《大学英语3》期中口试阅读部分试题(学生版) 北京城市学院 2014-2015学年第一学期 《大学英语3》期中口试阅读部分试题 (学生版) Unit 1 Education: A Transformation of the Soul 1 On my first day of high school, my teacher showed the class a Power Point presentation entitled The Value of Education. The first slide read simply this: “Education = $”. I felt uncomfortable, not knowing exactly why. 2 Education, throughout my high school experience, continued to be described to me like this: college means a diploma. A diploma means a better job. A better job means more money. More money means a good life. But I wondered who had decided the criteria for a “better” job and a “good” life. It all seemed so mathematical. Education was presented to me as an equation equaling a person I had not chosen to be. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 她读了一首题为《想起你》的诗。(entitle) 2. 他给这本书取名为《野性的爱》。(entitle) 3. 教育的关键在于激励和享受,而不是一所学校或一个大学文凭。(diploma) 4. 那青年用了3 年的时间取得研究生文凭。(diploma) 5. 我自己成功的标准是能够努力工作和快乐生活。(criteria) 3 I went on to college, of course, as everyone told me to do. College is how you become an earner, they told me. My major that first semester was International Relations. I liked the woman I envisioned myself as in this field – a diplomat, a savvy citizen of the world. But gradually I began to realize that this person was not someone I bore any resemblance to. She was, rather, a clone of the well-educated, well-moneyed ideal my teacher had presented to me years ago. This woman had earning potential; she was smart and worldly. But she was not someone I would become. She had nothing I really wanted. 4 My moment of clarity soon came. I was watching a film with my family and laughing at all the historical errors in it, but I suddenly realized that there was something I did love, something I had brushed aside in my mind for years because it did not fit with the marketable, diploma-holding job applicant I had always assumed I should become. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 我不敢想象他能做出这种可怕的事。(envision) 2. 憧憬你理想的一天:囊括所有细节,从日出到日落。(envision) 3. 每个公民都可以要求受到法律的保护。 (citizen) 4. 作为一个世界公民,他必须努力做到行事诚实正直。(citizen) 5. 你所说的与事实相去甚远。(resemblance) 6. 她长得不像她母亲。(resemblance) 5 I am, as it so happens, the daughter of passionate history buffs. My family never took vacations; we took field trips. I had not yet learned to walk when I first visited Abraham Lincoln’s house in Springfield, Illinois. Since then I have seen the homes of countless dead presidents. I have wandered through more museums than I can remember. 6 These memories are priceless to me; no matter how much I teased my parents about the fact that we never went to Disney World, I would not have changed our trips for anything in the world. I knew what education was, in my childhood, before someone damaged it with images of dollar signs. Education was how I had adventures. Education was my family’s escape. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 她对野生花卉产生了浓烈的兴趣。(passionate) 2. 她热烈倡导教育改革。(passionate) 3. 游客们漫步穿过森林与田野去探索大自然。(wander) 4. 诗人想独自漫游列国去寻找灵感。(wander) 5. 别把它当真,他只不过是在开玩笑。(tease) 6. 我妹妹以前总嘲笑我的发型。(tease) 7. 电影《加勒比海盗》是一部非常好看的惊险片。(adventure) 8. 无论他怎么努力,都无法说服朋友们放弃冒险。(adventure) 7 The truth is I love American history. George Washington is not a legendary hero to me but a brave war veteran upon whose simple tomb I saw my grandfather, another war veteran, lay a wreath. Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello is not for me a name in a textbook; it is a beautiful retreat, nestled deep in the Virginia mountains. 8 “Why am I not a history major?” I asked that night while the movie was on commercial break. 9 “Um, because you can’t make any money that way?” responded my sister. 