仓储服务协议 WAREHOUSING SERVICE AGREEMENT 本协议于 年 月 日 由: ________________________公司,其注册地址为____________________(本协议中简称“客户”)和 丹沙中福货运代理有限公司,其注册地址为 (本协议中简称“DHL”) 共同签订。 This agreement is made and entered into by and between ___________ _______, with its office at ______________ (hereinafter referred to as “Customer”) and DHL Logistics (China) Co., Ltd/Danzas Z.F. Freight Agency Co., Ltd, having its registered office at (hereinafter referred to as “DHL”) at [ ]。 . 鉴于: 1. 客户需要DHL以其专业知识按下文条件和条款提供仓储及相关物流服务; WHEREAS, Customer requires the facilities and expertise of DHL for warehousing and relevant logistics services in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth below; and 2. DHL同意在 仓库提供上述仓储及相关物流服务。 WHEREAS, DHL has agreed to perform such warehousing and relevant logistics services for Customer at DHL’s facility at , People’s Republic of China; 现双方经协商一致同意如下: NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree as follows: 1. 服务范围 SCOPE OF SERVICES 在本协议规定期限内,DHL将应按客户要求提供仓储及相关服务,主要的服务范围请见附件1。 During the term of this Agreement, DHL shall provide warehousing and related services for Customer as requested by Customer. The main scope of services to be provided under this Agreement is set forth in Appendix 1. 2. 价格: PRICE 除非双方另有约定,否则双方应按附件2确定的费率/价格来结算仓储费用及相关的其他操作费用。任何情况下,DHL均有权依据本合同第三条第二、三款之规定对该费率/价格进行调整。除非是在报价书中特别明确,DHL向客户提交的报价不含按照中国法律规定需要由客户承担的政府征收的税费(所得税除外)。客户将负责承担并补偿DHL在地方的当局征收的与因货物或与货物有关的税费。 Both parties shall settle the warehousing charge and other handling charges on a fixed rate and/or price set forth in Appendix 2, unless other rate and /or price has been agreed by both parties. Under any circumstance, DHL may adjust the above rate and/or price at its own discretion in terms of Article 3 (2) and (3) . Unless otherwise specified, the quotations are exclusive of taxes imposed on Customer by any government or other authority (except income tax). Customer shall be liable for any duties, taxes, levies, or outlays of any kind levied by the authorities at any place for or in connection with the goods. 3. 支付 PAYMENT 3.1DHL就本协议所提供的服务应在每月 日前向客户开具上月的发票,客户应在收到发票后的十五日内(异议期)进行核实。客户未在异议期内提出任何异议的,视作客户对该发票金额的确认。客户不能因索赔、反索赔或冲抵而扣除或延期支付所有到期款项。DHL迟延开具发票的,客户有权拒迟延付款。客户保证在DHL发票开出后三十日内付清发票上的应付款项金额,否则DHL有权收取违约金,违约金按日万分之一五计算,最长不超过 天。违约金计算期间为自款项到期之日起至客户的款项付至DHL的帐户上之日为止。 3.1 DHL shall submit invoices before to Customer on a monthly basis for services rendered under this Agreement. Customer shall address its object or dissent against the invoice within fifteenth five (15) days (the period of objection) upon receipt of the invoice. In case no object or dissent during the above period of objection, it should be automatically regarded as acknowledgement of the amount specified on the invoice by Customer. In case DHL delays in submitting invoices, Customer is entitled to delay payment accordingly. Customer shall pay to DHL all sums without deduction or deferment on account of any claim, counterclaim or set-off. Customer undertakes it will pay off all amounts due and payable as stipulated in the commercial invoice within thirty (30) days after the date of invoice. Otherwise DHL is entitled to charge Customer the overdue payment as penalty at 0.015% per day until all the sums arrive at DHL’s account, .calculated no more than days. 3.2 除非双方另有书面约定外, 客户应以人民币方式付清发票上的应付款项, 如需美元、欧元或其他货币支付人民币费用的,应根据甲乙双方约定的人民币汇率支付,如无事先约定的,则按照发票开具之日中国人民银行公布的有关人民币汇率中间价进行结算。 3.2 Unless otherwise as stipulated in written form, Customer shall pay off all amounts due and payable as specified on DHL’s invoice in RMB (Renminbi). In the event the above payment has to be remitted in US Dollar, Euro or other currencies, Party A shall pay off the above amounts in terms of the exchange rate determined and agreed by both parties, otherwise the exchange rate should be the middle rate announced by People’s Bank of China on the date of commercial invoice issuance. 