专利技术转让合同 专利(专利申请)号 专利(专利申请)名称: 专利(专利申请)国别:美国 专利(专利申请)日 : 转让方: 受让方: 合同签订地点:中国 合同签订日期: 鉴于转让方就上述专利(申请)已向美国专利主管机关提出了专利申请,拥有专利申请号,转让方与受让方就该项专利优先权的有关事宜协商一致,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国专利法》等相关国内法律和国际条约等自愿签订本合同。 第一条、优先权转让 转让方同意将其在美国专利主管机关提出的上述专利申请的优先权转让给受让方,由受让方就相同主题的专利向中华人民共和国国家知识产权局提出专利申请,受让方享有该专利的外国优先权以及与该优先权相关的权利。 第二条、优先权文件副本的提交 转让方应当及时向美国专利主管部门申请和办理优先权文件副本,并且及时交给受让方。 第三条、合同生效 本合同一式四份,双方各持一份,两份交专利事务所,签字后成立并生效。 第四条、争议的解决 双方在履行本合同过程中发生争议的,可以按本合同条款的目的友好协商。 双方不愿协商或协商不成的,可以通过诉讼解决争议,但只能向中华人民共和国有管辖权的人民法院提起诉讼,关于该争议的实体法和程序法均适用中华人民共和国法律。 转让方: 受让方: CONTRACT FOR ASSIGNMENT OF PRIORITY OF THE PATENT Filing number : Title of the patent(application) : Country of the patent(application): USA Filing date : Assigner: Assignee: Address of assigning the contract: China Date of assigning the contract As assigner have filed for the said application to the Patent Administration Department of USA , he has enjoyed the right of priority of the application , after reaching an agreement in the negotiation between both sides freely and sufficiently ,in accordance with the Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China,the Patent Law of the People’s Republic of China ,other national laws and international treaties or laws , Both assigner and Assignee conclude the contract voluntarily now . Assignment of the right of priority for the application. Assigner have agreed that he will assign the right of priority which have been filed the application to the Patent Administration Department of USA to assignee ,and assignee will file an application for a patent for invention or utility model which is the same subject matter to the patent Administration Department of China , assignee will enjoy the right of priority by this contract. The copy of the earlier application documents. Assigner should ask for the copy of the earlier application documents to the patent Administration Department of USA timely , and also send these documents to assignee timely . Enter into force. This contract has four same copies , each sides hold one copy ,and others will be given to the patent attorney .The eatablishment of this contract and entering into force shall be upon the signature of Parties hereto . How to settle dispute When there is a dispute , it shall be settled through consultation by the parties according to the purpose of the contract . Where the parties are not willing to consult with each other or where the consultation fails , both parties may take legal proceedings in the people’s court , but he or she may take legal proceeding only in Chinese people’s court , and settling the dispute only use Chinese laws and regulations two . Assigner: Assignee: 德国化工成套设备进口及专利技术转让合同 CONTRACT FOR THE SUPPLY OF MECHANIZED EQUIPMENT AND PATENT TECHNOLOGY 本协议于__中国某技术进口公司(系依中华人民共和国法律组建的公司,注册地址;__ ,以下简称买方)于德国某公司(系依德国法律组建的公司,注册地址: __ ,以下简称:卖方),通过慎重确切的洽谈,并对合同认真研究核准后,双方签字订立条款如下: This Contract is made and entered into force this 2nd day of __ by and between Technical Import Corporation, a company organized and existing under the laws of the People’s Republic of China with its registered office at __ . China (hereinafter referred to as “the Buyer”) and ABC Company, a company organized and existing under the laws of Germany with its registered office at __ (hereinafter referred to as “the Seller”). After sound and definite negotiations, the Contract is read and scrutinized carefully, duly signed by the contracting parties and enacted as follows: 第一章 合同内容 CHAPTER 1 OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT 1.1 买方同意从卖方购买,卖方同意向买方出售以磷酸盐为原料,采用本合同第10.1条规定的工艺,生产能力为生产黄磷三万公吨和三聚磷酸钠七万公吨的黄磷电炉工厂(以下简称:合同工厂)的设备、材料、设计和技术资料、专利和专用技术许可使用以及技术服务。 