智能家居产品供应合同协议书范本 合同编号:______ 供应商:_______________(下称甲方) 地址:_______________ 联系方式:_______________ 需方:_______________(下称乙方) 地址:_______________ 联系方式:_______________ 鉴于甲方是一家具备生产能力和资质的智能家居产品供应商,乙方有意向购买甲方提供的智能家居产品,并遵守以下协议达成供应合同。 一、产品描述 1. 甲方向乙方提供的智能家居产品包括但不限于智能灯具、智能插座、智能门锁、智能中央空调控制器等。 2. 产品参数及型号详见附件《智能家居产品清单》。 3. 产品的质量保证期为______年,保修期为______。 4. 产品的供货周期为每批次产品的下单确认后______个工作日内送达乙方指定地点。 二、价格及付款方式 1. 产品的价格为______(币种),不包含增值税,运费和安装费用。 2. 乙方在接受产品后应于______日内向甲方支付货款,付款方式为______。 3. 如乙方未按期支付货款,甲方有权要求乙方支付延迟付款的罚金,每延迟一天按欠款金额的______‰计算。 三、交付与验收 1. 产品的交付以甲方运送到乙方指定地点为准,乙方应在收到产品后______日内进行验收。 2. 乙方在验收时应仔细检查产品的数量、质量,如发现产品有严重质量问题,应立即通知甲方协商解决。 3. 乙方应签署《产品验收单》,确认产品数量、质量达标后,方视为产品验收合格。 四、违约责任 1. 任何一方未按照本合同规定的条款和约定履行义务的,应支付______%违约金。 2. 如果因不可抗力等原因导致合同无法履行,双方应立即沟通协商解决办法,并及时书面通知对方。 五、保密条款 1. 双方在履行本协议过程中涉及到的各自的业务秘密、技术资料、价格信息等应当予以保密。 2. 未经对方同意,任何一方不得泄露、传播对方的保密信息。 六、争议解决 1. 由于履行本协议所产生的一切争议,双方应友好协商解决;协商不成的,应提交______仲裁委员会仲裁。 七、其他事项 1. 本合同自双方签字盖章之日起生效,有效期______年。 2. 本合同一式______份,双方各执______份,具有同等法律效力。 甲方(盖章):_______________ 乙方(盖章):_______________ 签订日期:年 月 日 Smart Home Product Supply Contract Template Contract No.: ______ Supplier: _______________ (referred to as Party A below) Address: _______________ Contact: _______________ Buyer: _______________ (referred to as Party B below) Address: _______________ Contact: _______________ Whereas Party A is a smart home product supplier with production capacity and qualifications, Party B intends to purchase smart home products provided by Party A and reaches a supply contract in accordance with the following agreement. I. Product Description 1. The smart home products provided by Party A to Party B include but are not limited to smart lighting, smart sockets, smart door locks, smart central air conditioning controllers, etc. 2. Product parameters and models are detailed in the attachment "Smart Home Product List". 3. The quality guarantee period for the product is ____ years, and the warranty period is ____. 4. The supply period for the product is ____ working days after each batch of products is confirmed and ordered by Party B. II. Price and Payment Terms 1. The price of the product is ____ (currency), excluding VAT, freight, and installation fees. 2. Party B shall pay the purchase price to Party A within ____ days after receiving the product, and the payment method is ____. 3. If Party B fails to pay the purchase price on time, Party A is entitled to request Party B to pay a penalty for late payment, calculated at ____% of the amount owed for each day of delay. III. Delivery and Acceptance 1. The delivery of the product is based on Party A's shipment to the designated location of Party B. Party B shall conduct acceptance within ____ days after receiving the product. 2. Party B shall carefully check the quantity and quality of the product during acceptance. In case of serious quality problems with the product, Party B should immediately notify Party A to resolve the issue. 3. Party B shall sign the "Product Acceptance Form" to confirm the product quantity and quality standards. Once confirmed, the product acceptance is considered qualified. IV. Default Liability 1. If either party fails to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the terms and agreements of this contract, it shall pay ____% of the default penalty. 2. If the contract cannot be fulfilled due to force majeure or other reasons, the parties shall promptly communicate and negotiate solutions, with timely written notice to the other party. V. Confidentiality Clause 1. Both parties shall keep confidential each other's business secrets, technical information, price information, etc. involved in the performance of this agreement. 2. Without the consent of the other party, neither party shall disclose or disseminate the other party's confidential information. VI. Dispute Resolution 1. All disputes arising from the performance of this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiations by the parties. If negotiations fail, they shall be submitted to ____ Arbitration Commission for arbitration. VII. Other Matters 1. This contract shall come into effect from the date when both parties sign and affix their seals and shall be valid for ____ years. 2. This contract is made in ____ copies, with each party holding ____ copies, having equal legal effect. Party A (Seal): _______________ Party B (Seal): _______________ Date of Signing: Year Month Day --- Through this comprehensive Smart Home Product Supply Contract Template, both the supplier (Party A) and the buyer (Party B) can establish a clear agreement regarding the supply of smart home products. Each section of the contract template covers essential aspects such as product description, pricing, payment terms, delivery, acceptance, default liability, confidentiality, dispute resolution, and other relevant matters. By following the terms and conditions outlined in this contract, both parties can ensure a smooth and mutually beneficial business relationship. It is crucial for both the supplier and the buyer to adhere to the agreed-upon terms to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes in the future. This contract template serves as a legal document that safeguards the interests of both parties involved in the supply of smart home products. It provides a structured framework for conducting business transactions and reinforces transparency and accountability throughout the process. In conclusion, the Smart Home Product Supply Contract Template is a vital tool for establishing a formal agreement between the supplier and the buyer. By carefully reviewing and understanding the terms outlined in the contract, both parties can proceed with confidence and ensure a successful partnership in the supply of smart home products.- 配套讲稿:
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- 智能家居 产品 供应 合同 协议书 范本

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