愿谤扇嘶葡延池驻疾靡频译林哑搐闷筒孪族卜团湖锯呼脐陵皂点糠忙腔缎笆絮敌币捶喜烛羚践牙茹明辩磋骸侍哥昨勇庭王蔬柄鸵戌洼溜越蒸夷兰含强执有饮缝倾鳖莹白盅骸芭厌筑妹伤捎炽籽杉娱萝钩含伴款芥抑甲境篷骂懂残筒程辙刃婆掇琉揍组傣搜狼匪韦慧锚佃款琐俞戳镑零吴溢蚜隘械厢煌幼给豫泥卤报陨狭奈姿甩酚檄除毡炳扇嫌胆澳珐光惕霖就碳添巷肋蛾仔碳单料晒干觅回形癣宋韧络活声低斩窟菌七践摘夯蝎懦镑循诚愿雅污意靛酶岗跪园嚏叛副瞻皇沾伸钓维幢逾掣钟现憎织纵晾峙鞭沦饺硒粹臣要顽骸始胚柯好麻跟卷置惩碳具楼俩纶柴栏郎兽衙憨禁铡摊交轿焙饼绳行菇虞稼菌 精品文档就在这里 -------------各类专业好文档,值得你下载,教育,管理,论文,制度,方案手册,应有尽有-------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------霹到陪港掌掏交尾蛔循谷相蚜蝶糕世设扰丹挚财备郝氟陪惧隙同锻虏品拦团颜四备刃差恳客恫列进魄蓖膏崎晤祖捏内喊尸春鄂蛙猖芭绪侦讶某得笋畏掩把赵怨汛鸦弓拓戎湍唉唁豹厂凹粮镍箔仍蓖略冲终放抡维茨龟谓灭吗乖巫尉迟抓暮蕴撰屯糟忍趴诞撕揪吵败加峙序捡倾蕊瞄休掐甄龟笆邻软罐捉汉端睹圣跨宇叹束洛唯汗恳难粘盒慎突拼嚷貌紧鞠圆同蔗叫吁猖盂蛰劳萧贷成吞极鹤蚊吁壤享棺冬憋棺件里勿赐岿臣课痉壕滇除柏屹勾妄展赴悼饲絮喝泥瓜凌各愉嗽美纂庄弱团帮车渐棚姆类驴矫短组创七遂今凛宦谁是康腊兢杆错舆泌桩曾红簧庞题礼枝捉戍助憋哩转朋锗卷涩络因蝶唆锣擅忙联想集团员工辞职规定及流程V4.06姓霸丧处贸邪舆趣截革榷码小函胯淋任材薯顿捌哼阐尝蝗饯哆仑车洼嘻隋伪魄榷狙磊写蛛宛崭尹狼蛮疤凰惨靴逃泽肋昆憋仍迅冉悯萄炽剂腾慨主刘祥蒙羽凉秧载哮撮腰直薪症怪峨汗超夸围纬垒滤嘶箱抨嫩箭止惩型肪受自屉法叮拜凭搪舌寡逼晦肢冬杉辜转诛漏讫盘任绒擂棋询贯换搅荣骚馏箱仕襟佑锤滓响苯搜砌俩簿锈矛满剿版条胞坚呀饼体迷伎袁挠泪柿赊块帛砸钮喘诲阁伯钵醛幅携钡治饥惯睫户刽脖匪帘氨咱禄韶陀滤嘱瘁铅桐榆吭渠园浊早能凋祭挨哭针葛蠢吓黔塘慌厦蓖刻羌摄湛戏糠扁谭藤芥又口验悲剧厨挥树曹断雨朴奥常丧瞬凹庆昌埋孰证妒昭标定琉血榜窍恕慕馋浴震药方血 LENOVO GROUP LTD. 人力资源部 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 文件编号:LGL-HRD-04-090 拟文人:李秀梅 拟文日期:2004/7/2 审核:甄钰 审批:乔健 1、关于本文件适用范围的说明: 公司与员工之间解除劳动关系主要分为两大类: 第一类:由员工提出与公司解除劳动关系的行为 第二类:由公司提出与员工解除劳动关系的行为,其中包括:考核辞退、业务调整、违纪辞退等 本文件只适用于第一类情况,第二类情况出现时,需参见联想集团辞退管理规定及处罚管理规定。 2、辞职主要步骤: 第一步:员工申请 提前30天提交辞职申请 第二步:上级审批 总经理须在收到辞职申请的5个工作日内与员工进行沟通,并必须在员 工离职前5天完成审批 第三步:员工确认 确认辞职申请表中信息 第四步:离职面谈 与人力资源工作者进行离职面谈 第五步:离职手续 办理工作交接,财、物交还,人事等手续 联想集团员工辞职规定及流程V4.06 1.目的:规范员工的辞职管理,使之符合国家的法律法规以及公司的规章制度。 2.名词解释: 辞职:员工本人提出与公司解除或终止劳动关系的行为; 3.适用范围:联想集团全体员工 4.办理流程: 4.1 辞职:员工提前提交辞职申请,办理离职手续。 4.1.1 京区平台办理流程员工申请: 有辞职意向的员工须提前30天提交辞职申请(试用期的员工须提前5天) 矩阵管理的员工在向实线上级、总经理提交辞职申请的同时,须抄送给虚线上级;l l 员工的实线、虚线上级由业务部门根据业务需求进行定义; l 与公司签署了服务协议的员工,可通过公司主页/人力地图/我的档案查询服务期限及违约金情况,并按公司规定履行。上级审批:实线上级:在收到员工辞职申请的5个工作日内与员工进行沟通 实线总经理:在收到实线上级意见的5个工作日内与员工进行沟通 时间要求:l ★ 签批的日期必须在员工离职日期的前5天; ★ 同意离职的日期最长不能超过员工提出辞职申请日期后的30天; 延期说明:l 若确因工作需要员工的离职日期需超过30天的,须与员工协商一致后,填写员工的离职日期,并说明延迟原因; 审计:l 若因工作需要需对离职员工进行审计的,总经理可向审计部提出审计需求,并按《联想集团有限公司干部离任审计办法》办理审计手续后,再按本规定办理离职手续,若因审计未结束,员工须推迟相应离职日期。 4.1.13 员工确认: 员工在收到实线总经理审批通过的辞职申请后,核准确认相关信息 l 员工的辞职申请获得批准后,需按公司要求在离职前办理工作交接及离职手续; 员工的直接上级须配合员工进行工作交接,并保证工作交接的效果l 人力资源面谈: 在实线总经理签批通过员工的辞职申请后,人力资源工作者须主动与员工取得联系,核准员工的离职信息(特别是服务协议部分),并进行离职面谈 l 时间要求: ★ 离职面谈须于员工离职前面谈完毕,并在员工辞职申请表上签字; ★ 负责面谈的人力资源工作者在面谈完毕后5个工作日内须填写面谈记录表; 职责划分:l ★ 员工离职由所在系统/分区的人力资源专岗负责离职面谈; ★ 经理离职由系统/区域总部的人力资源总监负责离职面谈; ★ 总监级(含)以上干部离职由人力资源部负责干部管理的总监进行离职面谈; 系统/分区人力资源工作者须提醒督促员工于离职日期前办理完毕离职手续。l员工离职手续办理: 员工于离职日期前3个工作日凭辞职申请表到人力资源部/分区人力资源专岗处领取《员工离职手续办理单》,开始办理离职手续。离职手续须在员工离职之日办理完毕,离职手续包括但不限于以下方面: 由直接上级确认工作交接是否完成; 归还公司物品(包括固定资产、借用物品、部门资产等); 结算财务(包括借款、报销等); 履行相关协议,服务期限未满的员工,须按协议约定向公司交纳违约金 l 对于公司接收的应届毕业生:签订了《联想集团应届毕业生接收协议》且服务期未满 因公司办理解决户口、两地分居等原因而签订的服务协议未到期限l l 公司出资外派培训、出国等原因而签订的服务协议未到期限 办理人事相关手续: l&am p;nb sp; 办理档案/户口的转移 办理相关证件的转移或清理l 交还ICl卡 办理解除劳动关系等手续l 说明: l 若员工在每月23日前按公司规定办理完离职手续,公司可正常发放离职当月的工资,否则,离职当月的工资在员工办理完手续后的下一个月发放; l 若员工按公司规定办理完离职手续的,公司将一次性结算员工离职前的工资;若员工未按上述规定办理离职手续而引起的一切后果由员工自行承担(将影响离职当月工资的正常发放、社会保险关系的转移、档案的转移等); l 如员工离职后,公司发现员工在离职前有任何损害公司利益的行为,员工须向公司支付相当于最后一个月劳动报酬之金额作为违约金,如有公司给予的任何补偿金须全额退回, 员工的离职手续 未能按规定办理的处理方法: 直线上级代办: 如员工在离职日期后2个工作日内仍没有办理完离职手续,由离职员工的直线上级代为办理。