The Buyer agrees to buy from the Seller and the Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer equipment, materials, design and technical documentation, patent and knowhow license, and technical services for a plant with a 54,000 KW phosphorus electric furnace which has a production capacity of 30,000 (thirty thousand) metric tons of yellow phosphorus per year and 70,000 (seventy thousand ) metric tons of sodium tripoly phosphate per year, with phosphate rock as raw material using the Process stipulated in Article 10.1 to the Contract. (hereinafter referred to as “the Contract Plant) 1.2 为使合同工程安全正常运转,卖方负责供应界区范围内除由买方供应(本合同附件Ⅳ规定)以外的全部设备,如加工设备、机械、电气装置、仪表与自控装置、实验室特殊装置施工和安装用的特殊设备及工具、易耗备件及合同工程交接验收后两年正常生产所需的备品备件(以下简称:设备),和全部材料如配管材料、电气装置、仪表与自控装置材料、安装所需的其他材料及润滑剂(以下简称:材料)。由卖方供应的主要设备与材料清单载入附件Ⅲ。合同工程界区范围见本合同附图*1.合同工程连接点见附件Ⅲ。 For safe and normal operation of the Contract Plant the Seller shall supply within the battery limits all equipment, such as process equipment, machinery, electric installation, instrumentation and automatic control systems, special laboratory apparatus, special equipment and tools for construction and erection, easily worn-out spare parts, and spare parts necessary for two-year normal operation after acceptance of the Contract Plant (hereinafter referred to as “Equipment”),as well as materials, such as piping materials, materials for electric installation, for instrumentation and for automatic control system, other materials necessary for erection and lubricants (hereinafter referred to as “Materials”),except those to be supplied by the Buyer (as stipulated in Annex Ⅵ). Details of the major Equipment and the Materials supplied by the Seller are specified in Annex Ⅲ to the Contract. For battery limits of the Contract Plant see attached Drawing No. 1 of the Contract and connecting points are stipulated in Annex Ⅲ to the Contract. 1.3 卖方承担根据本合同附件1规定的设计基础进行合同工程的全部工程设计,但附件Ⅱ中规定由买方负担设计的除外。卖方供应买方全套设计资料和技术资料(以下简称:技术资料)。详见合同附件Ⅴ。 The Seller undertakes to make all the engineering designs of the Contract Plant according to the basis of design stipulated in Annex I to the Contact, except the designs to be performed by the Buyer (as stipulated in Annex Ⅱ). The Seller shall supply to the Buyer complete designs and technical documentation (hereinafter referred to as “Technical Documentation”)Details are stated in Annex Ⅴto the Contract. 1.4 卖方派遣有经验并能胜任的技术人员赴合同工厂,对合同工厂的安装、机械试车、投料试生产与性能考核进行技术指导。其人数、技术服务范围和待遇条件见本合同附件Ⅶ The Seller shall dispatch their experienced and competent technical personnel to the Contract Plant for technical instructions with respect to Erection, Mechanical Tests, Commissioning and Per5formance Test of the Contract Plant. The number of the personnel and the extent of the services and treatment conditions are specified in AnnexⅦ to the Contract. 1.5 卖方负责培训买方派遣的技术人员,其人数、培训地点、培训内容和生活条件见本合同附件Ⅷ。 The Seller shall be responsible for the training of the technical personnel dispatched by the Buyer. The number of the personnel, training place, the object of the training and living conditions are specified in Annex Ⅶ to the Contract. 1.6 在合同工厂交接验收后15年内,根据买方的需要,卖方同意以最优惠条件,供应买方合同工厂所需的一切设备和材料及备品备件。 Within 15(fifteen) years after acceptance of the Contract Plant the Seller agrees to sell to the Buyer spare parts, as well as all equipment and materials necessary for the Contract Plant according to the Buyer’s necessity on the most favourable terms. 