10 I transferred into an American history class that next semester. I was never absent. It was like taking a childhood field trip. The ‘A’ marks I got on every paper and every test were more to me than any good grade I had ever gotten before – here, finally, was something meaningful. I was thrilled by my increasing understanding of fascinating history concepts, and by the fact that I was becoming someone I wanted to be. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 那个小村庄坐落在山脚下。 (nestle) 2. 听说你获得了成功,我们真是兴奋极了。(thrill) 3. 电影《泰坦尼克》让观众如此激动,很多人都哭了起来。(thrill) 4. 孩子们看到自己喜欢的卡通形象都会兴奋不已。(thrill) 11 I also took an English history course. The professor was a fascinating speaker and thoroughly knowledgeable on his subject. He told anecdotes about Charles II; he could quote the unemployment rates of Victorian London like they were his own children’s birthdays. This professor, I realized, possessed more than a pile of diplomas. And what he was helping me to achieve was so much more than a degree. He had – and I was acquiring – a mind exercised by many years’ studious dedication. And that –unlike money or a job – is something which cannot be lost. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 杰克逊先生举了个病重住院老先生的例子。(quote) 2. 作者以拥有优秀铁路服务的法国举例。(quote) 3. 詹森有做好这项工作必备的耐性和应变能力吗? (possess) 4. 据说他拥有超过250万美元的财富。(possess) 5. 我们应当获取更多的第一手资料。(acquire) 6. 我们不仅仅从读书中获得知识。(acquire) 7. 他专心致力于教学的精神赢得了同事们的尊敬。(dedication) 8. 她以巨大的忘我精神工作,希望找到这种疾病的疗法。(dedication) 12 My dream is to work at a place like Monticello and give other children the experience I had – the experience of history coming to life. I have no idea of the sort of money I can expect from this pursuit. I simply do not care. I want to be like that professor, someone who has spent years filling her soul with what she loved truly. I want to live my education. 13 I know now why I felt so out of place that first day of high school. It is nothing less than a curse. That expression – “Education = $” is a proverb of the most offensive sort, and I pity anyone who actually believes it. They will never know the empowerment I have found by pursuing my soul. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 他低声咒骂那个撞车逃逸的货车司机。(curse) 2. 笑是最具感染力的情感表达方式之一。(expression) 3. 那儿的风景美丽得无法形容。(expression) 4. 她说话声音很低,但是用词极其粗俗。(expression) 5. 我同情任何以如此微薄的收入养活全家的人。(pity) 14 Education means a future enriched by knowledge – knowledge I have desired, worked for, and attained. It has been, for me, in every way a transformative experience. As a teenager I was suffocated by a lack of interest, steered by expectations. Now I know the freedom that comes from having a purpose in life. Education will never be, for me, a line on a resume. It has been, rather, a transformation of the soul. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 我们都渴望幸福和健康。(desire) 2. 我的确想从牛津大学获得一份奖学金。(desire) 3. 我决心不惜任何代价达到目的。(attain) 4. 不论什么时候,只要你有一个目标,就得牺牲某些东西去实现它。(attain) 5. 玛丽被妈妈的巨大期望盲目指引着,感到无所适从。(steer) 6. 他熟练地驾驶汽车穿过狭窄的街道。(steer) Unit 2 Masdar City: The World's Greenest City? 1 The doors swish shut and with the press of a button, the Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) car is off, gliding through the tunnels under Abu Dhabi's new Masdar City. The four-passenger vehicle runs on an electric motor, making it clean and carbon-free. There are no tracks — the car is autonomous, driven by a computer. PRT is meant to be the future of mass transit within cities, with the environmental benefits of buses and trains but the freedom of a private vehicle. But I can't help thinking there's something slightly silly about all this. For all the technology — which isn't cheap — the PRT has taken me to its one and only stop, maybe half a mile from the starting point. For not much more time, I could have used a much older form of transport: my legs. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 孩子们正在冰面上欢快地滑冰。(glide) 2. 船在河上滑行。(glide) 3. 随着岁月的消逝,他们失去了勇气。(glide) 4. 红色信号灯表示人和车辆不能通行。(vehicle) 5. 那辆车的司机在车祸中受伤严重。(vehicle) 6. 很明显电动汽车在技术上是可行的。(electric) 7. 这些机器都是由电动机驱动的。(electric) 8. 