3.3如3.3能否删除? 遇运价政策、汽油燃油费用、人民币费率及人民币增值等因素的波动和变化,需要对运费和其他费用进行调整的,客户同意DHL有权单方面对该费用进行调整,但应提前三十十五日书面通知客户,且在该次价格调整后一年之内不得再次调整价格。 3.3 Provided that the fluctuation or variety of cost, market transportation price, gas and fuel cost, exchanges rate, currency adjustment factor (CAF) and other key elements lead to the adjustment of transportation service expenses and other expenses, Customer agrees that DHL is entitled to unilaterally adjust the corresponding expenses by giving 3015-days prior written notification to Customer or Customer’s designated customer. DHL shall not make any other adjustment on price within one year since such adjustment. 4. 保险: INSURANCE 4.1 协议双方应自己承担为其员工购买足够的工伤保险, 4.1 Each party shall carry Worker Compensation Insurance on its own employees. 4.2 协议双方应对各自的财产及责任足额投保。 4.2 Each party shall arrange sufficient insurance for its properties and liabilities.. 5. 责任 LIABILITY 客户 Customer 5.1客户应保证并承认其仓储、运输货物是遵守中华人民共和国所有与运输、税收、货物进出口、知识产权等相关的法律、法规、政策和要求。如客户或客户指定的第三方违反上述规定而遭到相关政府部门的调查、查处、扣留、扣押等措施而导致DHL损失的,客户负责赔偿。 5.1 Customer guarantees and undertakes to ensure that the cargo for warehousing and transportation shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and/or requirements of People’s Republic of China in respect of transportation, taxation of the cargo, cargo import and export, intellectual property right and other relevant aspects. Customer shall indemnify and keep DHL harmless from and against any and all losses arising from the investigation, punishment, custody, seizure and other measures by competent government due to Customer’s or any third party designated by customer breach or violation of the aforesaid stipulations. 5.2客户应保证其已经或将会向DHL提供的货物的详细信息和相应文件的真实、准确和完整,不会有任何误导。 5.2 Customer guarantees and undertakes that all information or documents provided or will be provided with relation to the service are true, complete and accurate in all respects and are not misleading for any reason. 5.3客户应保证其运输的货物是完好无损的,其包装是符合运输安全要求的,并且不会对DHL的财产及其他货物造成任何伤害。如客户需要运输易碎、贵重、危险等特殊货物的,应书面通知DHL提请注意,否则DHL将不承担由此产生的任何责任。 5.3 Customer’s designated customer guarantees and undertakes to ensure that the cargo is in good condition, and that its packing complies with all applicable safety laws, regulations or requirements and will not cause any damage or injury or the likelihood of damage or injury to the property of DHL or any other goods. Customer’s designated customer shall notify DHL in writing if any fragile, precious, dangerous or other specific cargo is to be transported, otherwise DHL shall not take any responsibility arising herefrom. 5.4除非DHL事先知悉并表示接受,DHL没有义务仓储或承运任何危险品。如DHL发现客户交运的货物有危险品,DHL有权拒绝,由此产生的费用由客户承担,如造成DHL损失的,客户还应赔偿相应的损失,最高限额不超过人民币 元。不论客户是否知晓货物本身的性质,客户都应赔偿DHL因操作、运输、存储危险物品而导致的一切损失及费用。 5.4 No Dangerous Goods are to be supplied to DHL for the services without the previous knowledge and express consent of DHL and any such goods may upon being discovered be rejected by DHL and returned to Customer who shall be liable for any cost arising from rejection. Customer shall indemnify DHL against all loss damage or expense arising out of dangerous goods being tendered for transportation or storage or being handled or carried by DHL but Customer’s liability shall be subject to the cap at RMB whether or not Customer was aware of the nature of the goods. 5.5客户同意维护、保护DHL使DHL免于遭受因根据客户指示或由于客户或客户指第三方违反本合同规定而承担的所有权利主张、诉讼、损失、费用、损害、税收、罚款及其他费用(包括法律费用),如DHL因此而遭受损失,客户应对此进行赔偿。 