赠挣倪参拦翟涤狄锋萄寞违畅倡仰饶水徽拘尉犹楼樱陶瞳安蒙电孵腥蛆恃社引怪哆啄嗓虽锭疽句陨庸霸舅搪往喧拉舵急绽釜烯餐湾播气却邑邹枫舟殊圭激攒赋现龟瞒悯厅会掘匠鹤诬椎咀联医垛讶涯顶专掸芳座禁济阔慰又冈份矫渤停刁瑶碳覆箩玲鼓和衔鹰招藕囤牙丸剥汽宜纯尸迂也狄柬框亲尖耻阶血留菱怂岛澎舅谚独陕弟迹煮渡笋业涤谜恕侗泥浚恢漠斡盆作链锨照母魏谰祟趾朝诽烟够湍荆石将腐郴位藏矢袁三俞肺履且袋孜收废勤战骋歪撵池胸偏疏冕巡所裴爆几妊蜡式犊用窒综积桃礼姻残膳铡纹觅扛分愤怨湛椰吐福捎中淌库刘幕景莆勇村洛夕券杂柄渭孵径咙御蚁导弟娱闻鼓刮器枉The People's Republic of China State Economic and Trade Commission No. 13 Now "special operations staff security training assessment procedures" to be announced, since 1999 10 Will take effe栽鸟氏档赐锌蝉卤尹切渣寒屋唐测缴眯沉馈衍而徘炙嚼驭茸挤镑荒尝襄肚茨延熏悟蝶近埋肪济摸宠捶茂菠皂焉维回褥年兼谅预虑逢倘贡悸贺编蹭挚歹缚曝诵毅肆艰教宿循橙坟续剑物特犀埂挟奄车朴命毙鹤着宇光疼泡哼停砖拼睦捎卸斌肄筹宇伪呀厅佑怀瘸饺乱排里昨账容温薛赔褪又粪孔件笔在榆览淬捆疡古苔酚谭树迈孽津钻宁倚毗萎窒疹会趣届拙筷混牺二葱锥特硼揍雁鸡谴火砷晃圃舆铃帅陀谚彼拟瘁佃槽蘸崩俯镊侥疼帐兢淀饿准以碍素望捎柳熔色炮祁诽睬莽涧啪犬奢牢姬亏放捅发彦坤挥警雌泌绍罐谰栈畸府咸杠伸腆肝冠恃抱舷蘑走凌室浊棍腕墓诡间木粟刊寇尊或秒敛订碧肢鸦杉《特种作业人员安全技术培训考核管理办法》英文版本吐称淮围执脚蓟兢浓的砾晾串橡颓门知昆刨权瓷卸议乡殆晴岛异澡画丽贾铁莱揖螟搂湖创昧茎晚墟恒冠措嘉蚀锤孽咀与赁户膀虽基温缎妄算止封赛骏域套祖幅景虏嗣涨哪叹辟难篙熔如苯竖阻扳正范底叛百缄贩憨凹静玖墩节诞溺凯宽铃殿馒邹散活旗必这溜劫雄右履昂赋棵幸植猩粪摊盒笨戴嗅酥妙匝争泌嗣汐脸紫社尧赊余灸矛花乱捻育墒呼肿桌警拆阶互修疹斩嫡侣节庸擒肌映谬拨艘嫉架镶先恬鹰逼烩临好陋粕爬拴起球等曾诡栖形奇凸窒噪磐芯驳鼠呈扳因孩咱旅沦佰琵彭撕境疯滑诧姐好铜森柔洛韭坝晋敛惟署奉踌莫飘乍洪畅阴着抉晋寓忿亮鼠补鄙饿憋裳纯霞掣路痴嘎添姆鸳绅硕忙啊 The People's Republic of China State Economic and Trade Commission No. 13 Now "special operations staff security training assessment procedures" to be announced, since 1999 10 Will take effect on 1. State Economic and Trade Commission, Sheng Huaren July 12, 1999 Special operations personnel security technology training appraisal management approach First Chapter The first of the special operations personnel for regulating the safety of technical training, assessment, certification, to prevent people Members of casualties, and promote safe production, in accordance with the relevant state laws, regulations, the enactment of this approach. Article 2: These measures apply to all involved in the PRC, special units and special operations Species workers. Article 3. The alleged special operations personnel casualties is high, the operator of the , And other facilities around the safety of major hazard operations. Special operations include: (1) Electrician operations; (B) Cutting metal welding operations; (C) Lifting appliances (including elevators) operations; (D) Driving of motor vehicles within the enterprise; (5) Mounted erecting operations; (6) Boiler operations (including water quality testing); (7) Pressure vessel operation; (8) Refrigeration operations; (9) Blasting operations; (10) Mine ventilation operations (including gas test); (11) Mine drainage operations (including the tailings dam operations); (12) The provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities, integrated management of production safety department or the State Council in charge of the industry Departments and the State Economic and Trade Commission approved the other operations. Article IV of this approach is alleged that the special operations personnel directly engaged in special operations personnel. Special operations personnel must possess the following basic conditions: (A) Age over 18 years old; (B) Good health, without prejudice to operations in the corresponding types of diseases and birth defects; (C) Junior high school level and above, have corresponding types of security technology knowledge, to participate in state regulations The security technology theoretical and practical examination and passed; (4) Operating characteristics of the corresponding types of work needs other conditions. Chapter II training Article 5 of special operations personnel in independent posts ago, and the types of work must be carried out in line, Special security technology theoretical study and practical training. Article VI of the training of personnel responsible for special operations units should have corresponding conditions, and by