(翻译使用谷歌翻译,只能大体理解,不能翻译细处,仅供参考 。) 陈红谕 平行线的回忆 合编 商务英语课文翻译资料 Lesson 1 Modes of International Business国际商业模式 When pursuing international business, private enterprises and governments have to decide how to carry out their business, such as what mode of operation to use. The following shows that a company has a number of modes from which to choose. 在进行国际商务时,民营企业和政府必须决定如何展开他们的业务,比如使用什么操作方式。下面展示了一个公司的一种选择模式。 MERCHANDISE EXPORTS and IMPORTS商品出口和进口 Companies may export or import either goods or services. More companies are involved in exporting and importing than in any other international mode. 公司可以出口和进口任何商品或服务。与其他任何国际模式相比,越来越多的公司参与出口和进口业务。 This is especially true of smaller companies, even though they are less likely than large companies to engage in exporting. ( large companies are also more apt to engage in other forms of foreign operations in addition to exporting and importing. ) merchandise exports are tangible products – goods – sent out of a country ; merchandise imports are goods brought in. 这种情况特别适合于较小的公司,尽管他们不太可能像大公司那样从事出口。(大企业也更容易以其他形式从事出口和进口的海外业务。)商品出口是有形资产 – 商品 – 输出到外国的过程;商品进口是商品的引进。 Because these goods can be seen leaving and entering a country , they are sometimes called visible exports and imports. The terms exports and imports frequently apply to merchandise, not service. 因为这些商品可以 看做输出和输入到一个国家,它们有时被称为有形出口和进口。这个关于出口和进口的术语通常使用与商品,而不是服务。 When a Chinese contractor sends Phantom Menace action figures from China to the United States, the contractor exports and Hasbro imports. The action figures are exports for China and imports for the United States. For most countries, exporting and importing of goods are the major sources of international revenue and expenditures. 当一个中国承包从中国向美国输出Phantom Menace的人物玩具时,承包商出口和Hasbro进口。这个人物玩具从中国出口和从美国进口。对大部分国家来说,进口和出口商品是国际收入和支出主要来源。 SERVICE EXPORTS and IMPORTS服务出口和进口 Service exports and imports are nonproduct international earnings, the company or individual receiving payment is making a service export. The company or individual paying is making a service import. Service exports and imports take many forms. In this section, we discuss the following sources of such earnings: 服务出口与进口是无形产品的国际收益,公司或个人收取形成服务出口。公司或者个人支付形成服务进口。服务出口和进口有多种形式。在这一节中,我们讨论如下收益来源: Tourism and transportation Performance of services Use of assets 旅游与交通;服务性支付;可用资产 When Lucasfilm exports films from the United States, the films travel internationally, as do Lucasfilm employees when they go abroad to promote the films. Let`s say that Lucasfilm sends its employees and films to Germany on Lufthansa, a German airline, and the employees stay in Germany for a few days. 当卢卡斯影业从美国出口电影,卢卡斯的员工就要通过国际旅行到国外推销电影电影国际旅行一样。让我们这么说,卢卡斯影业把他们的员工和电影送往德国汉莎航空公司,而员工在德国逗留几天。 Their payments to Lufthansa and thear expenses in Germany are service exports for Germany and service imports for the United States. International tourism and transportation are important sources of revenue for airlines, shipping companies, travel agencies, and hotels. Some countries` economies, too, depend heavily on revenue from these economic sectors. 他们的付款给德国汉莎航空公司的费用在德国是服务出口和在美国是服务的进口。国际旅游、运输收入的重要来源是航空公司、船舶、旅行社、及酒店。某些国家的经济在很大程度上依赖于这些经济部门。 For example, in Greece and Norway, a significant amount of employment, profits, and foreign-exchange earnings comes from foreign cargo that is carried on ships owned by citizens of those countries. 例如,在希腊和挪威,大量的就业、利润以及外汇收入是来自这些国家的公民拥有的船舶进行外国货物的运输。 Earnings from foreign tourism are more important for the Bahamian economy than are earnings from the export of merchandise. Similarly, in recent years the United States gas earned more from foreign tourism than from its exports of agricultural goods. 巴哈马的更重要的经济来源是外国旅游业收入,超过了商品出口。同样,最近几年美国天然气赚取更多的外国旅游而不是农产品的出口。 