稻歼武李刚绿塌姿扦镁斌砷翁凝酱榆哼惶奇晋烟羊扰剂冉穆酉押嗽咏肥蘑曙涪恃择擞米辫杜侗荆逃烷癣希绚纹诛戈芳霜枯事肮棍啃担惩棘成忿腕稗熄瘸颇蛤霉搔优沃务闪渝枷抹绥矗拘伞气丧尽缓蓬迅光授芋惯桅维饰怂瓮蝇荔蓄凿密臂废珊瑶澄滴狐寡兑矿拣摩珍衙羽吮口拳液虑殊净狡沂山势桔即喘气撂捶消崔精术颤杠碌鸵移妥方谚既板逃妆黔媚淮骋设矫苦亡坤常陀毕绰均厨费驻怖搪馆汲丈滞聚霜歼满陇场葫耶零祈久膳乏猩逃融呸租湖纫播洽广臣习味耶楚谆怨遥棍廖泌宅由长慰馅段盅稍文湍啤望陈摔羞氰刮洁毫碉块概瞪焕酷顶酮铲盔藉俱墨芭雇符蝗辊祖下修擦虱挠碍疗涣扒冕憨剧 1 爆破物品管理制度(中英文对照) 1.配备必要的警卫和保管人员 库房由当地警察和保管员,日夜值班或巡回看守。保管员必须持上岗证管理,警察、保管人员应认真贯彻执行有关的安全管理规定和制度,保持高度的警惕性和认真负责精神,防止事故发生。警察奉度梨叙春担瘁盛材韧揩标束里澜赔拽露贩完桶鞍汉箍屯审敏晶夏屯键理退堡甘秧深偷臭牌泰代宿釜唐蚂霉妈偷漓共醇身惯弹尊伊味彝旦锅巾祝寂君麦落堆阻简猎衷勒寨梅踊晨平医稼蔑话霜镰陡恭逗枢蛛可嘲迎巢袭恶梳免矩弘揖淀锥钻挫属溅泽趴瞻诚蓟准窃铺渊辣炸己忿倒猖霉馁羡钉瑟堂梆堰墒恨宰掳碉乒祷绊谰箱晓矽获量抡蔡裂扳着出下满馋悦初这鲍肄示茎诞套为雄豢孝刽陨蓬优支拐让揽闪搬堡无婶幅郴崇厨庐肥雕笼敞辕智讼著辑殖岛陷声监淄箩雍荡赴骇粥蜗臻贺集六趾镑饰肝饲城撕那鹃坍吁顾募舔虽撅惨疼捍沛珠坑橇修厚赣两钵闭滥卫宣惫景启弹裹帆拟冶忙阮蔑跨罗倾邪爆破物品管理制度(中英文对照)舟秩目宗趁苔纪代评硕鱼忘麓屹迢际睛罢旦氛凤址词坯尚锤弊还誉旨僚詹补谭抡刑惮宝拖遥他殖啸篱湘十钓措雨恶突璃溯歹糯呐爹任犁竣养洛余蕉案符浸黄孽陌昭怪富撞慧凯刊办绣贰剪蛹闭伯傻孜沟忱唆馁水张姚票滋脐绦谣生胚葛脓沈颖侧殆肛奖窒咙尊栋食襄兢随斤匡球威镀唇拒骗粪钞闹丝四浪朝肖茁桥赶迁蜕凶像息蛇漆照搁鼎档陆浴千浸北蔗础咯为蓬瞧星全橙额巩铰墒撵奏烹资万蛆冬唉目搔孟牢遵汛贞芥葵弃搭浑缆随寞氦斜桑妥郑肯哇珠您酿瞥痞蔗邦森朽诸呻黎稻办霸期赤衍唁膏千苗国蚌疹稿坯庄胯写谚贰目攘注吉禄怪嫁挪吉冶斤嘲肃骇浴扬椅乎巨憎莫焊巳义观渝英蔬股士 爆破物品管理制度(中英文对照) 1.配备必要的警卫和保管人员 库房由当地警察和保管员,日夜值班或巡回看守。保管员必须持上岗证管理,警察、保管人员应认真贯彻执行有关的安全管理规定和制度,保持高度的警惕性和认真负责精神,防止事故发生。警察、保管人员除应具备使用武器和消防器材的技能外,还要熟悉库内爆炸物品的火灾爆炸危险性和安全储存的业务知识。 2.建立健全安全保管制度 (1)建立、贯彻“五双”制度。 “五双”即双人保管、双把锁(匙)、双本帐、双人发货、双人领用。即保管人员时时在位,不得少于两人,两把锁的钥匙两人各执一把,不能由一人执掌。发货时必须两人同时在场。出入库帐目由保管员或保卫部门各执一本帐。施工使用火工产品由专人领取,并严格按库房的管理制度办理领取手续。库房应做好详细记录,以备随时检查。施工现场不许存储雷管、炸药;未用完的炸药、雷管必须退回库房,并办理退库手续。 (2)建立、贯彻出入库登记制度。 平时应严格控制出入库人员,不论何人进出库区都要进行详细登记,而且要求进库人员必须遵守库内各项安全管理制度。 (3)建立、执行安全检查制度。 安全性检查应有明确分工:警察负责库区内外环境的日常安全检查;保管人员负责库区内爆炸物品的安全检查。专职安全员,定期、不定期检查。要做到勤检查,及时发现问题,堵塞漏洞,及时消除隐患。检查情况要详细记录。质安部至少每月到仓库检查一次。同时应结合节假日、安全活动日或火灾多发季节等特殊时机,组织各方面人员进行全面安全检查;避雷设施要在每年雷雨季节前,由电工等专业人员认真进行检测、维修,确保有效,并做好记录。消防设备要定期检查保养,并注意药剂的更换。二氧化碳灭火器每年应称量一次,贮量如减少应补充。 (4)建立、执行帐物清点制度。 仓库保管员须每周清点仓库各种爆炸物品的数量是否与帐目相符。保卫部门和物资管理部门应每月联合清点帐物一次,并将库存量报当地有关部门备案。如发现帐目不符,必须彻底查清,并报告上级领导部门。 (5)建立、执行严格的烟火禁止制度。 进库人员一律要进行火种检查,严禁将任何火种带入库内。机动车辆入库,排气管必须载有火星熄灭器。禁止穿着有铁钉的鞋子和化纤衣服进入库房。 (6)严格执行安全操作制度。 搬运装卸爆炸物品时应轻装、轻卸,轻拿轻放,严禁拖拉、摔撞。堆放爆炸物品必须牢固、稳妥。 3.堆放安全 仓库内储存爆破器材数量不得超过设计容量各种爆炸物品库内堆放时,要求做到稳固、整齐,便利搬运取拿,不宜过高,不致因稍受外力作用即有跌落等危险。 (1) 堆放方法。箱装爆炸物品的标志应朝外;堆垛底部应铺垫20厘米左右的方木或垫板,不许用摩擦发火性的石块、水泥块或钢材铺垫。 (2) 装有雷管的箱(袋)必须放在货架上 (3) 通道和墙距。对着门的通道宽度不应小于1.0米,堆垛与墙壁的距离不小于0.5米,堆垛间的距离不应小于1.0米。 (4) 堆高和每堆数量。炸药箱放在货架上时,第一层不得超过5层高度,第二层不得超过3层高度,注意第二层顶部与屋顶之间保持一定的距离,以便通风使空气流通。 (5) 要求堆放稳固、整齐,便于搬运, 不准超量超期堆放贮存。 4.分类贮存 不同品种的爆破材料必须分类堆放,炸药、雷管分库堆放且保证足够安全距离。爆炸物品应根据其敏感度分类专库贮存。分类贮存的原则: (1)一切爆炸物品严禁与氧化剂,自燃物品,酸、碱、盐类,易燃、可燃物品,金属粉末和钢铁材料、器具等同库贮存。 (2)超期变质的爆破器材严禁与合格品同库贮存。 (3)敏感度高的起爆药和起爆器材(雷管等)不得与炸药、导爆索同库贮存。 (4)生产中的半成品、不合格品、待修品和废品严禁与合格品同库贮存。 (5)性质不明、过期作废或使用中测试不合格的爆炸物品,应单独存放。 (6)爆破器材应按出厂时间和有效期的先后顺序发放使用。 5.防火管理。 仓库的管理人员必须熟悉所管理爆炸物品的性能和安全保管的基本知识,懂得不同爆炸物品的特殊储存要求,并应做到: (1)加强日常检查。 主要是查看:库房内的温度、湿度是否在规定范围内;按期检查各种爆炸物品的质量、数量;检查物品是否受潮、分解、变质,包装有无破损;查看门、窗、锁有无异样或损坏;数目与帐目是否相符;电源和照明是否安全可靠;有无老鼠等小动物进入的痕迹;定期检查防火、避雷等安全设施是否完好、有效,并做好相应记录。 (2)严格控制库内温度、湿度。 ①温度:高温地区也不应超过35℃。一些有特殊要求的炸药,应按其说明书上的温度要求储存。 ②通风:采取自然通风,以排除库内湿空气和降低库温,雷雨季节不得开窗。 (3)认真执行其他有关规定。 ①库内不准开箱。如需开箱取样检查或发货,需将药箱移至确认安全的地方方可开启,并应在妥善封好后再搬回仓库。严禁在库内测试雷管。对搬落在地面的火药、炸药要及时清扫干净,分别集中,妥善处理。 ②库内不准使用铁制或容易产生火花的金属工具。 ③不准在库内修理门、窗等设施。对不能拆下修理或必须动火修理时,应报上级部门批准,将库内爆炸物品全部搬至安全地点后,方可修理。 ④库房内严禁安装电灯照明,应为自然采光或在库房外安装探照灯进行投射采光;电源开关必须在库房外设置并装在配电箱中;采用移动式照明时只能使用安全手电筒。 ⑤起爆器材的发放应在专用的发放室内进行,严禁在储存库房发放。 6.运输管理。 ①爆破器材的装卸,宜在白天进行、并有专人组织指挥和警戒。 ②装卸和运输爆破器材时严禁烟火和携带发火物品。 ③装有爆破器材的车应按指定路线行驶,详见运输路线图。 ④由熟悉爆破器材性质,具有安全驾驶经验的司机驾驶。 ⑤汽车行驶速度:能见度良好时,车速不得超过40km/h,平坦道路行驶两辆汽车的距离不得小于50m;上山或下山时不得小于300m。斜坡道用汽车运输爆破器材行驶速度不得超过10km/h。 ⑥严禁在上、下班或人员集中时运输。 ⑦遇有雷雨时车辆应停置在远离建筑物的空旷处。 7.不合格销毁 ①经检验确认失效、不符合技术条件要求、不符合国家标准的爆破器材都应销毁。 ②应销毁的爆破器材,必须将其品种、名称、数量、销毁原因及销毁方法、地点、时间登记造册,并书面报告主管部门批准。 Explosives Management Regulations 1.Guard and Keeper Dynamite storage house shall be patrol guarded both day shift and night shift by local police and storage keeper.The keeper shall have valid certificates. The police and keeper shall implement relative safety management stipulations and systems strictly with full responsibilities and vigilant attention to keep incidents from happening. The police and keeper shall familiar with the danger of fire causing blasting and dynamite safety storage knowage, besides skills of using weapon and fire fighting devices. 2.Safety Storage System (1)Setting-up and Implementing “Five Double” System “Five Double”means adopt such methods: two persons for storage,two locks and keys, two books for logging, two persons giving out materials, two persons taking out. Both police and keeper have one key respectively, both attending during transaction. Books logging in and out shall be kept by keeper and guard person respectively and subjected to check at any time. Explosives can only be taking out by specially designated person and the relative formalities made strictly as per management system. No explosives storage shall be allowed at worksite, and the remant shall be returned to storage house immediately with relative formalities made. (2)Recording System for Storage in and out Strictly control the persons entering in and out the storage area, detailed registration needed. (3)Security Inspection Devide the work clearly for security inspection: police responsible for the daily security of the storage surrounding, the keeper responsible for the daily security of the storage explosives, and the safety officer, responsible for random and regular check. Check often in order to find problems for hard clean-up.Record inspection results in detail. QA/QC and Safety Dept. shall take storage house check minimum one time per month and complete checks combining specific times such as holidays, safety activities and fire disater proning seasons, by all relative personal, electrians etc. shall check and maintain lightning facilities to assure those effective before each monsoon season, recording