第二章 价格 CHAPTER 2 PRICE 2.1 卖方按本合同第一条第1.2款和1.3款规定的服务和供货的总价,包括专利和专有技术许可使用费,共计 欧元;其中: The total price of the Seller’s services and supply as per Article 1.2 and Article 2.3 of the Contract including license royalty amounts to __ EURO, of which: (1)设备和材料费用: __ 欧元;Equipment and materials: __ EURO; (2) 磷炉室钢结构:__ 欧元;Steel structure for the furnace house: __ EURO (3)供两年正常生产的备品备件: __ 欧元;Spare parts for two-year operation: __ EURO (4)设计和技术资料费: __ 欧元;Design and Technical Documentation: __ EURO (5)专利和专有技术许可使用费: __ 欧元;Patent and knowhow license royalty: __ EURO 2.2 上述价格为固定价格。The said price is fixed. 2.3 上述设备和材料以及备件的价格,为汉堡、鹿特丹或神户船上交货价格。 The said prices of the Equipment and Materials and Spare Parts are for delivery FOB hamburg, Rotterdam or Kobe. 2.4 上述设计和技术资料价格,为北京机场交货价格。 The said price of the design and Technical Documentation is for delivery CIF Beijing Airport. 2.5 上述备品备件价格应理解为合同工程交接验收后两年正常运转所需的备品备件的价格。 The said price of spare parts is to be understood for spare parts necessary for two-year normal operation after Acceptance of the Contact Plant. 第三章 支付条款 CHAPTER 3 T5ERMS OF PAYMENT 根据本合同第二章规定,买方将通过北京中国银行,以电汇付给卖方 __ 欧元。具体规定如下: The Buyer shall make payment of the amount of EURO __ as per Chapter 2 of the Contract to the Seller through the Bank of China, Beijing by telegraphic transfer as follows: 3.1 合同总价的 __ %, 及 __ 欧元,中国银行在收到下列文件后14天内,经审核无误,付给卖方。 __ %viz. EURO __ within 14(fourteen) days after the Bank of China has received the following documents and found them in order: (1)卖方出具的含合同总价的形式发票正本一份、副本二份; The Seller’s proforma invoice in one original and 2 (two) copies covering the total value of the Contract; (2)德国有关当局签发的授权卖方出口合同设备和材料、专利、技术资料的出口许可证或阐明不需要出口许可证的证明文件; An export license issued by the relevant authorities of the Seller’s country, authorizing them to export the Equipment, Materials Patents, Technical Documentation or a certificate stating that export license is not necessary; (3)德国 __ 银行出具的不可撤销的保证函一份(保证函格式见附件Ⅸ); An irrevocable letter of guarantee issued by __ Bank, Germany (specimen as per Annex Ⅸ to the Contract): (4)确认合同已被德国政府批准的卖方电报副本一份; A copy of the Seller’s cable to the Buyer informing that the Seller has obtained the necessary approval from the government authorities; (5)出具给中国银行的即期汇票正本一份、副本一份。 Sight draft drawn on the Buyer to the Bank of China, Beijing in one original and in one copy. 3.2 合同总价的 __ %, 即 __ 欧元,中国银行在收到下列文件后20天内,经审核无误,按货物交货的比例付给卖方。 __ %viz. EURO __ pro rata shipment within __ days after the Bank of China has received the following documents and found them in order: (1)卖方出具的商业发票正本四份,金额包括交付的设备和材料费和按比例应支付的设计费、专利使用费; The Seller’s commercial invoice in 4(four) originals covering the value of the delivered Equipment and Materials and the proportional amount for design fee and license royalty; (2)全套清洁海运提单正本三份,可转让,空白抬头,空白背书,通知目的港的中国对外贸易运输公司; 3(three) full sets of negotiable, clean on board, original ocean Bills of Lading made out to order, blank endorsed, notifying China National Foreign Trade Transportation Corporation at the port of destination; (3)装箱单一式四份;Packing list in 4(four) copies; (4)制造厂出具的已交货设备和材料的质量证明书; Manufacturer’s quality certificate of the delivered part of the Equipment and Materials; (5)出具给中国银行的即期汇票正本一份、副本一份。 Sight draft drawn on the Buyer to the Bank of China, Beijing in one original and in one copy. 基础模板和定距件随第一批货款一起支付。如有迟交罚款,则根据9.6 条规定计算。如买方认为是正当的,可以从下批货物的发票金额中如数扣除。 The templets and spacers shall be paid together with the payment for the first shipment of the Equipment and Material. Penalty, if any, for delayed deliveries shall be calculated as stated in Article 9.6 and may be deducted by the Buyer from the invoice of the next shipment if the Buyer deems in justifiable. 按照4.5 条规定,如在卖方电告备妥装运日30天内,买方船只未能装货,买方应支付80% 发货价值以及按比例的设计资料费和专利使用费的利息,年利为 __ %。利息自上述备妥日第31天起计算至装运日止。此外,卖方应按4.8 条规定支付仓储和保险费。