Performance of Services Some services – anking, insurance, rentals ( sch as of Star Wars films ), engineering management services, and so on – net companies earnings in the form of fees, that is, payments for the performance of those services. 经营银行、保险、租赁(像影片《星球大战》的租赁)、工程、经营管理服务等服务性事业的那些公司净得服务费形式的收入,即对它们完成那些服务性活动所支付的款项。 On an international level, for example, companies pay fees for engineering services that are often handled through turnkey operations – construction, erformed under contract, of facilities that are transferred to the owner when they are ready to egin operating. 例如,从国际角度来看,公司对常常通过统包式业务进行的工程方面的服务支付服务费,而统包式业务就是根据合同进行设施的建造,这些设施在准备开始运转时转移给物主。 Companies also pay fees for management contracts – arrangements in which one company provides personnel to perform general or specialized management functions for another company. Disney receives management fees from managing theme parks in France and Japan. 公司还管理合同支付费用 - 安排在其中一个公司提供的人员为另一家公司执行一般或专门的管理职能。迪斯尼收取来自法国和日本的管理主题公园管理费。 Use of Assets 资产的使用 When companies allow others to use their assets, such as trademarks, patents, copyrights, or expertise under contracts, also known as licensing agreements, they receive earnings called royalties. 当公司允许他人使用其资产,如商标,专利,版权,或根据合同的专业知识,也被称为许可协议,他们收取所谓的特许权使用费收入。 On an international level, for example, Lucasfilm has licensed The Lego Group from Denmark to use its trademarked Phantom Menace figures in Mindstorm construction toys. Royalties also come from franchise contracts. 在国际层面,例如,卢卡斯电影公司已经授权由丹麦乐高集团使用其注册商标的玩具 Phantom Menace。特许权使用费来自特许经营合同。 Franchising is a mode of business in which one party ( the franchisor ) allows another party ( the franchisee ) the use of a trademark that is an essential asset for the franchisee`s business. The franchisor also assists on a continuing basis in the operation of the business, such as by providing components, mangement services, and technology. 特许经营是一种商业模式,在其中一方(特许人)允许另一方(被特许人)商标的使用是一项重要资产,是成为加盟商的业务。特许人在业务继续运作的基础上还协助有关业务操作,如提供组件,管理服务和技术。 Dividends and interest paid on foreign investments are also treated as service exports and imports because they represent the use of assets ( capital ). However, countries treat the investments themselves separately in the international economic statistics they report.红利和外国投资的利息也被当作服务出口和进口因为它们代表使用资产(资金)。然而,国家的投资分别对应本国在国际经济统计数字的报告。 INVESTMENTS投资 Foreign investment means ownership of foreign property in exchange for financial return, such as interest and dividends. Foreign investment takes two forms: direct and portfolio外国投资意味着拥有外国资产的所有权,以换取经济回报,如利息和红利。外商投资以两种形式:直接投资和有价证券。 Direct Investment 直接投资 A direct investment is one that gives the investor a controlling interest in a foreign company. Such a direct investment is also a foreign direct investment ( FDI ). Control need not be a 100-percent or even a 50-percent interest. 直接投资是指投资者拥有一家外国公司的控股权。这样的直接投资也是一种外国直接投资(FDI)。控制权不一定是百分之百,甚至是百分之五十的股份。 If a company holds a minority stake and the remaining ownership is widely dispersed, no other owner may be able to counter the company effectively. When two or more companies share ownership of an FDI, the operation is a joint venture. When a government joins a company in an FDI, the operation is called a mixed venture, which is a type of joint venture. 如果一个公司拥有少数股权,其余的所有权是分散的,没有任何其他的业主可以对公司有效控制。则两家以上的公司的股权的外国投资操作合资企业。当政府加入一个公司能够掌控外国直接投资,操作所说的混合风险,它是一种合资企业。 Companies may choose FDI as a mode to access certain resources or reach a market. 公司可以选择外国直接投资的一种模式用以接收特定资源或获得市场。 Today, about 60,000 companies worldwide have FDIs that encompass every type of business function – extracting raw materials from the earth, growing crops, manufacturing products or components, selling output, providing various services, and so on. 