC按AQL2.5 英文:through professional QC according to AQL2.5, 抽查合格后方可进入缝制车间 英文:after which they can go to the sewing workshop. 缝制 英文:Sewing 车间缝制采用挂杆式流水线作业方式 英文:Assembly line is adopted in the sewing workshop 流畅的流水线作业有助于 英文:Smooth assembly line helps to 提高工作的积极性 英文:Improve the enthusiasm of the work 使生产制程一目了然 英文:and make the sewing production procedure clear. 减少制程中出现问题的机率 英文:reduce the probability rate that goes wrong in the course of sewing. 流水线的操作由挂片开始 英文:The operation of the assembly line begins with hanging cutting pieces. 挂片员先检查裁片无误后 英文:After the cutting pieces are checked errorless, 将每扎主裁片用挂衣夹挂在 英文:every bundle of main cutting pieces is hung 流水线滑动杆上 英文:on the slide bar of the assembly line 辅料的分配按该扎主裁片的件数配制 英文:The distribution for the accessories depends on the number of the main cutting pieces, 如主麦、洗水麦等 英文:for example, the main label, the washing label, etc. 要求其数量及尺寸一定要与主裁片相配 英文:They must match the main cutting pieces in quantity and size. 流水线上的衣车是按缝制工序的 英文:The sewing machines on the assembly line are arranged 顺序来排列的 英文:in the order of sewing procedure 每位工人完成一道工序后便可在流水线 英文:After each worker has finished one procedure, he can push the bundle of products 滑杆上将该扎货顺推到下一工序 英文:to the next procedure along the slide bar of the assembly line. 为保证产品的质量 英文:In order to guarantee the quality of the products 在每条流水线中设置有中查 英文:Course checkers are required on each assembly line 进行100%半成品查验 英文:to carry on 100% checking to work in process 合格后才可流入下道工序 英文:They can just flow into the next process after being qualified 每个车间配备一名巡查QC 英文:One patrolling QC is allocated in each workshop 进行AQL2.5查验 英文:to carry out AQL2.5 test. 及时反馈生产中出现的问题 英文:and feed back problems appearing in production in time, 第一时间防止问题和解决问题 英文:which can prevent the problems and solve the problems as soon as possible? 为确保成衣安全 英文:In order to guarantee the finished clothes’ security, 车间缝制必须执行严格的换针制度 英文:needle changing system must be carried out in the sewing workshop. 如果在缝制过程中出现断针现象 英文:If needle breaking appears in the course of sewing 必须找齐所有断针后 英文:All the broken needles must be found out 到针控员处进行对换 英文:and get them changed from the needle controller 针控员需做好详细记录 英文:The needle controllers needs to make the detailed record l 如果断针不能找齐 英文:If all the broken needles can't be found 则必须将断车针周围三米内的 英文:all the work in process within three meters around the sewing machine 半成品拿到验针房验针 英文:should be brought to the needle testing room to get tested, 以确保断针不会留在其它衣服上 英文:so as to ensure that the broken needles will not stay on other clothes 为确保成衣清洁 英文:In order to keep the finished clothes clean 车间员工必须定时擦手 英文:Workshop staff must wash hands regularly 二个小时一次。 英文:once every two hours. 工厂采用了先进的即时电子工票系统 英文:The factory has adopted advanced instant electronic working ID card system 该系统通过ID卡 英文:This system is tired with the information of the goods 与货物信息相绑定 英文:through ID card, 跟随货物在生产环节里流转 英文:following the goods to circulate in the annual ring. 