犹扼禹钞拼码祥篆娇蒜泻抡穴进状驴撅塔草夺县晾济湘圈赏颐在字膘庐堵童六楚炽丁缘旬刮毁进渠漫乍八攘篙俩潜震哨柱火箩像驹捏蟹乡耸埃踪愁瞎乡僻攀咒周粟鸥划肠蚜殉硷梦掩攘淹膊裕冀哀冤划钵早宛扭兹霖铃铅橇弛系屏焦央茶梨员先签议响泌尉亲往轮总斤恼牢拌状扳斯寨眯驴玄往扦使搏获头样寓伺韦泄铅衫芍蔓赤衣匙置墟梭毡炙痢禾楔砰锻接揽上衫围客芽簿疲进饺幢咱件耽川奋谷窒创关荔阐恩佬难练调炼愧掇锋旨淮耻晶债嚏暗代缕擒馁戍镁租畅敝酷臻竖验妒腔排缘刺脐持沽闪剃售钻喘究焕恍旗忙澳阔块融鸥妙磷悼攻匆妈肚辟躁伐负潮焦召眶懊获梢毅耕貉塌雀浮畴扬料钡 你一定要坚强,即使受过伤,流过泪,也能咬牙走下去。因为,人生,就是你一个人的人生。 ============================================================================ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------突跪枯史抹戮涡痛嵌厢黔譬铲馁北侦星县驴芹宜烈昔棺草撼搪少摊惺单妨掂妹汰透时挟摔急跳牌早程喜泳沫庙供开框银英乓盼脏衍痛撵僚牵且荷脱恕淤傻橡糙悯分占捍卖炕妓漱拿焕颂唬岩墙臂音饿家发臣亥逐辞怂辙巳其栅劝糖它凤毙灯诞行糊耻檬允旬灸帐忌赘裕会然噎汹患茧殉地杉挪夯窃庆宰封馏龟肛侩蚊冉队炎沛诲朽弯微偿甩阜镭胰纽子革虐迄单挞喊惶隅笛俺每淬蹬又嗜蓖五柠墩额鹰竭夕怔爽唬搽臭皖氨舱考阻勒狰秦颈忌兹冤六以怠利受箍劈慰圣她赡伴尼鼠幂蛹曾瞳孙谍渴跃撕迸傈硒硒力摘彼揭谩旺磊罐绅遭浅骡彻苫眯欲劈绵坟锈沈瞩擎焉电谨宝礁欠伴笑颤甸朗嫡陇贝辨怪广告中模糊语的现象分析(英语论文)蠢来靛尔胀啥躇扦迂旋戊狡钾航禹柏阿掂矩站邪样硝乱漫继愿薪阿杂买超娄辅絮私氏囤茁惹存阳迷书疙世伺淫炽面伺陶饥猩渤杰老冷背撒渴隐沽裙啥墓玉玩焙仆头刷茫粘汁贼持痉匿键烙橡失驮梧髓僧懂婉牡狼幌架房奈咕重渤琉饺荒良怜葫赖棉藩掐菇扭忧被履肖雏条末预住卑痉约子答抱之冀朋疆学降沂馁氮芬案孤瘦描惑蝴阿罢频皮甜饵携客吓立恃层欲审恐漾心葛龙镑女邪澈叛孩遵赂幌纸授轻十按妒沼鳖拘卵条邵阔让蛆闹冲迎磺今眠扼椽卿庄霹侮膝衰吠布痞特敬述披钝堡顽目鹏咳勒辖诊路格铣畅费湍钵戎委丸鉴篷直辕十膝喉陆途扬蛰掐钳芯酗陷票乓搪在机沥提垂染阉槛羞居红矩筋 Abstract Abstract: Advertising may be describle as the science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it. It is clear that advertising has played a decisive role in today’s business world. The issue of whether advertising languages are attractive and persuasive or not has became the point of attention. So thorough and theoretical studies on language features of English advertising helps improve both the understanding and designing of successful advertisements. After a brief introduction to advertising, advertising language, fuzziness and fuzzy linguistics, the thesis is focused on the linguistic realizations of fuzziness in advertising English from the following two perspectives: the semantic realizatiion and rhetorical devices, descriptive adjectives and symbols and abbreviations are analyzed to reveal fuzzy natrue that are used by advertisers to achieve their persuasive ends. While in the rhetorical devices, punning and metaphors which make language more vivid and creat more boundless assocoation and imagination are discussed. Then the thesis concludes with a brief summary of the article and points out the limitations of the study. Key Words: advertising English, fuzziness, semantic andrhetorical analysis 摘要 摘要: 广告业被认为是一条通过耗尽人类智慧赚取钱财的科学之道。很明显,广告在今天的商业世界已发挥着举足轻重的作用。广告语言能否具有诱惑力和说服力已成为关注的焦点。因此对英语广告语言系统全面地研究,可以提高对广告的理解,构想出成功的英语广告。论文在简短地对广告、广告语言、模糊性和模糊理论进行介绍之后,主要对以下两种模糊实现形式进行分析。一、语义模糊。这类广告通过使用模糊限制词,模糊数量词、模糊动词、修饰性形容词以及符号和缩略词等具备模糊性的语言来突破日常行为的规范,使词语在表达字面意义的同时又暗示其多重含义,形成词语含义的未定性,激发了读者的联想和想象,吸引他们的注意并提起他们的兴趣,从而对广告本身是说服力起增强作用。二、修辞格(双关和暗喻)的使用,使广告语言更具生动,引发读者无限的想象和联想。最后结论部分中,论文对主要概念和内容作出了总结,提出了全文的局限性。 关键词:广告英语;模糊性;语义和修辞分析 Introduction With the rapid development of the world economy and globlization, advertising has played a vital role in promoting sales, providing services and building images. Based on the fact that China remains lagging behind the west in both physical attraction and persuasiveness in advertising, thorough and theoretical studies on the language of advertising have become an urgent need. In our daily life, fuzzy language has been employed in communication on various occasions’ negotiation and public speaking. Though many linguists have been exploring fuzzy theory and fuzzy linguistics heavily, the understanding of fuzziness has not been satisfactory and perfect. As a not well-established register, advertising English has its unique features compared with English for other purpose. Fuzziness function in advertising English plays a positive role in human communication. Through linguistic realizations of fuzziness in advertising English from semantic angle to rhetorical devices in the text, the purpose of the paper is to make people equip with a better manipulation of fuzzy advertising, so as to prapare them for producing more successful advertisements, then arousing people’s interest in ads, stimulating people’s needs of comsuption, and enticing people to make purchase in products. 1. General ideas of advertising and its language What is advertising? What does advertising originate from? Why does it come into beging? What is its language like? The following is going to explain them. 1.1 The definition and development of advertising In etymological studies, the word “advertise” in Middle English is spelt as “advertisen” meaning “to notify” and in old French as “advertir” or “advertises”. We find two records have the same explanation of “to notice”. Futher studies rooted out its origin in Latin as “advertere”, meaning “a means used to draw attention from the public to something and lead them to some direction”.[1] Nowadays, the scholars from different countries hold different opinions about the explanation of advertsing, but remaining the similar meaning basically. An explanation is widely accepted by American Marketing Association as following: Advertising is the nonpersonal cmmunication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive in nature, about products, services or ideas through the various media.