人是理性的、自主的,动物可不是这样。(autonomous) 9. 美国的每个州都有一个自治政府。(autonomous) 10. 我来自广西壮族自治区。(autonomous) 11. 现代教育是一项大规模的企业。(mass) 12. 他们已经想出了一些对付大规模失业的点子。(mass) 2 In a nutshell, that is what's good and bad about Masdar. Back in 2007, the government of Abu Dhabi announced that it would build "the world's first zero-carbon city" called Masdar. It would rely entirely on renewable energy and would produce zero waste. It would be home to the Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, a university dedicated to the study of sustainability. There would be no traditional cars inside the city and it would use half the energy of a settlement of the same size. The urban layout would combine classic Arab design with 21st century technology. Masdar would be a living lab for a greener, cleaner future. 3 After three years the plans have changed. Masdar City was originally scheduled to be completed by 2015, but the financial crash that hit the United Arab Emirates hard pushed back the date. A truly zero-carbon city proved too ambitious, so now the aim is for low carbon. Transport within the city will no longer solely rely on the PRTs — instead, electric buses and other mass transit will be included. Though the first phase of the project — the Institute — was completed in 2010 and opened to students, it's still easy to wonder whether the sustainable city will ever be able to sustain itself. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 这套房子的格局还不错,就是厨房有点小。(layout) 2. 她对老胡同的布局了如指掌。(layout) 3. 他正确地预测到将出现股市崩盘。(crash) 4. 今年秋季,20名学生将参与这项计划的第一阶段。(phase) 5. 该项目将分阶段进行。(phase) 6. 这地基不够牢固,无法承受房屋的重量。(sustain) 7. 她发现很难维持孩子读书的兴趣。(sustain) 4 While Masdar may inspire disbelief, it would be a mistake to dismiss the whole project as green folly. This was clear when I toured the Masdar Institute in mid-January. The streets are narrow and sheltered by walls that block the desert sunlight, while openings in the walls channel a refreshing wind that makes the city feel as much as 70°F cooler than its surroundings. 5 That design helps encourage energy conservation — the cooler the city is, the less need for electricity-consuming air-conditioning. But the buildings themselves take advantage of green materials, from the sustainable Douglas fir to the superstrong plastics, deflecting sunlight and insulating the interior. Windows have shades angled to avoid direct sunlight, providing light without heat. There's even a 147-feet-tall wind tower that can channel even more breezes to the street. The tower has glowing LED lights that let Masdar managers know how much energy the city is consuming. Blue means it is within its goal of using 50% less energy than a comparable settlement. Red means it's time to turn off the lights. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 这场会谈给我们传递了很多信息。(channel) 2. 他们的灌溉系统能把水输送到玉米田。(channel) 3. 正考虑将该地区列为水资源保护区。(conservation) 4. 今天,许多年轻人投身于野生动物保护。(conservation) 5. 住在高楼大厦中容易使我们与城市的现实生活隔绝。(insulate) 6. 在农村,我们远离了大城市的种种焦虑。(insulate) 7. 政府正投钱为600户住宅进行隔音处理。(insulate) 8. 正是从这项研究中,我们可以了解到地球内部的许多情况。(interior) 9. 租房时,我们更关心房屋的内部。(interior) 10. 南希放下窗帘,关了灯。(shade) 11. 小路向山下伸展,然后向北延伸。(angle) 12. 南城类似的房子要贵两倍。(comparable) 13. 他的书法不错,但是很难和你的相比。(comparable) 14. 鸟的翅膀可与鱼的鳍相比。(comparable) 6 That's the theory, but in practice, those goals aren't always easy for Masdar to meet. Most Abu Dhabi citizens are used to keeping their air-conditioning as low as 60°F, but in Masdar, AC needs to be set closer to 77°F to meet its efficiency targets. Masdar managers have to monitor exactly how much electricity every room in the city is using and keep citizens in line. This demonstrates that even the best green buildings with the best technology work less well when the X factor of actual residents is included. Some behavioral regulations are necessary. The weather can be as hard to predict as the people: the solar-photovoltaic field just outside Masdar, which supplies much of the city's power, works a lot less well when occasional sandstorms affect the solar cells, reducing their efficiency. 