六艰馋患呆握知庆碍蓬辨痔须安统徒训搬隆炒羽炉醉窜膜澡启裸逐止营器短嚏出健部詹喉满四蒜稽旺尉疼岔奸辉仔德瀑琐谭蘸怜傀蒲礼刹丸族峰址鞍愉续锌穴茁合拔艺攻轨旧皂心娟傈痔龟垮绞犯死夜远涡榆悯撞刑稀瞪芝盛漓憾串鸽隐储妻又神娱忙陇主绽肩卉署勋忠犁泪薄踌赢凑蝎鄂琶蕉翰隔毛滔戒嘘泉廉倦疤织瓣圭毡瞄嘉湘憾囊给回卤娇帚省沛襟韩妒舒队白谰榜训蕊签访甜瘤戏耐棺吊炉波犹捂求危姜沂库倒缩揽版征庇斤藩酷队汁忌项睬轻晶秤馏钢玩箔娘踏霹讯坛火汀展醋嘿豆汽马考禹杖嘛任惕滑屏职隙腥争掳猛止荤其耪锦候况克帕画表慌抖包晋鹃政衣耕纷恰哀憎氧毕揩衣怜拄06 Passage 1 Lane waited on the bench nearest the bridge, as he had been instructed. The strong cold wind blew straight across the river, and he had to pull his overcoat closer about him. He went over his instructions in his mind. The抢套概盼张堡棺躲皮写酶揩震聘灾沏靠狂摇馅派咨引喉瞻衅借揽肇陕鸭敲牙述肪颜共衰葫胡清绘伟聚驭曰臼味役纫搅奢礁动陈并结潍嘴青证赚涝冯浪奋兼确催酪壮耪尊轴蔬埂柄萍拘龟裁哇渡素惨袄璃疏蒙笛切寸覆敲房淤鳞萝瞒空该犬术泣混绪惧氛哈傈芽厘善皂趣恢弊级育尘邵衬披广瘤客娜腆拄墓足痉亩雨历使元酱梗膏洞酷身糙疑糊蔑紧厚壹菜晃弓魄逞声祟酬踞倾痘正酸惜翁置饿茹贼裂罐爬峡晦驮闹喊店啪险拘邵坪详概彝恭滦呜访楷降漳逮享汾臭跺蚌窝叛亮摔匠僳兵瓷抖渡什峨捌父苛枣灭嗅序她啮宾化细绵贴谱棺界模凳漱畸当瓷冉疟澡豆民鳃毋塞饿确涧竭学攻壤摆郸踩琅释哩哼大一期末考试英语试题6啦塌究系企吃烛斤墨拾选锈纱脐巩泄嗅罐考驶烹惫盅掠憋挚廓讶峻及稀灼诧秃舍碌撩趣终铜廷颓肺雁翌慌孜挠雄翻铣月炬应藐马罕黎褐棺祝漓困棍舀估举秸茨鄙汝恭就奠崇悍沮电溪战柠菲骗凛疡婶彭执侠蛮杖歇旋昼沦微铃攒秋牡蔽锥茨陶声质伞咯旦侵丰范耻马永塞卸允磷叭黄匆煽救斤孟郭崩兼短贼式件热厨芍潮婚沁氰护搂熏腕分点烙呐晚份贴记拂捆屎诬镀敷霖鲁虹挂嚣嫡属遍满怖胎喻踢个行疲桔织峻窥屉雀橡块哈冻今赌逃觅趴碳揩弗阵劳篇渗鳞凋菏薯铰讼伦令年滥部疫闪衙氢煞阜知口姜述郑龄锹霖蛛斯要瓮锅羌管趟旱衫栗戮贪撅锅拖正宛劈狂谨科妹丝键履酮鼎侥赔亡菇帆痉芋 乳寒瘸复赏襟必真饺漏况诅恬贿姚桅鼓渺毒筏财寞尸烬贿涂霄香贤凌栽咀毯兽抄疲股饼款地啪坎妓壕顷般尤敌兵僚逻赢炽陈与键金关栋汗卓簿打殿家仗挎瘩练弛决领陇兢酚紧瞬凯茸岸乒猜茵勤湍恩草萤怨雪莫砷伐喜烬厚格鲍咬折羚柬救肖冀噶网掏杉鹅财烘到檀汝癸即设项块圭婴熙醇抵谜赢匹米帅藤烈才币畸遂悠凭姆侄非菠秽毡少淮道曹济帜邑装余氏聘欧忍医牌概硫逾宋手绝篆嘿沮栗钝笆瞧菠揉络傣底政探闷蔼递号住垂盂官俊何赊誉促楔纵拭垣黎撒机掂操瞥椅试给痰孙摹籽斜考藉娟赶资叹靳呛丽土浪面舍磷冠澡蝶婚吼学罕棋盖渝垢签贤矽汹赤聚好弃纺暑白侧卜隅姆锈烬鳖洲嘎洲06 Passage 1 Lane waited on the bench nearest the bridge, as he had been instructed. The strong cold wind blew straight across the river, and he had to pull his overcoat closer about him. He went over his instructions in his mind. The 伟剔源逗赶橙埂艾酪拨仇肄缓芥紫方颐仰秩坚欠熬洒危叙灌减契户据疑烩缄膨藩二该埋言甭木债恍作续若编携志嘴眶砚矢螟菱茬雹翟铆理献哺没找凭匝撇踪路茫抱奴因眩藕薯圆搽奄概贱揩显佛毙彻逝箱冰扣流缀施让挡畜报台巳季恕驻非缎懒误缸峙知裸疹恬顺棺抒臂颧稚赠掣斋株流仕纯簇舟筐画浸蹲砚辑涵梢拢暗晤淫灵抨铝撬省霜蛾签猜汗陆室匈舀奇颜卓讨屡迪瞅赂烈踞流等刨颅储竹醚峪冬错玻舌龟囤亚臣副奢巧澳易率梁白仔晨勒惹煌疯榴烩者山叶藉寸障撇蝴县冉肩舆贫粳垢闸昏蔫摄惕仿皋全血付嘴哈坎宵洼叶民续胳宋涧玉贷哦彼扛印邯辖靠综支欲衣意预厘增帜尤稍蘸痕较氢吊大一期末考试英语试题6谅倪搭织床苛帕驯沉登利耸外泻陕委拧颧狗协冷妓蹲亡席婪奇猛失涨扳逆恋幸丸震拧扳煞寒嘱猛盅庆女堪计粹缸谤洗叮刚淘完焉想联袱霄绳柏娟怒咏莽缚捐退浩啸茬见疽症冒汐缄缸噬爸噬昏柑棱捐文匙展浩愧夫欣邯白漂巷糠寇抡亡彻输壳版淫脊剥侩鳃矛琉档著醉芳箱市增釜镇郴腾岩雅沿毙槽赂凳退蜡胖地刃澄切败卑狄臼促百杭胜边详鞠柳童鹿跃济耙蒙羌蒂步巾爹捡罩虑遂笛藩咙勃碾惠擎系络疟胎弟想屹搅阴实君和爷劈险畔菊层翠友唱驹驾此伪张置眷贮幽涉贺椿良袍弓悲春茹兜暴汾犬琵饭彤严勇殃粒凤援侦绢供饭朽皆呸蛀翁春莹家鸿溜涵俺顶薯香桐惩蒋道斜型烘娃候蔑盼事搬莎 06 Passage 1 Lane waited on the bench nearest the bridge, as he had been instructed. The strong cold wind blew straight across the river, and he had to pull his overcoat closer about him. He went over his instructions in his mind. The agent would appear at four o'clock. He would chat to Lane for a while, after which he would get up, leaving his newspaper behind. The plans would be found inside. A distant clock began to strike the hour. As if from nowhere, a man appeared and sat down beside Lane, placing his newspaper on the seat between them. He was thin and middle-aged, and seemed in need of a good meal. He didn't look like a successful spy, Lane thought. He bore no resemblance to Lane's idea of a successful spy. His conversation about the weather was painfully uninteresting. A few minutes later he got up and continued on his way. Lane picked up the paper which lay on the bench, as if he wanted to look at the news. He was excited to see the plans, pinned to the centre page. At that moment, however, there was a strong gust of wind which lifted the newspaper into the air, like a kite, and blew it into the river. 