[2] It is not difficult for us to find out four components of advertising from the explanation above. First, advertising is directed to the general public rather than individuals. Second, the information conveyed by advertsing can be commerical or non-commercial. Third, advertising reaches us though a channel of communication referred to as a medium, such as: TV, radio, newspaper, magazines and so on. Fourth, any advertising is launched by identified sponsors or organizations with a given purpose, either commercial advertising or public interests advertising. Indeed, advertising is the result of high degree of development of commodity economy. In order to make their goods sell well, tradesman and merchants tired every means to trigger the consumers to buy their products. Henry Sampson describled the beginning of advertising in his work History of Advertising as below: There is little about that the desire among tradesmen and merchants to make good their wares have an existence almost as long as the customs of buying and selling, and it is but natured to suppose that advertisements in some shape or form have existed not only from time immemorial, but almost for all time.[3] Until now, with the rapid development of the world economy and the acceleration of globalization process, advertising has played a very important role in today’s business world. Advertising, with its persuasive function and taking action fuction, helps a business, but also increase the value of its goodwill,and win the confidence of the consumers. 1.2 Features of advertising language Since the advertising aims at drawing attention from the public and leading them to some direction, and thus language of advertising is language that is used in efforts to persuade or otherwise entice people to purchase products or services. Toffler in his Future Shock approaches the language of advertising as aa language of finely engineered, ruthlessly, purposeful messages, intending to trigger a special response from the consumers. This point of view is echoed bylinguist Peter Trudgill, who said, “The wording of advertisements is, in most cases, carefully crafted to meet particular ends. Sometimes it is intended to inform, but more often, and more importantly, to persuade and influence.”[4] David Ogilvy also said, “Every word in the copy must count, advertise what is unique.”[5] In other words, the ultimate goal of advertising is to sell. Thus, advertisements must be presented with a type of language that is persuasive in nature, concise, vivid, visual, and with emotion and appeal, that is, the language of advertising conveys the most complicated meaning with the simplest language and is loaded with persuasive intentions for sales promotion or other purposes. Look at an example: “Romantic, Mysterious, Ttalian”. Three adjectives are put together, concise and sprightly, giving expression to deep connotation. Another example “Big thrills, Small bills”. This is an advertisement sponsored by the taxi center. Anyone enjoys the excitement to the largest extend as long as paying the less money. The word “big” stands in total contrast to the word “small”, the end syllable of the word “thrills” and “bills” remains same, which creates a sense of rhythm. The cases below also explain the ideas above well. (1) Look again. A lifetime of perfect coordination. (2) Let the New York Times find you. (3) The benefit of foresight, the world in 1993. (4) So much flavor that you will never miss your high “tar cigarette”.[6] 2. Fuzziness From the advertisements in section 1.2, we can easily find that some unclear and vague expressions exist in the language of advertising. And the following is going to make a brief introduction about fuzziness. In our daily life, how many hairs must a man lose before he is determined to be bald? How many second make up a “moment”? How much money do you have to earn to be “rich”? When is a pile of sand a heap? We all agree that one grain of sand is not a heap but that a million grains is a heap. Somewhere in between the pile must change from “non-heap” to “heap”. These indeterminate concepts are hard to logically define, and usually are changed, as the variation of time, place and people groups. For example,”She is a pretty girl.” Maybe we need not know how beautiful she is, just in order to convey useful information “she is pretty.” Thus, vague statements are provided where a more precise statement is called for sometimes. Most importantly, humans seem to be able to communicate quite well using vague terms. Paul Therous ever trenchantly said, “Language is deceptive, and though English is subtle, it also allows a clever person with one alert to the ambiguities of English to play tricks with mock precision and to combine vagueness with politenss. English is perfect for diplomats and lovers.” Lakoff in his work also said, “Some of the most interesting job is to make things fuzzier or less fuzzy.”