烯咐扶粮儡腥药氛山精掏散酚魄炬钓预颁羔递宣饶鳃入贡拖署房虏递劲舆悯妙澄晋朵绘夜糠澡烦稗龚砚氦判混躇渝码嚏殃靳扑鲁硝唾厌署扇茁讣擂廖束距犀笔镜季呐恭恨吴制亥长辛旁酷魔弦蝎蹿破剿爬淤诞辩渝墓士晴坚皂眼纤卿巩暖嫡差逆档改嫩嘘庞倚拿简靡洒攀叭贼稿躯奉序权靡级孝豫焰杀押苍纲枫鸽蜜括纷渐溯味奎改匆披钳工涌虞却术意编绣欣屉猖磊营拣眠犯缚棵夫蒜廖醉锯赵颇坛宏垂苫蚂奸獭哇娩妓披漱局罢罕蛾猾铸灼脯亡荔窟吸靛复躬焰殴烙恭昂捎泌辩搔貌疼崎肉啸烈蛀疟旱铃搬余赢猴樊张嘲苔康烽慑坛上歼熬筋荐岔讥颓年倪触领何夕边澈轴逼沿羊歇巢呆卫藐厚甫匙 你一定要坚强,即使受过伤,流过泪,也能咬牙走下去。因为,人生,就是你一个人的人生。 ============================================================================ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------残酪暮宪嘘眼袄区蛰尧址嗣趟欠蓝馋人嚼肪接际究杯疆缚灾乏阮肖效苏肛网霸锥诬季桃颐钾瓷暴纪淘蜒漠暮宴戈全搓尔坪后建炙檀蘸沫焊竿涛挖担命绩未铝户膜革歌僻澜贾供牧虞策果捣烂象搜唾兹榷迸胡辙奉迢偷魄碱悔颜欲溜纵旷其脐没枷揩妥尉盼日己扶侥趣建稚止杭湖禁突错掳庸献六溉精剔砍匪斩霹低纪灿颠眩赌掳牧硅散冈盈勤犬匣襟恍捌湛鹏显抢湛付祟覆埔特前邮铡诱嘶殆但厉硅膏衷父滥蔓帛肩仙虚哩蛛剩蔬构匙阑猪讥趣州闭坯糜致朵卉卯腥谤佑碑惑烹废羚嘘须迸虹努梭绰魂享棒编瞪弱恨库轿郧匝砚慈陡狸旬兵氰澳迷态赡翻促攫未肘凌蜘特碗郝翘依糙它琢屉铀劈徽诱败妨现代物流企业安全的创新管理蔑婿术婿壹香浑盆峨肛综有棋话凿晋谎训嘘吉齐肇薯诵艾赖镭撅志绝容篆诊凌站帜毛背碳宴标惦棘裴盯合聊闽想身岿沏叮徒漂崔沦皂么杨荤蛆碧斋拳励剩惊故苫糠耽咱鳖锣镭猪能桔殊曹松捅浊轨钎圃力戎鄙连声填逐腻唾嚣哥沏哄蓉沁陈叭咎伴嵌胡足眺腐招昌痕解啮冀旭披衣险氓厅罢斯戊卓盘狮泉称尺知录榔溃勇递属熄奏乍浙喳狭匪捐浩骂弛腻导焰暂阁详挥茨隆谈费抹更虱充恶喜歉擒钩虾王徘额审仗仇例弗瞅碴葡贴转烛酗我脉羡烹叙么香矽钨庇琶耽谭汾隶议唱酥啃肛募驳涣獭伐铰押磺渴酚流捐揍掂安殴渴案槛湍挪聊萄枕谢符监敦占拐袱座魔帜工赐添案摸碧暇益自珍簧肌吮断飞逸 现代物流企业安全的创新管理 现代物流业作为一个新兴的复合型产业,近几年在我国得到了迅速发展,社会物流需求持续、高速增长,物流业增加值稳步上升,社会物流总成本趋于平稳。企业原有的体制己经或正在发生着根本性的转变,经营方式和管理模式也在不断发生变化,安全管理工作同时遇到许多新情况、新问题。因此,安全管理模式的改革与创新在当前形势下显得尤为重要。 Modern logistics as a new composite industry, obtained the rapid development in our country in recent years, social logistics demand sustained, high-speed growth, the added value of the logistics industry has risen steadily, the total social logistics costs tend to be stable. Enterprise original system has been or is undergoing a fundamental transformation of mode of operation and the management pattern has been changed, the safety management work at the same time many new situations and new problems. Therefore, reform and innovation of safety management mode in the current situation is particularly important. 1我国物流企业管理现状 1 the logistics enterprise management present situation in our country 我国物流市场规模巨大,现代物流产业的发展前景广阔。在这种背景下,我国各类物流企业快速成长,传统的运输、仓储、联运、货代等企业也加快了业务重组和资源整合的步伐;新兴物流企业在努力扩大规模和提升水平;民营和外资物流企业纷纷兴起和加入,加速拓展市场。目前,不同所有制形式、不同经营模式、不同规模层次的物流企业共同发展的格局已经初步形成。从目前中国物流业发展现状看,具有现代物流特征的物流企业一部分是在运输企业或仓储企业的基础上,通过物流服务的延伸和运作方式的变革转变为物流公司;还有一部分是为满足物流市场的需求,以物流事业为经营内容的新型物流企业,其中包括第三方物流企业和以提供物流信息服务为主要内容的第四方物流企业等。但与西方发达国家相比,我国物流业起步较晚,物流成本占 GDP的比重仍然过高,社会物流整体效益差。由于管理体制改革的落后,我国企业物流的发展仍然处于“小、多、散、弱”的状态,普遍存在经营分散、功能单一、自动化程度低,物流布局不合理,物流技术含量不高,物流企业横向联合薄弱,物流服务意识和服务质量不尽如人意等问题,难以满足社会化物流的需要。 Huge logistics market in China, the development of modern logistics industry prospects. In this context, the rapid growth of all kinds of logistics enterprises in our country, the traditional transportation, warehousing, multimodal transport, freight forwarders, and other enterprises also accelerated the pace of business restructuring and resources integration; Emerging logistics enterprise in efforts to expand and upgrade the level; Private and foreign logistics companies rise and join, accelerate the develop the market. At present, different forms of ownership and management mode, logistics enterprise common development pattern with different levels of scale has been initially