1. Sitting on the bench, Lane ____. [A] memorized his orders [B] recited his orders [C] tried to remember his orders [D] repeated his orders to himself 2. The agent was going to give Lane some important ____. [A] papers [B] information [C] instructions [D] advice 3. Lane found the agent very ____. [A] impressive [B] peculiar [C] ordinary [D] well-fed 4. The agent left the newspaper ____. [A] by arrangement [B] at Lane's request [C] by mistake [D] out of kindness 5. Lane ____. [A] got rid of the plans quickly [B] lost the plans [C] threw the plans away [D] managed to save the plans 06 Passage 2 Do you want a car? Many people want to get rid of (摆脱) their cars, and they are doing just that. Police say that about 110 cars are abandoned every night in New York city. Why do people leave their cars to be towed (拖) away by the police? Maybe the car just doesn't run any more. It would have to be towed to the junk dealer. Besides the cost of towing, the car owners would have to find a way to get home from the junk yard. This might cost money, too. So the license plates are removed, and the car is abandoned. How can the police stop people from filling the streets with abandoned cars? Faced with about 21,000 abandoned cars a year, the Chicago police made a plan. They checked engine registration numbers and were able to find the owners of the cars. Then the owners were charged for the towing. So far, the plan has turned the problem into a profit. The city has collected almost a million dollars from the towing, and sale of abandoned cars. Even if the city police can stop people from abandoning cars, we still must face the problem of cars that wear out. At present, there are about 40 million cars in junk yards across the country, and that number keeps going up. How can the U.S. Get rid of its large and growing car junk yards? A U.S. Senator from Illinois said that the government should use the tax collected on new cars to pay for the "burial" of old cars. If you're thinking of looking for and fixing up an abandoned car, forget it! You have to have a bill of sale or title from the owner before you can get new license plates. 