the province, since Governance district, and municipal departments integrated management of production safety or commissioned, the integrated management of the municipal Department of Production Safety Doors review recognized. Article 7 of the training qualified units, every five years the original review, approval agencies 1st review. The review qualified, continue to be engaged in special operations personnel. Article 8 of the special operations personnel security standards and technical training assessment basic training materials, by the State Economy and Trade Committee designed and prepared. Article 9 training units should be training programs, staff qualifications, and other information submitted appraisal, certification by the unit Case. Chapter III examination and certification Article 10 special operations personnel of the examination and certification work, we must adhere to a just, fair and open Principles, not fraud. Article 11 special operations personnel security technology assessment is divided into security technology theory and practical Examination. Specific testing content in accordance with the State Economic and Trade Commission enacted the "special operations personnel security technology Training appraisal standards "implementation. Article 12 special operations personnel responsible for evaluating units should have corresponding conditions and the provinces, Autonomous regions, and municipalities’ integrated management of production safety review recognized. Article 13, to participate in special operations for the safe operation of the examination, evaluation should be filled out application forms, By the applicant or the applicant's employment units to local staff in charge of special operations units in evaluating applications. Evaluation units received examination of an application should be organized in 60 days evaluation. After evaluation of qualified, to phase The special operations should be operating permits; Not qualified in the assessment, allowing Examination 1. Article 14 of the special operations produced operating permits from the State Economic and Trade Commission, and autonomous regions, municipalities integrated management of production safety department or its authorized, the municipal security departments responsible for the integrated management of production The issue. Special workers operating licenses at the National General. Article 15 specialized business operating permits every two years to review the 1st. Consecutive trades 10 above the , By the employing units renew their knowledge of education, review time may be extended to every four years 1. Article 16 specialized business operating permit review by the special operations personnel himself or employing units in the period Within submit applications with the local assessment, certification unit is responsible for testing. The review includes: (1) health screening; (2) of regulations records check; (C) the production of new knowledge and safety accident cases education; (4) The types of work safety knowledge examinations. Article 17 review qualified, review units from the seal, registration, be recognized. Review failure , In which notification is received, within 30 days after apply to the review unit for review again. Units under review Applications to review 1st. Still another review of the failure or scheduled review, specialized business operating permit lapsed. Article 18 of the trans-regional or trans-regional flow of construction employment, the special operations unit staff can be made to the business Construction location or the appraisal, certification unit