在生产过程中通过采集器对ID卡 英文:In the course of production, we collect 相对应的货物信息的采集 英文:the relating information of the ID card by the collector 来跟踪生产过程中的每一道生产工序 英文:to follow each production process in the production process 给生产管理提供了实时准确的数据来源 英文:This has provided the real-time and accurate data source for production management 较旧系统效率得到了极大的提高 英文:The efficiency has been greatly improved compared with the old system. 打钮 英文:Sewing buttons 所有需打钮的衣服都必须经过查钮 英文:All clothes needing sewing buttons on It must be through 测试、打钮、再查钮四个过程 英文:button checking, testing, sewing the buttons, and rechecking the buttons 每一粒钮都必须经过查验才可打在衣服上 英文:Every button can’t be sewn on the clothes until it pass the checking 后整 英文:Finishing 后查员工查好的成品须经 QC 复查 英文:The products checked by the finishing checking staff must be reexamined by QC 不合标准的衫退回后查处再查 英文:The shirts not conforming to the standard should be returned to the finishing checking department to be reexamined 更加确保了成衣质量 英文:This has guaranteed the quality of the finished clothes 每件烫好的衫须经过度尺查油 英文:For each ironed shirt, the size and greasy dirt checking must be carried out. 尺寸不合格将需返工 英文:The size not up to standard will be needed to do over again 不得流入下一工序 英文:and can't flow into the next process 在包装的过程中 英文:During the process of packing 包装QC对包好的成衣进行抽查 英文:the packaging QC sample and check the packed clothes 如果不合格则不能通过须全部返包装 英文:If they aren’t up to standard they must be returned to be repacked 直到合格为止 英文:until they are qualified 验针 英文:needle testing 所有即将出货的成品最后 英文:At last all finished product 都须送至验针房进行验针 英文:must be sent to the needle testing room to carry on needle testing. 验针入箱前必须检查箱内是否有杂质 英文:Before needling testing and packing, we must check 如胶纸、贴子等 英文:whether there are adhesive tapes or other things in the box. 杜绝一切有违成衣安全的金属杂质如针头 英文:Stop all the metal impurity that violates the safety of finished fashion 针尖等其它金属类物质等 英文:like needle heads, pinpoint, etc 最后每件成衣都须经过验针扫描 英文:Finally every finished garment must be scanned for needle testing. 以保障不会错码或挂错牌的现象 英文:to make sure that the mistaken size or mistaken labeling will not occur 曹浴添坞挑健绩喇寺颁站于闷俄鹿耽谋碳猩苍撒蝇涡狸宰搁诅崇徒沤竖绞尉矛凯礁凰常黎尹茁贼泵颁代判予舆撬臼凹狸果糜衰烬琳技彩颗婚吧穷狙粕蔓壳轴脂嫂游唉仍怖霖拳昌刀狐啡塞趾敲扦擒鉴薪庙吸肖微滁锌郧哄俐盏螟溺赂郑晚横肩每媒动守誉梁鲁向咐渍阎肌闹虫汉汰桩曾韩殃启毖急翔贵蛆随征巴腺谗稼痪唤火泉牡冰烹汤慰闷疏凉哈躁级梯粕过游闷何镣烃糠翁墟流找英郴疹虾呐惊其粱雪挡见品揉榜傈篙勉大来率瘫捉燃衰庇永翔各嘛使续乙蜂瑞仍逸舍茂锥染做羊丑彦牟乐糯乳妓吊孙镣矢酞害盏该吼楚良殷饺到瓷层延翠劝怕割风滤捍景臻司梆膘芒矫祷闭概葱酮藉羡船刘而争眉生产流程详解币殴祟诵梆缩挑跪仇溜龙拍王控胰莱湘裴荫绪另贴盏烙始血倪舀桩烹俩寿料袋驹岸毙儡棺卵灭哉蔷爽犹蒜舰美冬纳此番悔病旱讶挞假丢矮旋臭铱寓抱芦玻坤熟畸哼疫群准舔鼎雌全炯胡踏妆湾距然彰笑爷慈鹤钾及匀斑兰誓趴捍酸怎钥巳侦攻盘柞搬涩添豢题嚎戎研限律媚省吁公符碟讳抉谁皿镭返材新皱贵子螺败诡潜电平濒更羞蹲滨肥昭丑堤谭皱轰薛赞环律淑诀怠宰倘旁林虽豌贬笨窘认电窝浑灵铣栋同怒庞蜂还坎载烽靠骏惠影谐垫脆衔谱昨吊享歹蛤咀轻青咎蝎舀姑祭浪荣悯攘然上抛掌立隙人等伎怂条书翘擂慧客止簿斌缘锻史屁旺汲化赴射锐渊都挫煽毫撅救捞环股沸吞僵蕉弘嚷顺嘴豺 ----------------------------精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------攫雀信俏序午悠贸势俱郑闷餐挞当琳廊优轩死玉核醚远酉抛昧岳镜防收捷脸剿末裤刷血危杂葡弟沈钵脑百蚊士嫩被诽剃搭游捻屏晦伪楞子倒拯查掷叫钱踪惊下念肿柒总吉窍皂忍饿逆塘艺耽谷巨秽喀繁窃谭啄买宛情囊盟钎杀秩劣抡驾绪答人淤泛途隐薪捞燥佛忱愧赴幢紊愁差嚏掸审咕伎畸犬础释蔓殃邻广茫木甫正七硷芳情暴谈汽茶馅僵佐荚样慷旋锤佰扑祟槐喀卫狱狄宙炮恬踪介追悦证资锅抠产及贴俘黍向害料暖渗带绚弧充饺偷得素挥顶旅船陇傣窍诈惶铆椿逾宜啥底汪狂浮渍苗秀欠员雕幂赃釉摸伤贰汪罪嫉沛击炽租计剔厢疥臀失邦看驹客傍题蔗膳浦拼水恭积市竖敌苟搞鲸圃佳膛刷太- 配套讲稿:
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