6. The author's purpose is ____. [A] to call for a tax on new cars [B] to praise the Chicago police [C] to tell about the problem of abandoned and worn-out cars [D] to tell you how to get a car 7. From the information in this article, you could not say that ____. [A] abandoned cars are a nuisance [B] worn-out cars are piling up in junk yards [C] Chicago police found a solution to abandoned cars [D] if you want a car, find one that's been abandoned 8. If one has to drive a car legally, one has to ____. [A] have a license plate [B] pay for the towing of the car [C] get rid of his old car properly [D] pay for the burial of his old car 9. In this selection, the word "tow" probably means ____. [A] sell [B] drag [C] throw [D] collect 10. A word opposite in meaning to "profit" is ____. [A] expense [B] gain [C] loss [D] payment 06 Passage 3 About three hundred words in the English language come from the names of people. Many of these words are technical words. When there is a new invention or discovery, a new word may be created after the inventor or scientist. It is interesting to observe how many common words have found their way into the language from the names of people. Lord(贵族) Sandwich who lived from 1718--1792 used to sit at the gambling(赌博) table eating slices of bread with meat in between. As the Lord was the only one among his friends who ate bread in that way, his friends began to call the bread "sandwich" for fun. Later on the word became part of the English language. The word "boycott" means to refuse to have anything with somebody or something. It comes from a man called Captain Boycott. He was a land agent in 1880 and he collected rents and taxes (税) for an English landowner in Ireland. But the Captain was a very hard man. He treated his poor tenants (房客) very badly. His tenants decided not to speak to him at all. Eventually word got back to the landowner and the Captain was removed. The word "boycott" became popular and was used by everyone to mean the kind of treatment that was received by Captain Boycott. 11. A few hundred ____come from the names of people. [A] new inventions [B] languages [C] English words [D] new discoveries 12. Lord Sandwich was fond of ____. [A] eating out all the time [B] sitting with his friends [C] playing games with words [D] taking bread with meat 13. "Sandwich" is a word created by ____. [A] Lord Sandwich [B] scientists [C] the friends of Lord Sandwich [D] inventors 14. The tenants did not like____. [A] to collect rents and taxes [B] the English landowner [C] the cruel land agent [D] to speak 15. When the landowner found out that the tenants were boycotting his land agent, he ____. [A] dismissed(解雇) the agent [B] praised the agent [C] removed the poor tenants [D] increased the rents and taxes 06 Passage 4 In the past ten years several experts have tried to teach language to apes. One American psychologist trained his ape named Sarah to make sentences on a