现今,全世界约60 000家公司拥有对外直接投资,它们的这些投资包括各种经营的业务,像从陆地采掘原料、种植庄稼、制造产品或零部件、销售产品及提供各种服务等。 FDI is not the domain of large companies only. For example, many small firms maintain sales offices abroad to complement their export efforts, which are FDI along with the real estate they own abroad. However because large companies tend to have larger foreign facilities and operate in more countries, the value of their FDI is higher. 外国直接投资不是只有大公司。例如,许多小公司保持销售办事处,在国外,以补充其出口的空间,这是伴随着他们自己的海外房地产的外国直接投资。但是,由于大公司往往有较大的外国设施和经营在更多的国家,其外国直接投资价值较高。 Porfolio Investment 有价证券投资 A portfolio investment is a noncontrolling interest in a company or ownership of a loan to another party. Usually a portfolio investment takes one of two forms: stock in a company or loans to a company or country in the form of bonds, or notes that the investor purchases. 一有价证券投资是一个公司贷款所有权转让给其他当事人控制性权益。通常有价证券投资有两种形式:一个公司的股票和借款或国家债券以票据形式向投资者出售。 Foreign portfolio investments are important for most companies that have extensive international operations. Companies use them primarily for short-term financial gain, that is, as a means for a company to earn more money on its money with relative safety. Company treasurers routinely move funds among countries to get higher yields on shortterm investments. 外国有价证券投资对大多数公司是重要的,这些公司有一般有广泛的国际业务。公司主要是利用他们从事短期经济利益,作为一种手段为公司去赚更多的相对安全的钱。公司的财务人员经常将资金通过在国家间短期投资得到更高的收益 INTERNATIONAL COMPANIES and TERMS to DESCRIBE THEM国际公司和描述术语 Many of the terms in international business are confusing because writers, both in the popular media and in governmental ad academic reports, use them to define different things. 在国际业务中许多条款因为书写方式而混乱,,无论是在大众媒体和广告的学术报告还是政府,用它们来定义不同的事物。 There are numerous ways that companies may work together in international operations, such as through joint ventures, licensing, management contracts, minority ownership in each other`s company, or long-term contractual arrangements. An all-encompassing term to describe these operations is collaborative arrangements. 有许多方法,企业可以一起进行国际业务,如通过合资,许可证,管理合同,对于少数的公司,可安排长期合同。一个包罗万象的术语来描述这些行动就是安排合作。 Another term, strategic alliance, can sometimes mean the same things, but more narrowly – to indicate an agreement that is of critical importance to the competitive viability of one or more partners. 另一个专门名词“战略同盟”有时可指同一事件,但含义更为狭隘,它指一项对一个或更多经营伙伴的竞争上的生命力极为重要的协议。 We shall use strategic alliance only in its narrower meaning. 更狭隘的意义是我们将使用较窄的战略同盟。 The multinational enterprise ( MNE ) is a company that takes a global approach to foreign markets and production. It is willing to consider market and production locations anywhere in the world. The true MNE usually uses most of the modes discussed so far. 多国企业(跨国公司)公司是指全球性,可以对一个外国市场和生产。它原意考虑在世界市场和生产场所的任何地方。真正的跨国公司通常采用到目前为止讨论的模式。 However, it can be difficult to determine whether a company takes this global approach, so narrower definitions of the term multinational enterprise have emerged. For example, some say a company, to qualify as an MNE, must have production facilities in some minimum number of countries or be of a certain size ( usually in terms of sales ). Under this definition, an MNE usually would have to be a giant company. 然而,很难决定公司采取这个全球性的定义,所以较窄的跨国企业的术语层出不穷。例如,一些人认为一个公司,拥有跨国公司资格,必须在一些国家具有一定规模生产设施或最低数量(通常以销售额计算)。在这个定义,一个跨国公司通常是指一个巨大规模的公司。 However, a small company also can take a global approach within its resource capabilities and might use most of the operating forms we have discussed; therefore, most writers today use the term to include any company that has operations in more than one country. 可是,一家小型公司也能在它的资源能力范围内采取一种全球性的方法,而且可能采用我们已经论述的大多数经营方式。因此,现今大多数作者所使用的这个专门名词,都包括任何一家在超过一个国家中拥有经营活动的公司。 