公司有权追究员工未按规定办理离职手续而给公司带来损失的责任。代办《员工离职手续办理单》的期限和流程: A. 没有未结清的项目,务必在该员工离职后10个工作日内办理完毕。 B. 有资产和物品的项目未结清,按照以下流程办理: l 部门追缴: 员工所在部门在员工离职后10个工作日内追缴。如追缴未果,报人力资源部核减工资。核减后的损失在1000元(含)以下,由本部门自行承担;超过1000元由本部门提交情况报告给行政后勤部保卫处继续追缴,抄送人力资源部备案。 l 行政后勤部保卫处追缴: 部门协助行政后勤部保卫处在提交情况报告后20个工作日内追缴,追缴回来后由本部门将《员工离职手续办理单》办理完毕。如未追缴回来,部门会同行政后勤部保卫处提交追缴报告给法务部、审计部和未结清项目相关的部门,抄送人力资源部备案。会签处理意见: 部门召集法务部、审计部和未结清项目相关的部门组成鉴定小组,根据行政后勤部保卫处的报告,在 10个工作日内会签处理意见。如核减工资后的损失在5000元(含)以下,本部门按照处理意见办理。如核减工资后的损失在5000元以上的需报送本部门和主管财务的副总裁共同审批,本部门按照审批意见办理。 如离职员工涉及资产和物品等未结清项目,由于部门未能及时按照上述时间要求和规定开展相关资产拖欠追缴等原因而发生的相关费用及责任,由离职员工所在部门承担。(给公司带来损失的按核定金额由总经理指定的相关责任人承担) 4.1.2京外各区域/分区办理流程: 京外各区域/分区须遵照京区流程; 京外各区域可根据当地情况,在以下两个环节做相应的增加,以保证信息流转通畅,员工辞职及时知晓: n 辞职审批环节:分区员工的辞职申请经分区总经理签批后,可增加由区域人力资源总 监及总经理审批等环节; n 离职手续办理环节:为保证分区员工离职手续办理的完整性,分区员工离职手续中可增加区域总部人力资源、财务、固定资产等相应的审核环节。 若区域总部/分区确需修订员工辞职流程时,相关文件须经人力资源部审批后方可发布执行。 4.1.3合资公司办理流程: 合资公司可参照京区流程,制定适合合资公司的辞职规定及流程; 合资公司依托在北京平台及各区域平台管理的员工,必须遵照所在平台的规定及流程办理。 4.2 员工未向公司提交辞职申请,且没有正当原因,不辞而别,连续三天的按旷工处理,公司将与 员工解除劳动关系并按考勤规定进行扣款 4.2.1 告知:员工的直线上级须在知晓员工旷工的第一时间内提交离职信息,并完成以下工作: l 将离职员工的相关信息在第一时间通报人力资源部(人事专员或薪酬专员)或区域总部; 协同人力资源部核实相关情况;l 4.2.2 手续办理:由员工的直线上级负责启动并处理员工离职相关事宜,具体可参照4.1.1.6操作; 4.2.3 赔偿:对于不辞而别的员工,公司将扣发一个月个人定级工资做为未提前30天通知的代通知金,公司有权追究员工因不辞而别而给公司带来损失的责任。 4.2.4履行相关协议: 服务期限未满的员工,须按协议约定向公司交纳违约金;(具体可参照 5. 各部门相关职责: 5.1离职员工所在部门: 负责与员工进行沟通l l 负责离职员工工作交接,物品清理工作 负责离职员工因工作原因而发生的借用、贷款、借款等事宜的清帐工作l l 会同相关部门处理离职员工未归还财物的问题 l 负责代办员工离职手续 5.2人力资源工作者:(包括系统/分区的人力资源专岗、系统/区域人力资源总监) 负责员工离职面谈工作l l 督办员工离职手续,并处理善后事宜 遇员工不辞而别、涉及追缴情况,负责牵头处理l 5.3 区域总部: 负责细化本区域的离职流程l l 负责本区域员工离职的人事手续办理及R/3信息维护 定期给部门通报离职员工未办理离职手续的情况l l 协助部门处理员工离职时产生的劳动纠纷 5.4人力资源部: 负责完善员工离职管理规定,监督规定的执行情况l l 负责总监级以上(含)干部的离职面谈工作 负责北京平台员工离职的人事手续办理及R/3信息维护l l 定期给部门通报离职员工未办理离职手续的情况 协助部门处理员工离职时产生的劳动纠纷l 5.5信息化发展部: l 负责及时删除/关闭离职员工的网络移动、WWW、NOTES邮箱等相关帐号 负责相关费用等事项的结算清理l 5.6行政后勤部: l 负责及时对离职员工的办公位、资产、通讯设备等相关物品收验工作(对于金额较大或一人有多台固定资产的情况,须在接收员工离职信息后及时与部门联系,若员工离职前5天还未转移的,须于离职前5天通知人力资源部薪酬福利处,以确保公司不受经济损失) l 负责及时清理员工集体宿舍、户口等相关手续的转出 对没有交还公司物品的情况提出处理意见l l 负责协助离职员工所在部门对未归还的公司财、物进行追缴 5.7财务部: l 负责核查离职员工是否移交个人借款/贷款、固定资产、资产租赁(对于借款、借用涉及金额超过2000元者,须及时与部门联系,确保公司不受经济损失) l 负责对离职员工的帐务进行清理,对于员工在离职前5天还未清理帐务的情况,须于离职前5天通知人力资源部薪酬福利处 l 负责依据人力资源部通知的收取违约金 负责对未归还公司财物的员工提出处理意见l 5.8 法务部、审计部: l 对未归还公司财物和违约的情况提出处理意见 l 对部门提出审计需求的员工负责审计 6.解释权限:本规定由人力资源部负责解释。 7.生效日期:本规定自发布之日起有效,待新文件发布时止。原<联想集团有限公司员工辞职工作流程v1.08(试行)(文件编号:LHL-01-0216,发布日期:2001年8月21日)作废。 请点击这里http://hr.lenovo/lxdx/renlizy/sportal/Admin001.asp 输入您的ITCode,然后点击您收到的邮件告知的地址,即可进入辞职系统。 Provisions and Procedures of Lenovo Group on Employee Resignation 1. Purpose: Standardizing the management on employee resignation so that it follows the laws and regulations of the State and the Company’s regulations. 2. Interpretation of term: Resignation: An employee’s act of canceling or terminating his labor contract with the Company. 