5.5 Customer agrees to indemnify, defend and hold DHL harmless from and against any and all claims, proceedings, loss, costs, damages, taxes, penalties, expenses (including legal expenses) arising from DHL acting in accordance with Customer’s or Customer’s designated third party’s instructions or arising from the breach of Customer’s or Customer’s designated customer’s obligation in this term. 5.6客户应自行准备商检,如因客户未能根据进出口国的要求完成商检的,由此产生的责任由客户自行承担。 5.6 Customer shall be solely liable for preparation of inspection according to the requirement of importing and exporting country. 5.7客户应自行准备熏蒸、报关/清关,如因客户未能根据进出口国的要求完成熏蒸、报关/清关的,由此产生的责任由客户自行承担,除非客户书面委托DHL。如客户书面委托DHL进行熏蒸、报关/清关的,应及时、准确、完整地向DHL提供所需文件。 5.7 Customer shall be solely liable for preparation of fumigation or Customs Declaration/Clearance according to the requirement of importing and exporting country unless written authorization to DHL requested by Customer. Provided that DHL is authorized to complete fumigation or Customs Declaration/Clearance, Customer shall be liable for its timely and complete document preparation and information veracity. DHL 5.8DHL应保证并承认其仓储、运输货物是遵守中华人民共和国所有与运输、税收、货物进出口、知识产权等相关的法律、法规、政策和要求。如DHL及其指定的第三方违反上述规定而遭到相关政府部门的调查、查处、扣留、扣押等措施而导致客户或收货人损失的,DHL应负责赔偿。 5.8 DHL guarantees and undertakes to ensure that the cargo for warehousing and transportation shall comply with all applicable laws, regulations, policies and/or requirements of People’s Republic of China in respect of transportation, taxation of the cargo, cargo import and export, intellectual property right and other relevant aspects. DHL shall indemnify and keep Customer harmless from and against any and all losses arising from the investigation, punishment, custody, seizure and other measures by competent government due toDHL’s or any third party designated by DHL breach or violation of the aforesaid stipulations. DHL和/或其分包商不应对非因其故意或过错造成的损失和迟延损失承担责任(包括但不限于海关检查、政府行为、抢劫、不可抗力、进出口法律政策的变化、货物的固有缺陷和客户的不当指示)。 5.8 DHL and/or its subcontractor will not be liable for damage, loss and/or delay arising from its non-willful act and non-negligence (including but not limited to the Customs’ inspection, government’s act, hijack, force majeure, change of export and import regulations and policy, inherent defect of Cargo and improper instruction by Customer). 5.9 DHL应提供适合、必要的安全措施确保客户货物在DHL和/或分包商保管控制下免于遭受水淋、偷盗等,如未尽到相应义务并给客户或收货人造成损失的,应对客户或收货人承担相应赔偿责任,但DHL能证明是由于。如交付客户或客户指定收货方时货物包装和货物表面情况良好,则DHL和/或分包商不应对货物的内部损坏、潜在损坏(包括但不限于发霉、水污、污渍和固有缺陷等)造成的除外负责,除非客户事先给予DHL和/或分包商书面明确指示(运输方面和/或存储方面)要求DHL采取相应措施(遵守该措施应能有效避免货物在DHL和/或分包商保管控制下免于遭受上述损坏的)来避免上述损失并同意支付因采取该措施所需支付的额外费用。 5.9 DHL shall provide proper safety measures and necessary security measures to ensure that the Products under DHL’s and its subcontractor’s custody and control are free from water, or otherwise, and shall also prevent any theft or pilferage,if DHL fails to do so, it shall be liable for any losses or damages arising from breach of such obligation unless it proves such losses or damages are attributable to . In no event shall DHL and/or its subcontractor be liable for internal and/or potential damage and loss of cargo (including but not limited to the mildew, water smudge, blots cockle and the inherent defect) in case the external packing and status of cargo when delivering to Customer or its designated customers are in good condition unless Customer has given DHL prior written instruction with specific requirement and instruction of transportation and/or storage that may effectively avoid such damage or loss hereof at Customer’s charge under DHL and its subcontractor’s custody and control. 5.10DHL对运输、仓储过程中货物的毁损、灭失以及迟延交付或未授权交付或没有依照客户的指示行事承担责任,但DHL能证明是因不可抗力、货物本身的自然性质或合理损耗以及客户、收货人的过错造成的,不承担赔偿责任。除非是由于DHL的过失或过错原因所导致,DHL不对任何货物的丢失、损坏、延迟交付、错误交付或未授权交付或没有依照客户的指示行事承担责任。