The term multinational corporation ( MNC ) is also commonly used in the international business arena and often is a synonym for MNE. We prefer the MNE designation because there are many internationally involved companies, such as accounting partnerships, that are not organized as corporations. Another term sometimes used interchangeably with MNE, especially by the United Nations, is transnational company ( TNC ). 多国公司(跨国公司)一词也常用在国际商业舞台上,往往是跨国公司的代名词。我们更喜欢跨国公司的指定,因为有很多国际的公司,如合作伙伴关系,是不是公司组织的。另一个词有时可以与跨国公司互换使用,尤其是由联合国,是跨国公司(跨国公司)。 However, this term also has two other meanings. The first ( and earliest ) is a company owned and managed by nationals in different countries. For example, Royal Dutch Shell is a company whose owners and corporate management are split between the United Kingdom and the Netherlands. However, this type of company is uncommon, so we don`t often use the term in this way. Today, the most common use of the term has come from writers on international business strategy. 然而,这个术语也有两个其他的意义。第一个(最早)是一个拥有并在不同国家的国民托管公司。例如,荷兰皇家壳牌公司,其业主和企业管理不和导致分成英国公司和荷兰公司。然而,这种类型的公司并不常见,所以我们不经常使用这种术语。今天,这个词最常出现在国际化经营战略中。 They use the term to maen an organization in which capabilities and contributions may differ by country but are developed and integrated into its worldwide operations. 他们使用这个专门名词来说明,一家经营机构的能力和贡献可能在不同国家之间有区别,但已发展和融入其全球性的经营活动。 This type of organization learns from all its operating environments and uses that knowledge throughout its global operations. 这种组织学习的类型在其全球业务利用所有操作的环境和知识。Companies with international operations can be global or multidomestic. A global company, sometimes called a globally integrated company, integrates its operations that are located in different countries. 进行国际业务的公司可以是跨全球或跨本国的。一个全球性公司,有时也被称为全球性的综合公司,它在不同的国家设有业务。For example, it might design a product or service with a global market segment in mind. Or it might depend on its operations in different countries to produce the components used in its products and services. In this type of company, the development of capabilities and the decisions to diffuse them globally are essentially made in the company`s home country. 例如,它可以设计一个具有全球考虑市场的产品或服务。或者,它可能取决于不同国家生产其产品和服务所使用的组件在其业务。在这个公司,基本上在该公司的总部运用决策的能力和发展型向全球扩散。 A multidomestic company, sometimes called a locally responsive company and sometimes a multinational company, allows each of its foreign-country operations to act fairly independently, such as by designing and producing a product or service in France for the French market and in Japan for the Japanese market. 一个跨本国公司,有时被称为一种本地公司,有时一家跨国公司,允许它的各个外国公司操作的行为又相当独立,如如通过设计和生产的产品或服务在法国为了法国市场,在日本为了日本市场。 Thus a global company and a multidomestic company differ in the degree of integration among company operations in defferent countries. However, a company`s operations may be global, while its marketing is multidomestic. 因此,一个全球性公司和跨本国公司不同点在于公司之间的一体化程度不同模式下运作。然而,公司的业务可能是全球性的,而它的营销是国内性的。 The TNC is like the global company in that it leverages the capabilities of both the home country and the foreign countries where it operates, but its main location of power within the organization may be geographically dispersed. 跨国公司和全球公司相似之处在于它们在其经营所在的本国和外国举债经营潜力的开发,但它们的经营机构内力量的主要所在地在地理位置上可能是分散的。 Lesson 3 The Importance of International Trade to Economic Development 国际贸易对经济发展的重要性 Trade as an engine of growth贸易是经济增长的引擎 During the nineteenth century, most of the word’s modern industrial production was concen trated in great Britain. Large increases in industrial production and population in resource-poor Britain led to a rapidly rising demand for the food and raw material exports of the regions of r- 配套讲稿:
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- 国际 商务英语 教程 第三 翻译

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