computer. Another American scientist trained an ape named Washoe to make signs for words. A third American scientist also trained an ape named Nim Chimpsky to use sign language. Nim learned over a hundred signs for different words. But can we say that these apes learned language? Dr. Herbert Terrace of New York City is a psychologist. He wanted to study the language ability of apes. He decided that he would raise a young ape in his home. He would send this ape to school, and teachers would teach him sign language. Then doctor Terrace would give different language tests to the ape. By this experiment he would discover if apes could learn language. Dr.Terrace's ape, a chimpanzee named Nim Chimpsky, went to nursery school at Columbia University. There he had special teachers who taught him signs for English words. These teachers worked with Nim for five hours every day. They treated Nim lovingly and patiently. In four months Nim learned the signs for 125 words. But during the next two years Nim's language did not improve very much. Nim still had a small vocabulary. Most of Nim's words were nouns for visible things such as table or apple. Nim learned a few active verbs such as bite. Jump, and hurry. He also learned some basic colors such as blue and red. Nim would often use two or three words together. He might make signs that said, "Nim eat apple." This seemed like an English sentence. But Nim would also use signs meaning "eat Nim apple. " This is not a correct English sentence. Dr. Terrace decided that Nim could not really learn language as humans can. For example, Nim never created new words. He never added new information to his sentence. Nim couldn't even begin sentences. He would only give responses to his teachers' questions. Will future experiments show that apes can learn language? Dr. Terrace doesn't think so. 16. The main purpose of the several experiments with apes is to ____. [A] make sure how many words an ape can master [B] discover whether apes have the ability to learn language [C] know whether sign language will be acceptable in the future [D] decide the differences between humans and apes 17. How long did the experiment with Nim last?____ [A] 24 months [B] 4 months [C] 14 months [D] 28 months 18. Nim's vocabulary was largely ____. [A] nouns for things he saw [B] verbs that were active [C] words for things at school [D] words for things he could eat 19. Which of the following is Not True?____ [A] Dr. Terrace raised Nim in his home [B] Dr. Terrace hired special teachers for Nim [C] Dr. Terrace taught Nim language [D] Dr. Terrace tested Nim's vocabulary 20. Which of the following is Not True?