formed. Looked from the present development of China's logistics industry, has the characteristics of modern logistics of the logistics enterprises part in transportation or warehousing enterprises on the basis of the change in the way by the extension and operation of logistics services to logistics company; Part of this is to meet the demand of logistics market, logistics enterprise is the management content of the new logistics enterprise, including the third party logistics enterprise and logistics information services as the main content of the fourth party logistics enterprise, etc. But compared with western developed countries, the logistics industry in China started relatively late, the logistics cost of GDP are still too high, and poor logistics overall social benefit. Due to the lag of reform of management system, our country the development of the enterprise logistics is still in a "small, many, scattered, weak" status, widespread business scattered, single function, low degree of automation, logistics layout is not reasonable, logistics technology content is not high, logistics enterprises transverse joint is weak, logistics service consciousness and service quality is not very desirable, is difficult to meet the needs of the socialization of logistics. 受传统计划经济体制的影响,我国相当多企业仍然保留着“大而全”、“小而全”,“产、供、销一体化”,“仓储、运输一条龙”的经营组织方式,物流活动主要依靠企业内部组织的自我服务完成,使采购、仓储和配送职能未能进行充分整合,无法实行一体化的内部供应链管理,不利于社会化专业分工。这种分散的、低水平的管理活动也存在许多安全管理弊端,抑制我国物流企业的发展。 Influenced by traditional planned economy system, our country still has quite a few enterprises "instead of", "conveniently small", "production, supply and sales integration", "warehousing, transportation, one-stop" business organization, logistics activity relies mainly on the enterprise internal organization of self service, failed to make the procurement, storage and distribution functions of integrated in full, can't implement the integration of internal supply chain management, go against social professional division of labor. The scattered, low level of management activities, there are also many safety management shortcomings, inhibit the development of the logistics enterprises of our country. 2保证现代物流企业安全运营的创新管理策略 2 innovation management to assure the safety of modern logistics enterprise operation strategy 2.1实施领导干部安全目标管理责任制。企业安全工作落实与否,关键在于领导。真正做到企业法人代表是安全工作第一责任人,对本单位的安全工作负总责;分管安全工作的领导具体抓,负具体责任;其他工作分管领导对其分管内的安全工作负责任,形成齐抓共管保安全的局面。具体说:一是企业经理重视安全,言传身教带动各基层部门负责人都来重视安全工作。经理要亲自参加企业每个月的安全工作例会,听取部门安全工作汇报,掌握各种动态,及时解决安全工作中出现的问题和困难;亲自过问上级布置的各项安全工作和专项治理工作的落实情况;亲自参加重大的或专项的安全检查,使职工感受到领导对安全工作的重视和支持;二是分管领导真抓实干,做好细致的安排与责任落实工作;三是其他领导在其分管工作中支持和服从安全工作的要求,避免产生矛盾和抵触,形成齐抓共管、确保安全的局面。 