建立劳动合同协议书范本四篇 劳动合同协议书范本一: 中文: 劳动合同协议书 甲方:(雇主名称) 地址:(雇主地址) 法定代表人:(法定代表人姓名) 电话:(联系电话) 统一社会信用代码:(统一社会信用代码) 乙方:(劳动者姓名) 地址:(劳动者地址) 身份证号码:(身份证号码) 联系电话:(联系电话) 根据《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》及相关法律法规,甲乙双方经友好协商,就乙方在甲方公司担任(岗位名称)一事,达成如下协议: 一、工作内容: 乙方担任(岗位名称),具体工作内容为(工作内容描述)。 二、工作地点: 乙方工作地点为甲方公司所在地,具体地址为(公司地址)。 三、试用期: 乙方入职后将进行一个(试用期时间),试用期内双方均有权解除合同,试用期结束后根据工作表现决定是否转为正式员工。 四、工作时间: 乙方工作时间为每周工作日(工作时间),休息日为周六、周日。 五、薪酬及福利: 1. 月工资为(工资金额),工资将于每月(发薪日)发放; 2. 具体福利待遇包括(福利内容描述)。 更多内容请查看附件《劳动合同附件》。 六、保密义务: 在劳动关系存续期间以及解除劳动关系后,乙方对甲方的商业秘密和相关信息负有保密义务。 七、其他事项: 1. 本协议签订后生效,有效期(合同期限); 2. 本协议一式两份,甲乙双方各执一份,具有同等法律效力。 甲方:(盖章) 法定代表人(签字):______________ 乙方:(签字) 日期:年 月 日 劳动合同附件: 1.《公司员工手册》 2.《保密协议》 3.其他相关附件 英文: Employment Contract Agreement Party A: (Employer's Name) Address: (Employer's Address) Legal Representative: (Name of Legal Representative) Phone Number: (Contact Phone Number) Unified Social Credit Code: (Unified Social Credit Code) Party B: (Employee's Name) Address: (Employee's Address) ID Number: (ID Number) Contact Phone Number: (Contact Phone Number) In accordance with the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and relevant laws and regulations, Party A and Party B have reached the following agreement regarding Party B's position as (Job Title) in Party A's company through friendly negotiation: 1. Job Description: Party B will be responsible for (Job Description). 2. Workplace: Party B's workplace is located at the address of Party A, specifically at (Company Address). 3. Probation Period: Party B will undergo a probation period of (Probation Period), during which both parties have the right to terminate the contract. Upon the completion of the probation period, the decision to convert to a permanent employee will be based on job performance. 4. Working Hours: Party B's working hours are (Working Hours) on weekdays, with Saturdays and Sundays as rest days. 5. Salary and Benefits: 1. The monthly salary is (Salary Amount), to be paid on the (Payday) of each month; 2. Specific benefits include (Description of Benefits). For more details, please refer to the "Labor Contract Attachments." 6. Confidentiality Obligations: During the term of the employment relationship and after its termination, Party B is obligated to maintain the confidentiality of Party A's business secrets and related information. 7. Other Matters: 1. This agreement takes effect upon signing and is valid until (Contract Period); 2. This agreement is made in duplicate, with each party retaining one copy, both having equal legal effect. Party A: (Seal) Legal Representative (Signature): ______________ Party B: (Signature) Date: Year Month Day Labor Contract Attachments: 1. "Company Employee Handbook" 2. "Confidentiality Agreement" 3. Other relevant attachments Note: This sample employment contract agreement is provided for reference purposes only and should be customized to suit the specific needs and requirements of the contracting parties. End of Contract Agreement --- 劳动合同协议书范本二: 中文: 劳动合同协议书 甲方:(公司名称) 地址:(公司地址) 法定代表人:(法定代表人姓名) 电话:(联系电话) 统一社会信用代码:(统一社会信用代码) 乙方:(劳动者姓名) 地址:(劳动者地址) 身份证号码:(身份证号码) 联系电话:(联系电话) 鉴于甲方需要聘用乙方从事公司工作,并经双方协商一致,特订立本协议: 一、工作职责: 1. 