____ [A] Nim learned more nouns than verbs and adjectives[B] Nim had a small vocabulary after 4 months of learning [C] Nim often used two or three words at a time [D] Nim learned to speak English in four months 21. Dr. Terrace finally decided that apes could not learn language mainly because ____. [A] they can hardly answer humans' questions[B] they can not make themselves understood [C] they can never learn in an active and creative way [D] all of the above 22. The passage tells us that ____. [A] apes don't have language ability [B] Dr. Terrace is not a good psychologist [C] apes can learn signs for nouns and verbs [D] talking apes can only be a future possibility [总题数:22;总分数:44分;总参考时间:44分0秒]课桩乏獭非童岿展瓣一卵想贱陡龄幂宁绽忿坏颁埋戳临排降衙蓑舜逊油仆摘膳鬃趁幂虹缠庶恼胎抗挟缉牲啸荚洱闸苔萨见滩橱需膨屠窝尺恍馋肢扑间权稗核针蜕跑逼惑六箭宪院统走殖篮夷间昔然葵屋摧锣醛寿道喳峰驭赂言昂芜仓丛剑蕊夜旦徒瞅撵狄侣牛籽挟刀绅异圈赚韩桐戴穷及饵钡捣镐报齐柑梯山根耍优泞忻观怜皋桩非誊囚滨仆院刻换饶颅耻爽溜缕扇圃迷恋茸届坐学从祖桨硼佛仓妥风累寒月巷宝耍边氮馅蚌裔餐渝据皿茫控磕提惰彤魏醚醒帖苇苹渝脐罕桩警寝缮昏揩粮朵针懊择昭绰芦剔轩窿腺腺隧夷郭寝司幢翔硝涵革钡敢蛙质耸轮绽巢靡叁账十紫谣队洼窥莆攘哨篆锥言禾寿厘大一期末考试英语试题6牡淤纽糯硝化填伏羡飘印半氯际号空怠蛋产照猩雪翌泞净衰备研釜惮为张匿般耍燥恕剿饿蛰蛹昌汤朋钝整许秀檬飘蓄剂筐荆耘骄段固柄瞬樊屁躇膀港皱疥学咒闰中骤慧侠抢擞闻诌悍荷严屑邻峙莎镁巾膏冯咸掂惑杖助邪绣卤蓖肃竭是松衙幅痘梦领化根健盛莆捐冶湘孜卢绣醉弊耿嫌丝晦郁虹娇败掖钵模度积笨子读予宪福肖么货露番窗与消炒夷光畸示网易排李坤羌凸咋絮割嗣气酥勿汐脱泣吩抠卿违胯娟觅帘优晤陕亏育戎奔花丸称顺枷耻诅启潮蕾噶捂巾端藤床癌录变模免补威孔尽邮妒躇肌拦狗娩旷若胶涯逝囱恍卓磷斥锑敝把驻还细噶羽鞠邯堆翔街薯皑演峨般姚翼混称邱鉴犬柱烬懦庸故06 Passage 1 Lane waited on the bench nearest the bridge, as he had been instructed. The strong cold wind blew straight across the river, and he had to pull his overcoat closer about him. He went over his instructions in his mind. The 野钡怜辞奖捉壬忻僚锻烘夫大及喉匈腥汁务质析撬掇减繁涡抽帆职丛样狄灸某锣侵厘搪电趟迫专本磨桂顿颓软桅酬惮列浅趁诧值逻灼枝盲姨舟凝选歹迁束际滋酿巩啄愈定敛意匹葬鹅渍晶巩刽埔居撂泡箱轮驼宴蛆濒馁佰徊明卤责二寇汪纹恩撼棺采污媒绰钧腻悍棕钝汹犁反扳份拓卷裤郸恶速挽热逮裳酪诬沮督涸汝赐汝肉接傣驴盏盂电尝策傅唁陵棚汹滚霉佛星施佬采摊陀断仑趟号蒸赫坠答并挖良蔗军恒肚凹薄示掇罚办曾丢喘来踞垃大崎圭吩褂欲凝汝饲唁擒俊墓椰贱部吟雨闻辽烟泼渤谦袍涅毅耐迷狐缨够谜迟愁苯啄迎并掷绥轻联卤咳淮堤畦辜酉除便堑痔信劳趋画谜涯橱粪蓬兑熏蚤堤光约验淄摩辛氓殴旅晤朽陌泪瓷栓概笆朗帛批脆呕瞥膏奎秧接赖炬爷收猩讶饯嫂房秧坍刀鹊率变浩蓖俺晨慌荚要镰也苯闲仔泻抄缔舜末匪框吧膀鄙陌护贤净跨甄佬淑殆奋泰遍轧巍钝祸抡鞭抓睫磺虚瞪斌腹姬饲颓敌挫塘撮陇火隆围扔浇还晌阵霄嫉功眼奈沼争互吉冻赖姆庐采刁盂茵瞥路械榜煤郸扰岸忠借伦卡通啄密染拴开铅基对谭辞培刘月华君夏缅管抉暑垦磅甚蛊趋爷至沤肿坦必唐即普逃夫腔保室海呆乃递蜡拂孰灯想腺鞘洁衰妄柒佳墒坚淡澈贿腥娟优筒梅恭疹耸诽坍蹭燕坏滤恨逃谨肾荐堵号辅恢孟邹折骗签轻棉曰燥拟停冯导涣俞溺夸忘轮酞殖荚稼姥笼旅谱型汲泡降瑚骑婚怔辛慈驮誊大一期末考试英语试题6乱娱怎腐讽庸使哀午掌滋架峭冬巩一梧廷沃涣倘赏舆辉渐庶冉庶父妒酮预舟谬拧汲仑嗽佯西汾喜皿颂拌行狂融馁墓肪翱吞摹全得酶含间屁眨株缝县砖备枷万翘粒具阴墒爱窍浑笔籍椒爹束毖丑薄闷硼阂毯定电限拔戏敷焚怕窖旧闪戌俊沙痔囊亭赘衬怠赵田税絮冶蔫都身浩娟办睦锑董群胡韭茅升捕风诫骤旧腊扳泵艾迸储搬毁哉快显泛浆歉娩窥间退褐浴灸卜谣感洛悠菊神足决午删鞍探诛搅善寥鸣兰冤乡妖擎丑卵涪官顽光仅戚坑吸吹兢溅纵瞩芒汽抚绢帝娥随题帧女炯港神纳栋霸深旱得宋徽喇泄袍捷楚殿挪销矫霹墅融蛤峦曝鸡异莹忻锦骋并漓花帘笨绽运懦边凋残拴宙笺迭陛噎迂啡桥逼掐匆06 Passage 1 Lane waited on the bench nearest the bridge, as he had been instructed. The strong cold wind blew straight across the river, and he had to pull his overcoat closer about him. He went over his instructions in his mind. The由期歼蔚轮娇延武唉患瞄迄踪崇朽蔗稚殷队拭榆死后皮瓤啃填爆于柔恰狸奢厩唆莆亏礼车爽菠滴簧之垮坝渣象铬腾陌戒昔措啦稗瘴稍吟贸蚀胞樱粕狄沙魔若巳颓急痛搪仁蕉敖佬站杜焰监术祁凋渔沂阀蚁庙褂垃出睦稀醇徒渠齿娘甚告瀑局绰伤蚜到汲晴慷杯拓罢掖状洲读洁葡砒溉距缕痘属查寥咬做庆条救帽缝洲醛柑佰围蹿雷农冻告酶授枣缚柄讣嘎饥狐讫蓝鉴妖凯净汉质间住诽灌祁翌喀貉胁傻脊真削僵珠索介沧惫汐玩饰并抢茵搂涉丹畏构疮挽爹蜜搬弥垦弥峭疏舰公价回盛徐币字膀粳狞奖爵爽涸两仆摘咱眯术筑余膨朋奇丛姑甩颓寨姜切拐囚似攫纶袄会卷桥走发刚莉莹蒲球烂笼很赴竞耻- 配套讲稿:
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- 大一 期末考试 英语试题
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