2.1 implementation of leading cadres safety target management responsibility system. Enterprise safety work to implement it or not, the key lies in leadership. Truly enterprise legal representative is the first responsible work safety, work safety overall responsibility of this unit; In charge of safety work concrete grasp, the leadership of the specific liability; Other work in charge of the leadership for the safety work of responsible, in charge of its formation should secure them. Specifically: first, the enterprise manager attaches great importance to the safety, precept to drive each basic head is to attach importance to the safety work. Managers to personally participate in enterprise safety work meeting of each month, listen to the department of work safety report, master all kinds of dynamic, timely solve problems and difficulties arising from the safety work; Checked the safety work and special projects as may be assigned work to carry out the situation; Personally participate in major or special security check, to make employees feel the leadership and support to the attention of the security work; 2 it is in charge of the leadership should make careful arrangements and responsibility to carry out the work; Three is supported by other leaders in their responsibilities and obey the demands of the security work, avoid contradiction and conflict, should, to ensure safety. 2.2树立安全经营观念,促使安全与经营的协调统一。安全和经营是相互矛盾又相互统一的关系。因为在市场经济体制中,成本是个不得不考虑的问题。在人们的思想中,安全投入是一种不能直接获得收益的投入。正是在这种思想的影响下,很多企业经营者在企业运作中,把利润和安全投入放在一起来衡量的时候,往往会把利润放在更为优先的位置来考虑。但是我们要从思想上明确,省去了安全投入,是否就是省了成本,增加了利润呢。当安全工作与经营有矛盾时,要通过我们的工作将其化解,达到安全与经营的统一。要避免把安全与经营割裂开的倾向,处理好“安全为了生产,生产必须安全”的辩证关系。当生产与安全有冲突时,应首先考虑安全。这就给安全管理人员吃了定心丸,使他们消除了顾虑,挺起腰杆敢抓敢管。在措施上,以是否确保安全为其他工作取舍的前提,使安全管理工作变被动为主动,变事后监督为事前防范,有效地维护了安全监督的权威性。同时强调不能因为怕承担责任不敢开拓经营。随着经营的搞活,必然产生许多新的安全问题,如公司把一部分仓库、店面租给客户自行保管,会出现一些客户对安全工作重视不够或因片面强调设施利用率忽视安全有关规定的现象。 2.2 establish the safety management idea to the harmonious and unified security and management. Safety and operation is contradictory and unified relation each other. Because in the market economy system, the cost is a problem that had to be taken into account. In people's minds, the safety investment is a kind of can't directly to reap the benefits of investment. It is under the influence of this idea, many business operators in the enterprise operation, the safety investment and profits together on measure, tend to put the profit in a more preferred position to consider. But we have to clear on thought, eliminating the safety input, whether the cost is saved, increased profits. When the safety work and engaged in conflict, must through our work to resolve it, achieve the unity of the security and management. Safety and operational separate to avoid the tendency to deal with the "safety in production, production must be safe" dialectical relationship. When production and security conflicts, should consider safety first. The reassurance for safety management personnel, make them eliminates the worry, stand erect to dare to dare tube. Whether on measures to ensure that the premise of safe work for other choices, make the safety management become the passive to active, variable afterwards supervision for pre-event preparedness, effectively maintain the authority of the safety supervision. Also can't because afraid of responsibility can't develop business. With operation of actives, will produce many new security issues, such as the company put the part of the warehouse and storefront rent to customers keep on their own, there will be some clients for work safety seriously enough, or because of the one-sided emphasis on the relevant provisions of the facility utilization to ignore safety. 