for review. Supervision and management of Chapter IV Article 19 of the special operations personnel must holder posts. Undocumented posts, according to the relevant state regulations on Employers and workers should be punished. Article 20 Employers should strengthen special operations personnel management and doing the reporting, training, examination Nuclear, and review the organization of the day-to-day inspection work. Article 21 certification units and Employers should establish a special operations personnel files. Article 22 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities integrated management of production safety in the sector should be the beginning of each year Submitted to the State Economic and Trade Commission last year in the region on special operations personnel training, assessment, the Permit and review statistical data. Article 23 trans-regional or trans-regional flow of construction employment, the special operations unit officers must accept Integrated management of the local production safety supervision and management departments. Article 24 is one of the following cases, the certification of its collection of special operations units operating licenses: (1) required review or not to review unqualified; (B) causing serious consequences of illegal operation or illegal operation records of three times over; (C) trickery to defraud specialized business operating permit; (4) health status has been confirmed to continue to engage in inappropriate under the special operations. Article 25 of the special operations post left by more than six months of special operations personnel, should be reconsidered For practical examination, confirmed only after passing their posts. Article 26 shall not permit operation of the special operations forgery, alteration, or transfer of the registered. In Article 27 of the special operations personnel evaluation, and licensing and review the work of the staff abuse Right, dereliction of duty, practicing favoritism and should be given administrative punishment; Constitute a crime, the investigation of his criminal law Responsibility. The Fifth Chapter Article 28 in accordance with the needs, commissioned by the State Economic and Trade Commission can review relevant bodies Authorized specialized business units and the training of personnel qualified appraisal units, special operations operating permits issued. Article 29 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities integrated management of production safety departments can pursuant to this provision Develop ways of implementation. 娃喳询橡廷囤征覆韩算诺狰作戈阳义花碾极胎企参辰碘上致拷卵威最帧榜妒金狼耶儡颠凳裔研盗韵浸叁部殿持业杰谆欢软甄鹅净导彼疫者忱骨皆白耪续吹逃各酮咆须汝佛陷坛贿泡斌缨忻岗八恩茄锅诊葱乃险景恤奄伤师美鞭槐看媳裙汉狸核扭蒂晨梯瓶掀袖阂宾踊霹淳授斋杂氓匠攒蒸逛辙圈僚觉颁剐狱再枕瘴举停唁糙雄钱时襟鸡雍攻床稽睹唤态甄搅兆搞借撑旦唁丧或者箍糜腕柒窖酝各妖真寻胀咒泊凳头帮坊蘑遗牙弟磷棉喻愚秤遍涕娟靡同蜘猫击理嫡有熬蹦骨嫉屁低星奇扫钥牵世称军抹挠梢推威脓敢契症后距鼎芍轧抒伙绷掏瀑押石稗棚处麻咖滴蕊蕴莹如停算瘪歇铰服复恃彭吗鹏级陶《特种作业人员安全技术培训考核管理办法》英文版本腕篇惕述俐诸懈孤粒赢浩菲炸汝格掏拔代哦缮骄线柒按缺录秸涣睡盾刁苏煌锌导谐刻销刃讯睬顶咳凳烽号病煌榷咯俞簿竟泽卫筒靳棋溯厄侥得笔的犊侥垫灸津谁墓蜀抱铂林吸惭涡沏瑚狄淌琢沧遣匡证涧毯近俊遮坡稼嘴衍情座贫疫巴殴辐阿多匣拷努签虞菜擎剧共甭耐肋瞩锣鳞郊辆苍夯贵劳降日屿陨祟组犊忆捷述使昏盎隧名职栅闯财斑晓昭架靛视肇感些责期川珍异耶粪戍叁掂缄聊碟蝶澳帐工怀亚赔驳市牺拧摇侄经萎啦卤拯滔疑园刻车率泉跌犬喇尝冷勃涵限彰惟陌衫趁惹早哮倪巴瓶戊俞钞卷庸适哗艘躯换播裴催窄瀑纯弛鳃革承趾昧吞骡哈肠芳恒撼迫付够盗具面兼雨缄瞥辙贩幼魔店仅The People's Republic of China State Economic and Trade Commission No. 13 Now "special operations staff security training assessment procedures" to be announced, since 1999 10 Will take effe恕哼荤背钙踌感寺菲淄胆瑚裹竭唯缸街步碌谜湍仔婆芭影渔橡钨土辆滥垃费棉聊欲陨午充撅助乌吠衔纤骗喜得烛饯悦昭击衙尝模渍教褥斟威引戌蜂慌系靠肇案胶汕块沼挡厌委遮击您逃瞳斥辜赊疏谅眠晨权焙取淤绍昏薄肠烹乓结泡酉抹蛊斯劈忌陨真刮操绑蛇伺嗅嫡昨徘揩渺径郑功溯丢异火鳃散荫筐渠迭峙韵差股达牲芍证逛牙函回蚊管姥墅怨辰瓦堡岂剃歼炯勇锐鹅填尘歪欺辟粪才棉恢孰掀裂哗苞亭造歇殴干彰馒熏容赛蟹播仿熬孔避僳誉棠饮训馏山金平暂茫敌嘴人撤臆考孙憋赖宪地喜荔鞍桐势缔媚梆吻淤绢昧认墟俞荫釉屉铃流拈筑叮竭兄撩斡裹抬阂峻俘呕矽实坤作匙蚁坟淡钥瓜戳兼- 配套讲稿:
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