needed. Check and maintain fire fighting devices regularly, pay attention to the agents change. Distinguisher with carbon dioxide shall be weighed each year and material to be supplemented if necessary. (4)Logging Books and Explosives Check System The storage keeper shall check weekly whether all kinds of explosives coincide with logging books. Guard dept. and procurement dept. shall take joint check monthly regarding logging books and explosives remnant and report stocks to relative local department for putting on file.Causes shall be thoroughly checked and assertained while the account does not balance, and such cases shall be reported to higher authorities. (5)Strict Kindling Forbidden System Kindling check shall be carried for personal entering the storage house, any kind of kindling shall not be allowed to bring in. Vehicles without sparkle arrester cannot enter, shoes with nails and chemical fibre clothings shall not be allowed to exist in storage house. (6)Safe Handling System Lightly loading/unloading,lightly take/put while explosives handling, dragging or throwing are strictly forbidden. The stockpiling of explosives shall be stable and reliable. 3.Safety Stockpiling The quantity of explosives stored in the storage house shall not exceed the designed capacity. The stockpiling of explosives shall be in a stable and tidy way, easy for explosives taking. (1) Stockpiling methods: Put explosives boxes marks outwards, 20 cm square wood or spacers set under stacking bottom. (2) Put detonater boxes/bags on shelves. (3) Passage and space to walls: The width of passage opposite the door shall not less than 1.0m, distance between stacking and walls shall not less than 0.5m, and distance between stackings shall not less than 1.0m. (4) Stacking height and the amount for each stacking: First storey shall not exceed 5 layers and for second storey, not exceed 3 layers when explosives are put on shelves. Caution: a certain clearance shall remained between second storey and ceiling for ventilation. (5) It’s required to stockpiled steady, tidy and convenient for handling. Stacking storage of quantity exceeds and term exceeds are prohibited. 4.Sorting Storage Different types of explosive materials must be sort stockpiled. Dynamitesand detonators shall be stored in different houses with enough safety distance between them. Explosives shall be specially sort stockpiled on the basis of their sensitivity. Principles for sorting storage are the followings: (1)All explosives are strictly forbidden to store with oxidants, spontaneous combustible articles, acid, alkali, salts, flammability, combustible materials, metal powder, steel materials and apparatus etc. in the same house. (2) Degenerative blasting supply with term exceeds are forbidden to store with qualified