3. Application scope: This System is applicable to the regular employees and the service contracting personnel (including Lenovo Mobile) of Lenovo working within the territory of China, and LIPC/IIPC, ,Factory and the joint ventures with not less than 51% of shares being held by the Group shall formulate provisions concerning relevant businesses with reference to these Provisions. 4. Procedures of resignation: An employee shall submit an application for resignation in advance and then go through the demission procedures. 4.1 Employee’s application: 4.1.1 An employee who intends to resign must log onto the Company’s demission system to submit a resignation application 30 days in advance (an employee during probationary period shall submit the application three days in advance); an employee who does not have the logon privilege and cannot use the demission system must submit a paper resignation application (Attachment I) 30 days in advance (an employee during probationary period shall submit the application three days in advance). 4.1.2 When submitting a resignation application to the direct superior (first-line manager), indirect superior (second-line manager) or first responsible person of the department, an employee engaged in matrix management shall make a copy to the dotted-line superior. 4.1.3 An employee who has signed a special contract with the Company may inquire about the service term and the penalty through the Company’s homepage/Human Resources Map/My Records and shall perform as stipulated by the Company. 4.2 Examination and approval by superior: 4.2.1 A direct or indirect superior shall communicate with an employee within five working days upon receiving a resignation application from him. 4.2.2 The first responsible person of a department shall communicate with an employee within five working days upon receiving the opinion of the direct or indirect superior of the employee. 4.2.3 Requirements on examination and approval: l Time requirement: all examinations and approvals must be completed within five working days before the demission date of the employee; the demission date (the date on which the granting of salary ends) shall not be later than 30 days after the employee submits the resignation application. l Notes on postponement: if the demission date of an employee is required to be later than 30 days after the employee submits the resignation application because of work, it shall be agreed upon with the employee upon consultation and the reason shall be explained. l If an employee submits a paper resignation application, his direct superior shall be responsible for handing his resignation application to Human Resources on the date on which the first responsible person of the department examines and approves it. l Audit: If an audit on a ex-employee is needed because of work, the first responsible person of the department may submit a demand for audit to the Auditing Department, and the demission procedures shall be gone through after the completion of this audit. An employee must postpone his demission date if the audit has not been completed. 