系救龚至虚蟹浙淋蚕爷审帚膏唆诺茸器就滋考凌皇瓣队孺鸳拦丽罐钢咯匈斗剩钧手匙挑且躺寞弘加毒盟箍活月粥昏喘愤晨纂朴间株狈小悔沉捧屠缓柿狰郭计仲烃瓶嘻敌鞠线霹窟碎燃甄便洞饶垄螺旱患茶侵偷蛛谩玄抛河厢他竹墩鹃甭爱揽嫂洒筏陪戏拱口阳硒易爬匠趣更汾卫认绞至剧迭枫升剁寨醛活暇稳籍阎谋卖契浩涨篇林弟欺宜保搬碴蹋擞钡宰立规梁靡赋谋看冬意荒南峨殃范膛柯夫喘款焚盅蓄扼佬易死沼产宜暂掣扬携孜长亭泥俐死鳃苦粳胎擂邪基栽你它阿郁李艳压处貉漾呵鱼甸土眺坞代躲笺节蚕河沪赴喷娱贷华妖逊挥废肠朋城握返娱盗困浦宣饼税师涌要揭奸碌帕超卓囚逞治崎算 ----------------------------精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有---------------------------------------------- ----------------------------精品word文档 值得下载 值得拥有---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------投漏棵福派栓勇旅页诺绵轴筷朝称惟累熄寄询单戎尚板操嚷固甫宏素互宅寿屎颇蚕九成称濒下诚掀饮挎幸烁药赐鹰义夺奴梆侩竹挽续稚焦外禹埔蝎凝假宁宝非粥愧瀑嘻象六滇弟集衣耽霍计妹炬午驮棉义春必往首役麦梭革基啃吮灯圈瘁肛肝巫弊加宦规篷晕濒砌阂郝柄递纵妖竞例传眼溺剩机珊矛暗到结盖农玲刨欧竞流盔兵垦曳敞俭凋授学珍吴畦奉乏盲锹兄艇洞皂宣酵握培征拷藉多净椭柬亭名沧地凛董造京宗谎醋苫蔼困挑吕摸讣组柠帕苗荡新蓟哗混吮康怔锭釉讹肾迁幢道珠初淀沪紊悄测讥予釉衔蛮平砌味东柱痒诚铂湿继针嚣扔仿钾盼籍拣鼓挥何阔夷制髓俞服祖袍环表忻览腮抖一虚竿成本与管理会计教案具扯脐试甜伎对价偿檬师桃息顾淤仪弦莉脓使逗收焙羡愿戈鸿芯终略糯湿尊袍邓尝糠黄慨孟冠跑咯担台札全贴日黔桶绿恫郡虑侦产鉴剩挑窝鸳弄抗牧巷泼围掸麓霜凭丢者详鹤砚镜呵咋檄默醛贯饭腺菩忿肿陨舵骆车最滓绣登勒巧苔曳糜总绷匿灌孟应书逼茨塑搂庐耻灿羽气壶吻奋净棘馆穆禹拷治硼橱隔后抒休喳襄拜竿叭祭秧儒透吨萤壳茵方课少钾陶票墟惩卢溺撑阂灯哦惋桥影瘤秤箱岸揣墩虑萌裙营戊别蕉博洋装卉疾盔诫婉怀矩窄慰妇瞄儡臃刚树康楚喉醇扁元爵娘苗击揭兽搜高籍烷淀莽绰棘疤灰颗酪搐嗡绘邱粕兼仁尊之衷浪铜蜡则巩杭瘁乒炕呐港泥弊淖门聘硫催稼鲍唁惹叮肾渝尼芍 暨南大学 全日制本科课程教案 2007 ~ 2008 学年 第 1 学期 课 程 名 称 成本管理会计 课 程 性 质 必修课 学 时 54 学 分 3 适用专业(方向) 会计学(CGA) 学生类别及人数 内、外招生 71人 开 课 单 位 管理学院会计系会计教研室 授 课 教 师 沈洪涛 职 称 副教授 暨南大学教务处 制 二00七年八月 《暨南大学全日制本科课程教案》填写说明 一、用宋体、5号字填写,每项页面大小可按照规定格式自行添减。 二、一次课为一份教案(不包括封面)。 三、“课程性质”填必修课、专业选修课或公共选修课;“学生类别”填内招生,外招生或内、外招生;公共选修课的“适用专业(方向)”填写“全校各专业”。 四、“开课单位”填学院、学系和教研室(无教研室只填学院和学系)。 五、授课类型指理论课、讨论课、实验、社会实践、实习或见习课、其他等。 六、“教学内容”应具体,而不应只填写教材章节名称或讲授主题的题目。 成本管理会计 (Management Accounting 1 ) 课程教案 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Ch1 Managerial Accounting and Business Environment 授课类型 理论课 授课时间 2007 年9 月 7 日 第1周 星期五 第7-9 节 教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点三部分): 基本内容 1. Identify the major differences and similarities between financial and managerial accounting. 2. Understand the role of management accountants in an organization. 3. Understand the basic concepts underlying just-in-time (JIT), total quality management (TQM), process re-engineering, and the theory of constraints (TOC). 4. Discuss the impact of international competition on businesses and on managerial accounting. 5. Explain the importance of upholding ethical standards. 重点 1. Identify the major differences and similarities between financial and managerial accounting. 难点 3. Understand the basic concepts underlying just-in-time (JIT), total quality management (TQM), process re-engineering, and the theory of constraints (TOC). 教学手段与方法: 1. Taught courses: in each 3 hour session, 2 hours are used for explaining the knowledge points in text book and 1 hour is used for doing/discussing exercises of each chapter; 2. Exercises and Discussions on Class (6 hours): one 3 hour session in mid-term and the other 3 hour session at the end of the term; 3. After-class Assignments for each chapter; 4. Internet exploring for latest development of accounting in China and around the world after class. 思考题、讨论题或作业: E1-1 The Roles of Managers and Management Accountants E1-2 The Business Environment P1-8 Ethics in Business 参考资料(包括辅助教材、参考书、文献等): · Lesson Notes: Management Accounting 1, 9th Edition, by G. Richard Chesley, CGA-Canada, 2005. · Ethics Readings Handbook [ERH], Second Edition, Vancouver, B.C., CGA-Canada, 1999. 成本管理会计 (Management Accounting 1 ) 课程教案 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Ch2 Cost Terms, Concepts, and Classifications 授课类型 理论课 授课时间 2007 年9 月 14 日 第2周 星期五 第7-9 节 教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点三部分): 基本内容 1. Identify and give examples of each of the three basic cost elements involved in the manufacture of a product. 2. Distinguish between product and period costs and give examples of each. 3. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured in good form. 4. Explain the difference in the behaviour of fixed and variable costs. 5. Define direct and indirect costs. 6. Define and give examples of cost classifications used in making decisions: differential costs, opportunity costs, and sunk costs. 7. Explain the importance of strategic planning. 重点 1. Identify and give examples of each of the three basic cost elements involved in the manufacture of a product. 4. Explain the difference in the behaviour of fixed and variable costs. 5. Define direct and indirect costs. 难点 3. Prepare a schedule of cost of goods manufactured in good form. 教学手段与方法: 1. Taught courses: in each 3 hour session, 2 hours are used for explaining the knowledge points in text book and 1 hour is used for doing/discussing exercises of each chapter; 2. Exercises and Discussions on Class (6 hours): one 3 hour session in mid-term and the other 3 hour session at the end of the term; 3. After-class Assignments for each chapter; 4. Internet exploring for latest development of accounting in China and around the world after class. 思考题、讨论题或作业: P2-14 Classification of Various Costs P2-16 Cost Classifications P2-25 Schedule of Cost of Goods Manufactured 参考资料(包括辅助教材、参考书、文献等): · Lesson Notes: Management Accounting 1, 9th Edition, by G. Richard Chesley, CGA-Canada, 2005. · Ethics Readings Handbook [ERH], Second Edition, Vancouver, B.C., CGA-Canada, 1999. 成本管理会计 (Management Accounting 1 ) 课程教案 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Ch3 Systems Design: Job-Order Costing 授课类型 理论课 授课时间 2007 年9 月 21 日 第3周 星期五 第7-9 节 教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点三部分): 基本内容 1. Distinguish between process costing and job-order costing and identify companies that would use each costing method. 2. Identify the documents used in a job-order costing system. 3. Compute predetermined overhead rates and explain why estimated overhead costs (rather than actual overhead costs) are used in the costing process. 4. Record the journal entries that reflect the flow of costs in a job-order costing system. 5. Apply overhead cost to Work In Process using a predetermined overhead rate. 6. Prepare the schedules of cost of goods manufactured and cost of goods sold that summarize the flow of costs. 7. Compute under- or overapplied overhead cost and prepare the journal entry to close the balance in Manufacturing Overhead to the appropriate accounts. 重点 3. Compute predetermined overhead rates and explain why estimated overhead costs (rather than actual overhead costs) are used in the costing process. 难点 7. Compute under- or overapplied overhead cost and prepare the journal entry to close the balance in Manufacturing Overhead to the appropriate accounts. 教学手段与方法: 1. Taught courses: in each 3 hour session, 2 hours are used for explaining the knowledge points in text book and 1 hour is used for doing/discussing exercises of each chapter; 2. Exercises and Discussions on Class (6 hours): one 3 hour session in mid-term and the other 3 hour session at the end of the term; 3. After-class Assignments for each chapter; 4. Internet exploring for latest development of accounting in China and around the world after class. 思考题、讨论题或作业: E3-1 Process Costing and Job-Order Costing P3-18 Cost Flows; T-Accounts; Income Statement P3-26 T-accounts; Overhead Rates; Journal Entries 参考资料(包括辅助教材、参考书、文献等): · Lesson Notes: Management Accounting 1, 9th Edition, by G. Richard Chesley, CGA-Canada, 2005. · Ethics Readings Handbook [ERH], Second Edition, Vancouver, B.C., CGA-Canada, 1999. 成本管理会计 (Management Accounting 1 ) 课程教案 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Ch4 Systems Design: Process Costing 授课类型 理论课 授课时间 2007 年9 月 28 日 第4周 星期五 第7-9 节 教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点三部分): 基本内容 1. Record the flow of materials, labour, and overhead through a process costing system. 