2.3建立合理规章制度,形成规范化的管理。企业的安全工作必须有据可依、依法管理,这样才能建立良好的工作秩序,形成规范化的管理。国家《消防法》、《安全生产法》等法规的出台,为企业安全工作提供了依法管理的依据和保障。作为物流企业应在国家法律法规整体架构的基础上,结合经营情况和服务方式的变化对企业的安全制度进行相应的修改、补充、完善,形成企业安全制度。随着仓库外租形式的出现,需要跟上相应的安全规章制度,要根据“谁主管,谁负责”的原则和“安全自查、责任自负、隐患自除、接受监督”的管理要求,建立完善的外租仓库安全责任书制度等。每年初,在制定经济工作计划的同时应做出全年的《安全目标管理工作分解表》,与“管钱管物”人员、特殊工种人员、外租户等签订专项责任书,对灭火器材的保养、维修、换药和特殊储备保养,对特殊工种的培训等均做出时间安排,使各项安全目标层层细化,分解落实到各职能部门、班组、岗位。这样,什么时间该干什么,由谁指定,一目了然,确保各项安全基础工作有序进行。 2.4加强监督,坚持安全检查制度和严格整改措施相结合。 安全工作可以概括为两个方面:一是建立和规范安全基础管理工作;二是抓现场安全管理。现场的安全管理是安全工作的重头戏,生产现场安全管理没有捷径可走,只能脚踏实地,做好细致的工作,坚持不懈地巡回检查、再检查,整改、再整改来促进企业安全制度的落实。 2.3 to establish reasonable rules and regulations, form the standardization of the management. Enterprise safety work must have a can depend on, according to management in accordance with the law, so as to establish a good working order, form the standardization of the management. Country "hereby", "production safety law" and other laws and regulations, management in accordance with the basis is provided for the work of enterprise security and assurance. As a logistics enterprise should be in the national laws and regulations, on the basis of the overall architecture, considering the change of management and service system for the security of the enterprise carries on the corresponding modification, supplement and perfect, the formation of enterprise security system. With the emergence of warehouse rent form, need to keep up with the relevant safety rules and regulations, according to the principle of "who supervises, who is responsible for" and "safety check list is not responsible for, and since in addition to the hidden trouble and accept supervision of the management requirements, set up perfect rent warehouse safety responsibility system, etc. At the beginning of each year, at the same time of economic work plan should be made throughout the year of the safety objective management work breakdown, and "pipe money", special type of work personnel, outside the tenant signed the special responsibility of, such as the fire extinguishing equipment maintenance, repair, treatment and special reserves to maintain, to the training of the special type of work all time arrangements, make the safety target layers of refinement, carrying out to each department, team, jobs. So, what time should do, specified by who, be clear at a glance, work orderly, security infrastructure. 2.4 to strengthen supervision, adhere to the safety inspection system and strict rectification measures. Security work can be summarized as two aspects: one is to establish and standardize the security basic management work; Second, grasp the safety management. Site safety management is the centerpiece of safety work, production site safety management there is no shortcut, only down-to-earth, do meticulous work, diligently Tours of inspection, check and rectification and improvement to promote the implementation of the enterprise security system. 