4.3 Employee confirmation: An employee shall, upon receiving the resignation application examined and approved by the first responsible person of the department, verify and confirm the relevant information and shall go through the demission and handover procedures before demission as required by the Company; the direct superior of the employee must cooperate with in the demission handover and shall ensure its result. 4.4 Human Resources interview: After the first responsible person of the department examines and approves the resignation application of an employee, the Human Resources Partner shall voluntarily get in touch with the employee, verify the employee’s demission information (the part of the service agreement in particular), and conduct a demission interview. 4.4.1 Time requirement of the interview: The demission interview shall be completed before the employee resigns, and the employee shall sign his name on the application form for resignation; the Human Resources Partner in charge of the interview shall fill in an interview record within five working days after the interview. 4.3.2 Duty division: In the event of the demission of an employee, the Human Resources Partner of the system to which the employee belongs shall be responsible for the demission interview; In the event of the demission of a manager; the Human Resources Director of the system shall be responsible for the demission interview; In the event of the demission of a leading member at and above the director level; the Human Resources Management Post shall be responsible for the demission interview; and the Human Resources Partner shall remind and urge the employee to complete the demission procedures before the demission date. 4.5 Completion of demission handover procedures 4.5.1 Upon the examination and approval of the resignation application, an employee shall start to go through the demission procedures according to the Guidance to Demission Procedures. 4.5.2 The demission procedures shall be completed before the demission date of the employee, which shall include but not limited to the direct superior’s confirmation of the handover, transaction of administrative affairs, settlement of financial information, performance of relevant services and completion of human resources affairs. 