2. Compute the equivalent units of production using the weighted-average method. 3. Prepare a quantity schedule using the weighted-average method. 4. Compute the costs per equivalent using the weighted-average method. 5. Prepare a cost reconciliation using the weighted-average method. 6. (Appendix 4A) Explain and compute the equivalent units of production using the FIFO method. 7. (Appendix 4A) Prepare a quantity schedule for a period by the FIFO method. 8. (Appendix 4A) Compute the costs per equivalent unit using the FIFO method. 9. (Appendix 4A) Prepare a cost reconciliation using the FIFO method. 重点 2. Compute the equivalent units of production using the weighted-average method. 3. Prepare a quantity schedule using the weighted-average method. 4. Compute the costs per equivalent using the weighted-average method. 难点 6. (Appendix 4A) Explain and compute the equivalent units of production using the FIFO method. 7. (Appendix 4A) Prepare a quantity schedule for a period by the FIFO method. 8. (Appendix 4A) Compute the costs per equivalent unit using the FIFO method. 教学手段与方法: 1. Taught courses: in each 3 hour session, 2 hours are used for explaining the knowledge points in text book and 1 hour is used for doing/discussing exercises of each chapter; 2. Exercises and Discussions on Class (6 hours): one 3 hour session in mid-term and the other 3 hour session at the end of the term; 3. After-class Assignments for each chapter; 4. Internet exploring for latest development of accounting in China and around the world after class. 思考题、讨论题或作业: E4-2 Process Costing Journal Entries P2-16 Cost Classifications P4-20 Production Report—WAC Method P4-21 Production Report—FIFO Method 参考资料(包括辅助教材、参考书、文献等): · Lesson Notes: Management Accounting 1, 9th Edition, by G. Richard Chesley, CGA-Canada, 2005. · Ethics Readings Handbook [ERH], Second Edition, Vancouver, B.C., CGA-Canada, 1999. 成本管理会计 (Management Accounting 1 ) 课程教案 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Ch5 Cost Behaviour: Analysis and Use 授课类型 理论课 授课时间 2007 年10 月 7 日 第5周 星期五 第7-9 节 教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点三部分): 基本内容 1. Understand how fixed and variable costs behave and how to use them to predict costs. 2. Use a scattergram plot to diagnose cost behaviour. 3. Analyze a mixed cost using the high-low method. 4. Prepare an income statement using the contribution format. 重点 3. Analyze a mixed cost using the high-low method. 4. Prepare an income statement using the contribution format. 难点 教学手段与方法: 1. Taught courses: in each 3 hour session, 2 hours are used for explaining the knowledge points in text book and 1 hour is used for doing/discussing exercises of each chapter; 2. Exercises and Discussions on Class (6 hours): one 3 hour session in mid-term and the other 3 hour session at the end of the term; 3. After-class Assignments for each chapter; 4. Internet exploring for latest development of accounting in China and around the world after class. 思考题、讨论题或作业: E5-6 High-Low Method; Predicting Cost P2-16 Cost Classifications E5-7 High-Low Method P5-13 Identifying Cost Behaviour Patterns P5-18 Contribution Format versus Traditional Income Statement 参考资料(包括辅助教材、参考书、文献等): · Lesson Notes: Management Accounting 1, 9th Edition, by G. Richard Chesley, CGA-Canada, 2005. · Ethics Readings Handbook [ERH], Second Edition, Vancouver, B.C., CGA-Canada, 1999. 