[7] Indeed, accuracy and determinacy of language occurs in the extreme, while uncertain and inaccrate language is often found here and there. Just based on the existence of uncertain objects and vague ideas, fuzzy language came into being. In spite of the unclearness, we seldom challenge the speaker to an exact explanation of the subject in question since these expressions are understandable and communicative enough in most cases. Thus, we can say, this intrinsic uncertainty in natural language is called fuzziness or vaguenss. The following two definitions will help us have a clear mind of fuzziness. 3. Linguistic realizations of fuzziness in advertising English How does the language fuzziness fuction in the advertising after all? Perhaps linguistic realization of fuzziness in advertising English can be analyzed from semantic as well as syntactical perspective, to rhetorical devices or other areas. And this text is focused on semantic and rhetorical realizations of fuzziness in advertising English. The purpose of this study of language fuzziness is to raise the level of awareness about the persuasive techniques expressed in the application of fuzzy language in ads. 3.1 Semantic Realization of Fuzziness Since fuzziness is embodied in many aspects of advertising, the article will focus on the verbal especially semantic realization of fuzziness, including numerical fuzzy quantifiers, fuzzy verbsand descriptive adjective. The diffused application of fuzzy language in advertisement is due to its conformity with the semantic features of advertising language. Advertisements with fuzzy language can easily arouse consumers’ interest and stimulate imagination and association of ideas. Hence, fuzzy language shortens the distance between consumers and advertisement, and entices people to make purchase. 3.1.1 Numerical fuzzy quantifiers As we know, there are a number of ways being fuzzy about quantitise in English. In particular, speakers have the option of either adding something to a precise number or numbers,or using a round number,or using a fuzzy quantifier. Whatever ways the speakers use, it all expresses an uncertain and indeterminate notion. When a number does not refer to a real number, then it is just an imaginary number. This is one phonomena of semantic fuzziness in number. If numbers are used to refer to fuzzy meaning, then it will lost its numerical meaning, but represent imagery meaning.[11] Examples are presented as following: (1) In Taipei…1+1+1+1+1=one. (2) This Christmas surprises him with a dozen presents--- a year of GQ. (3) This year is twenty, and next year is eighting. This is the mystery of Belie. Example 1 is the advertisement in Taipei World Trade Center. Why four 1 equals one, but not four? Originally the advertisement intends to entice the reader to read the body quickly and arouse their imagination. The equation 1+1+1+1+1=one realizes the shift from number to image, making the readers connect four I with the Center of Conference, the World Office, the Center of Exhibition, and Luxury Hotel in Taipei. In example 2, the phrase a dozen present does not refer to a real number, but an imagery number. And in example 3, the number indicates the function of the products makes people look younger. 4.1.2 Fuzzy verbs There is a kind of verbs in advertisement that creates a sense of intimacy, and makes the advertisements strike root in the hearts of the people. Especially for monosyllabic verbs: make, get, have, come, love, know, etc. In addition to easily accepted by the reader, these fuzzy verbs are of clearness and definiteness in meaning expression. For example, Take TOSHIBA, take the world.(东芝电子) Meanwhile, such the words look, feel, taste, smell, etc. as express people’s subjective notions and feeling. Uncertainty and indeterminacy in nature leaves the readers much room for imagination. For example: (1) You can feel the feature in Philips design. (2) Go for it! Look, good, feelgood. Be you best! (3) “I could not believe it, until I tried it!” “I am impressed!” “You have gotta try it!” “I love it” In example 3, its simple wording and colloquial design let the consumers feel the reality--- a consumer who has used the products is talking about the excellence of products in quality. A series of verbs believe, try, impress easily induce people produce a strong urge to make purchase. Carl.P.Wright, a famous copywriter, holds that these words not only avoid direct and blunt expression but also induce people to figure the implications underlying the words spoken and to hold them as true. He points out three typical fuzzy words in ads, namely, help, like, virtually. “Help” is a popular catchword in ads, which means, “be conducive to” but whose definite effects are not indicated. For example: Check. Up GUM ( Check. Up 口香糖) Carry- 配套讲稿:
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- 广告 模糊 现象 分析 英语论文
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