乙方将担任(具体岗位名称),负责公司相关工作; 2. 乙方需服从公司管理,严格遵守公司制度和规定。 二、工作时间: 1. 每周工作日(工作时间),具体安排由公司安排; 2. 乙方须遵守公司请假和出勤规定,如有特殊情况需提前请假。 三、薪酬福利: 1. 月工资为(工资金额),以工资卡形式发放; 2. 公司提供的福利包括(福利内容描述)。 四、劳动保护: 公司将为乙方购买劳动保险,确保乙方在工作过程中的权益。 五、解除劳动关系: 1. 双方如有解除劳动关系的需求,需提前(解除协议通知期限)向对方提出书面通知; 2. 解除劳动关系后,乙方需如实交还公司财产,并办理相关手续。 更多内容请查看附件《劳动合同附件》。 六、其他约定: 1. 本协议自双方签字盖章后生效,期限为(合同期限); 2. 未尽事宜,由双方协商解决。 甲方:(盖章) 法定代表人(签字):______________ 乙方:(签字) 日期:年 月 日 劳动合同附件: 1.《公司员工手册》 2.《保密协议》 3.其他相关附件 英文: Employment Contract Agreement Party A: (Company Name) Address: (Company Address) Legal Representative: (Name of Legal Representative) Phone Number: (Contact Phone Number) Unified Social Credit Code: (Unified Social Credit Code) Party B: (Employee's Name) Address: (Employee's Address) ID Number: (ID Number) Contact Phone Number: (Contact Phone Number) Whereas Party A needs to hire Party B for company work, and after mutual consultation and agreement, this agreement is made: 1. Job Responsibilities: 1. Party B will serve as (Specific Job Title) and will be responsible for company-related work; 2. Party B is required to comply with company management, and strictly adhere to company policies and regulations. 2. Working Hours: 1. The workdays are (Working Hours) per week, with specific arrangements made by the company; 2. Party B must adhere to the company's rules on leave and attendance, and needs to request leave in advance in case of special circumstances. 3. Salary and Benefits: 1. The monthly salary is (Salary Amount), to be paid in the form of a salary card; 2. Company-provided benefits include (Description of Benefits). 4. Labor Protection: The company will purchase labor insurance for Party B to ensure the protection of Party B's rights during work. 5. Termination of Employment Relationship: 1. If either party wishes to terminate the employment relationship, a written notice must be provided to the other party in advance (Notice Period for Termination Agreement); 2. After the termination of the employment relationship, Party B must truthfully return the company's property and complete relevant procedures. For more details, please refer to the "Labor Contract Attachments." 6. Other Agreements: 1. This agreement becomes effective upon the signing and sealing by both parties and is valid until (Contract Period); 2. Any matters not covered herein shall be resolved through mutual consultation. Party A: (Seal) Legal Representative (Signature): ______________ Party B: (Signature) Date: Year Month Day Labor Contract Attachments: 1. "Company Employee Handbook" 2. "Confidentiality Agreement" 3. Other relevant attachments Note: This sample employment contract agreement is provided for reference purposes only and should be customized to suit the specific needs and requirements of the contracting parties. End of Contract Agreement --- 劳动合同协议书范本三: 中文: 劳动合同协议书 甲方:(单位名称) 地址:(单位地址) 法定代表人:(法定代表人姓名) 联系电话:(联系电话) 统一社会信用代码:(统一社会信用代码) 乙方:(个人姓名) 住址:(住址) 身份证号码:(身份证号码) 联系电话:(联系电话) 鉴于公司需要聘用乙方,双方经过友好协商,达成以下劳动合同: 一、工作内容: 1. 乙方将担任(具体岗位名称),负责公司相关工作; 2. 公司将指定工作地点和工作时间。 