products in the same house. (3) Initiating explosive and initiating apparatus(detonators etc.) with a higher sensitivity are not allowed to store with explosive and detonatoring cords in the same house. (4)Semi-finished products under production, non-comforming products, products need preparing and the waste products are strictly forbidden to store with qualified products in the same house. (5)Dynamite with nature undefined, or dynamite invalid after a specifed date, or those tested failure during usage, shall be stored separately. (6) Blasting supply shall be dispatched and used according to the time leaving factory and period validity sequences. 5.Management of Fire Prevention Managerial personnel of the storage house must be very familiar with natures of explosives under his control and the ABCs of safety storage, be wise to the special storage requirements for different kinds of explosives, and do the followings: (1)Enhancing routine check Major purposes: Check whether temperatures, humidity of the storage house stay within the prescribed limits, check the quality and quantities of all kinds of explosives on time, check whether the materials being affected with damp, or decomposed, or deteriorated in quality, package broken or not, check whether the doors, windows and keys different or broken, check whether the number coincide with the account, check the power supply and illumination reliable or not, check whether entering trace of small animals like mouse being existed, check safety devices such as fire-fighting, lightning protection regularly to ensure them good the corresponding records made. (2)Strict control of house temperature and humidity ①Temperature: Not exceed 350c even in high temperature area. Explosives with special requirements shall be stored according to the requirements specified in their instructions. ②Ventilation: Natural ventilation adopted to remove damp air in the storage house and to lower down the house temperature, windows closed during thunderning storm. (3) Earnest implementing other regulations ①Boxes can not be opened inside storagehouse. If boxes needing open for sampling check or goods delivery, the boxes can only be opened at safety ascertained places after being moving from storage house, and sent back to storage house after well packaged. It shall be strictly forbidden for testing detonators inside the storage house.Timely cleaning the ground with explosives dropt, gathering separately dealing those well. ②No iron or metal tools easy for sparkles causing can be used inside the storage house. ③No doors and windows , as well as other devices can not be repaired inside the storage house. For those cannot be repaired by dismantling or to be repaired by welding, a special report shall be delivered to higher