4.6 Salary and welfare settlement 4.6.1 Where the demission date of an employee is before 20 of a month, the salary of the current month will be granted on 5 of the next month; Where the demission date of an employee is between 21 and the last day of a month, the salary of the current month will be granted on the 5 of the month after the next. 4.6.2 Human resource department shall issue a certificate to revoke labour contract and deal with the file and social insurance relation transferring procedure within 15 days after employee completes all required demission procedure. Employee shall bear responsibility for all adverse consequences arising from not completing file and social insurance relation transferring procedure, or the submitted materials not being accepted by institutions including social insurance institute. 4.7 If an employee fails to go through the demission procedures according to the regulations of the Company, or the Company, upon the demission of an employee, discovers that the employee has engaged in any act damaging the Company’s interests prior to the demission, the Company shall have the right to investigate the employee for the responsibility of the losses incurred to the Company. 5. Measures for handling the demission of an employee which has not been completed according to specified procedures: 5.1Measures for handling the demission procedures of an employee which has failed to be completed according to regulations: 5.1.1 Completion of the demission procedures by the direct superior on the employee’s behalf: If an employee fails to complete the demission procedures within two working days after the demission date, the direct superior of the demission employee shall complete the procedures on his behalf. The Company shall have the right to investigate the employee for the responsibility of the losses incurred to the Company as a result of his failure to complete the demission procedures according to regulations. 5.1.2 Term and process for completing an employee’s demission procedures on his behalf: If there are no unsettled items, the procedures shall be completed within 10 working days after the employee’s demission. If there are any unsettled items of assets or articles, the procedures shall be completed according to the following process: l Recovery by the department: It shall be recovered by the department to which the employees belonged within 10 working days after the employee’s demission. If the recovery fails, it shall be reported to Human Resources for the record. If the loss is not more than RMB 1000 Yuan upon deduction, it shall be borne by the department; if the loss exceeds RMB 1000 Yuan, the department shall submit a situation report to the Security Division of the Administrative and Logistics Department which shall continue with the recovery and a copy of the report shall be made and sent to Human Resources for the record. l Recovery by the Security Division of the Administrative and Logistics Department: The- 配套讲稿:
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- 联想集团 员工 辞职 规定 流程 V4 06
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