DHL和客户同意DHL根据本协议向客户提供的相关服务适用DHL标准交易条款 (附件3)(简称称DHL条款)(两者不一致的,则以本协议的规定为准) 5.10 DHL shall only be liable for any loss, damage, delay, non-delivery, mis-delivery and unauthorized delivery unless DHL proves that it is caused by force majeure, by inherent natural characters of the goods, by reasonable loss, or by the fault on the part of Customer or consignee. attributable to its negligence, misconduct or default, and Customer agree that the provision by DHL to Customer of the services rendered under this agreement shall be subject as applicable (save where inconsistent with any express provision of this Agreement to the contrary) to DHL Standard Trading Conditions (Appendix 3) ( hereinafter referred to as " DHL Conditions"). 5.11 如客户需要提供国际运输服务的,DHL在国际运输服务中对客户因货物遗失、损坏的责任承担应遵循DHL海运提单或空运单中的责任条款。(见附件4)。 5.11 If International transportation is needed, DHL’s liability to Customer for lost or damaged Products while performing international transportation services shall comply with the limitations of liability set out in its Bill of Lading or Air Waybill (a copy of which is annexed at Appendix 4. ) 5.12 在中国的内陆运输,DHL的赔偿责任不超过毛重每公斤人民币20.00元请注意以下各条款的赔偿限额,是否能和对方协商提高? ,并且每个索赔或一系列索赔项下最高赔偿额不超过人民币10,000元。 5.12 For inland transportation in Chinese territory, DHL’s liability shall subject to the cap at RMB10,000 per occurrence, be limited as RMB20 per KG of gross weight of the goods lost or damaged. 5.13 对于DHL提供仓储服务的货物,DHL的赔偿每个索赔或系列索赔项下最高赔偿额不超过人民币10,000元;此外,对于仓储过程中发生的货物丢失或损坏,客户同意DHL享有1%年度总库存价值的库存公差,DHL仅就超出库存公差部分承担责任,但全年总赔偿责任不超过同期仓储费用的5%。 5.13 For goods stored in the warehouse, DHL’s liability shall be capped at RMB10,000 per occurrence or series of connected occurrences and up to the annual aggregate of 5% of the revenue of the warehousing services in the year. Customer further agree DHL with a stock loss and/or damage tolerance of 1% of annual throughput stock value in a year and DHL shall not become liable until such stock loss and/or damage tolerance is exceeded, but then subject to the overall limit of liability of 5% of the site revenue of the services for Customer in a year. 5.14对于DHL提供的报关服务,每笔交易DHL的赔偿责任不超过每票货物所收取的报关代理服务费用;对于DHL提供的其他服务,每个索赔或系列索赔项下DHL的赔偿责任不超过人民币10,000元,全年不超过同期服务费用的5%。 5.14 The liability of DHL for customs brokerage per transaction shall subject to the cap of each shipment’s customs brokerage fee. For other related services, DHL’s liability shall be limited to RMB 10,000 per occurrence and up to the annual aggregated of 5% of the related service fee paid to DHL. 5.15 在任何情况下,DHL不承担特殊的、间接的、附带性的、后果性的损失(包括但不限于商业信誉、利润、市场份额、第三方索赔等在内的任何损失)。 5.15 Under no circumstances whatsoever shall DHL be liable to Customer for special, indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damages or for any loss of profits, including but not limited to any loss of profit, loss of sales, loss of market, loss of goodwill or reputation and third party claims, etc. 5.16 如果发生货物遗失或破损,客户应遵循DHL索赔流程(附件5)规定的程序进行索赔。 5.16 In the event of loss or damage to the cargo, Customer shall follow DHL’s Claim Handling Processs as listed in Appendix 5. 6. 不可抗力 FORCE MAJEURE 如一方当事人未能履行或延迟履行本协议义务,其原因是非其过失且超出其合理控制下的事件造成的,包括但不限于自然灾害、政府行为或限制、战争、类似战争状态、敌对、制裁、革命、暴乱、抢劫、罢工、停工、瘟疫、流行病、火灾、洪水等, 该方当事人不必对此承担责任。一旦发生上述事件,遭受方应立即在48小时内通知另一方并在上述事件发生后15日内向对方提供相应证据,并在上述事件结束时立即采取合理措施继续履行本协议。继续履行的时间应加以延长,所延长的时间为因上述事件造成运输延迟的时间。 Neither party shall be liable to the other party for damages or otherwise for any failure to perform or delay in performing any of its duties or obligations under this Agreement when and if such failure or delay is- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 仓储 物流 服务 协议 仓库
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