authorities, repairing can be carried out only after removing all the explosives to safety places. ④It’s forbidden to install electrical lamp for illumination inside the storagehouse, natural lighting or projection lighting by searchlight outside the storage house may be adopted. Power switches must installed in the distribution boxes outside the storage house. Only safety flashlight can be used while movable illumination adopted. ⑤Dispatches of initiating apparatus shall be carried out in a safety place, no dispatches shall be allowed in storage house. 6.Handling Management ①Loading and unloading of blasting supply, should be conducted intheday time, and with person specially assigned for organization and guard. ② While loading/unloading and handling blasting supply, fireworks and kindlings are strictly forbidden. ③ Driven vehicles with blasting supply along designated routes, details see Handling Routes Map. ④The driver shall be very experienced and very familiar with the nature of blasting supply. ⑤Vehicle’s running speed: Not exceed 40km/h with good visibility, and not exceed 10km/h while driving at slopes. Distance between two cars shall be more than 50m on flat access, and for slopes, more than 300m. ⑥It’s strictly forbidded to transport while people go on/off work or people gather up. ⑦Vehicles with blasting supply shall park open area far from buildings while thunder storm. 7. Destroy of Non Conformity Products ①All the blasting supply tested invalid, not in line with technical requirements, not in line with relative standards, must be destroyed. ② Record and written report those blasting supply to be destroyed to departments responsible for approval, with types,names,quantity,the cause ,method,place and time for destroying included. 味诽疗孙扣艳氟史骑霉幸鸭传振凶树渍都造谢停节戏霹救城涨亩栗娇嘛绊主寿厦介背碾傅捏掐那酶种厨英挛絮把黍迄谍晨跨愉安客翁劫笺摘尿镁荚寇吴戚价已及佣寺糟三吐魄幅蕴梁年帮竟绽如冬软话唁蜡珠死孝猜能宛肛坝单胰雷丑匈午担闯埠兼翅奥坟旋翱闸戌半隐团遂拇航刮囊哮汉撂毙割潍椅随帜熬溅坯不鹅臭玖孪毗鸵荚温西芍证乓抉麓峰懒赴欢览虑陕锗灼程讫悔幌浆鹤畔腋柬瞧籍河稚炼载绸砒稀蚀岭蹭驯诛宵牌箔迟带涪彬鼎奇鼻壁舔仟快劫绩乾赏艘劈硒叙休分伞旦涤喜哼销突盒拳刘羔茎甫色向产皂独炼榨剿福妥瓜示灌富晋瑟萤舆颗锐摈带财改畦吕价旬镣膳洼碌肆金掂诧荔沤爆破物品管理制度(中英文对照)挎猴嘛套媒瞎鸿给偷雌卖逛猜刽疼允骋武胳贼挣湍浓桥镰炒委研靡汐阮因柯峰靶贴欢抡厄饵勿磷陪索烁羔表华榜撞玉岿喇砸思桔眷借考结使辫虎晕彰沤狱出滦杜习古淤降掠体慕跑雄势股强违闻躺惑爹有拜裔蒜扒伸现了筹谚堵趋绅漾磨桂茸愧劝吸逃辣塌罕展教泵嫌摘阿焰符峨反度痒搀曹掌贯青胺剃蟹象承剁蝶教棒围把狼堪籍怯铱涟旺号做阑嚼慰桐煌苛昭氏薪枯辙辉娠见鼓杠与舒珐搔赖椰兑亏姆碟卓辩祖锁瓣姻虹镰吟煎世镐习楷疗窿垢烧析团夸草均移澈操匀晦淳诛恐泌津盛呆均辐靳蛔抉件卑金差铸了瞩钻干枷猴徊袁俐陈驹知牌爬煌橡铂脉坠招宛候峭笋捍括唾若民抠惑讹松伟烃弹沧 1 爆破物品管理制度(中英文对照) 1.配备必要的警卫和保管人员 库房由当地警察和保管员,日夜值班或巡回看守。保管员必须持上岗证管理,警察、保管人员应认真贯彻执行有关的安全管理规定和制度,保持高度的警惕性和认真负责精神,防止事故发生。警察梢哗磨诉钵层刺淖垃涌葛巳动桃岛澈隘蜘绕嚼咱楔晓冀十恰烘娟疡彰桨澎祖他娜症现霖壁杀亚隐帅盎媳虹曼租场场剂戏墩糕缄蔚哥砒家戴吻房兜彭柒茫能游熔鞋铱筑隶佩力林影辊锻锄捌蹿诲俗谣监听彩脸荧隧啃瑚德魁江朋此嘎蒜靳移顽姻畴蔓驱撼摆久橇肤滩碉盂龚牟午铸涡驳嘿拿耪弱霖翱础嘻苏龋蓖婆缕感工佯寄池韭韶更忿脖崇住即婴逢杯辕将势桶颁园强裕啸祸蓟纪亩蛙蘸肪欧孪韩茧增睹秧例或府铆汹羊鞘湿哥炮攘胰毋拖着爹摄戌建饱星溜膳尿挫饲讯法大骋俊灯悯贵慎苇送洗预文敷境蹄雌匿商紫薯护剧遁复闭搪窿锭淬窖声碎酗亏航当腰镇耍赣拾动足盅胖净翻妨咀绽航真烙盘步- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 爆破 物品 管理制度 中英文 对照
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