7 Will Masdar City ever become a real city? It's difficult to imagine. The behavioral regulations and controlled design that keep Masdar green might also limit the qualities that mark a living city — not to mention potential residents who might not want to follow such strict rules. Yet even if Masdar City fails to become everything its planners dreamed, the project will still have enormous value as a living lab for green ideas of future cities. 8 Some of Masdar's technology — like those slightly silly PRT cars — may not have a future. But other ideas — like the wind tower or those sunlight-deflecting windows — will have real value at a time when more than half the world's population lives in cities. No one knows the answer to the energy and climate challenges the planet faces, which is why experiments matter — even the ones in the desert. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 作为一名资深的项目总监,她本应该能够监控到他们的进展。(monitor) 2. 他将监督该公司规章制度的执行情况。(monitor) 3. 所有交通事故中,有10%主要是由酒后驾车引起。(factor) 4. 耐力是体育运动中取得胜利的关键因素。(factor) 5. 这次地震早在几天前就已预报到了。(predict) 6. 没人能确切地预测下一个科技大变革是什么。(predict) 7. 我偶然跟他闲聊,说笑话。(occasional) 8. 他现在只是为了应酬偶尔抽根雪茄。(occasional) 6. Unit 3 James Cameron’s Ambition 1 In 1977, a 22-year-old truck driver named James Cameron went to see Star Wars with a pal. His friend enjoyed the movie; Cameron walked out of the theater ready to punch something. He was a college dropout but in his free time he wrote stories set in galaxies far, far away. He had been daydreaming about the kind of world that George Lucas had just brought to life. Star Wars was the film he should have made. 2 Back home he bought some cheap movie equipment and started trying to figure out how Lucas had done it. He set up blindingly bright lights in the living room and rolled a camera along a track to practice shots. He spent days reading everything he could about special effects. He became completely obsessed. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 这个镜头持续了两秒钟。(shot) 2. 他调整照相机镜头拍摄远景。(shot) 3. 镜头慢慢移动拍摄房间全景。(shot) 4. 她并没有爱上史蒂夫,只是被他的外表迷住了。(obsessed) 5. 我只是不明白为什么现在的人那么着迷电视剧。(obsessed) 6. 他老是害怕失业。(obsessed) 3 He quickly realized that he was going to need some money, so he persuaded some local dentists to invest $20,000 in his version of Star Wars. He used the money to shoot a 12-minute clip that featured a fight scene between an alien robot and a woman. 4 His plan was to use the clip to get a studio to back a full-length feature film. After peddling it around Hollywood for months, his effort did yield something worthwhile: a job with director Roger Corman. Hired to build miniature spaceships for a Corman film, Cameron worked his way up to become a visual effects specialist. In 1981, he made it to the director’s chair, overseeing a horror picture. 重点单词的句子翻译: 1. 盗版版本是对原版的低劣复制。(version) 2. 这本书有免费的和付费版本。(version) 3. 这是她最近一部电影的片段。(clip) 4. 该14分钟的视频片段被认为是有史以来最有影响力的音乐录像带之一。(clip) 5. 那棵树结了很多果实。 (yield) 6. 他们作了长时间的搜查,但没有找到任何线索。(yield) 7. 近视是一个视力缺陷。(visual) 8. 视觉艺术是指相对于音乐和文学而言的绘画、舞蹈等。(visual) 5 One night, after an editing session, Cameron went to sleep and dreamed that he saw a robot clawing toward a frightened woman. Cameron soon used it as the basis for a script about a robot assassin sent back to kill the mother of a future rebel leader. When it was released in 1984, The Terminator suddenly established James Cameron as a leading director. 6 Over the next 10 years, Cameron directed a series of daring films, including Aliens, The Abyss, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, and True Lies. Their worldwide success gave Cameron the prestige to realize his drea- 配套讲稿:
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