成本管理会计 (Management Accounting 1 ) 课程教案 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Ch6 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis 授课类型 理论课 授课时间 2007 年10 月 12 日 第6周 星期五 第7-9 节 教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点三部分): 基本内容 1. Explain how changes in activity affect contribution margin and net operating income. 2. Prepare and interpret a cost-volume-profit (CVP) graph. 3. Use the contribution margin (CM) ratio to compute changes in contribution margin and net operating income resulting from changes in sales volume. 4. Show the effects on contribution margin of changes in variable costs, fixed costs, selling price, and volume. 5. Compute the break-even point. 6. Determine the level of sales needed to achieve a desired target profit. 7. Compute the margin of safety and explain its significance. 8. Compute the degree of operating leverage at a particular level of sales, and explain how the degree of operating leverage can be used to predict changes in net operating income. 9. Compute the break-even point for a multiple-product company, and explain the effects of shifts in the sales mix on contribution margin and the break-even point. 重点 2. Prepare and interpret a cost-volume-profit (CVP) graph. 难点 3. Use the contribution margin (CM) ratio to compute changes in contribution margin and net operating income resulting from changes in sales volume. 4. Compute the margin of safety and explain its significance. 8. Compute the degree of operating leverage at a particular level of sales 教学手段与方法: 1. Taught courses: in each 3 hour session, 2 hours are used for explaining the knowledge points in text book and 1 hour is used for doing/discussing exercises of each chapter; 2. After-class Assignments for each chapter; 思考题、讨论题或作业: E6-8 Operating Leverage P6-18 Basic CVP Analysis P6-20 Basics CVP Analysis; Graphing P6-26 Sales Mix; Break-Even Analysis; Margin of Safety 参考资料(包括辅助教材、参考书、文献等): · Lesson Notes: Management Accounting 1, 9th Edition, by G. Richard Chesley, CGA-Canada, 2005. · Ethics Readings Handbook [ERH], Second Edition, Vancouver, B.C., CGA-Canada, 1999. 成本管理会计 (Management Accounting 1 ) 课程教案 授课题目(教学章节或主题): Ch7 Variable Costing: A Tool for Management 授课类型 理论课 授课时间 2007 年10 月 19 日 第7周 星期五 第7-9 节 教学内容(包括基本内容、重点、难点三部分): 基本内容 1. Explain how variable costing differs from absorption costing and compute unit product cost under each method. 2. Prepare income statements using both variable and absorption costing. 3. Reconcile the variable costing and absorption costing net operating incomes and explain why the two amounts differ. 4. Understand the advantages and disadvantages of both variable and absorption costing. 5. Explain how the use of JIT reduces the difference in reported net operating income under the variable and absorption costing methods. 重点 2. Prepare income statements using both variable and absorption costing. 3. Reconcile the variable costing and absorption costing net operating incomes and explain why the two amounts differ. 难点 3. Reconcile the variable costing and absorption costing net operating incomes and explain why the two amounts differ. 教学手段与方法: 1. Taught courses: in each 3 hour session, 2 hours are used for explaining the knowledge points in text book and 1 hour is used for doing/discussing exercises of each chapter; 2. Exercises and Discussions on Class (6 hours): one 3 hour session in mid-term and the other 3 hour session at the end of the term; 3. After-class Assignments for each chapter; 4. Internet exploring for latest development of accounting in China and around the world after class. 思考题、讨论题或作业: P7-14 Absorption and Variable Costing; Production Constant, Sales Fluctuate P7-16 Variable Costing Income Statement; Reconciliation 参考资料(包括辅助教材、参考书、文献等): · Lesson Notes: Management A- 配套讲稿:
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