中国银行在收到按4.8 条规定的发票和文件日后20天内支付利息、仓储费和保险费。 If the vessel is not ready for loading within 30(thirty) days after the date of readiness for shipment as per Article 4.5, the Buyer shall pay interest on 80% (eighty percent) of the shipment value and of the proportional amount of design Technical Documentation fee and license royalty at an annual rate of __ % ( __ percent). The interest will be calculated from the 31st day after the date of readiness for shipment up to the date of actual shipment. Furthermore the Buyer shall pay the storage charges and premium as per Article 4.8.The interest, storage charges and premium will be invoiced and have to be paid within 20 (twenty )days after the date the Bank of China receives the invoice and the documents as per Article 4.8. 3.3 合同总价的 __ %,即 __ 欧元,中国银行在收到下列文件20天内,经审核无误,付给卖方。 __ %viz. EURO __ within 20(twenty) days arfter the Bank of China has received the following documents and found them in order. (1)卖方出具的发票正本一式四份;The Seller’s invoice in 4 (four) originals; (2)买方和卖方共同签署的合同工厂交接验收证书影印本; Photostat copy of the acceptance certificate of the Contract Plant signed by both parties; (3)出具给中国银行的即期汇票正本一份、副本一份。 Sight draft drawn on the Buyer to the Bank of China, Beijing in one original and in one copy; 在如有本合同9.3条规定的罚款,且买方认为是正当的,买方可从上述付款中如数扣除,本合同8.9条规定的期限内,由于不是卖方的责任致使考核不能通过,中国银行在收到3.3条规定的卖方发票和即期汇票后20天内,将上述款项付给卖方。 Liquidated damages, if any, as provided for in Article 9.3 of the Contract may be deducted form the above payment if the Buyer deems it justifiable. In case performance test could not be successfully within period as stipulated in Article 8.9 of the Contract for reasons for which the Seller is not responsible, payment shall be made within 20(twenty) days after the Bank of China has received the Seller’s invoice and sight draft as per Article 3.3. 3.4 合同总价的 __ 欧元,在不早于本合同工厂第一次到达附件Ⅵ规定的质量保证指标的95%以后的12个月,或本合同签署后65个月,根据早到的一个日期计算,中国银行在收到卖方下列单据后20天内,经审核无误,付给卖方。 __ %viz. EURO __ within 20 (twenty ) days after the Bank of China has received the Seller’s following documents and found them in order, but not earlier than 12(twelve)months after the date the Contract Plant for the first time has reached 9t5% (ninety-five percent) of guaranteed capacity of the whole Contract Plant ac ordering to the guaranteed quality indices as per Annex Ⅵto the Contract or 65 (sixty –five) months after the date of signing the Contract, whichever is earlier. (1)商业发票正本一式四份;Commercial invoice in quadruplicate; (2)买方出具的证明保证期满的函件正本一份、副本三份; A letter issued by the Seller certifying the expiration of the mechanical guaranteed period, in one original and three copies. (3)出具给中国银行的即期汇票正本一份、副本一份。 Sight draft drawn on the Buyer to the Bank of China, Beijing in one original and in one copy. 3.5 买方如发现文件有错误时,买方应在中国银行收到卖方文件后20天内电告卖方,并指出错误项目。 In case the Buyer finds any document incorrect the Buyer is obliged to cable the Seller indicating the incorrect items. The cable shall be sent within 20(twenty )days after the Bank of China has received the Seller’s documents. 3.6 买方支付3.1条规定的预付金额时,应将北京中国银行签署的不可撤销的保证函一起交给卖方(保证函格式见附件Ⅹ)。 Together with the advance payment as per Article 3.1, the Buyer shall submit to the Seller the irrevocable letter of guarantee (specimen as per Annex X to the Conotrat) issued by the Bank of China, Beijing. 3.7 __ 银行在无条件收到注明以卖方为受益人的、以欧元无条件支付的款项时,支付即生效。 The payment shall have been effected when __ Bank has received the unconditional payment in Deutsche Mark marked with “in favour of the Seller.” 3.8 银行费用及与支付有关的其他所有费用,在买方国内的,应由买方- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 专利技术 转让 合同
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