二、试用期: 1. 乙方入职后将进行一个(试用期时长),期间双方共同评估工作表现; 2. 试用期到期后,如双方满意,将转为正式员工。 三、薪酬福利: 1. 乙方的月工资为(工资金额),发放周期为(发薪周期); 2. 公司提供的其他福利包括(福利描述)。 四、劳动条件: 1. 公司为乙方购买劳动保险,并提供工作所需的工作条件和保护设施; 2. 乙方需服从公司管理,遵守公司规章制度。 更多内容请查看附件《劳动合同附件》。 五、解除劳动合同: 1. 本协议自双方签字盖章后生效,有效期为(合同期限); 2. 若需解除劳动合同,应提前(解除通知期限)书面通知对方,无需支付违约金。 甲方:(盖章) 法定代表人(签字):______________ 乙方:(签字) 日期:年 月 日 劳动合同附件: 1.《公司员工手册》 2.《员工保密协议》 3.其他相关附件 英文: Employment Contract Agreement Party A: (Company Name) Address: (Company Address) Legal Representative: (Name of Legal Representative) Phone Number: (Contact Phone Number) Unified Social Credit Code: (Unified Social Credit Code) Party B: (Individual's Name) Address: (Address) ID Number: (ID Number) Contact Phone Number: (Contact Phone Number) Whereas the company needs to hire Party B, the following labor contract is established after friendly negotiations between both parties: 1. Job Description: 1. Party B will serve as (Specific Job Title), responsible for company-related work; 2. The company will designate the work location and working hours. 2. Probation Period: 1. After Party B's employment, there will be a probation period of (Probation Period) during which both parties will evaluate work performance; 2. Upon satisfactory completion of the probation period, Party B will become a full-time employee. 3. Salary and Benefits: 1. Party B's monthly salary is (Salary Amount), with the pay cycle being (Pay Frequency); 2. Other benefits provided by the company include (Description of Benefits). 4. Working Conditions: 1. The company will purchase labor insurance for Party B and provide necessary working conditions and protection facilities; 2. Party B is required to comply with the company's management and regulations. For more details, please refer to the "Labor Contract Attachments." 5. Termination of Employment Contract: 1. This agreement becomes effective upon signing and sealing by both parties and is valid until (Contract Period); 2. In case of terminating the employment contract, a written notice should be provided to the other party in advance (Notice Period for Termination), with no requirement for penalty fees. Party A: (Seal) Legal Representative (Signature): ______________ Party B: (Signature) Date: Year Month Day Labor Contract Attachments: 1. "Company Employee Handbook" 2. "Employee Confidentiality Agreement" 3. Other relevant attachments Note: This sample employment contract agreement is provided for reference purposes only and should be customized to suit the specific needs and requirements of the contracting parties. End of Contract Agreement --- 劳动合同协议书范本四: 中文: 劳动合同协议书 甲方:(单位名称) 地址:(单位地址) 法定代表人:(法定代表人姓名) 联系电话:(联系电话) 统一社会信用代码:(统一社会信用代码) 乙方:(个人姓名) 住址:(住址) 身份证号码:(身份证号码) 联系电话:(联系电话) 鉴于甲方需要聘用乙方,经双方友好协商,达成如下劳动合同: 一、工作岗位: 1. 乙方将担任(具体岗位名称); 2. 工作内容包括(工作内容描述),需服从公司工作安排。 二、试用期: 1. 乙方入职将进行为期(试用期时间)的试用期; 2. 试用期表现良好者,将转为正式员工。 三、工作时间: 乙方工作时间为每周工作(工作时间),具体工作时间由公司安排。 四、薪酬及福利: 1. 乙方月工资为(工资金额),发放时间为每月(发薪日); 2. 公司提供的其他福利包括(福利内容描述)。 五、解除劳动关系: 1. 本协议自双方签字盖章后生效,有效期至(合同期限); 2. 若需解除劳动关系,- 配套讲稿:
- 特殊限制:
- 关 键 词:
- 建立 劳动合同 协议书 范本
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