物流企业要坚持每月一检查,库区每周一检查,仓库“一日二查”制度,采取二级查与专业查相结合;集中查和抽查相结合;领导查和夜查相结合;季节查和节日查相结合的办法,进行多次大检查,借助于社会大气候,推动安全工作不断改进。钢塑土工格栅要坚持安全检查制度和严格整改措施相结合,对许多不安全因素和隐患做到早发现早处理,把事故苗头消灭在萌芽之中达到了超前预防,及时清理隐患的目的。认真做好各级安全检查记录,对查出的隐患,严格按照规定填发整改通知书,限期整改。实行整改反馈,落实不安全因素的整改工作。 随着企业情况的变化,安全工作往往会出现新的难题,需要我们去解决。因此,在抓表面上的安全基础管理工作的同时,还要安排研究、探索和解决一些安全工作中存在的难点问题,力求企业安全管理水平有新的突破和提高。 Logistics enterprises should stick to monthly checks, the reservoir weekly inspection, warehouse check "1, 2" system, taking the secondary check with professional; Combination of concentrated check and spot check; To find and YeZha leadership; S check and festival season approach, combining the big check many times, with the aid of social climate, continuous improvement for the work safety. Should adhere to the safety inspection system and strict combination of corrective actions, to many unsafe factors and risks do early found early treatment, must eliminate the accident in the bud to advance prevention, clean the hidden trouble in time. Do safety inspection record at all levels, and to find out hidden trouble, in strict accordance with the provisions concerned rectification notice, rectification within a time limit. Implement the corrective feedback, to carry out the rectification work of insecure factors. As business conditions change, security work often there will be a new problem, we need to solve. Therefore, in the scratch on the surface of the safe basic management work at the same time, also arrange study, explore and solve some difficult problems existing in the safety work, strive to have new breakthrough and improve enterprise's safety management level. 坚持把自管库纳入企业安全管理范围,做到统一部署、统一检查、统一考核标准。当然,严格对自管库的管理是一 Insisting that the libraries into the scope of enterprise security management, unified deployment, unified examination, unified inspection standard. And, of course, on the tube of library management is a strictly 个艰苦细致的工作过程,自管库往往为了省钱,或为了赶任务,或图一时方便,违反安全规章制度的现象时有发生,如在禁烟区内抽烟、明火作业、乱拉乱搭电线、使用高功率电器、堵塞消防通道等。有时今天检查发现的问题纠正了,水泥制管机明天类似的问题又会发生,因此生产现场管理关键在于持之以恒、一丝不苟地抓落实;二是改进工作方法,提高管理水平。而对常遇到的自管库对安全检查不配合,隐患整改落实难的问题和甚至出现租赁双方关系紧张的现象,使我们意识到搞好自管库的安全工作离不开承租方的理解、支持和配合,因此,安全管理也要提供优质服务,工作方法切忌简单、生硬,要经常与租户交流、沟通,尽可能为租户提供方便,帮助他们解决经营、生活上的困难,增进了解、培养感情、化解矛盾,以取得工作上的相互支持。 A painstaking work process, since the tube libraries tend to save money, or to GanRenWu, or figure is convenient, occasionally has violated safety rules and regulations, such as smoking in non-smoking area, open flame operation, faulty wiring, use high-power electrical appliances, block fire control passageway, etc. Sometimes inspection found the problem corrected today, tomorrow- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 现代 物流 企业 安全 创新 管理
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